btsimaginator · 1 year
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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btsimaginator · 2 years
Reblog if you’re the gay cousin
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btsimaginator · 2 years
People should put warnings on their fics if it's discontinued... huge respect for the writers who writes on their masterlist if the fic is finished or not
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btsimaginator · 2 years
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recalling those memories again, that light comes back in  ↳ KANG DANIEL ➟ the nation’s center again for the night
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btsimaginator · 4 years
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Thanks for tagging me @dudewhy3 . I tag @ anyone who wants to do it💖
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tagged by @porco-galliard to do this picrew! thank you, charlotte — this was really fun and the artstyle is so cute (⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝)
tagging: @definitlynotatitanshifter, @ladymayflo, @lucysarah-c, @maagicmiss, @ochen and @ymir-me!
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154 notes · View notes
btsimaginator · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @dudewhy3
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I'll tag: @ anyone who wants to do it 😊
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do this picrew: tagged by @porco-galliard <3
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i’ll tag: @quilfish-swan, @artismajic, @corpsedoll / @pigassaulty, @thatnerdyperson and @hitchdreyses <3
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88 notes · View notes
btsimaginator · 4 years
His Everything(Jimin)
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Pairing: Jimin×You
Words: 2.8k(2.873)
Description: You meant the world to him, but how could he get over your death?
A/N: This is a edited version of the original post. To be honest, I am proud of how it turned out. Enjoy reading it!❤🙇‍♀️
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„No... you can’t do this to me!” Jimin whispered towards the lifeless body that was on the table. „Remember? You promised to love me forever! How could you do that to me?” he asked, still in shock. He knew that he was selfish by saying that, but for the first time he put himself above others... He couldn’t understand what was happening.
One moment he got a call from you saying that you were at the supermarket buying instant noodles and one second later, he got a call from the hospital that you had an accident. Because of a careless driver, who was drunk, he had to say goodbye to one of the most important person in his life. „I should have never let you go that day.” he said angry, blaming himself for everything.
When he arrived at the hospital, he could see how the nurses were pulling the sheets over your lifeless body and that's when something inside him broke. Maybe if he had dressed more fast, maybe if he had driven more fast, maybe if... he could have seen you alive, at least for a few seconds. It took him an hour to gather the courage to enter the room that you were in and with every step he took, his heart was breaking a little more. He just couldn't understand why that happened to you... to him.
He got up from the chair and left the room that was choking him. The way back to the apartment was too long and every single minute when he was in the car was agonizing. He tried really hard not to break down and cry like a baby. The only thing in his mind was your lifeless face. Your face that once was full of happiness and had one of the prettiest smiles, was now blank. When he entered the apartment, he let out everything that he had been holding.
How could he forget you? How could he forget your plump lips and silky hair that he loved? The way you laughed when he tickled you and how you cried when you saw a homeless animal. The way you dragged him to the carousel while your whole body was radiating happiness and how your eyes would light up when you were speaking about something that you loved.
He left his shoes at the door like you always told him to and with small steps he walked into the living room. He was afraid of what was awaiting him. He was afraid of the loneliness and the pain that were waiting to torture him slowly. Memories of you two hit him again and everything is front of him was blurred for some seconds. You were watching him from every corner of the room and the feeling was making him sick.
„How can you do this to me?” he yelled towards no one, collapsing to his knees and crying.
„Baby! I can’t see the movie!” he said while looking at you. You didn’t want to move your head from his chest, because you were too lazy and comfortable. You were sitting on his lap and his hands were around your body, hugging you tightly. You just smiled, a small giggle escaping your lips. You were so happy that you finally found a genuine, caring and loving boy.
„So...this is how you want to play?” he said and when he didn’t get an answer, he moved himself with you in his hands. This time you were under him and he started tickling you without mercy. „Stop it! Jimin.” You said while laughing, but he didn't stop. „I am sorry! Please stop.” you yelled, trying to catch your breath while smilling like an idiot.
He just smiled back at you and right then he just wanted to kiss you. „You are the most beautiful person in the world.” he breathed out, inches away from your face, looking at your lips. You leaned your head towards his and it was as if you were kissing him for the first time. Damn, this boy was making you fall for him and you were more than ready for that.
