bubblingmocktail · 3 years
Hey everyone! I’ve solved the trolley problem
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
"person being lured into inexplicable hypnotic eldritch terror and then finding their way out again simply because they do not care enough to be frightened" is the single best horror trope to ever be written.
Imagine being this free-will sapping eldritch grove of whispering woods on the edge of night vale, and your first victim wanders in, helplessly in the thrall of your sweet, sweet words,
And then he remembers that he has cable tv and just ups and leaves because he doesn't want to miss his show. The sheer unadulterated comedy.
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
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I caved and drew Tim
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
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Artem Chebokha, Anthropogenic Sun
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
Men want her. Women want to be her. Children befriend her but their parents fear her. Doctors hate her and police officers' heads explode in her presence.
Scientific consensus on her nature and origins has not been reached.
Authorities warn civilians to stay away from her and report any sightings immediately.
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
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hes waiting for the next train to sweep him along
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
on second thought follow me dont let the skeletonfuckers win
shoutout post
go follow @bubblingmocktail they are very cool and nice and i like them 
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
please dont please have taste
shoutout post
go follow @bubblingmocktail they are very cool and nice and i like them 
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
if you are here because of this post do not follow me, fish is the cool one and i am just their bitch
shoutout post
go follow @bubblingmocktail they are very cool and nice and i like them 
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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331K notes · View notes
bubblingmocktail · 4 years
Yes Im cringe but my cringe is OK yours is however bad and I will laugh at you
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
Random Magnus Archives characters as Cursed images
1st image is from @slimyswampghost
Michael shelley:
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Gertrude Robinson:
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Simon Fairchild:
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Peter Lucas:
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Jane Prentiss:
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Mr spider:
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
here lies the complete story of the Crocverse (AtLA zukka modern AU)
The general facts are as follows: 
Iroh owns a croc store and Zuko works there
Sokka works at Trader Joe’s and loves crocs
Bending is a thing
Jeong Jeong owns an antique store and is furious the croc store ruined the vibe of the strip mall
Sokka and Zuko go on a date to Olive Garden
Toph and Zuko hate crocs
Bumi owns a Jamba Juice
This takes place in Flordia 
Bending is a thing, but it is unclear whether or not the Avatar is a thing 
The 2008 financial crisis was a thing that happened in this universe 
Iroh is the new owner of the strip mall Croc store. He loves and appreciates crocs in a big dorky way. 
Zuko is his disgruntled nephew who works at the Croc store. He hates crocs with a passion and is in kind of a Linkin Park phase. (He is not an eboy, no one is an eboy, society has moved past the need for eboys.) 
Sokka works at the local Trader Joe’s. He wears Hawaiian shirts all the gd time. He is incredibly excited about the croc store and gets addicted to buying crocs. He also likes wearing a ‘men want me, fish fear me’ hat and sometimes completes his ensembles with fanny packs. 
Katara works at a Petsmart. 
Jeong Jeong owns an antique store next to the croc store and is pissed that the croc store ruined the vibe of the strip mall. 
It is undecided whether or not Aang works at Bumi’s Jamba Juice or if he works at the Trader Joe’s bakery. Regardless, he’s more of a Birkenstocks guy and finds that crocs and airbending don’t really work together. 
Piandao is the Trader Joe’s manager. 
Hakoda is currently deployed and Sokka is trying his best to cope (with unhealthy shopping habits). 
Zuko goes to Jamba Juice a lot. Toph also goes to Jamba Juice a lot. They become buds because they go ‘well we’re both loners going into school with few or no friends and we both love Jamba Juice and hate crocs, that’s as good a place as any to start a friendship’ 
Sokka loves to explore Jeong Jeong’s antique store. Jeong Jeong considers Sokka to be a local menace (and he’d never say it but he’s his local menace and would be hurt if Sokka started poking around another antique store). 
Iroh really wants to be friends with Jeong Jeong (who could honestly use a friend, he’s kind of a hermit). Jeong Jeong is firmly annoyed that Iroh ruined the vibe of the strip mall. 
Zuko likes hanging out at the antique store and occasionally runs into Sokka. He voices his displeasure for the croc store on multiple occasions and Jeong Jeong feels incredibly validated. 
Zuko has kind of just planned to not have friends for his senior year. Iroh thinks that unacceptable. 
Iroh loves Sokka’s outfits a whole lot and compliments them all the time (while also trying to set him up with Zuko as friends). 
Sokka initially thinks Zuko is just kind of weird and asocial, but then one day at Petsmart he’s bothering Katara at work and he sees Zuko sitting on the floor of the reptile section just looking at all the tanks. Katara tells Sokka that Zuko basically does this every other day and Sokka realizes how soft this guy is and just kind of goes ‘oh’. 
Sokka goes to the crocstore and buys some pride crocs to send a message to Zuko. Zuko is oblivious. 
