bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
The problem is that a lot of Democrats seem have have in a sense equivocated the rise in far-right movements in American and elsewhere w whatever it is that is going on w specifically the Trump White House.
I think the conviction that Trump is some sort of “Russian asset” or whatever could be true or it could not be. The fact is that when the individual politician Trump gets threatened by something like that, his recourse is to shoring up white supremacy. Whether that is shutting down the govt over a wall whos primary purpose is stoking the white supremacist id or like responding to a particularly bad news cycle by quoting Pat Buchanan (from an article on notable explicitly white supremacist website VDARE), these reactions show that the thing that propelled him into office (regardless of any sort of ‘outside interference’) is the white supremacist views of a large share of the white american electorate.
And specifically using the somewhat wacky, surreal components of the current administration to try to avoid the reason that someone like that could have won an election in the first place (namely, running an explicitly racist and misogynistic campaign that appealed to these factors of the american populace) as some sort of way of absolving the American political system and a substantial portion of the (white) voting public is mistaken.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
lmao I had a post that was flagged and I’m pretty sure it’s because the avatar of the person I was replying to is flesh toned.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
Had a disability hearing, it frightened the shit out of me.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
Imagine a world where medical diagnostics specialists and disability services assessors were advocates instead of gatekeepers. Imagine their target being to make sure nobody who needs help slips through the cracks and doesn’t get it, rather than to make sure nobody who’s trying to “scam the system” slips through the cracks and does.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
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Great thread about online moderation. Source / link in the last tweet.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
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i fucking love this thumbnail
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
I’d like the Lopunny line a lot more if Gamefreak ever played up the fact that Buneary is the one Pokemon that fucking hates your guts from day one
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
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Love how this happens every single time I post about a widely-followed transmisogynist on this site
(I have never had a selfie tag)
Being a non-doormat trans woman on tumblr sure is great. Sure is a Big Fucking Mystery why trans women on here are so hypervigilant about transmisogynists
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
Rules will force some women to undergo hormone therapy that could adversely affect their health; will disproportionately affect women from developing nations who do not conform to Western standards of femininity; and will ultimately lead to some elite women quitting the sport.
So here’s newest in transphobia, misogynoir, & just overall awfulness in sports.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
“Our side concocted the ‘bathroom safety’ male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions.”
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
I’m really struggling as a trans woman and a sex worker since SESTA/FOSTA took away most of my advertising venues, and I’ve been unable to develop a base of reliable regulars. Things got truly dire last night, when a major client stood me up, losing me the money I had counted on to stay alive and afloat. Im also working to overcome my mental illnesses and live a fulfilled life despite my limitations. I’m down to about $20, my food stamps are used up and don’t renew for another 10 days, I’ve got overdue bills, a partner who is similarly struggling who I’d like to be able to help more, and my phone will be cut off in a week. If you could do anything, even a little, to help me out, I’d really appreciate it❤
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And here’s a cute bunny to say thank you for reading!
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
People keep asking who would do all the menial jobs if they didn’t have the threat of starvation hanging over their heads, but in my experience there are plenty of people who would be overjoyed to spend all day running minor errands for folks if they were allowed to tell the rude ones to fuck off.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
 Lobbyists are pushing a bill that would be super bad for copyright. Think SOPA and Article 13 + 11 meshed together. Like THAT bad.
It’s called H.R. 1695/S.1010, and what it would do is allow the president to appoint who will be the next Register of Copyrights. Right now that office is under the control of the Library of Congress. It’s a non-political position. But Hollywood has been lobbying hard to get this into a political position.
Whoever Trump picks is obviously going to be someone who bows to the whims of Hollywood and pushes for things like website blocking, upload filters, etc. It’s bad. It’s like BAD bad.
Anyway, it’s heading into a Senate committee meeting on December 12. I’m not going to lie, it looks dire. BUT it hasn’t passed the committee yet so it’s not headed to the Senate yet so I mean idk, let’s TRY to at least get them to not pass this law?
Dial 1-916-823-9612 and enter your zip code to call your Senators and ask they stop this legislation before a crucial committee vote.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
In science fiction, AIs tend to malfunction due to some technicality of logic, such as that business with the laws of robotics and an AI reaching a dramatic, ironic conclusion.
Content regulation algorithms tell me that sci-fi authors are overly generous in these depictions.
“Why did cop bot arrest that nice elderly woman?”
“It insists she’s the mafia.”
“It thinks she’s in the mafia?”
“No. It thinks she’s an entire crime family. It filled out paperwork for multiple separate arrests after bringing her in.”
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
We’re two trans women struggling to keep our heads above water. Another month has rolled around and we still don’t have the money for rent or survival. My health has been improving recently (I can walk to the doctor and back without collapsing now, which is a major milestone for me!) and I hope to be able to look for work again soon but until then we need help to stay in our home and buy food, electricity, and hot water. For the month, to cover everything, we need about £1400.
If you are able to help, my paypal is paypal.me/whenyoutried
Reblogs are appreciated. Thank you.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
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I always knew AfterEllen.com was cryptoTERF trash but looks like they’re really showing where they stand now.
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bubbly-suffer-girl · 6 years
see the reason i absolutely care not for mainstream internet white american feminism is that my approach to feminism is derived from extensive talks with working class women from some of the poorest areas in santiago, the capital of chile, as well as growing up until the age of like, 16? in an impoverished environment and things like “sex work” or “family members going to jail for theft” being more or less always just a figurative stone’s throw away from me. whereas half of white girl american internet feminism is derived from thinking male tears mugs were really fucking funny to get back when people in 2010s twitter were trying to sell them to you
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