bubblyacidqueen · 5 years
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- Finally!
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bubblyacidqueen · 5 years
((After getting home from Morocco I took up some Summer classes and after that I just relaxed for the Summer and I’ve been spending my days playing pokemon go and overwatch and my nights drawing or watching naruto LOL))
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bubblyacidqueen · 5 years
((sweats at the fact that I haven’t been on here in so long oops I’ve missed all of y’all))
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
((OOC update: traveling the world while doing college at the same time is hard and I got sick I plan on getting back into rp once I stop needing to sleep constantly))
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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((Mun update. most of you are asleep right now I think but like, I’m in Morocco and we have been doing a lot of stuff. It’s been keeping me busy, I rode a camel man!! Once classes start up I will be more active probably))
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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A little humanized Mina!
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
((I'm leaving for Morocco tomorrow so I probably won't be active until I get to the dorms))
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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❝Then let’s get stuffed!❞ He follows after her ❝Watch your step your outer wordly highness, wouldn’t want you to trip and fall.❞ He chuckles, shoving his hands in the pocket of his shorts.
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“I will be fiiiine!” Mina laughed a bit, stretching her arms out as if she were on a high-wire. “Balance is something I pride myself on-” As if nature hated her, the girl found herself almost falling over, quickly spinning herself to walk the normal way. “But I guess I should walk this way.” Her hand flew to rub the back of her neck. “Uh, you should probably lead the way.”
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
He had felt a little out of control at first but it certainly had been faster.
They probably could use it.
Katsuki nodded his agreement, which he was sure was a surprise.
“It could definitely be useful.”
It had been fun too…
“Let’s try again!”
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Mina watched him for a moment or two before giving him a thumbs up, slicking more of the ground with acid and sending herself flying across it. “Do you ice skate or rollerskate? It definitely helps with my balance so I do those often. I would say we should ice skate and practice, but I think the rink would hate us if you are rocketing through and possibly melting the ice, but if we are off campus grounds we should practice with a lack of acid so no civilians slip on it..”
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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He dusts her down to make sure she’s dirt free ❝Well I was gonna go to Bakugo’s room to chill but I can do that another time. We can go grab burgers and milkshake if ya want. My treat~❞
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“Oooh! That sounds really nice! I don’t think I’ve eaten much today!” The pink girl cooed, now bouncing up and down due to the newfound excitement flowing through her. “Come on come on!” With a skip in her step the girl started to head on out, walking backwards so she was able to face the other.
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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“Well you’re lucky that this genius happened to hear your call of distress. The grape signal, if you will.” He snickered at  his own joke, letting her decide on a song before his grin grew wider. “Great choice! Now watch a master at work!” Quickly, the instrument is shoved into his nostril, blowing as he plays his best version of Never Gonna Give You Up, all while bouncing, concentrating.
A small laugh escaped the girl, the grape signal, honestly that’s great! Or one could say, that’s grape!
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Wait, he just put that into his nostril, and yet he’s doing an alright performance? Mina really couldn’t help but laugh now, this meme was extreme! “Dude! This is great! You really did have a way to cure my boredom! Have you thought about starting up a channel to post videos of this type of talent?”
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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((Oh yeah by the way I think I’ve said this in the past but this next semester I’m going to Morocco and I’m leaving VERY soon, like, this upcoming week The time difference is probably going to mess with me for a little so who knows when I will be able to be active))
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
@minisodapop XX
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The pink girl stared at him in slight confusion for a second or two before a grin stretched across her lips. “Dude, this is a great cure for my boredom. You’re such a genius.” Mina hummed, sitting up once again to get a better look. “I would definitely suggest memeing with Never Ganna Give You Up.”
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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Kaminari was about to head to Bakugo’s room when he heard a familiar voice. He takes a detour and finds Mina ❝Well hello there my acidic queen.❞ He grins, walking up to her and he held her hand out to her ❝Did ya lock yourself out or something?❞
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Mina stared up at the other for a second before taking his hand and pulling herself up; well at least she wasn’t on the ground anymore. “Nah, I’m just super bored and was hoping someone would walk by for me to bother or to hang out with, maybe both of those at the same time.”
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
The pink girl sat outside of her dorm room, she wasn’t locked out or anything, she just simply wanted to run into someone. Mina was bored, there wasn’t anything to do and she wanted to have some fun.
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“Someoooooone!” She called out, now flopping onto the ground. “I’m so booored... And now I’m on the floor and don’t want to get uuuup...” A light sigh escaped her lips as she opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe she could go get something to drink with someone, or get some ice cream maybe? Anything would be better than this boredom.. Besides something more boring.
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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bubblyacidqueen · 6 years
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Have some fantasy Mina that I may color later
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