bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
bestie and i got married😭😭
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me getting meryd to @bubblysunwoosworld in the roblox camilo church
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
a sketch ish of Camilo and Carlos in animal onesies
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they’re doing a photoshoot trying to look cool
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
Anyways here’s a few encanto songs that I covered on the piano. I made them wedding themed😏🤞
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
HI EVERYONE! Imma be real honest but like ive been procrastinating on writing pt 5 of loathed love BUT I WILL FINISH TOMORROW I PROMISE!
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
Oh also if you cant tell im a huge simp for camilo and his non canon twin carlos….🏃‍♀️💨💨
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
I dont think I’ve done a formal introduction SOOOOO Hi! My name is Julia but you can call my Lia for short. Im 16 and i love to play the piano, sing, write stories and bake. IM EXTROVERTED ASF SO LIKE PLS TALK TO ME. I love kpop, encanto, music, kdramas, food, broadway musicals and I can talk about them for HOURS so like hmu😏. I cant wait to meet you all:))
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
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Loathed Love - (Part 4)
- The life of royalty isn't as ideal as the story books depict it, and you were prepared to take on anything if it was for the greater good of your people. So what will happen if you get arranged to marry someone you don't love, but rather... someone you loathe?
- enemies to lovers
- AH this is the first chapter written by me! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I am a bit nervous. Please let me know how I did. I did write a lot for you loathed love deprived readers. Original idea is from @justanothercamilofan and thanks for the help @crunchyfootwear Happy reading:))
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | to be continued...
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Carlos never believed in love
Despite living in a large and powerful family, he was often overlooked, living in the shadow of his smarter, kinder, and more sophisticated twin. Growing up, he remembers how his Abuela never spent time with him and scolded him for the littlest things. He remembers how the children in town would always want to play with his brother and never him. And he remembers how his mother Pepa, oh his sweet and gentle mother, the only person who ever seemed to love and care for him, began to neglect him once her youngest son, Antonio was born.
He was sick of it.
Anger, hurt and betrayal was all he felt. So he tried to cope in the only way he knew how. By closing himself off from others, which grew to him being rude and cold. He became the black sheep, the outcast of the royal family. He hoped that by doing this, his family would finally notice him and the people would stop comparing him to his brother.
By the age of 16, Carlos was either feared or hated by the whole population of Encanto. There was one person however, who approached him despite knowing about his troublesome reputation. Her name was Valeria, her mother owned a small flower shop in the village and she grew an interest with the infamous prince, often staring intently at him whenever he passed by the village. One day, she stopped by a waterfall and spotted Carlos under it, deep in thought.
“Hey” she murmured, leaning on the rocks. Carlos jumped, scared by her presence, “Fuck! Don't scare me like that!” he yelled. Carlos then paused, looking in the direction of the girl and eying her up and down, “Who the fuck are you anyways?” he asks, annoyed that someone was bothering him. The girl then slowly made her way to him and sat on the ground. “My name is Valeria.” she replied and smiled brightly at him.
Ever since that day, the two became inseparable. They hung out by the castle garden, played pranks on the maids and stole desserts from the kitchen. For the first time in a while, Carlos feels genuinely happy, finally finding someone who understands him.
finally feeling loved.
It doesn't take long before the prince starts to develop feelings. After five months of meeting each other, Carlos wakes up, with the intention of confessing to Valeria. He woke up early with a giant smile on his face and made sure everything was perfect for this special day. He stopped by the castle’s kitchen to pick up Valera’s favorite treats and ran to the meadow to pick her favorite flowers. As Carlos makes his way to Valeria’s house, he’s stopped in his tracks when he hears her voice.
Upon seeing Valeria talking to her friends, Carlos quickly hid by a nearby alleyway to eavesdrop on her conversation. When he hears her voice, the boy can't help but melt and grin profusely. That is, until he hears his name. He knits his eyebrows in confusion when Valeria speaks, “Oh Carlos? yeah I only started hanging out with him because he’s a prince.” His eyes widen when he overhears her true plans. How the only reason she befriended him was in hopes of becoming royalty. “And you know what, if my plans with Carlos dont work out, his brother Camilo is way cuter.” She winked, with no remorse in her tone whatsoever.
There it was, Camilo, the better, more admirable twin.
Those feelings Carlos knew all too well were back, flooding every single part of his body. His eyes no longer had a sense of life, only a deep, dark void of nothingness. Emotionlessly, he made his way to Valeria and her group of friends and threw the flowers and treats on the ground, stomping on them repeatedly. Carlos looked at the girl blankly, his eyes displaying no emotion. Despite hearing the girl’s pleas, he turned around and made his way back to the castle.
When he entered his room, he laid on his bed, a pool of emotions hitting him all at once. He was disappointed in himself, disappointed that he could be fooled so easily. The next day, Carlos returned back into his old and cold self, only this time, he was adamant to not repeat his same mistake. Because after all
Love isn’t real.
