bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
The Mirror
You've inherited an enormous castle from a distant relative, and you're seeing it for the first time today. The grounds are breathtaking, the architecture flawless, and as soon as you step inside something in you knows that you are home.
The staff are kind and polite and very welcoming. They seem happy to show you around; they smile indulgently at your every exclamation of delight. A real castle, and it's yours.
During your tour, you pass through a long, dimly lit corridor. There's only one door, and it almost blends in with the walls. The maid passes it by without a second glance.
"Wait," you say, hesitating. She glances back at you in question. "What's in here?" you ask, pointing.
"No one goes in there," she replies.
That's not really an answer. You frown.
"Why not?" you pressed.
"No one goes in there," she repeats. She's staring at you intensely, seeming to will you into dropping the matter. You force yourself to shrug, and the maid's expression lightens in relief.
How strange. But it's the only blip on an otherwise wonderful day, and you put the dark hallway and that mysterious door out of your mind for the moment.
The staff retires after around eight in the evening after checking that you have everything you need. You thank them, listening as their footsteps fade, leaving you alone for the first time since you arrived. Temptation tickles the back of your mind.
There would be no one to stop you if you checked out what was behind that door.
It's your castle, you reason as you make your way up a curving staircase. This is your home now, and you should know every part of it. After all, if it was dangerous, surely it would have been easier to just say so?
As you approach the door, it occurs to you that it may be locked. The idea irritates you. You have no interest in haranguing the staff into handing over the key. But the door opens easily as you turn the handle, gliding open on silent hinges. You'd expected an eery creek given the maid's earlier comment that no one ever comes in here. Maybe it was some sort of prank?
All thoughts flee your mind as you take in the splendour of the room. Moonlight streams in through the enormous windows, illuminating the room: it's a library. There are two floors to either side of you, the walls lined with shelves of books. Your hand flutters to your chest in amazement.
Any tiredness that may have been hovering at the edge of your mind abruptly flees. You plan on exploring every inch of this place. You step into the room, unsure where to start, when the door... shuts.
"Hello?" you call out, slightly spooked. No one answers. You glance over your shoulder at the door, step towards it to turn the handle again. It opens easily, just as it did the first time.
Oh. How strange. You shrug though, and then shut the door yourself. No use in getting startled again while you're looking around. You're considering where to start when something in the far right corner catches your eye.
It's a mirror.
A mirror in a library? Your curiosity is piqued, and walk over to examine it. The thick carpet beneath your feet muffles the sounds of your footsteps.
Your first thought is that it's beautiful. It's a tremendous piece, longer than you are tall and several feet wide The glass shines brightly, and you catch a glimpse of your own awestruck expression in the reflection. But what really captures you attention is the frame.
There, in burnished gold, the mirror is bordered by tentacles.
You take a step closer, and then another. You're close enough to run your hand over the intricate carvings, but hesitate for some reason. Pressing your lips together, you take another quick look over your shoulder at the door. There's no reason for it, you remind yourself. This is your home, and you can do whatever you like.
Movement from the corner of your eye.
You gasp, whipping around to stare at the mirror again. You could have sworn that the tentacles... had moved.
Impossible. The product of an overactive imagination. Of course you're a little bit jumpy, you reason. You're in the dark, in an unfamiliar place. Still, there's no reason to be afraid.
And to prove it to yourself, you boldly reach out to caress one of the tentacles with your fingertip.
The ground lurches beneath you and, before you know it, you're falling forward, into the mirror. A startled yelp escapes you as you're pressed right up against the cool glass.
That's when you see them. The tentacles are undulating, beautiful burnished gold limbs moving to capture your wrists and ankles in a vicelike grip. You struggle against the hold, more frightened cries spilling free.
This can't be happening.
But it is. Cool, slick tentacles tickle across your cheeks and ears, while others grope you over your clothes. They're gentle, though, curious more than anything, as though trying to learn the shape of you.
You tell yourself that you're dreaming. This whole experience has just been a strange dream, and all you need to do is wake up. Any minute now, you'll wake up.
You give a startled shout as your clothes are shredded from your body, leaving you only in your underwear. The glass is cold against your skin, as are the tentacles exploring you, and you feel your nipples tighten in response. Tentacles glide over your skin, leaving a sticky residue behind. Everywhere they touch begins to tingle.
There's an answering wetness between your thighs.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's what you mean to say. You mean to shout and scream and kick and bite and thrash.
A needy moan escapes your mouth instead.
Thin tentacles slip beneath your panties. The touch is so light that you almost think you're imagining it. But something flicks you're clit, and pleasure flashes through you like quicksilver. You wrench against the tentacles.
Struggling to get away or spread your legs further? You're not sure.
