buckaye · 2 years
Bucky smiled when she nodded; a rare, genuine smile. It wasn’t like he was in as deep as he was pretending, but he did like Dee Dee. She was pretty. She was different. And she was fun to be around. The innocence could get old eventually, but it might be fun to see how easy she was to corrupt. “Of course I want. I just said whatever you want to do, silly.” He pretended to wipe sweat from his brow, as if he was actually stressed over her answer. He’d been pretty confident she would say yes, but he would have been pretty letdown if he’d had to deal with the rejection. “As long as you’re prepared to get your ass whooped in mini golf. That is something I take seriously, and I’m not gonna go easy on you just because you’re cute.”
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@buckaye​ cont. from here 
She hadn’t really thought anything was going to come of her flirtations with Bucky, not really entirely believing that he could actually like her that way. Not that boys didn’t but she never actually noticed most of the time. Except for the ones she never wanted, more specifically Mandark who never seemed to take a hint. Now she was being asked out by him like one a date-date. For a second she didn’t know what to say before the girl just gave him an excited nod. “Well, I mean sure, if you really want to! Sounds like fun to me.” Dee Dee didn’t want to seem like too happy, just in case. “Any of that sounds fun to me, maybe we could do something like mini golf or we go do games at the boardwalk.” She liked to keep it interesting, dinner and a movie always lacking any real substance in her mind. “If you want,” Dee Dee added in case he wasn’t down. 
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buckaye · 2 years
What did he want? The praise. The attention. The I’m proud of you. Bucky was putty in Hopper’s hands the moment he saw use for his destruction. For so long, he’d just followed his brothers. This was him doing something on his own, deciding something on his own. And maybe it was a horrible decision, but it wasn’t like Bucky had anything to lose. He wanted to see cities burn, and as far as he was concerned, Colin Hopper was the way to go about that. Chaos and destruction, they called out to him... but at least here it was organized. At least here he had a purpose. “I’ll go wherever you want me,” he said, honestly, trying not to show how pleased he would be to move up the ranks. To be important. Bucky might not have been a great guy, but he was loyal. Once someone had him, they had him. If he was asked to put his life on the line, he wouldn’t think twice, he would feel like he owed him that much at this point. “I just wanna be useful, you know. You got another job that needs to be done, I’m your man.”
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//closed starter @buckaye​
“Well would you look at that?” Hopper smirked, walking his way towards the boy. He clapped his hands, which was followed by the applause of many of his men as well. Bucky was a stellar recruit, quite a formidable boy that Hopper had seen great interest in. He was strong and had a lust for chaos just as much as Hopper did. Bucky was also quick to follow commands, quite eager to feel the rush of whatever Hopper had commanded him to do. Usually, he gets the heavy lifting, the guard role, or he simply destroys things when Hopper needs it. He could taste it his mouth that the boy had an adrenaline rush in becoming more, and Hopper could relate to that. He could understand where the kid was coming from. He placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, looking at the younger boy right in the eye. “I’m proud of you.” He grinned, tapping Bucky on the head with his hand. Hopper knew he deserved it, having been a loyal asset to the mob for quite some time. Bucky was strong, but he lacked restraint. With the right timing, as Hopper anticipates it, they will always be on the right track. “You’re moving up the ladder, boy. I’ll have you inside the room where big decisions happen. Do you like that?” He said with a grin. Being part of Hopper’s deciding circle was a big thing, as only his most trusted fellows got to be part of it. There was a level of prestige, as if you were finally part of the family. “So tell, what do you want?”
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buckaye · 2 years
"It's been a long time coming." - Dee Dee
“You’re right, I’ve been wanting to ask you out for awhile now,” Bucky admitted. He wanted to play it off like he was nervous, but in reality, he just wanted to make sure he had her wrapped around his finger first. He wouldn’t be hurt by rejection, mostly just annoyed that he had wasted so much time on her if he wasn’t going to get anywhere. “I can pick you up like a real gentleman. We can catch a movie, go out to dinner, go dancing --- whatever you want to do, I know I’ll have the time of my life as long as you’re there.” Grabbing her hands in his, he batted hopeful eyes at her. “So, what do you say? Is that a no? Is that a yes? Don’t leave me hanging here, Dee, my heart is on the line.”