It was half past twelve, but you couldn’t sleep. I mean, how could you? Carlos’s words repeated in your brain like a broken record.
“This isn’t over yet, (name). You’re not getting off the hook so easily for what you did.”
“That’s it.” you whispered, swiftly rising from your bed. You needed to clear your head, so you made a plan to take a midnight walk only for about an hour or so. Everyone in the castle was fast asleep so it shouldn’t be that hard to leave, right?
Your room was pitch black so you stretched your arms, blindly trying to look for your candelabra. After a few minutes of stumbling through the dark, your hands make contact with the metallic object and you light the waxy candle attached to it. Now with your room fully illuminated, you slowly approached your closet and slipped on your disguise. You blew out the candle and opened your bedroom door slowly, careful not to wake anyone.
You were met with the castle’s pitch dark hallways, the only source of light coming from the large windows showcasing the moonlight. As you stealthily creep through the hallways, you pass by the kitchen only to be met by a dark figure. Your eyes widened and you quickly hid under the curtains. “I knew I shouldn’t have done this, (name) you are so stu-.” Your thoughts are disrupted when you hear a familiar voice. You furrowed your eyebrows, Wait isn’t that.
“(Name)?” Camilo whispers and slowly opens the curtains. You flinched and screamed but Camilo placed a hand on your mouth, muffling it. “Be quiet, you're gonna wake up the whole castle.” You nodded.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I came for a midnight snack, I do this all the time. The real question is what are you doing here?” Camilo questions, lifting one eyebrow up in confusion.
“I was, um I-”
“You want to take a late night walk.” He smirked and pointed to the end of the hallway. “There's a back door straight ahead, It should lead you to the village.”
“How did you-”
“I may or may not have sneaked out of the castle before.” He smiled smugly. His demeanor then changed, switching to a more serious face. “Look, sometimes we need to relax and clear our minds, you know. We're expected to follow countless rules and fulfill our duties, but at the end of the day, we’re all just human.”
You couldn’t help but just nod in awe. You silently whispered a ‘thanks’ to Camilo and went on your way.
When you finally made your way outside, you felt a cold breeze brush your cheeks. It was quite cold and you were shivering. You inhaled deeply, soaking in the nighttime air and looked up at the sky. A full moon, how beautiful, You thought and smiled to yourself. After soaking in your surroundings, you spot a stone path leading to the village and start making your way there.
As you were walking through the forest, thoughts of Carlos overflowed your mind. What was he planning to do to you? Why was he so mean to you? Why was he so quick to judge you and your relationship with Roman? Was he jealous? “No he can’t be, he despises me,” You muttered. Millions of thoughts about him flooded your brain. Anger filled your body when you remember how he almost called you a who-
You jumped in fear and clutched onto your chest.
“Oh my gosh, Roman! I swear you were about to give me a Heart Attack!” You exclaimed, still hyprveltilating after the scare.
“My apologies! I saw you walking through the forest so I wanted to surprise you! What are you doing here at this time?” Roman comments.
Suddenly you both heard a howl coming from a distance
“It's not safe here, come we can talk at my house.” Roman whispers and grabs your arm..
“No! I'm fi-.” He cuts you off
“I insist.”
Suddenly, Roman pulls your arm and leads you out of the forest. A few minutes later, you both arrive at his house. Roman unlocks his door and lights a candle. He leads you into his living space, sets you down on a chair and sits opposite from you. “Okay, now would you mind telling me why you were walking through the forest at midnight?” He stares at you intently waiting for an answer.
“I just wanted to take a late night walk because I-,” You hesitated for a moment but took a deep breath. “I got into a fight with my fiancé so I just wanted to clear my head.” You muttered.
“Oh no. I hope you guys reconcile soon.” Roman replies. You nodded, shivering slightly. “You must be cold, let me make you some tea.” He says.
“Sure, thanks” You whisper, super drained and tired. You wanted to go home and sleep, but a cup of tea wouldn't hurt, right? Plus it was freezing outside so you couldn't refuse a hot drink.
Roman stands up from his chair and makes his way into the kitchen. He starts a fire and begins to boil some water. You're snapped out of your thoughts when you suddenly have the urge to use the bathroom.
“Um Roman, where’s your bathroom?’ You ask.
“It’s two doors to the right” He replies, his back facing you as he makes your tea.
You nod slightly, and power walk your way to his bathroom. However, your eyes dart to another room. Curiosity gets the better of you so you slowly walk over. A bright light hits your face as you enter the room. Inside there was 1, 2, 3, 4…..8 candles were scattered across the room, emitting so much light.
“This must be Roman’s room” You thought, brushing your hand against his desk. Your eyes observe the room and you spot a family picture. You smiled, seeing all the grinning faces. Suddenly you catch sight of an old shoe box laying on top of Roman’s desk. Interested, you picked the shoe box up and inspected it.