The tentacles are getting bolder now. Some have slid around you, plump limbs slipping between you and the mirror. One thick tentalce glides down your belly while two or three travel upwards. You're beginning to sweat, and it eases the movement of the tentacles against you.
"P-please," you beg, gasping. Those thin tendrils continue to strum against your clit and it's making you desperate. Your hips grind down, searching for friction that those tentacles are too insubstantial to give you.
Your reaction seems to please them. The tentacles caressing you get slicker, and the one slipping down your tummy dips beneath your panties to join its brethren. But unlike those slim tentacles, this one bypasses your clit entirely.
It probes at your hole, teasing. You thrust backwards before you can stop yourself, groaning. A distant part of your mind is horrified by what is happening, but you're too far gone to care. You need something inside you now.
The tentacle presses inside of your soaking cunt in one long, seemingly endless push. Deep. It's so deep. And so fucking thick. Stretching you. All the while, those tiny tentacles continue to toy with your clit.
You cum.
The tentacle squirms inside you, twisting and thrusting, and it makes your eyes roll back in your head. You no longer wish to fight. Any thought of resistance evaporates; instead, you work with the tentacles, fucking yourself back against the one in your pussy.
Your cheek is pressed against the mirror, breath leaving little puffs of condensation against the glass. You feel something slick touch your bottom lip. While another of the tentacles had diverted to toy with your nipples, this one had travelled between your tits to linger at your mouth. Without thinking, your tongue darts out to taste the residue.
You open your mouth, and the tentacle glides along your tongue to the back of your throat without hesitation. The taste of it explodes in your mouth and you feel yourself gush around the tentacle in your cunt. You wish you could see yourself in the mirror, watch as you're taken from both ends.
Was your tummy bulging as the tentacle fucked you? You could already feel drool running down your chin. Would it reach your tits, slick the way for the next tentacle to take it's turn?
Time loses meaning. You cum again. And again.
And again.
You lose count of your orgasms. You wonder if any of the tentacles will cum inside you?
The thought is heady. You clench down further on the tentacle that's been fucking you relentlessly. You want it to. You want all of them to cum on and inside you. Fill you up and paint you with its seed.
You choke on the tentacle in your mouth as it speeds up, pressing deeper. Somehow, the tentacles seem to sense your new desperation. They thicken, thrust faster, harder.
Distantly, you feel something probing your asshole.
It all seems to happen at once. The tentacle in your cunt stiffens for a moment before hot cum spurts inside you. And that's when the other tentacle pushes into your ass, spreading you wide to accommodate it's girth.
Your screams are muffled by the tentacle fucking your throat. It isn't long before that one is cumming too, filling you up with it's seed. You try desperately to swallow it all, but some inevitably escapes, dripping down your chin.
The tentacles slip free from your mouth and cunt, but are quickly replaced by others. You accept them eagerly, already impatient to take more of their loads. They no longer need to hold you open to them. Once the tentacles at your wrists have released their grip, you reach down to hold yourself open to the ones fucking you.
You cum until you're almost dizzy from it. The tentacles cum inside you until their seed leaks from your holes and onto the thick carpet. Your skin is coated with their cum, slick and warm and tingling. Your belly is bulging from the both the tentacles fucking you and from the cum that's been released inside you.
No one goes in there, the maid had said.
You might never leave.
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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When they love your inner demon.😈
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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Type of shit I’ve been on
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
there is nothing hotter on this earth than backhanded, patronizing, layered-with-degradation praise. "the only thing you're good at is taking my cock, but god you're so good at it" "you're doing so well stretching around my strap - i know it's too much & it hurts right now, but just relax - i'll help you since you cant do it yourself" "its pathetic how you can't take me into your mouth without choking, but – shhh shh it's okay, you look so cute with tears in your eyes and drool on your face" like. if you are comforting me while we fuck while also making sure to remind me how stupid and needy i am. literally i will do anything that you ask
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
Sorry that I growled in your ear while I was mounting you from behind. Do you still want me to continue?
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
Tell her she’s yours while you’re sliding your fingers into her.
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
In the mood to crush a little girl against a mattress with my full body weight, fingering her while I tease her about being "so wet for her daddy", gripping her neck with my other hand so when she tries to reply she gets me kissing her instead
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
When you're feeling too impatient and feral so you throw her on her back, rip her panties to the side and force it in
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
she’s shy but she masturbates with her tongue out bc she’s imagining you’re watching
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
gf who likes science 🤝 bf that wants to experiment on her (sexually)
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
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"Bimbos Against Capitalism"
Seen in Athens, Greece
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bubblegumpixiebrat · 8 months
Hey... please take care of your dom. Especially if you do cnc, pain play, or degradation. Let them know that you enjoyed it and remind them that they’re not a bad person for enjoying this stuff.
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