btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Billy: Happy birthday, Harper! No doubt Rhodey is spoiling you today, but I'll stop by later and see you if that's cool? Have a great day! :)
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Billy: Happy birthday, kis
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Plenty of ‘em, comin’ right up.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
did simon really hook up with his boss?!
(via confessmessina)
No. Quit it, alright. 
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Billy: Happy birthday, Si. I hope you're enjoying your day off, you deserve it, buddy.
Billy: I got you a little something, it's not much but... I can give it to you next time I see you, though.
Billy: Have a great day. x
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Billy: Happy birthday, man.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
“Nuh uh, you’re gorgeous,” Simon argued softly.
That wasn’t to say that Billy’s generous compliment hadn’t been acknowledged. In fact, Simon was left feeling a little dizzy after it, because he knew fine well that he’d spent weeks upon end blabbering on about how cute Billy’s hair, smile and general face was to Kit when she was willing to listen. Even before he’d realised that he had a crush on Billy, he’d always thought the man was one of the most handsome guys he’d ever seen in his life – and Lo had introduced him to Dierks Foland and Andrew Blake! To hear that Billy thought he was gorgeous when he wore a leopard print vest and poorly coiffed hair, was a surprise. A welcome one though, for 80’s Matthew Broderick he was not, despite his failed efforts.
His breath hitched in his throat when he felt Billy’s tongue press against his pulse point and he shivered delightedly, his hands clenching the material of the other man’s shirt. He’d kissed boys before, and even a girl in his confused teenage years, but those kisses paled considerably in comparison to this one. Simon would guiltily admit that he’d imagined kissing Billy McHale before, but he was realising that what he lacked in intellect, he also failed to make up in imagination. He had never thought it would be as super freaking awesome as this.
A giggle shook Simon’s whole body when Billy groaned as he leaned back. He didn’t really want to pull away but his lungs were fit to burst and the giddy full feeling that shot through him wasn’t helping matters.
When Billy pressed his lips to Simon’s forehead in much more of a chaste fashion than their previous kiss, Simon’s heart began to flutter all over again. Billy was being so gentle, more gentle than any other man Simon had ever been with and it was like bumping into him all over again, like he was meeting Billy for the first time and not even bothering to act like he didn’t have a massive crush on him.
“Okay… that’s true! Plenty of time l-later,” he breathed, stuttering out the last word when Billy began kissing down his neck again. He let his eyes fall shut, a happy smile stretching across his face as he realised that Billy had confirmed there would be a later. It seemed too good to be true to think that he and Billy had all the time in the world to make out with each other.
This time, it was Simon’s turn to let out a disappointed whimper when Billy pulled back, but the sound was cut short when he blinked his eyes open and discovered the reason behind the absence of the other man’s lips against his skin. With wide eyes, he watched Billy pull his shirt over his head and discard it easily by his side. It was stupid of Simon to be a little sad to see it go, as Billy dressing up as a baseball player of all things had made his whole night. Well, up until this moment.
The sight of a half-naked Billy standing in front of him was almost too much for Simon’s poor heart and he felt the sudden urge to blush and avert his gaze, simply to be polite. That’s what Billy had done when Simon had lifted his shirt up to show off the impressive bruise Holly had accidentally given him. Those had certainly been different circumstances though and although Simon could be dim at times, he knew exactly what Billy was implying at that moment. A string of high pitched giggles erupted from him, growing in volume when Billy winked at him and he shrank back against the wall with a sheepish smile to hide his embarrassment.
“I… really, really want to,” he nodded, biting down on his bottom lip to keep his giddy grin at bay. He took note of the way Billy seemed to sway on the spot though and reached out to place his hands on either side of Billy’s waist, trying very hard not to think about the fact that he was touching Billy From A Novel Idea’s abs! Concentrating on that would make it very difficult for him to choose the most sensible decision.
“But you’re drunk,” he pointed out. He reached forward and apologetically kissed Billy’s nose. “I think maybe something like that would be more fun when we’re both sober? Because I’m a little big bit tipsy too…”
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Billy liked to think of himself as a relatively perceptive person, even when the tiniest bit intoxicated, and if the ever growing smile that had filled Simon's features was anything to go by, Billy was certain that the two of them were in for a night they'd never forget. Between the giggles that erupted from the other man, and the way his body trembled so delicately against Billy's, he couldn't help but be all the more endeared with each breath, and each soft, lingering kiss that he pressed against Simon's lips. With each second that passed, his mind wandered further and further away from the events that were currently unfolding, and onto just what it was going to be like waking up tomorrow morning and being able to proudly inform the world that Simon Hudson was his boyfriend.
The moment he discarded his shirt, tossing it to the side where it landed beside his long forgotten baseball cap, Simon erupted into yet another fit of giggles, his cheeks colouring the softest, most delightful shade of pink that Billy had ever laid eyes on. While he hadn't been the most confident of people in recent years, any sense of security he had in his own person having died along with Julian, he felt certain enough to not be offended by Simon's sudden shyness. Though it was altogether possible that he was embarrassed at the sight of Billy's bare chest, he opted to believe that that wasn't the case.
“So, why can't we?” he pouted.
Running his tongue along his lower lip, he eyed Simon hungrily, wanting so desperately to kiss him again. He refrained, though, knowing that it was only a matter of time before they were some place a little more comfortable. The second that Simon's hands made their way onto his waist, a gasp escaped his lips, any trace of reserve entirely lost.