The box was super crummy and old, looking like it was passed on generation by generation. You opened it, expecting to see childhood pictures or family heirlooms. However, your smile drops upon lifting the lid. Your eyes widen. Was that a picture of
There were hundreds of pictures of you, some from your childhood, some from your coronation, even more recent ones of you in Encanto. You were totally freaked out. Panicked, you close the box, swiftly turning around to leave but a sharp blow knocks you to the ground.
“You’re not going anywhere Princesa.” were the last words you heard before
It all went black
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
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Loathed Love - (Part 3)
- The life of royalty isn't as ideal as the story books depict it, and you were prepared to take on anything if it was for the greater good of your people. So what will happen if you get arranged to marry someone you don't love, but rather... someone you loathe?
- enemies to lovers
- Again, written by the great @justanothercamilofan !! They wrote the first three chapters and I will be writing chapters 4 and up! Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | to be continued...
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Two weeks pass by before you're able to sneak out into town once more. Only this time, Carlos doesn't go with you. You wear the same disguise as you did last time, but you wear a maroon buttoned shirt with black pants, pairing it with some brown shoes as your outfit.
Attempting to sneak out the castle without getting caught proved itself to be a much harder task without the help of a certain someone, but you'd rather die than ask for the assistance of your dearest fiance.
After nearly getting caught by one of the roaming knights, you managed to obtain the sweet taste of freedom and running away from your responsibilities, even if it's just for a few hours.
The city was as busy as always. A bead of sweat rolls down your forehead and you quickly wipe it off. Just how did the people work under the sweltering heat?
Perhaps you should've worn clothes with thinner fabric. Shrugging it off, you head towards one of the shops to buy a bottle of water. Popping the cap open, you immediately drink from it; The cool, refreshing feeling it brings you feels like the greatest luxury on this planet, it's a nice contrast to the heat radiating from the sun.
"Um, excuse me? Señor... señora... Whatever it is you prefer."
You turn around to see who it was, and a familiar face greets you. You've seen this person before. Dark brown hair that matches the color of his eyes, tanned skin from being exposed to the sun and shoulder length, wavy hair that's pulled back into a long ponytail. The man before stands a few inches taller than you, probably the same height as Carlos.
"Can I help you with anything?" You asked, politely smiling at him. He returns the gesture with a smile of his own, "Sorry for approaching you out of the blue... I'm not sure if you remember, but I was the one you danced with a few weeks ago."
So that's why he seemed so familiar.
"I remember you! It was fun dancing with you, you were amazing." The smile on your face only grows wider as you recall the event before it was so rudely interrupted by that bastard you call 'your fiance'. "I never got to know your name, mine's Ariel!" You extend a hand towards him, and he gratefully takes it, slightly shaking it. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Roman."
"Roman..." You mutter the name under your breath. "It's nice to meet you too!"
The man before you released your hand afterwards. "You aren't with your, uh..." He trails off, but you know exactly who he's talking about.
"Nope, I'm not. He's rather busy today, so I decided to take a stroll around the city! I told him I'd go out beforehand though."
Well, it's not a complete lie. Carlos — or should I say, Manuel? — doesn't even know you're out here, but his schedule today sure is tight. You know this because you spent the whole morning without having to hear his annoying voice.
"Is that so?" Roman grins, "If that's the case... then I'm assuming you're free today? If I'm correct, would you like to hang out? I'd love to get to know you better."
And who were you to say no to such a polite young man?
The next few hours were a blast. Roman was amazing company. He was funny, kind and overall just a sweet guy. Spending time with him made you forget about everything bothering you, he was like a breath of fresh air. Maybe a friend was just what you needed. A part of you was screaming at you to tell him who you really are, but you only got to know this guy better today. When the time comes, you'll tell him eventually.
"Crap, it's getting really late Ariel." Roman spoke. "We should get you home, let me walk you back."
A nervous chuckle escapes you. "It's alright, there's no need for that. I'll be fine on my own."
"While I don't doubt that at all, I'd still like to ensure that you get home safely." The man insisted.
You gently pat his shoulder, shaking your head. "I'll get home alive and well, don't worry.",
Roman opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "Besides, I don't think I want to risk the chance of Manuel seeing you and then freaking out." You joked, a hearty laugh leaving you.
The man laughs as well, "Alright then. I hope we can hang out again soon, if that's okay with you, of course."
Your eyes seemed to light up at that. "That's more than okay with me! We can become best friends!" You exclaim.
Roman cheers at that. "Best friends!"
And just like that, a friendship blossoms. For the next three weeks, you and Roman become closer. You would make time out of your busy schedule to go into the city and spend time with him, and then come back home with that dorky grin on your face. It may be just you being dramatic, but it felt as if... for the first time in a while, you were genuinely happy.
You take off the wig, giggling like a schoolgirl as you remember the earlier events. Roman baked you some cookies, they were in your favorite flavor and the texture of it was just... delightful.
After a single bite out of it, you were sure your taste buds would never be the same. He brought you to a secluded area in the city afterwards, and the both of you talk about whatever it is that comes to mind.