From his seat on the couch, he looked into the kitchen and memories hit him harder than he expected. From dinner made together...
„Freaking hell! Jimin help me!” you yelled and your boyfriend appeared in the door frame.
„You asked for me?” he said looking at you, but just for a short time because the smoke that was coming from behind you drew his attention. „I actually called for a ghost with your name, but I guess that you showed up instead.” you responded amused while admiring his beautiful face.
„You like to tease me a lot, but are you sure you aren't Namjoon’s sister?” he asked looking at the pot and then at you curious. „Of course not! Why would you say something like that?” you asked. „Because, my love, the food isn’t burnt, but the pot is.” he said and you remembered that Namjoon did the same thing. You started laughing and Jimin joined you.
„Well, we can still eat what is in there.” he said after looking at the clock and realising that it was very late and ordering food wouldn’t be the best decision... and the following day you two were having a stomachache together.
To showing your affection.
„You know that you are so beautiful?” Jimin murmured while looking into your eyes. „You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen and I am so honored to have you as my girlfriend.” he said then kissed you again. His eyes were shining like some little stars in the dimly lit kitchen and the way the moon was shining on his face made him look ethereal.
All that he could think about was how lucky he was to have you and that he would’t change that for anything in the world. His hands were on your waist while yours were around his neck and you felt happiness radiating off him. He lifted you up easily and now you were on the counter, your legs around his torso.
„I am so lucky that you are my boyfriend.” you said, leaning for a kiss that the both of you wanted so bad. And in that badly illuminated room, he knew that he loved you to the moon that was shining brightly on the sky and back. „I love you so much, baby.” Jimin whispered in your ear and that surprised you, but you knew that you were feeling the same way. Hell, you knew from the second date that if you would break up with that boy, you would make the biggest mistake. „I love you too, Jimin.” you said while hugging him, squeezing his back.
Everything in the house was so...you. You designed everything for the two of you, to have the perfect place to live. Everywhere he looked, a memory of you showed up, making him feel more miserable than he already was, if that was possible.
„Jimin!” you yelled excited when you came home. Your day was stress free and it seemed that everything was going your way. You wanted so bad to tell Jimin everything about your day so you were really happy to be home. Your boyfriend appeared from the kitchen and he was smiling widely while looking at you.
„Y/N! I have something important to say to you.” Jimin said while kneeling in front of you. „From the moment that I saw you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Three years have passed and now we are living together and everyday my love for you is growing. I can’t imagine my life without you, so please make me more happy that I am and become a Park...” he said and looked up, only to see how hard you were trying not to cry. „Park Y/N.” he whispered looking at you and you could see tears forming in his eyes.
„Yes!” you answered, tears falling from your eyes. He slipped the ring on your hand and hugged you. You are the best thing that ever happened to him. „I love you so much.” he said into your ear while stroking your hair.
Fuck everything. For the first time in his life, someone was understanding him. You were his soulmate. He could speak anything with you. He could say that he is tired without you judging him. You understood that he had a tiring job and you were always for him. Even when he would say something thay he shouldn’t, you would forget him... because he was everything for you and you were everything for him.
You walked towards Jimin, admiring everything around you. Your wedding was in a forest, far away from the city noise. The colors of white from the decorations were combining perfectly with the forest’s color, green. Everything was so perfect that you thought it was a dream, but looking at the person that was waiting for you at the table, you knew that it was real. After you escaped from the church, Jimin drove there and you were like in a fantasy.
„Do you like it?” he asked while helping you sit on the chair. „Like it?... I love it.” you said looking around you. „I knew it! You always liked simple things and I even bet with the boys that you would love it.” he yelled and that made you a little confused, but when you heard cheering behind you, you knew that you weren't alone. „Now, I want you to do what you promised.” Jimin said seriously and they all started running around you.
He took his places at the table that was wearing a white cloth and a beautiful ornament made with pink roses. As clichè at it might sound, they were your favorite flowers and the fact that Jimin put them everywhere around the two of you made everything look just like a fairytale.
