bugs2015 · 3 months
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This is me as a baby. Check out that reusable diaper showing. The reason I am posting this is because my younger son Sterling passed away in 2021. I had only looked at this photo a few times before. I never noticed that the name of the photography studio was Sterling. I don’t think that there are just random coincidences in life!
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bugs2015 · 4 months
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Art studio with a view of the lake in Georgia.
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bugs2015 · 4 months
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My friend’s art studio that sits right near a lake in Georgia.
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bugs2015 · 4 months
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Inside my friend’s art studio that sits right near a lake in Georgia.
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bugs2015 · 5 years
Reminds me of Hayward and Tabbles
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Couple goals
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bugs2015 · 5 years
This has been Impossible!
Nine months ago I flew to California and picked up my
24 year old son from the hospital and flew with him to my home in Georgia. He
had been addicted to both
heroin and meth for several
years. He also had a kidney
function of approximately 9 percent. He had recently
been placed on a Methadone program which
I quickly transferred to Georgia. We have been to
Emory, seen the best kidney
specialist, have had his blood monitored, remained on a Methadone program,
received counseling from
amazing empathetic people, have seen our kidney function improve
and go from 9 percent to
22-23 percent, but with
other areas of his kidneys
not functioning properly,
he is hardly out of the woods, yet he has purchased a plane ticket
and is moving back to
California. He is missing
his friends, and I understand that, but he has
continually railed against
Georgia, boring, too many trees, displayed numerous
bouts of mental disturbance, acted out, made my life a living hell, and now will leave and expect me to put into place
In California, all of the services he has had here.
I really won’t be able to
even come close to doing this. California is my home state, but I know that they
over taxed and unable to serve all of the ex-addicts
and current addicts, and
way too many will just die
on the streets. I am also
saying that the addict must
also take responsibility for
what they have done to their own lives. These addictions have drained the
resources of every state.
I also forgot to mention
that my son also received
Hepatitis C treatment. I am
embarrassed to think of
how much he has received
here, and how ungrateful I
feel that he is. His inability to think and plan ahead will
most likely eventually cost him his life. I am frustrated
and angry that his addictions have affected so many in such a negative way! Addiction is extremely
selfish, and after nine months of his craziness, I am finding it difficult to call it a disease!
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bugs2015 · 5 years
Sitting down in a restaurant
I have to find the good in the world.
I am sitting in The Earl, a restaurant
and pub in Atlanta, Georgia listening
to punk rock music. That’s a long way from
home for this California girl. My just not
so long ago heroin addicted son can now
sit down in a restaurant and eat a meal.
When he was in all of his addicted glory, sitting down inside of an actual
restaurant made him anxious and uncomfortable. Now with 17 percent of his kidney functioning, he can eat a meal without railing at me to get it to
go. “How could I be so stupid to think
that we were going to sit down and eat?”
A few times he managed to go inside an
actual favorite Chinese restaurant in
Oakland, California he frequently nodded
off during the meal. The waitress and
patrons stared, but I sat there anyway
trying to ignore their stares and obvious annoyance. Like Anne Lamont has
stated, you have to look for those little things, meet people where they
are and somehow have a little hope.
Now on 15 mg of Methadone,he is on his way out. Ironic now that his body is free of abscesses, and he no longer smells because he is showering again, that he is a little late to the recovery party, but I am still looking for a little joy here. Not sure a wall would
have helped!
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bugs2015 · 5 years
Thought these were beautiful, so I reposted them
from vitalik
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photos by vitalik
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bugs2015 · 6 years
The world feels like it’s blowing up.
Another thunder storm tonight in Georgia!
I ran out with lightening flashing all
around me to turn the pool pump off.
The thunder is crazy. Rainy nights in Georgia, and it feels like it’s crying all over the world.
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bugs2015 · 7 years
Black Friday?
Ok, so I don’t think I have ever shopped on
a Black Friday. Who really has money so close
to the end of the month? I understand that
some people save their money all year. and
have a Christmas budget. I think I had a
Christmas savings account for a few years
when I was married, went to San Francisco,
stayed in a nice hotel, and bought a gift for
each family member, but that’s not happening
again soon. The thought of fighting over a
some what discounted television set really
does not excite me!
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bugs2015 · 7 years
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Fall bouquet
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bugs2015 · 7 years
It’s not rocket science!
I had not heard from him for at least two
days, and my guilt was in over-drive. I texted
his friend Mikey to see if could hunt him down.
A few hours before, so I wouldn’t have to go
back out later, I had stopped by the Winn Dixie
and had sent out 55.00 towards a motel room.
The nights are getting colder in Modesto,
California, and my guilt had reached a
phenomenal, almost unreachable level. Mikey
found him pretty fast, and soon my phone
was ringing. “Fifty five dollars, fifty five dollars,
I can’t get a room for that! “ “The cheapest
rooms are 65 ; this sucks! I don’t feel good, I
need a room. “ I now mad beyond belief, I cave,
I am backing my little Fiat a million miles an
hour down a steep Georgia drive way, all the
while, screaming uselessly at a drug addict.