“You’ve got some nerve to show your face here, (Last Name).”
The grin on your face drops, you quickly whip your head around to see who spoke. It was Carlos, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He’s glaring at you, his stare so intent that it pierces through your very soul, sending shivers down your spine.
"Where have you been running off to?" He asks, pushing himself off the wall, slowly making his way towards you. "Why's that any of your business?" You retort.
Carlos raises a brow. "How is that any of my business? I think you're forgetting something here." He lifts up your hand, showing the ring that wraps around your finger. The ring that's supposed to signify a bond built on love and trust, but you wear it for the sake of your people.
"Am I not allowed to go out and have some fun once in a while?"
Carlos' form towers over you. "You and I don't like this whole marriage thing, I know that, but I believe we've made it clear that you have to stay faithful, right?"
Now just what the fuck was that supposed to mean?
"Are you implying that you think I'm cheating?" You ask in disbelief. "Why else would you be so eager to go dress up and go out into the city?" Carlos responds, taking a few more steps towards you as you step backwards. "Do you seriously think you could get into anything serious with whoever that person is? What would you do if they found out that you are a fucking liar? They'd feel so hurt if they knew you kept your real identity a secret from them."
Your eyes widen, anger bubbling in you. "That's not true! You don't know what he's like! He's kinder than you've ever been!" You shout, glowering at him. Carlos roughly shoves you backwards, "So you are fucking someone behind my back!"
Your ball up your fists, "I'm not! He's just a friend!" You yell through gritted teeth, but Carlos doesn't seem convinced. "He's just a friend!" He mocks you, attempting to imitate your voice.
"That's what they all say, (name). For someone who's royalty, you sure are a dirty fucking wh—"
The sound of hand hitting skin echoes around the room. You slapped Carlos. He places a hand to his now reddened cheek, a menacing chuckle escaping his lips. "Oh, (name)..." Carlos looks up to meet your gaze, a smirk plastered on his face.
Carlos remains silent, only taking forward steps, forcing you to go backwards in order to leave some space between the both of you. Unfortunately, it didn't take long before your back hit the wall. Swallowing drly, your eyes remain on his. The both of you stare at each other and the tension around the room thickens, it feels almost suffocating. He places a hand on a wall, beside your head. Leaning in closer, he whispers: "You shouldn't have done that, cariño."
Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest, beating so fast and loud you were sure Carlos could hear it if he focused enough. The room feels... warmer all of a sudden and you gulp, refusing to break eye contact with the man in front of you.
"You're going to—"
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"My sincerest apologies for disturbing you during this time, but the queen sent me here to deliver a message to you, your highness."
Carlos drops his hand, sparing you one last glance before heading towards the door, opening it to reveal one of the butlers.
"It's alright, no need to apologize. I'm assuming it's something important, yes? What is it?"
He sounds so... polite. It felt so out of character for him. Your mind drifts off to other things as the two of them converse. Should you be thankful that the butler interrupted? What would happen if he never came?
"I see. Thank you for informing me about this, have a good night." Carlos spoke, smiling at the butler, who returned the gesture. Once he's left and it's just the two of you alone, the man turns to you again.
"Someone important from another kingdom is visiting in a week. If you plan on meeting up with whoever the hell that person is, you can forget about it. You'll be occupied this whole week; both of us will be busy."
Carlos makes his way towards the bathroom, but before he enters, he faces you one last time.
"This isn't over yet, (name). You're not getting off the hook so easily for what you did."
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
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Loathed Love - (Part 2)
- The life of royalty isn't as ideal as the story books depict it, and you were prepared to take on anything if it was for the greater good of your people. So what will happen if you get arranged to marry someone you don't love, but rather... someone you loathe?
- enemies to lovers
- Again, written by the great @justanothercamilofan !! They wrote the first three chapters and I will be writing chapters 4 and up! Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | to be continued...
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A month. That's how long your engagement to Carlos has been. To say it was terrible was understatement; it was far worse than that, far worse than being sent down straight to hell. Then again, being arranged to marry this pathetic excuse of a man was already hell on earth. At this point, you were convinced that your fiance was the devil in his human form, but just what did you do to deserve this?
You were well-aware of the fact that Carlos didn't want to get married to you or to anyone at all, but for the sake of his family's sanity, he was willing to put up an act. Which is why the both of you made a few rules for this relationship:
1. We'll go as far as holding hands and a kiss on the cheek in public.
2. First rule can be changed if necessary.
3. Stay faithful.
4. Do not fall in love with each other.
The fourth rule was rather stupid, but Carlos insisted that it should be added. Does he think you'd ever feel anything for him other than hatred? As if. He's rude, temperamental and so ungentlemanly. If it were not for the way he dressed, you would've never realized that he was a prince. His twin brother, Camilo, was so much better. Kind, sweet and gentle. Why couldn't you have been engaged to him instead? If it was him you'd end up with, then perhaps you could find it in yourself to fall in love.