Yoongi sat at a piano and music filled the atmosphere. Jungkook and Taehyung put the plates with food in front of you and then they took their seats at the table where the rest of the boys were, next to you. Your wedding was very small and private, because you did not wanted paparazzi to take photos of you. You understood that Jimin was a public figure, but sometimes it was a little too much. The fans were so sweet, but the reporters were most of the time a little bit too much, causing controversy from nothing so you just prefered to keep a low profile.
„May I have this dance?” Jimin asked and you just nodded, tears forming in your eyes. This was just perfect. He walked towards you and put his hands around your waist while you slided your hands onto his shoulders. When you looked into his eyes... you saw your whole future together and that made you extremely happy. You were more than ready for what was awaiting the two of you.
„Is this real?” you asked. He looked into your eyes and nodded slowly. You put your head on his chest and everything around you was quiet. It was like the time stopped so you could enjoy that moment a little longer. „I love you.” you said and he kissed your forehead. „I love you too.” He whispered, lowering his head to kiss you.
And God blessed you two with a baby. A little boy that had your eyes and Jimin's cuteness. His birth made the two of you extremely happy, that you finally had your own family... and now everything is going downhill. He had just two years. How could he explain to his little baby that his mother was dead? That what the kids were going to say at school... was true? How could he say that to a kid in a future? How?
The day at the funeral he couldn’t come near your family. To see everyone so destroyed was again, painful, but to see the coffin lowered into the grave was tearing his heart apart. To see you for the last time, in a coffin, was making him dizzy and he knew that if he came near, he would cry. He could never accept that you were not coming back. You were always going to be alive in his heart. You were his heart.
Your boy couldn't even be there, he was with Jimin’s parents at their home. He was too little to understand anything. Everyday he would ask where you were, when you are going to come home and if you were bringing candy. And all Jimin could say was that you went to look for the most delicious candies in the world. How could he take his child, your child, at his mother funeral?
One week after the funeral, when the boys dragged him out of the apartment, he would feel incomplete, because he was surrounded with couples... happy couples that looked just like the two of you together. Everything was so painful. Even looking in the showcase of a shop was painful, because he was thinking about all the things that you liked. That night when he came home, he cried. He cried like a baby that lost his candy, but he had lost his flower, his power... his everything. He knew that you were never going to come back and that thing scared him even more. He knew that the only person that loved him unconditionally was gone and now he had no one to support him.
The apartment was no longer „home”... it was just a place where he had to go at the end of the day. The apartment was protecting him from the world around him, but was also his hell, torturing him. What was worse was that he didn't want to change anything in it, because that made him remember you. And as bad as he wanted to not suffer anymore, he wasn't ready to let you go. He would never be ready for that... Everything was in the same place, even your clothes, hoping that if everything remained the same...one day you would enter the house and would say that everything was just a bad dream... a nightmare.
One year had passed and Jimin was at your grave. The place where he would come everyday with a pink rose. The photo of you had faded and your face was blurred. Tears started to form in his eyes, but no... he couldn't cry. He had to be strong for Dae-Jung, the three years old boy with a charming smile.
„Hi baby!” he whispered. „I hope thay you are happy in the sky. I hope that you are proud of us... and will support me and our little boy in everything.” he said, bitting the inside of his cheek, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall.
„This may be the last time that we see each other this year. I hope that you are not mad at me for being a bad boyfriend or husband. I hoped that we could live together until we were old, but sometimes what you think, doesn’t happen. I wanted to take you all around the world, to visit the places that you always wanted to see. I wanted to build a house with a large backyard and a big kitchen as you always dreamed. Do you remember when we had that fight about what color our baby's room should be? How silly and in love we were.” he said, reliving everything.
„I know that one day we will meet again. Just wait for me, ok baby?” he asked, looking at the sky and hoping that you were going to answer. „I will be your Jimin, again. I love you.” he finished, putting the rose on the grave and not looking back, afraid that he would break down.
He knew that when everything would be finished, he would come to a empty apartment and nobody would be there for him. Nobody to kiss, hug or comfort him, because nobody could be you. He had to fight with his demons for his son, your son. Because he wanted to make you proud in the sky. He wanted to keep you alive by rising your swhenin the best way he could.
