Question Of The Day ;
What lyrics from Stretch Your Legs To Coffin Length stand out the most to you?
Let me know which lyrics stand out to you the most in the song Stretch Your Legs To Coffin Length, if you want you can let me know why those lyrics stand out the most to you.
Click HERE to message or just reblog your answer. Looking forward to hear what lyrics stand out the most to you.
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does sensesfailfuckyou run this blog?
Well, both Taylor and I (SensesFailFuckYou) run this blog. But It was started as a joke because of what Buddy said during Warped Tour about running for president. We don't run it as seriously as our other blogs -Indi
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I would like to wish Chris a very very very wonderful birthday! 
Chris, I hope your birthday is a lot better than your day was currently going. I hope that things settle down and that you’re able to have a wonderful birthday surrounded with great people and good times.
Thank you for being a great follower and person to speak to. Much love!
Everyone go wish Chris a very lovely birthday!
We Have Another Birthday!
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Nick, you are one of those people on Tumblr that I care immensely for. We always have good chats and we have a lot of love for Senses Fail. You’re a great guy and I truly enjoy and appreciate your existence so I wish you nothing but the absolute best for your birthday. I hope it’s filled with lots of love, great people and wonderful memories that you can remember in the future.
Love you <333
Everyone go wish a very happy birthday to Nick :]  
I would like to wish a wonderful Birthday to Nick.
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I want Buddy and Senses Fail to comment on what Mike from For Today said.
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Click HERE for the blue shirt.
Click HERE for the black shirt.
With Hockey being back, you should get some Senses Fail/Hockey related merch!
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Who's ready to start campaigning for 2016?
It will be bigger and better.
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For all of those who fear the end of the world… Senses Fail has just stopped it from ending by announcing their plans for a spring release.
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Is this oppression or obsession with a life that I can’t come to terms with? Is this karma or is it playback? All from some unknown resentment? Cause I just want to know myself, oh I just want to love myself. Like an addict to a vein I want something blind me from the emptiness and pain. So what’s the point to all this mess? I want a face worth shaving, I want a soul worth saving. I keep an arms length distance from my lovers cause my father, you know what he made me, I’ll never be set free. And can you really tell me that you know the person you lie in bed with? All their secrets when they feel pathetic? And it’s our hope to feel that close. I try and I don’t. Everybody wants to believe that their life is really filled with meaning. When will I be free? I wish I could, wish I could say everything that I feel without judging who I was in my eyes cause then I just might disguise. Speak with honesty, set my own heart free. Just like I said before, is it worth even keeping score? Cause everything that I ever did was a miss. I really wish that I was better than this. I still want something that I probably won’t get. It doesn’t matter who you are at the start, it matters who you are when everything falls apart. I live my life like I’m going to hell so when I get there I won’t feel like I fell from heights through the lights. At least I’ll know what just hit me. A simple point, a simple fact that I can’t take my words with me.
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Remember to follow SensesFailFuck you and FuckYeahBuddyNielsen for all things Senses Fail and Buddy related. 
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In the spirit of Democracy and to celebrate the 2012 Presidential Election, Senses Fail wants to reward you for voting. We have set up a contest, where you can receive a discount on our merch store, if you prove to us you voted. We don’t care who you vote for, we just want you to exercise your right.
In order to enter, all you have to do is send a picture of yourself outside your polling station wearing your “I Voted” sticker or button and send it to [email protected]. We will email back the first 25 submissions a code good for $5 off the “Buddy For President”, shirt in any size, which can be redeemed at check out on our store ( www.kingsroadmerch/sensesfail). Exercise your vote and help shape the next 4 year of our nation. If the contest doesn’t interest you but you voted, please feel free to send your pictures and we will post them .
Senses Fail ; Rewarding You For Voting!
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For those that live outside of the United State
Senses Fail’s merch store seems to ship to many different places. At least I believe so because it gives you the option to ship in different countries Chile included. I’ve never tried buying from there but if it gives you those options I would guess that it means that they ship to those areas that they named.
Click HERE to see the options and hopefully buy something from them, no matter where you are.  
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My take on the debate? Buddy Nielsen for president.
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Buddy Nielsen Is My Hero
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Tumblr media
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