But alas, the world is a cruel place. The man you were destined to be with was someone incredibly unbearable. You wondered how his family puts up with him. Today, you decided that you wanted to go and explore the capital city of Encanto.
Knowing your status, it was already given that you couldn't just walk out of the castle. Which is why you came up with the brilliant idea of wearing a disguise. You had a brown wig on, a white shirt paired with brown pants and sandals. As you observed your look in the mirror, a certain someone decided to enter the room all too suddenly.
"(Name), are you— What the fuck?"
Turning around, your eyes met Carlos', who had a look of bewilderment present on his face. He stares at you for a few moments, his eyes scanning over your outfit, before he bursts out into laughter.
"What's with the—" He wheezes loudly. "Fuck— the silly outfit?"
Annoyed, you roll your eyes at him. "None of your damn business, step out of my way."
Carlos tuts in disapproval. As you push your way past him, he grabs you by the wrist, effectively stopping you. "If you're planning to go out into the city alone... No you aren't."
How the hell did he figure it out so quickly?
"I'm incredibly smart, that's why. Besides, what makes you think I haven't done this before?" He responds, as if reading your mind.
"I'm not even saying anything! How the— Ugh, nevermind. I'm going whether you like it or not."
You attempt to pull your wrist out of his grasp, but he doesn't budge.
Carlos shakes his head, smirking. "I'm coming with you. I can't have you getting lost out there, you know?"
You scoff, glaring at him. "Are you implying that I have no sense of direction?"
The man shrugs, letting go of your wrist. "Take it as you will, but I'm still going with you. So be good and wait for me, okay?" He gently pats your head, a sweet yet sickening smile forming on his lips. You harshly swat his hand away and he only chuckles.
"Just hurry up, we don't have all day."
Everything was so much more lively here. The bustling city, people engaging in conversation with each other, the numerous shops around the place. With excitement coursing through your veins, you grab ahold of Carlos' hand, taking him with you as you happily walk down the street.
The sudden action takes him by surprise, his glance shifts between you and your hands. Did you not realize what you were doing? He notices the expression on your face and his lips twitch upwards into a small smile.
Wait, what?
With a shake of his head, the scowl he always wore returns back to his face. Carlos pulls his hand away from yours and you whip your head around to face him. "What's up with you?" You ask, raising a brow at him. He stares at you for a few moments before replying, "I should be asking you that, cariño. You looked pretty happy holding my hand."
"I was... what?"
Carlos grins and it makes your stomach churn. That was an all too familiar look on his face. And you're left to internally prepare yourself for what's about to come.
"You heard me right." Taking a step closer to you, he whispers, "You were holding my hand."
The way his voice lowers an octave sends a shiver down your spine. Carlos takes your lack of response as a sign to keep talking.
"Oh, but it's only been a month, hasn't it? (Name)... are you, perhaps, falling in love with me?" He teases.
Your eyes widened, cheeks warming up. As you push him away from you, you yell the words:
"Ugh, as if!"
Carlos erupts into fits of laughter, "That was... priceless!"
"Whatever, this is why I said I wanted to go alone." You grumbled, averting your gaze from him. Without another word, you began walking off, not even bothering to wait for the other to calm down.
"Oi! Where the fuck are you going?! Wait up!" He runs after you, "You're actually so boring, jeez... It was just a joke, you stick-in-the-mud."
A gasp leaves you. "Excuse me? Stick-in-the-mud!? For your information, I do know how to have fun!"
Carlos looks at you like the biggest liar in the world. "Prove it then."
Now that silences you. Your eyes scan around the area. How exactly do you prove it?
"I bet your idea of fun is playing board games in quietness." He remarks, staring blankly at you.
You frown at him. "Shut up. You put me on the spot."
Carlos rolls his eyes, "Let's just go get something to eat. You're paying for your own food, by the way."
It takes a few steps forward before he turns back to you. "What do I call you?" He asks. "Huh? Do you not know my name, Carl—"
The man presses his palm to your lips, successfully shutting you up. "Don't call me that while we're in these disguises, dumbass. It's Manuel to you. This is definitely your first time doing this."
So he wanted a false name. He could've just said that instead... the nerve he's got to call you a dumbass. You ponder for a bit, what name should you go by?
"Ay, dios mío... You don't have to stress out over this, just go with the first one that comes to mind!"
"Calm down, you're so impatient! I'll go with Ariel!"
The two of you approach a nearby food stall. As you get closer, the delicious aroma fills your senses, nearly making your mouth water. You bought a few snacks from them, paying them with more money than how much it actually costs. Carlos internally facepalms at this, but he lets you do whatever you want. It's your money, after all.
"Shit, these are so good!" You exclaim, moaning in delight as you take another bite out of the snack. "Ugh, do you have to make those weird ass noises?" Carlos asks, face scrunching up in disgust.
Just as you were about to respond, loud music started playing all too suddenly. "What's that?" You question, turning your head towards the crowd. Carlos sighs, "They're just going to dance and all that shit. It's a waste of time, (name)."