Later that night seven men and one boy entered a private airplane starting their tour around the world. Nobody knew that behind one of the boy smile was a sea of pain. Nobody knew that he was hatting himself and that he hoped that he would die every day. Nobody knew that he was on the verge of breaking down, but he had to be strong for his boy...your boy. Maybe he won’t come to your grave for a time, because he was in the other part of the world, but you would always be there... in his heart. Because you were the only woman that he loved and despite everything, you gave him everything that he could ever want. Now, you lived through your son.
You would always be his everything... and nothing could change that.
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btsimaginator · 4 years
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Kim Seokjin
To be coming soon.
Min Yoongi
To be coming soon.
Jung Hoseok
To be coming soon.
Kim Namjoon
To be coming soon.
Park Jimin
His Everything
Description: You meant the world to him, but how could he get over your death?
Kim Taehyung
To be coming soon.
Jeon Jungkook
To be coming soon.
If you have any ideas, feel free to request! :)
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btsimaginator · 4 years
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3K notes · View notes
btsimaginator · 4 years
Proud to be an ARMY💜
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T.N: BTS donated $1 Million to Black Lives Matter and after less than 24 hours their ARMY fandom came together and matched the group's donation by raising another 1 million dollar for BLM. BTS & ARMYs donate and help all the time but you will never hear that, because they want you to believe we are all just some crazy and irresponsible people.
| Cr twt on pic & janelles_story
12K notes · View notes
btsimaginator · 4 years
His Everything(Jimin)
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Pairing: Jimin×You
Words: 2.8k(2.873)
Description: You meant the world to him, but how could he get over your death?
A/N: This is a edited version of the original post. To be honest, I am proud of how it turned out. Enjoy reading it!❤🙇‍♀️
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„No... you can’t do this to me!” Jimin whispered towards the lifeless body that was on the table. „Remember? You promised to love me forever! How could you do that to me?” he asked, still in shock. He knew that he was selfish by saying that, but for the first time he put himself above others... He couldn’t understand what was happening.
One moment he got a call from you saying that you were at the supermarket buying instant noodles and one second later, he got a call from the hospital that you had an accident. Because of a careless driver, who was drunk, he had to say goodbye to one of the most important person in his life. „I should have never let you go that day.” he said angry, blaming himself for everything.
When he arrived at the hospital, he could see how the nurses were pulling the sheets over your lifeless body and that's when something inside him broke. Maybe if he had dressed more fast, maybe if he had driven more fast, maybe if... he could have seen you alive, at least for a few seconds. It took him an hour to gather the courage to enter the room that you were in and with every step he took, his heart was breaking a little more. He just couldn't understand why that happened to you... to him.
He got up from the chair and left the room that was choking him. The way back to the apartment was too long and every single minute when he was in the car was agonizing. He tried really hard not to break down and cry like a baby. The only thing in his mind was your lifeless face. Your face that once was full of happiness and had one of the prettiest smiles, was now blank. When he entered the apartment, he let out everything that he had been holding.
How could he forget you? How could he forget your plump lips and silky hair that he loved? The way you laughed when he tickled you and how you cried when you saw a homeless animal. The way you dragged him to the carousel while your whole body was radiating happiness and how your eyes would light up when you were speaking about something that you loved.
He left his shoes at the door like you always told him to and with small steps he walked into the living room. He was afraid of what was awaiting him. He was afraid of the loneliness and the pain that were waiting to torture him slowly. Memories of you two hit him again and everything is front of him was blurred for some seconds. You were watching him from every corner of the room and the feeling was making him sick.
„How can you do this to me?” he yelled towards no one, collapsing to his knees and crying.
„Baby! I can’t see the movie!” he said while looking at you. You didn’t want to move your head from his chest, because you were too lazy and comfortable. You were sitting on his lap and his hands were around your body, hugging you tightly. You just smiled, a small giggle escaping your lips. You were so happy that you finally found a genuine, caring and loving boy.
„So...this is how you want to play?” he said and when he didn’t get an answer, he moved himself with you in his hands. This time you were under him and he started tickling you without mercy. „Stop it! Jimin.” You said while laughing, but he didn't stop. „I am sorry! Please stop.” you yelled, trying to catch your breath while smilling like an idiot.