I am dangerous, I am losing my mind, and the
only thing that keeps the Fiat on the pot holed
road is that it’s an Abarth, and it holds the road
slightly better than the plain ‘ole Fiat! I make it
to the store, the Western Union clerks know
my name, the address, Sterling ‘s test question ; etc his story and so on. When I walk
in, I see the blonde clerk with the four inch nails
at the register. She knows I have been there once before , earlier that day, and I am back again. I am staring at her tattoos, unable to
explain adequately why I have returned. I send the money off, fifteen minutes I receive my text
from Western Union; my son has picked up
the 55.00, but not the ten. He waits until the
next day to pick up the additional ten. He did
not stay in a motel room that night that I endangered everyone’s life by driving erratically down a dark road. He couldn’t figure
out how I knew the next day when he called.
It was not rocket science!
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bugs2015 · 7 years
Why is this so sad? My son, homeless and addicted to heroin passed out today in front of the 99 cent store , he is in really bad shape, filled with infection, pneumonia, and pretty much filled with despair and hopelessness. I currently live in Georgia, and he lives on the streets in Modesto, California , over 2,000 miles away. I left and moved away over two years ago. I was out there in September and made little or no progress, took him to social services, got him a new California ID card, put him in a motel for three nights, all of the money I had , and flew back to Georgia . He refuses to move here, and I currently have no money to fly back out there. I feel that it’s on me if he doesn’t make it! If you believe in God even a little bit, would you please pray for Sterling! I understand that we have an opioids epidemic in this country, but I am not talking about pharmaceuticals, I am talking about heroin and meth.
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bugs2015 · 7 years
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bugs2015 · 7 years
Lulu is my thirteen year old dauschund. She
literally has been through it all with me, and
now I am losing her. Her body is starting to
shut down, and I know that I need to see about
putting her down soon, but every time I think
about it, I just can't stand the thought of doing
it. I just want to carry on as normal and block
it out of my mind, but it's obvious that this
week I have to take action. My little side kick
is not going to make it, and I don't want her
to suffer! She drove clear across the United
States with me in a little fiat from California
to Georgia and never complained. You know
no human could pull that off!
PS. I did not take any action, Lulu is still with me!
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bugs2015 · 7 years
I just want to win the lotto!
Ok, so as you are reading this, you are thinking
that I want a mansion and three cars and
unlimited travel money. I want none of those
things! THIS is what I want . I want to offer my
son a chance at the best rehab facility in the
United States or Canada. I want the opportunity
to save his life. If he refused rehab , I would
at least wish to own a house where he could
go and at least get off the street. We are now
going into our third year of living out there, and
this can't last forever. I just want a shot at
giving someone hope, He won't move to
Georgia; he won't leave California; he won't go
to rehab, but the one thing he will do is die if
I can't figure something out!
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bugs2015 · 7 years
addicts get you angry, really angry!!
We all get angry. We get pretty pissed off when someone cuts us off in traffic, pulls into the parking place , the one we just sat waiting for, blocks the grocery aisle looking for that one special item, making it impossible to move your cart around them etc;, but addicts have the ability to send you right over the edge. There are two types of addicts, the addict that attempts to still keep  his or her surroundings clean because they can’t organize anything else about their life so taking out the garbage or washing a dish seems relatively less complex than getting off 
of heroin. In contrast, the dirty addict can’t do much of anything. Frozen pizzas turn into an oven that remains on for hours. Microwave doors remain open, getting ice means the freezer door stays open, getting a bowl of cereal can be intense. The addict needs at least ¼ cup of sugar to dump into iced tea or cereal, meaning that 1/8 cup hits the floor, that is only discovered once you peel your feet off of the floor, only to find that the addict has broken some cup or dish in your sink, and you are now bleeding because you failed to see it before you impaled yourself on it, trying to clean the sink. This addict finds it difficult to even shower and generally will lie about it when asked,“When is the last time you showered?” The dirty addict will reply, “Just his morning or last night’"which ever came to mind first upon being asked, but you will know better because the addict smells bad, and has little or no concern about
it . THAT ALONG WITH EVERYTHING ELSE the addict does will piss you
OFF!   Once you are pissed off, you will stay pissed off, and now little things will begin to piss you off. I really don’t like the way the postman placed my mail into my box this morning , or did you see the way the sales
 clerk rang that sale up?  Other normal people will think you’ve lost it, but trust me YOU ARE FINE! The addict has you terminally pissed off, but there is proof,when the addict leaves for a few days, you discover that you are fine again. People can ram into your car, and you will say something like, "That’s why we  all have insurance!” If the addict is with you and someone hits your car, that individual needs to run for his or her life!
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