An offended gaze along with a light slap to his shoulder is what he receives. "A waste of time!? Are you hearing yourself right now?" Your gaze flickers between the crowd and Carlos. "Ah, whatever! I'm joining in, bye!"
You excitedly skip towards them, happily joining in as the people dance and sing to the music. His first instinct was to ditch you, but he found himself unable to leave, watching you with such mesmerization as you moved to the beat. Were you always this good? Carlos wasn't too bad of a dancer, but he found the whole concept of dancing rather stupid, which is why he never did it anymore.
He slaps both of his hands on either side of his cheeks, pulling himself out of the trance. The moment Carlos looks at you again, you are now accompanied by another man.
What the fuck?
Not on his watch. Carlos marches towards you and... whoever the hell this idiot was. "Ariel!" He calls out to you, a faux smile plastered on his face. "Dance with me, amor!" With that, you've been pulled away from that random stranger.
"Carlos? What the hell!" You whisper-yell, glaring at him.
He spins you around, grabbing you closer by the waist. "Who was that?"
"I would have known if you didn't interrupt, idiot." Despite the argument that's about to happen, the two of you don't stop dancing.
"You were getting too close to him. I'm your fiance, not him, (Name)." Carlos says before pulling you away from the crowd.
He looks up at the sky, noticing how the previously blue sky has turned to a mix of orange and red. The sun was setting. "We should get back, they might be looking for us."
And that's exactly what you two do, return back to the castle. Carlos shows you a secret route he takes to avoid getting caught sneaking out, it leads straight to his bedroom. Once you get there, Carlos pulls off the wig, running a hand through his curly hair. You do the same, placing the item on the nearby desk. "I can't believe you got me to dance. Ugh, that was so..." He visibly cringes at the memory.
"No one said you had to join in." You reply with a shrug.
Carlos puffs out a breath, "And leave you with that guy? No way."
"Why're you affected anyway? Are you jealous or something?" You meant it as a joke, but it seems the other didn't take it as one. An awkward silence fills the atmosphere for a while.
"No, I'm not. Now get the fuck out."
He pushed you out of his room, slamming the door shut. "What a bitch." You grumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I heard that! Get lost, (name)!"
You jumped at that, startled, before scurrying away.
Later that night, Carlos finds himself unable to sleep, tossing and turning in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position. He groans in frustration, resting an arm over his eyes. As he shuts his eyes, the image of you dancing flashes into his mind. The memory was so vivid, too. Quickly sitting up, he tugs at his hair.
Squeezing his eyes shuts, he tries his best to get rid of the strange feeling in his stomach. Carlos remembers the man you were dancing with, it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He's inexperienced when it comes to relationships, but even if what two have is loveless, you're still engaged to him.
So technically that would mean that his anger towards the man is justified... right? He wasn't the one you were arranged to marry, so being at such a close proximity with him isn't good, right?
Why the hell was he overthinking this anyway? It involved you, for fuck's sake. Carlos shouldn't care at all.
He lets himself fall back on his bed, muttering curses under his breath. This was all so stupid. What he should be focusing on right now, is how to get to sleep. So he does just that.
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bubblysunwoosworld · 2 years
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Loathed Love - (Part 1)
- The life of royalty isn't as ideal as the story books depict it, and you were prepared to take on anything if it was for the greater good of your people. So what will happen if you get arranged to marry someone you don't love, but rather... someone you loathe?
- enemies to lovers
- This part was written by the amazing @justanothercamilofan !! They wrote the first three chapters and I will be writing chapters 4 and up! Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | to be continued...
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Days like these made you dream about how life would be if you were just an average townsperson. As the eldest child and the next heir to the throne of Corona, countless duties and responsibilities awaited you. The role of a monarch requires rigorous preparations. Which is why at the young age of fifteen, your mother, the queen, has taken you under her guidance.
Now at the age of 25, it was no surprise that you had more royal duties to fulfill. It was rather hectic— perhaps even tedious at some point— but you were well-aware of its purpose; The greater good of the people. You wondered how people found it in themselves to think that a life of royalty was ideal. Monarchy is a form of government, your family was basically the head of your nation. Does undergoing constitutional and representational duties sound like something to look forward to? The thought of it was enough to make you feel as if your hairs were graying.
The life you and your family lived was more than just wearing fancy outfits, being graceful with you every move and dancing in a ballroom. This was the reality behind all those stories you'd read in children's books.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"It's Marielle, your highness." The person behind the door replies.
"Oh, you can come in!"
And so she does, the woman enters the room quietly. Marielle stands next to the wooden door, hands placed neatly in front of her, a warm smile gracing her features. "Your father has sent me here to tell you that he wishes to speak with you." Her tone was timid as she spoke, you nod your head in response. "I see. Thank you for making your way here to tell me this."
"It's no problem. The king's in the dining room. I shall be taking my leave, thank you for your time." Marielle bows politely before exiting your room, closing the door on her way out.