He just smiled back at you and right then he just wanted to kiss you. „You are the most beautiful person in the world.” he breathed out, inches away from your face, looking at your lips. You leaned your head towards his and it was as if you were kissing him for the first time. Damn, this boy was making you fall for him and you were more than ready for that.
From his seat on the couch, he looked into the kitchen and memories hit him harder than he expected. From dinner made together...
„Freaking hell! Jimin help me!” you yelled and your boyfriend appeared in the door frame.
„You asked for me?” he said looking at you, but just for a short time because the smoke that was coming from behind you drew his attention. „I actually called for a ghost with your name, but I guess that you showed up instead.” you responded amused while admiring his beautiful face.
„You like to tease me a lot, but are you sure you aren't Namjoon’s sister?” he asked looking at the pot and then at you curious. „Of course not! Why would you say something like that?” you asked. „Because, my love, the food isn’t burnt, but the pot is.” he said and you remembered that Namjoon did the same thing. You started laughing and Jimin joined you.
„Well, we can still eat what is in there.” he said after looking at the clock and realising that it was very late and ordering food wouldn’t be the best decision... and the following day you two were having a stomachache together.
To showing your affection.
„You know that you are so beautiful?” Jimin murmured while looking into your eyes. „You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen and I am so honored to have you as my girlfriend.” he said then kissed you again. His eyes were shining like some little stars in the dimly lit kitchen and the way the moon was shining on his face made him look ethereal.
All that he could think about was how lucky he was to have you and that he would’t change that for anything in the world. His hands were on your waist while yours were around his neck and you felt happiness radiating off him. He lifted you up easily and now you were on the counter, your legs around his torso.
„I am so lucky that you are my boyfriend.” you said, leaning for a kiss that the both of you wanted so bad. And in that badly illuminated room, he knew that he loved you to the moon that was shining brightly on the sky and back. „I love you so much, baby.” Jimin whispered in your ear and that surprised you, but you knew that you were feeling the same way. Hell, you knew from the second date that if you would break up with that boy, you would make the biggest mistake. „I love you too, Jimin.” you said while hugging him, squeezing his back.
Everything in the house was so...you. You designed everything for the two of you, to have the perfect place to live. Everywhere he looked, a memory of you showed up, making him feel more miserable than he already was, if that was possible.
„Jimin!” you yelled excited when you came home. Your day was stress free and it seemed that everything was going your way. You wanted so bad to tell Jimin everything about your day so you were really happy to be home. Your boyfriend appeared from the kitchen and he was smiling widely while looking at you.
„Y/N! I have something important to say to you.” Jimin said while kneeling in front of you. „From the moment that I saw you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Three years have passed and now we are living together and everyday my love for you is growing. I can’t imagine my life without you, so please make me more happy that I am and become a Park...” he said and looked up, only to see how hard you were trying not to cry. „Park Y/N.” he whispered looking at you and you could see tears forming in his eyes.
„Yes!” you answered, tears falling from your eyes. He slipped the ring on your hand and hugged you. You are the best thing that ever happened to him. „I love you so much.” he said into your ear while stroking your hair.
Fuck everything. For the first time in his life, someone was understanding him. You were his soulmate. He could speak anything with you. He could say that he is tired without you judging him. You understood that he had a tiring job and you were always for him. Even when he would say something thay he shouldn’t, you would forget him... because he was everything for you and you were everything for him.
You walked towards Jimin, admiring everything around you. Your wedding was in a forest, far away from the city noise. The colors of white from the decorations were combining perfectly with the forest’s color, green. Everything was so perfect that you thought it was a dream, but looking at the person that was waiting for you at the table, you knew that it was real. After you escaped from the church, Jimin drove there and you were like in a fantasy.
„Do you like it?” he asked while helping you sit on the chair. „Like it?... I love it.” you said looking around you. „I knew it! You always liked simple things and I even bet with the boys that you would love it.” he yelled and that made you a little confused, but when you heard cheering behind you, you knew that you weren't alone. „Now, I want you to do what you promised.” Jimin said seriously and they all started running around you.