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buckaye · 2 years
"Hey, are you okay?" - Michelle
His knuckles were already beginning to bruise. In fact, he wasn’t sure that his index finger hadn’t gotten broken in the fight, but with that and a busted lip to show for it, he’d still count it a win. Especially since he’d managed to get away before the cops showed up, far enough he couldn’t even hear the sirens in the distance. And on foot, too. “Never been better, sweetheart,” he stated, wiping blood from his chin. “You should’ve seen the other guy.”
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buckaye · 2 years
"Trouble's gonna follow where I go." -Richie
“And that is why you and I make a great team,” Bucky stated, taking a swig of his beer. There were a lot of people he didn’t get along with but played nice --- as nice as he could --- just because he had to, or mostly because he got something out of it. But Richie was one of few people he’d actually consider a friend that wasn’t related to him. “Double the trouble, double the charm, or... something like that.”
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buckaye · 2 years
Jack looks up when Bucky speaks to him. He was a good employee. Did his job, wasn’t late–at least not that Jack noticed. “I can definitely look into it, sure thing,” Jack says, making a mental note to do that. But he does say something that makes him… worry, just a little. “It’s not… really my place to ask, but is everything… alright there? Any reason you don’t want to be there?” he asks, his curiosity and his concern for his employee getting the better of him. “I mean, I’ll give you the hours regardless, I’m sure I can make that work, but you know if you need to talk, I’m here.” 
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It was weird for people to show concern for him. He couldn’t say he bought it entirely, but it made him slightly uncomfortable to think Jack actually cared a little. He could get into it, but he wouldn’t; it would be like pulling teeth out to get him to open up. “Yeah, man, I just get bored,” Bucky shrugged. “Better to be making money in my free time than wasting a few hours watching whatever random TV show catches my attention, you know?”
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buckaye · 2 years
Dee Dee shook her head, waving off his compliment like it was fluttering around her face. “Oh my gosh, no,” she said with a laugh as if the idea itself was ridiculous. Even though she put effort into her outfit she knew almost no one would care what she was wearing. Dee Dee tried to always dress for herself but having him notice did make her feel a little blush come to her cheeks. “Fighting ‘em away with a stick.” The girl even gave him a visual as if she was keeping the men away from her like zombies in an apocalypse. “Back off heathens,” she joked hoping he didn’t think she was totally weird. That’s when he spoke of a girl that caught his eye and she was immediately intrigued. Dee Dee nodded and looking over at his phone that he took out to show her. “No way, why didn’t you? Of course I want to see. Who is it? Do I know her?” 
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Bucky laughed --- a genuine laugh, not even an attempt to pretend to find her funny to get into her pants. There was something so different about her. She was just... real in her quirkiness. He’d definitely think the whole warding off men gesture was ridiculous if she was anyone else, but it made her more endearing. He was drawn to her wholesomeness. It was everything he wasn’t. “I guess I was just worried she’d say no, you know?” Tapping the camera app on his phone, he turned it around so she could see her own reflection, the girl in question. “What do you think? Isn’t she beautiful?”
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buckaye · 2 years
Bucky didn’t do parties. He was not a social person. The only reason he went out was if he was looking for a fun night or trouble --- someone to hook up with or someone to fight. New Years Eve was the exception, mostly because he had nothing else to do and it felt lame to stay at home. He knew he was running the risk of bumping into the three people he wanted to avoid the most, but he hadn’t truly prepared himself for seeing Bex again. At the sound of their voice, he froze with drink in hand, a deer in headlights.
“The same as everyone else,” he stated blatantly, not quite the smart quip he’d like to go for. It was easier to roll his eyes and scoff at their sisters. He didn’t care about their sisters. As much as he’d like to not care about her, either, he knew --- as far back as it may have been pushed --- that those feelings were there. Lifting the drink to his lips to regain his composure, he was smirking when he lowered it. Completely unbothered. “Don’t pretend you’re unhappy to see me, you know neither one of us are buying it.”