After that, you take your time fixing yourself up; Neatly combing your hair, putting on a simple yet elegant outfit and spraying on a bit of perfume/cologne. The way you present yourself is important, even if it's just to a family.
Just like Marielle stated, your father was waiting for you in the dining room, but it wasn't just him there. Your mother was too, and an old lady dressed in maroon. Alongside her, two people wearing all yellow. One was a dark skinned man with black hair, the other was a woman with fair skin and auburn hair.
Upon noticing you, your mother speaks. "Ah, there you are, (name). We've got something important to discuss with you, come take a seat." She beckons you over, gesturing to a vacant chair next to her. You approach them, making yourself comfortable on your seat. "I'm sure you're wondering why we called you here, yes?" Your father begins. "They are the Madrigals, rulers of the Kingdom, Encanto."
No fucking way. Did you hear that right? If this is all just a dream, then the world is so cruel for that. You harshly pinch yourself from under the table, forcing yourself to keep a straight face when it pained you.
"This is our eldest child, (Name) (Last Name)."
A pleased smile appears on the old woman's face. "Wonderful, they're very good-looking. My name is Alma Madrigal, this one of my daughters," She gestures to the lady in yellow. "Pepa Madrigal. And her husband, Felix Madrigal."
You greet the three of them with a kind smile.
"Now that introductions are out of the way, it's time we talk business." Alma spoke. "I've decided to invite your family over for dinner. If we want to join forces together, it'd be a good opportunity for the rest of our families to be on good terms with each other."
You bite back a sigh. This was going to be a long day. As they converse with each other, you try your hardest to keep track of what they're talking about. Forming a union... Getting to know each other... blah, blah, blah... Arranging a marriage... bl— Arranging a what? It all clicks in your head. Dread fills your gut as you realize what they called you here for.
"(Name), in order to strengthen our kingdom... We have decided that you will get married to the eldest grandson of the Madrigal Family."
And... there it is. Wow, truly shocking. You expected this to happen, but it still didn't make you feel any less nervous. Remember your purpose, (name), for the greater good of the people. You thought to yourself.
With a forced smile, you spoke: "Is that so? Well, I look forward to meeting him." The couple dressed in yellow shared a look towards each other, would you still be able to say that after meeting him? They hoped you would.
After a long 10 minutes of talking, the Madrigals finally take their leave. "I will see you all in a few days, thank you for granting us the opportunity to talk to you." Alma says. "Oh, if anything, it should be us thanking you. Have a safe trip!" Your parents wave goodbye to them as they leave.
Afterwards, you make your way back to your bedroom. In two days, you'll be meeting with the Madrigals again, with your family. What if this guy's a total weirdo? You could only hope that he wasn't a total mess. As you drag your feet up the stairs, a voice calls out to you.
"Hey, (name)!"
You didn't have the energy for this. "What is it, Eduardo?"
"Don't look so down! I heard you were getting married, isn't that a good thing? I seriously can't
believe someone would want to marry you." Your younger brother jokes, grinning widely at you.
"Not if you don't even know the person." You reply, sighing.
Eduardo's grin falters at that. He places an arm around you, "Sorry, I thought the joke would cheer you up. I... don't really know what to say to this. I'm aware that we both can't do anything about this, but if he ever hurts you, I'll punch him."
A chuckle escapes you. "Thank you, but I don't think that'll be necessary. I'll... give whoever this guy is, a shot. We are going to be stuck together for life, after all."
Two days pass by rather quickly.
You were in your room, gazing at yourself in the mirror. Was this outfit good enough? How long have you been worrying about this? An hour. You even called in one of your maids to judge your outfits.
"How does this look?"
"It looks wonderful on you, your majesty. The color really matches your eyes." She complimented. Was she just saying that because of your status or was it genuine?
"Sorry for bothering you with this, I just really need to look at my best for tonight." You mumble, and the maid nods in understanding. "Perhaps you could lose the gloves then? It looks good, please don't get me wrong, but it's better without it." She said. You take her suggestion and gasp. Holy shit, she was right.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." You flash her a kind smile and she happily returns it with one of her own.
A knock on the door. "Sorry to interrupt, your highness, but your parents are waiting for you."
"Ah, of course!" You smoothen out your clothes before turning to the maid. "Wish me luck, huh?" She only smiles wider, holding the door open for you.
Once you arrive downstairs, you see your parents and Eduardo there. "There you are! We better get going, it wouldn't be good if we arrived late." Your mother says. All four of you head outside and a carriage is there, waiting for you. The trip all the way to Encanto took a few hours, but thankfully, you managed to arrive early.
"Welcome, (Last Name)'s! It is an honor to have you here!" Alma greeted, a polite smile on her face. Behind her was the rest of her family. You quietly gasp in awe at the interior of their castle, it was beautiful and full of color.