He took his places at the table that was wearing a white cloth and a beautiful ornament made with pink roses. As clichè at it might sound, they were your favorite flowers and the fact that Jimin put them everywhere around the two of you made everything look just like a fairytale.
Yoongi sat at a piano and music filled the atmosphere. Jungkook and Taehyung put the plates with food in front of you and then they took their seats at the table where the rest of the boys were, next to you. Your wedding was very small and private, because you did not wanted paparazzi to take photos of you. You understood that Jimin was a public figure, but sometimes it was a little too much. The fans were so sweet, but the reporters were most of the time a little bit too much, causing controversy from nothing so you just prefered to keep a low profile.
„May I have this dance?” Jimin asked and you just nodded, tears forming in your eyes. This was just perfect. He walked towards you and put his hands around your waist while you slided your hands onto his shoulders. When you looked into his eyes... you saw your whole future together and that made you extremely happy. You were more than ready for what was awaiting the two of you.
„Is this real?” you asked. He looked into your eyes and nodded slowly. You put your head on his chest and everything around you was quiet. It was like the time stopped so you could enjoy that moment a little longer. „I love you.” you said and he kissed your forehead. „I love you too.” He whispered, lowering his head to kiss you.
And God blessed you two with a baby. A little boy that had your eyes and Jimin's cuteness. His birth made the two of you extremely happy, that you finally had your own family... and now everything is going downhill. He had just two years. How could he explain to his little baby that his mother was dead? That what the kids were going to say at school... was true? How could he say that to a kid in a future? How?
The day at the funeral he couldn’t come near your family. To see everyone so destroyed was again, painful, but to see the coffin lowered into the grave was tearing his heart apart. To see you for the last time, in a coffin, was making him dizzy and he knew that if he came near, he would cry. He could never accept that you were not coming back. You were always going to be alive in his heart. You were his heart.
Your boy couldn't even be there, he was with Jimin’s parents at their home. He was too little to understand anything. Everyday he would ask where you were, when you are going to come home and if you were bringing candy. And all Jimin could say was that you went to look for the most delicious candies in the world. How could he take his child, your child, at his mother funeral?
One week after the funeral, when the boys dragged him out of the apartment, he would feel incomplete, because he was surrounded with couples... happy couples that looked just like the two of you together. Everything was so painful. Even looking in the showcase of a shop was painful, because he was thinking about all the things that you liked. That night when he came home, he cried. He cried like a baby that lost his candy, but he had lost his flower, his power... his everything. He knew that you were never going to come back and that thing scared him even more. He knew that the only person that loved him unconditionally was gone and now he had no one to support him.
The apartment was no longer „home”... it was just a place where he had to go at the end of the day. The apartment was protecting him from the world around him, but was also his hell, torturing him. What was worse was that he didn't want to change anything in it, because that made him remember you. And as bad as he wanted to not suffer anymore, he wasn't ready to let you go. He would never be ready for that... Everything was in the same place, even your clothes, hoping that if everything remained the same...one day you would enter the house and would say that everything was just a bad dream... a nightmare.
One year had passed and Jimin was at your grave. The place where he would come everyday with a pink rose. The photo of you had faded and your face was blurred. Tears started to form in his eyes, but no... he couldn't cry. He had to be strong for Dae-Jung, the three years old boy with a charming smile.
„Hi baby!” he whispered. „I hope thay you are happy in the sky. I hope that you are proud of us... and will support me and our little boy in everything.” he said, bitting the inside of his cheek, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall.
„This may be the last time that we see each other this year. I hope that you are not mad at me for being a bad boyfriend or husband. I hoped that we could live together until we were old, but sometimes what you think, doesn’t happen. I wanted to take you all around the world, to visit the places that you always wanted to see. I wanted to build a house with a large backyard and a big kitchen as you always dreamed. Do you remember when we had that fight about what color our baby's room should be? How silly and in love we were.” he said, reliving everything.
„I know that one day we will meet again. Just wait for me, ok baby?” he asked, looking at the sky and hoping that you were going to answer. „I will be your Jimin, again. I love you.” he finished, putting the rose on the grave and not looking back, afraid that he would break down.