Eventually, Sokka pulls the “so… do you want to do an activity together?” and Iroh comes over with a “he’d LOVE to” and gives them an Olive Garden gift card. 
Sokka hopes Zuko thinks this is an actual date, Zuko is unclear on whether or not this is a date but puts on a button down shirt just in case, and Iroh doesn’t realize it’s 100% a date until Zuko comes out with his shirt and Iroh decides that it is of the utmost importance that he does Zuko’s hair. 
The details of the date have been decided on….but @animegenork is writing the actual fic and if you really want the sweet, soft zukka details you’ll have to wait. All I’ll say is there are turtleducks and smooching involved. 
Relevant Backstory 
Iroh didn’t actually want to own a croc store. He used to own his own tea/coffee store, but when the economy tanked and his son died, it ended up going bust. 
Iroh didn’t have much contact with his brother after Lu Ten died because Ozai was an unsympathetic asshole about it. The last time he saw his brother’s family was at Azulon’s funeral. 
A few years after the falling out with Ozai (and Iroh’s contact with his niece and nephew being basically reduced to birthday phone calls) Iroh finally upgrades to an iPhone with Facetime. When he calls for Zuko’s birthday, Iroh is VERY FUCKING DISPLEASED to see that someone has burned off half of Zuko’s face (and it doesn’t take much thinking for him to guess who). 
Iroh scoops Zuko up ASAP and Zuko moves in with him. 
Iroh attempts to bring Azula, but she firmly does not want to go with him and Iroh can’t exactly just kidnap a child in this day and age. 
So instead of reinvesting in a new tea shop, Iroh invests his time in legal work to go after Ozai for being the Fucking Worst™. 
He also puts Zuko in therapy, because god knows the kid needs it. 
Iroh worked in middle management for various retail stores and landed a management position in a croc store. Eventually, he opened up his own branch in Florida (which is where our story starts). 
And really, it wasn’t Iroh’s dream to own a croc store, but he accepts that life doesn’t always go exactly how you plan it. Iroh recognizes that what he can focus on is bringing joy to people and trying to project kindness into the world every day. Maybe you end up onwing a croc store. Maybe you’re in a bunch of bs legal crap because your brother is a monster and there are two kids who need someone, but you can make the best of it and it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy simple pleasure where you find them. 
Other details 
The Crocverse is a Mouth Wheat Boy Free Zone. Jet is just not a croc person. Jet has no reason to enter the croc store. This AU does not have room for Jet. I’m sorry Jet stans. (I’m not.) 
Zuko and Sokka are upcoming high school seniors (age 17). 
Katara is an upcoming junior (16), Aang is an upcoming sophomore (15), and Toph is an upcoming freshman (14). 
The swampbenders are frequent patrons of the croc store because they’re good for marshy areas.
The only people who are actually croc enthusiest in this world are Sokka and Iroh. 
Sokka likes wearing neon turquoise crocs the most. 
Sometimes Iroh wears rainbow tie dye crocs to support his gay nephew .
Final words 
This is what I meant when I said the Crocverse was never really about the crocs. The crocs were just a framing device, they’re just how we got here. At its core, the crocverse is about these characters and their struggles, and more importantly how they find each other despite the struggles. It’s about Zuko learning how to make friends. It’s about Iroh wanting the best for his nephew and trying to make the best of a less than ideal situation. It’s about Sokka trying to figure out what to do now that his dad is gone and learning how to open up about it instead of cope with unhealthy shopping habits and deflection. It’s about going to Petsmart and spending an hour looking at the reptiles because you deserve it. It’s about going to Jamba Juice and making friends with the other loners. It’s about learning that you don’t have to be alone. It’s about ditching Olive Garden for a better date somewhere else and smooching the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt Trader Joe’s employee because he’s funny and caring and maybe, just maybe, you deserve that. It’s about letting new people enter your life when you think you have to be alone. It’s about being teenagers together before life starts for real. It’s about, above all else, finding those weirdos who will be there for you and accept you for all your quirks and baggage. 
And that’s the Crocverse. I will shut up about it forever now. 
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
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just ember island things
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
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Blackhawk, South Dakota.
12 neighbors had to evacuate as a literal cave opened up in their front yards.
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
If I read one more fic where they write sokka as stupid and, if it’s a modern au, getting bad grades in a hard class (especially STEM) or not succeeding at school, I’m gonna LOSE IT. This goes for shitposts too!! HE LITERALLY HELPED DEVELOP THE ABILITY TO CONTROL HOT AIR BALLOONS AND CAME UP WITH COMPLEX BATTLE PLANS AND UNDERSTOOD ASTRONOMY. Stop writing Sokka like this. Comic relief does not mean 100% clueless!!!
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bubblingmocktail · 4 years
“If you’re bored you could always take in a show”
“That’s not funny, Jon.”
“Ticket for one, then”
Shoutout to Jon for being bad at making jokes😔✌🏼 live on king
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