bugsifind · 12 days
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you may have seen me post about fidaa’s campaign @fidaa-family2 (this is a verified campaign)
graphic by @fading-event-608
fidaa is a 29 year old woman from gaza with two very young children, muhammed and sila, one of whom was born during the war. her home was destroyed and she’s been displaced many times, and is currently separated from the rest of her family- her husband, her many siblings, and her parents. i can only imagine how nerve-wracking this is.
she’s doing her best to take care of her children by herself, despite facing hunger, thirst, widespread disease, and the threat of death. the other day, there was intense bombing near her and another family close to her was killed. life in gaza right now is hell and she told me they feel like they are just waiting for their turn to die.
fidaa and i talk often, and i feel lucky to know her. she’s an incredibly strong person, she travels long distances to find limited supplies for her kids and helps her siblings raise money even though shes separated from them.
but she needs help. the situation in gaza is so bad right now, the idf is preventing aid from entering and the food, water, and medicine available are extremely expensive. please share and donate to help her and her children survive and eventually leave gaza
$18,738 out of $30,000
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bugsifind · 18 days
Cool bug I found while out with my dog and cat!
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Pretty common little shield bug! (Forest bug) Love the cool red dot!!!!!
Germany 25.08.24
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bugsifind · 18 days
Here's the venom sac of a honey bee!
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When you get stung, the bee loses all that, about half of its back, making it just not able to survive anymore.
It does look cool under a microscope tho!:0
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bugsifind · 18 days
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bugsifind · 1 month
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Shedding of old skin and cells… By the time 7 years has passed, all my cells will have been replaced and you won’t recognize me anymore
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bugsifind · 2 months
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bugsifind · 2 months
I finally got to see a Reduvius personatus nymph!
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I finally got to see a Reduvius personatus nymph!
As you might see, this bug covers itself in dirt and dust. It does this to camouflage with its surroundings to avoid predators and catch prey.
I've always wanted to see one of these, so I'm super duper happy I finally could!
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bugsifind · 2 months
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old gods are waking
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bugsifind · 2 months
How did you make these awesome pictures (⁠✯o✯⁠)????
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From the past two years of photographing insects, these eight photos would have to be my favorite out of the bunch. I really love seeing insects, especially damselflies/dragonflies and butterflies in my local area because of how beautiful yet short lived they are. They are always stunning and exciting to find. The Orange-legged Furrow Bee (Halictus rubicundus) was in my garden as I was weeding it two years ago and as I didn't mean to disturb it, it was still calm enough to get really nice picture of.
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bugsifind · 2 months
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From the past two years of photographing insects, these eight photos would have to be my favorite out of the bunch. I really love seeing insects, especially damselflies/dragonflies and butterflies in my local area because of how beautiful yet short lived they are. They are always stunning and exciting to find. The Orange-legged Furrow Bee (Halictus rubicundus) was in my garden as I was weeding it two years ago and as I didn't mean to disturb it, it was still calm enough to get really nice picture of.
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bugsifind · 2 months
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my oc- crying cicada
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bugsifind · 2 months
I love yellow insects especially spiders!! (European garden spider)
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Silly little guy
Germany (23.07.2024)
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bugsifind · 2 months
Look at this cool ass guy!!! (Leptura quadrifasciata)
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I love yellow beetles with necks and little faces 🗣️
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Germany (21.07.2024)
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bugsifind · 2 months
my favorite insect fact ever is that nocturnal dung beetles can actually see the milky way and even use it in order to navigate! i think thats so crazy to think about!!
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dung beetles are my favorite beetles ever, but i dont really share that because people think theyre gross. i hope this allows other people to see how cool they actually are! i also love seeing them fly theyre so sick and rad.
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bugsifind · 2 months
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Curved-horn Moths (Superfamily Gelechioidea)
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bugsifind · 2 months
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Would you get a look at this gorgeous little guy!
Elephant Hawk moth!!!
I think this one is a male! (But in all fairness the males and females are a little difficult to tell apart)
He flew into my flat and landed on the floor, we let him go right after we took a photo ❤️
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bugsifind · 2 months
omnomnomnomnom(devouring a flower together)
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