bsfreshman18 · 5 years
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Happy update!!
It’s been 6 weeks and we are still alive. 
Theatre groups suck
We read several play so far:
Fences (okay)
The importance of being Ernest (Bri read this and liked it, Sydney sparked noted it. GO COLLEGE)
Triffles (weird)
Let me tell you about Equus. There was a boy who rode a horse naked to reach climax (yes, you read that right.) CLIMAX both sexually and spiritually. Go watch the movie. It’s fucked up.
Bri hates chem and cybulshit. Sydney is thriving in chem.
Bri: Long story short, the pep band hates the athletics so no one would go to a tournament and if no one volunteers, they’re drawing names to go. Guess who was picked? Bri. Have fun in Cleveland B!
There are little to no boys in the picture. Colton’s back and lazier than ever but slightly in the picture, we’ll see. Tragically, we are single Pringles. Too busy for that shit 
That’s it.
Gossip girl
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bsfreshman18 · 5 years
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We went to Washington DC
We did the Women’s March
Sydney broke her foot walking too much (might not be a fracture, might actually be a ligament, that’s tbd)
We left each other alone for a few days
Bri convinced Syd to go camping
We started classes today (1/28/19)
Biology is sucky af without Bri
I miss her dearly in all of my classes
We technically have theater together tomorrow but then won’t have it together again. (Pray for Sydney, she’s gonna die of loneliness or be forced to make friends. It could go either way at this point.)
Overall, we had a really awesome break and are finally getting our life together as the semester begins. We are hopeful for not only our GPA but also our social lives. 
Till next time.
Gossip Girl
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bsfreshman18 · 5 years
1st Semester Conclusion
Wow I suck dick at updating. 
Here’s what’s happened:
-Finals were weird as shit
-Eva was dying of mono and did some questionable things but we love her anyways
-Syd failed chem
-Bri passed (Go Bri!! Proud of you!)
-Syd was very sad for a very long time 
-We went and worked at the zoo
-Saw each other a handful of times
-Had lunch with Josh, he’s alive and still a dick
-Had lunch with Ben (ily ben), he’s still the best
-Went to a work party
-Syd almost killed us driving (classic)
-We leave for DC in 7 days, maybe I’ll remember to update after that
-???Bri let me make her a fun sign, mom is making me remake my sign bc it’s “inappropriate” but jokes on her, the next one will likely be worse
-Fuck trump
-Save the bees
-We don’t have any classes together next semester so that’ll suck. 
Till next time 
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
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Local update: you’re welcome
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
We suck
We keep forgetting to update.
Sydney’s failing chem
Bri isn’t
College sucks
We joined some clubs
We drink a lot of Starbucks
Still bffs what’s good everyone
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
Another one:
Bri also joined a broom ball team. They are in 1st place. They have a game tonight. Send good thoughts
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
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A large update since we are very VERY VeRy behind (Day 8-20):
-Went to the wrong SI session for chem, but we’re gonna keep going bc it fits in our schedules.
-Took a chem exam, still waiting on the results. That nearly murdered us.
-Objectified both men and women in our bio 115 class: by their standards Sydney should have boys throwing themselves at her feet (big personality, birthing hips, nice skin, etc)
-Dr. Soloman is our new grandma, like a coooollll ass grandma
-Syd’s ITS 201 class was cancelled so we explored campus
-Went to the science museums and Bri absorbed and looked at everything while Sydney touched things she probably wasn’t supposed to (shocking).
-Bri found her new favorite book (not pictured above but it was for sure about... you guessed it...BUGS)
-We’re generally getting our asses kicked by chem
-Trying to plan 2 vacations to visit the boys
-Josh won’t let us stay with him so cancelled Florida for now
-waiting on a confirmation from ben so we can go see him and participate in the women’s march
-Bri’s academic advisor is good ole Uncle Dougie
-Sydney accidentally used all of Bri’s guest meal swipes for the semester (oops)
-We are extremely behind on readings but we haven’t skipped a class yet!!!! 
-This is a hot fucking mess in no order at all, good.
-TOday’s date is September 21, 2018 and it was NINETY MOTHER FUCKING DEGREES and we are PERSONALLY offended by this heat. 
-Bri just made a Tumblr: follow her @turtledisaster7
-Idk why it didn’t link
Until next time, peace
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
Day 7
I’m not really sure what happened today.
•Still don’t have boyfriends
~actually we haven’t spoken to boys yet so that’s good. Doing great.
•we went to chem and bio and those chem quizzes were hard as fuck. They took me like 4 hours. Not really sure how Bri did. I’ll find out tomorrow
•I think I’m for sure getting sick. The pressure in my head is disgusting but I’m refusing to say I’m sick and refusing medication until I know FOR SURE.
•I won’t see Bri tomorrow so that’s absolutely tragic
•guess I won’t find out about chem tomorrow
•I have class with Ell tomorrow so that’s awesome.
•I need to go to bed.
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
Day 6
It’s only lunchtime
-we were separated during chem lab
-Bri has a head cold
-we went and bought some sudafed and Bri forgot her phone and drivers license but luckily the lady didn’t mind and let us use my drivers license.
-We have bio 147 later so get ready for some wack ass quotes.
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
Day 5
I’m behind in updating this blog, and behind on all my readings.
-The only thing that matters is that I almost had my car totaled by the Miami Police Department
-They gave me a $75 parking ticket even though I was parked WHERE I AM SUPPOSED TO PARK  with my designated PARKING PASS THAT I PAID $200 FOR
-I didn’t see Bri all weekend.
-Bri went camping with her family and successfully spit a piece of ice into Syd’s cup 
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
Third Day of Freshman year
I’m not really sure what happened in chem lecture. We sat towards the back and couldn’t hear shit. 
Bri took a nap afterwards. I tried to off myself completing ALEKS (which I thought I had finished before)
Went to bio, got separated by a chair. Lived to tell the tale.
Ate lunch. Pizza and salad.
We won’t see each other until Friday. Stay tuned for more boring college stories.
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
“Time’s a wasting. We’ve been here for 20 minutes already. Any questions?”- Bio 147
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
“I was worthless in college. And the rest of the time, I was stoned.”- Bio 147 dude 
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
“My standing up here means shut the fuck up” - Our Bio teacher
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bsfreshman18 · 6 years
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First day of freshman year:
Got lost on my way to find Bri’s dorm.
Finally found Bri.
Followed Bri to Chem lecture.
Almost got ran over by people leaving. 
Sat in the middle. 
Greeted by a mad scientist professor.
Learned our ACT scores “define” how we will perform in this lecture. We are supposed to fail apparently. (Actually get C’s but same difference.)
Bri almost offed herself bc she found out we had to use ALEKS.
Went back to Bri’s dorm.
Made friends with her roomies.
Went to Bio.
Went home.
Took a nap.
Tomorrow will be great.
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