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Out of the three Utonium children, everyone always looked at Bex and assumed she was the party girl. That was only about half-right, though, if anyone ever took the time to get to know her beyond her intimidating attitude and her sharp tongue. She was, of course, always up for fun and drinks and letting loose, but she had a reputation to uphold both in Townsville and in the underground. She may be a bitch, but she was that bitch for a reason. She could never let her guard down, even in the most casual of settings. How they missed Bucky showing up to the festivities was beyond them. They’d spotted him from just across the crowd, drink in hand that some pretty girl bought them who had disappeared a while ago, and the resting neutrality that they always wore pulled into a deep, disbelieving scowl. This was supposed to be a celebration of the new year, to restarting and getting over things, and there he was, the worst thing to have happened to them in the last year. “ The hell are you doing here ? ” She said it with her voice raised, catching a few others attention in the process. But when they realized it wasn’t them she was addressing, all eyes swung to find the target of her ire. “ You don’t do parties. Like, at all. ” At least, that was what he told her, months and months ago, when they were still close, when she had someone to go to parties with that wasn’t her sisters. 
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buckaye · 2 years
The park wasn’t his usual place to chill. He wouldn’t be there if he didn’t have other business going on, trying to sit nonchalant on the uncomfortable bench, waiting for someone to show. He just so happened to catch sight of Lillian walking by and perked up immediately. “Hey, I didn’t see you at the country club the other night.” And yes, he was looking. Bucky could count on one hand the people he’d feel any sort of positive emotion about seeing, and unfortunately for her, she’d made the list. He knew she didn’t share the same sentiment, but that only made her more charming to him, a man that wanted what he couldn’t have. “I’m guessing your new boo hasn’t been stupid enough to let you go yet.”
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buckaye · 2 years
She was excited to have something to do for New Year’s Eve, last year being spent at home with her parents watching it on the television. This time meant she could actually have fun and maybe, just maybe, even get herself a kiss at midnight. Bucky had found her early in the night and she was actually quite happy he did. As much as she tried to pretend she wasn’t swayed by simple words or gestures when someone was that cute she couldn’t help herself. “You think?” She looked down at herself, swaying her hips a little so her dress moved with her. “And you, looking quite handsome if I do say so myself.” A wide smile spread across her lips as she looked to him. He had nice eyes, never thinking twice about what might lie behind them. “No one,” she said as she scanned the crowd, feeling a little embarrassed. “What about you? What lucky girl caught your eye?”
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“All eyes are on you tonight! I tried,” Bucky laughed, adjusting his bowtie. He liked to think he cleaned up quite nice, but he hated how stuffy he felt. He kind of hated this party, and he wouldn’t be here if he had anything better to do, but he figured he could find someone to entertain him. And he’d came across the perfect target. “You’re serious? You must be turning people down, then.” He was laying it on thick, but Deedee seemed like the kind of girl that would fall for that. And if he was wrong, oh well. “There is someone, but I was a fool and didn’t ask her to join me tonight.” Pulling his phone out of his back pocket, he hesitated. “I think you may know her, actually. Do you want to see?” 
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buckaye · 2 years
There were very few people that Bucky liked... and maybe liked was too strong of a word, even then. But he appreciated Jack, he was the reason he had the job he did, which was pretty much the only thing he looked forward to, sad as it may be. Mixing drinks and dealing with people out of the ordinary at least held some sort of purpose. “Heyo, boss, I’ve been meaning to ask you, is there any way you could schedule me some extra doubles coming up? Tips seem to be pretty good this time of year and, well,” he shrugged, “I’d really rather not be home as much as possible, so there’s that.” 
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buckaye · 2 years
“Well, Deedee, if you don’t look as beautiful as ever.” One of few people Bucky was actually happy to see tonight, he wasted no time making his way over to her when he saw her across the room. Nearly everyone else would hold empty or annoying conversation, or both, that led absolutely nowhere but to him regretting he’d shown up in the first place. “Tell me, who’s the lucky person you’re kissing at midnight?” She didn’t seem like the type of girl to be disloyal, so he was pretty confident by the way she giggled when they talked she didn’t have anyone, but there was only one real way to find out.