With Simon pressed up against the wall, and his hands pressed against Billy's waist, he drew himself in closer, circling his arm tightly around Simon's waist, while angling his other arm upward, pressing his palm into the patch of wall above Simon's head. Now in such close proximity, Simon's chest now pressed against Billy's own bare skin, the two of them in a world entirely of their own making, Billy felt as though he were on top of the world. Gently, he pushed forward, his grip around Simon clumsy as he fumbled the fabric of his t-shirt, and he pressed a soft kiss to the other man's lips. Or rather, what was meant to be a quick peck instead turned into a poorly aimed kiss to the edge of the man's mouth.
“I'm not drunk. Okay, I'm a little drunk,” Billy admitted, the slight upturn of his lips expanding as Simon placed a gentle kiss on the end of his nose.
Though he didn't want to be known as the type of person who would compare his current relationships with past ones, he couldn't help but note that Julian had never done that. He had been gentle in his own right, but this only paved way for he and Simon to create their own little nuances and habits, and hopefully some day their own traditions too.
As the rest of Simon's words filled Billy's ears, he groaned before eventually nodding his head in agreement. It would be more fun when sober, and he wanted to cherish each and every last moment. Though his mind remained addled from the copious amounts of alcohol he'd ingested, he was ready to admit that he wanted his first time with Simon to be with a clear head. He wanted to remember each and every kiss, and every last second that they spent together.
“You're so smart, Si,” he told the other man, before letting his head drop forward, pressing it gently into Simon's shoulder.
Remaining in the same position for a little while longer, his forehead pressed against the other man's collar bone, he slowly turned his head to the side, realising a little too slowly that they were still pressed up against the wall.
“Alright, fine,” he nodded, lifting his eyes to take a look at Simon. With one last kiss on Simon's cheek, he pulled away, stumbling ever so slightly on the spot, his hand still clutching onto his tee. Then, removing his grip entirely and putting some distance between them, he carefully pressed one hand into Simon's, interlocking their fingers in the process.
Despite the events only moments before, it felt like a wildly intimate action, as it did any time he was lucky enough to hold Simon's hand. Even with their fingers interlocked, Billy squeezing his eyes shut as he buried his face into a pillow, always nestling up close to Simon while Aragog and his horrendous children attacked Harry and Ron – even then he hadn't felt quite the same as he did in this moment.
“We could still go upstairs, though?” he mused, turning his puppydog eyes onto Simon. “No funny business, just... You, me... I just wanna be near you always, Si.”
“Hell, I can even put a shirt on, if you'd prefer?” he added with a smirk.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Billy: Hey, happy birthday. :)
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: Thanks, Billy. Y'know that means a lot to me. I've got your back too, alrigh'?
Rhodes: I love you. x
Billy: 'Course I do, buddy. I love you too, man.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: mhmmm
Rhodes: sorry for dragging y'into this, gorgeous x
Billy: Haha, you're ok man. You know I always have your back, yeah?
Billy: Just take care of yourself, and I'm always there if you need anything. Whether it's you or the girls, you're my family. You know that.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: grey
Billy: Oh, good. That's really good. You can relax now, man. x
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: i've got her
Billy: Thank God. Where was she?
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: You didn't run away, though.
Rhodes: Fuck. I know I gotta.
Rhodes: M'not ready for this yet.
Billy: No, but I did hide underneath a rack of Prom dresses. People make mistakes, man. It's ok.
Billy: Hey, it's alright. I'm right here, it'll be ok.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: M'not supposed t'be making mistakes. She's not supposed t'be runnin' away from me.
Rhodes: It's his birthday. Y'know that, righ'?
Rhodes: She wants t'see him on his birthday.
Billy: Breathe, man. It's okay. It's alright. Mom left me in a target once and it took her 3 hours to notice. You're good.
Billy: Yeah, I noticed. She's probably just missing him. Give him a call, man. He'll take care of her, you know that.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: I don't think this situation really makes a case for me winnin' any Father of th'year awards.
Rhodes: Autumn's not like tha'. Y'know she wouldn't just run off. She's sensible, 'n I know she's mad he's gone. But God, she wouldn't jus' run off. She's a good kid.
Rhodes: Y'don't think anythin's happened t'her?
Billy: C'mon, Rhodes. People make mistakes, kids act up, these things just happen. Try and stay calm.
Billy: Right, so try and think about it. If she wouldn't just run off, she'd go somewhere she's comfortable, right? And you've ruled out every other possibility, man.
Billy: No, man. She's gonna be ok, I'm sure of it.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: Fuck. M'the worst Uncle in th'world.
Rhodes: About an hour ago... Jesus, she was in her room.
Rhodes: Liv, Elliot, Melody. Everyone, Billy.
Rhodes: She knows she's not allowed t'go to Grey.
Rhodes: Can y'just keep an eye out incase she comes t'you?
Billy: You're not. You're the best /dad/.
Billy: Calm down, alright? She can't have gone far. If she managed to get as far as the lobby i'm sure someone would have noticed her, alright?
Billy: Maybe talk to him? Just in case? If you told her she can't go to see him, maybe that's why she hasn't told you that she has. Lord knows that kids hate rules.
Billy: You know I will. She's gonna be ok.
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btwbilly-blog · 7 years
Rhodes: Shit. Thanks.
Rhodes: I can't find my damn kid. I thought Harper 'n Toby might have her. Naw. Y'were the last person I checked with. M'kinda freaked now.
Billy: Shit, Rhodes. Fuck. Without sounding like an asshole, when's the last time you saw her?
Billy: Who else have you spoken to? Livvie? Uhh... I don't wanna hit a sore spot, but. Grey?
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