He knew that when everything would be finished, he would come to a empty apartment and nobody would be there for him. Nobody to kiss, hug or comfort him, because nobody could be you. He had to fight with his demons for his son, your son. Because he wanted to make you proud in the sky. He wanted to keep you alive by rising your swhenin the best way he could.
Later that night seven men and one boy entered a private airplane starting their tour around the world. Nobody knew that behind one of the boy smile was a sea of pain. Nobody knew that he was hatting himself and that he hoped that he would die every day. Nobody knew that he was on the verge of breaking down, but he had to be strong for his boy...your boy. Maybe he won’t come to your grave for a time, because he was in the other part of the world, but you would always be there... in his heart. Because you were the only woman that he loved and despite everything, you gave him everything that he could ever want. Now, you lived through your son.
You would always be his everything... and nothing could change that.
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btsimaginator · 4 years
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#happy hobi day 
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btsimaginator · 5 years
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hobiday 2020: d-0 ♡ how hobi loves ARMY ☀️
happy birthday, jung hoseok! thank you for the way you love us and show it in everything you do - from your bright energy and aegyo, to your thoughtful words, to the music and performance you work on so hard for us. thank you for being our hope and letting us be your hope. we’ll love you forever, and let’s walk together for a long time.
because of you, it all has meaning, baby ♥
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btsimaginator · 5 years
Bias tag🍒
Rules: You have to list 10 biases and answer the next questions.
Tagged by: @softhendery (thank you for thinking about me)
1. Jungkook-Bts
2. Kai-Exo
10.Hyungwon-Monsta X
(I stan a lot of groups, but these are the first one that I had in mind, when I thinked about biases)
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btsimaginator · 5 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful 💝💖💛
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btsimaginator · 5 years
This is really out of the blue and for no specific reason, but I have to say it. 
BTS saved people’s lives. They took those people who had nothing left, who were hurting, who though they they would soon draw their last breath, who were trying to draw their last breath, they took those people and gently helped them up, dusted them off, looked into their eyes and said,
 “I’m here, we’re all here. And maybe it is not okay right now, maybe it doesn’t feel great right now, and that’s okay. You can be sad, you can be hurt, but I will help you get better. Use me to help you get better.” 
And the fact that some people hate on them and their fans because “international army’s can’t understand them” or because the boys “look like girls” or hate on them because they just simply don’t like them. 
Please, please, listen to me. You don’t have to listen to their music, you don’t have to like them. But, please, don’t hate on seven boys who have worked themselves to the last bone in their body just to help people love themselves. Don’t hate on people who only want others to be happy. 
The members of BTS try their best to learn english to communicate with Army’s, and they appreciate and love every single one of their fans, never failing to compliment a woman’s hijab. They accept and love every single one of their fans, no matter their sex, gender, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, skin colour etc. 
Seven young men have made me happy enough to realise that, hey, maybe life is worth living. That maybe I should keep trying and I should keep going. Please do not try to take that away from me or them or any other army’s out there. 
Please stop with the hate. It doesn’t help anybody, it just hurts people. It doesn’t matter if maybe at the moment I can’t understand what they’re saying. I can see the emotion and the actions, and later the subtitles. 
Listening to BTS’ music helps many people, and hearing their moving speeches and motivational words makes me want to keep going. They know and understand what some feel, and always make sure others know they are not alone.
Please, I love BTS. Let me love BTS. Let others love BTS, without any hate. Let BTS sing, let them feel, let them live without hate. 
Because we all deserve to be loved and not hated.
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btsimaginator · 5 years
A beautiful, bubbly, lively kid full of innocent passion who grew up too fast in the harsh lights of the Korean pop industry.
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I still can recall her wide eyed, definitely nervous look during their debut stage. Her sweet live vocals coupled with powerful dancing and charming cheek whiskers whenever she smiles made her easily one of the most beloved maknae of her generation.
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Others will say she messed up as a grown woman while others will argue that she showed the conservative SK audience that women can do whatever they want and sexism doesn't have a place in society.
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Others will accuse her of being an attention wh*re while others will say the admire her for her strength, confidence and candor.
However you feel about her, let's remember her with respect and treat everyone who is mourning for her passing with care and civility.
May her soul rest in peace and may those who mourn for her find comfort with one another.
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