"Hola." A voice spoke, it makes you jump. "Woah, hey, it's just me." You turn to the person who greeted you, it was a boy dressed in yellow. He had curly brown hair and green eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
An awkward chuckle leaves him. "Prince Camilo Madrigal." He extends a hand towards you. You introduce yourself, happily shaking his hand. What you didn't expect was for Camilo to bring your hand up to his lips and place a kiss to the back of it. Warmth floods your cheeks, and you avert your gaze from him.
"It's a pleasure meeting you. I have a feeling we'll get along well." The prince smiles at you. "I have to get going now, please enjoy your stay here." With that, he leaves. Was that the guy you were marrying? He looked like he was around your age, the other grandson you saw looked way younger. Who else could it be? You needed to tell Eduardo about this, that guy was handsome too.
As you explore the halls of the castle, you observe every painting and furniture they have. Everything about this place was beautiful and so much more different than your place, not that you were complaining. Being too awestruck with your surroundings, you fail to realize that someone was walking your way. The only time you acknowledge their presence is when you bump into them.
"Ay!" "Ow!"
You look up at whoever it was you collided with, ready to apologize.
"Are you blind?" The other person speaks. Huh? What the hell? You take a moment to study his features. Curly, dark brown hair with bangs covering one of his eyes, he looked similar to Camilo. He scoffs, "What? Are you deaf too? Stop staring at me, that's fucking rude, you know?"
What is it with this guy? He's a total jerk! "I'm rude? You're the one who called me blind AND deaf! What's your deal anyway?"
With a roll of his eyes, he replies: "I should be asking you that. What are you doing here? The dining room's the other way, stupid."
"Is it really necessary to be so mean? I was just about to apologize when you started to be an ass!" You said, glaring at him.
"Oh, boo-hoo, are you going to cry? Shut the hell up, keep your voice down." The boy shoves his hands in his pocket, he seems to be enjoying your reactions.
You've only just met this guy, but you can already tell you two wouldn't get along at all. Who the hell has the guts to be this much of a meanie to someone he just met?
"Are you just going to stand there like a weirdo or are you heading into the dining area?" He asks, raising a brow. "I'm not a weirdo." You grumble, walking away from him.
As you take a seat in the dining area, Eduardo taps your shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"
He asks, worry evident in his tone. "Yes, I'll be fine. I think I have an idea on who it might be."
You whisper to him, he lights up at that. "Great! Goodluck, (name), don't embarrass yourself like you always do." Chuckling, you pinch his sides. "Okay! Sorry!" He whisper-yells.
"Family! And the (Last Names)'s!" Alma spoke, her voice loud and clear that it gets everyone's attention. "I've gathered all of you here today for a very special announcement." She glances at you, and you smile kindly at her.
"In order to keep our kingdom strong... I, along with King Hernando (Last Name), have spoken about his eldest child, (Name)'s marriage to one of the Madrigals."
The anticipation is slowly killing you. Is there any way she could just hurry up and spit out the name of who you'll be marrying?
"They will be married in five months. We've both come to an agreement on this, isn't that right?"
Your father nods happily, clearly excited about this.
"And I've decided that the best partner for our lovely (name) is..."
Here it comes.
"Carlos Madrigal!"
Oh. The asshole from earlier— who you now know as Carlos— slams his fists on the table.
"What?! No!" He angrily yells out. "Don't yell at your Abuela!" Pepa scolds him. "You're joking, right? I am NOT marrying... that!"
You sent him an offended gaze and he only glared at you.
"The decision has been made, Carlo—"
"No, I don't care. I won't do it." Without another word, he stomps out of the room. A few moments of silence pass by before Alma speaks.
"My apologies, everybody. That boy has always been so difficult... (Name), could you please go talk to him? Perhaps you could get some sense into Carlos."
Considering your earlier interaction, you highly doubted that. Still, you agreed to do it.
"Uh... Carlos?" You call out to him. "Hi, um, your Abuela sent me he—"
"Go away." He harshly spoke. "I don't want to listen to what you have to say."
"I know we... got off on the wrong foot, but I've got no choice either, y'know?" You slowly approach him.
Carlos suddenly bursts into laughter. He changes the pitch of his voice in an attempt to mock you, "'I know we got off on the wrong foot!'"
"What the hell is your problem? Don't you care about the greater good of your people?" You place a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back to face you.
"Oh, cariño... Aren't you such a sweetheart? Like hell I do." He spat out, disgusted that you'd even ask him that.
You could feel your blood starting to boil, why was he being so difficult? You didn't want this either, but he needs to realize that none of you have a say in this and that the wedding will happen, regardless of whether they want it or not.
"I don't want this either, Carlos." You began. "Stop making this so much more difficult than it already is. You think I want to get married to some bastard like you? I have standards, and I'm being forced to lower them for the sake of my kingdom!"
Carlos looks... taken aback by your sudden outburst. He falls silent, possibly planning on what he should do next. Shit, did you go too far? Was that too mean? You opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off before you could begin.
"... Fine. You're... Ri—" He fake gags. "Right..."
Your eye twitches in annoyance. This is absolute hell.
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