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buckaye · 2 years
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buckaye · 2 years
Dee Dee had never been one to pick a nice guy, as much as she wished she could. No matter ho many times she tried to make herself fall for one her eyes seemed to go back to the bad ideas. The type that her mother would’ve been disappointed she brought home if she ever did. Everything she stood for was against that exact thing and yet Dee Dee found herself looking a little too long at them all. Bucky seemed different, like maybe she finally figured out how to do it. “Depends, how do you feel about cargo shorts?” Dee Dee said, raising an eyebrow while a smile formed. “I used to, especially when Dexter was home, he was fun to annoy. Weird though, after I started working and stuff I actually enjoy my alone time.” Even she surprised herself when she’d come home from work and want to speak to no one besides Beaker. Dogs were the best kind of listener after all, plus they never talked back. “Really? Thanks, no… Just got done with a class actually, I thought I looked like a mess.” Her cheeks got warm and she bit the inside of her cheek. “You too, probably looks way better without any nacho cheese on you too.”
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“You don’t want to know,” Butch joked with a straight expression. He didn’t know much about fashion. He didn’t care to know much about fashion. If anyone insulted how he was dressed, they’d have a black eye to worry about. Trends were stupid and downright annoying. But he wasn’t about to say that out loud, not to her. “It can be peaceful, I just have so much of it.” For good reason. He had no friends. Also for good reason. “A mess? You? You’re just fishing for compliments now,” he winked at her. He was laying it on thick, but the truth was, he really did think Dee Dee was adorable. A little too perky, maybe, too good, but it could easily be overlooked with a smile like that. “You sure? I think the cheese would bring out the color of my eyes.”
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buckaye · 2 years
Barbie’s eyes went wide for a moment before shaking her head. “I mean, you already did give me something to look at turning around.” Shrugging a little she tilted her head before moving closer to him. “Turn around. Someone put a sticky note on your back and I’ve been trying to read what it says this whole time. Don’t get too exciting. It’s far too early for your blood pressure to go through the roof.” 
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“A sticky note?” He repeated. The idea of someone getting that close to him without him noticing, and disrespecting him enough to slap a piece of paper on his back... “What does it say?” He demanded, now even more enraged, turning around so she could read it to both of them. It was never too early for Bucky’s blood pressure. “Who put it there? I’ll pummel them!”
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buckaye · 2 years
Though she hadn’t known them for long, Lil despised the brown-haired triplets from Townsville, especially the one who had it out for her. She had no idea what his problem was, but he was an angry person, to say the least: this much was evidenced by how he snapped at her despite not even saying a word. “Why do you think I’m looking at you? I’m looking at the menu,” she retorted, giving him a roll of her eyes. “Not everything is about you, in case no one’s informed you before.”
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“Oh, Lillian! Sweet Lil. If I had known it was you...” Bucky’s anger melted away immediately. He had to be on his best behavior for his girls. It would be a shame to scare such a cutie off, even if she had absolutely no interest in him whatsoever. She’d come around. “You’re right, you’re right. You just never know with people, too many assholes wandering around out here. Have you decided what to order yet? Care for some company?”   
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buckaye · 2 years
The moment Buffy spotted him she was filled with rage. It was kind of insane how much her tiny little body could contain such an inferno in her, but when it came to the guys that hurt her siblings, she was ready to brawl. She wanted to hit his smug head with a number of things, and when he turned to look at her after she was very obviously glaring a hole into the back of his head, she just huffed. “I can give you a shiner for even trying,” she snapped, tilting her head to the side. “I’m not scared of you, Butch.”
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He should’ve kept his big mouth quiet and kept walking. He’d done so good at avoiding the trio, and here he was seeing two of them back to back. Still, he could count his blessings --- he’d yet to run into Bex. “Women sure do know how to hold a grudge,” he muttered, partially under his breath, though he wanted her to hear. To push her buttons a little more, since her existence pushed his. “I didn’t ask, Bubbles. If you want to be a dumbass, that’s not my problem.”
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