builderfreak 30 days
Foolish starts to giggle as cucurucho runs away, and that turns into a squeaky laugh. As she watches cucurucho's white body fade away, she sighs. Looking down at the doozer she holds it up to her face, "yknow, at some point, getting broken up with makes you think if there's something up with you. And by you I mean me." She shrugs, and like water rolling off of a whales back, any feelings about it falls away. Placing the little doozer on her head, she stands up.
"Maybe we should go out with leo today. Maybe bring the lot of you guys, have a building contest." She reaches into her inventory and takes out a piece of jelly, holding it up and hears the doozer chitter in excitement. "Yeah, that sounds nice." She heads back into the house, standing in the door way for a second.
"Hm- here's to being friend I guess.", and she steps in, closing the door behind him with a sharp click.
Cucurucho awkwardly teleports their way to Foolish's dragon. This is- going to be weird. They wait patiently, bouncing anxiously on their heels.
Leo takes notice of them, taking a second to rub her eyes to see if they're really there. She makes a comment about their new model, not that they're surprised, but ultimately she seems positive about it.
She runs off to yell at Foolish presumably. Cucurucho is nervous.
Foolish is at his vanity when leo rushes in, bouncing around and yelling at him that 'cucurucho is here!! Come on!' As if foolish wasn't the one who got the message in the first place. Scooping leo up he kisses her cheek gently, before telling him to go play in her room. Hopefully this day ended well, and not in utter disaster (as her days seemed to be prone to doing).
Since this really was last moment, and foolish had no plans of going outside today, she was stuck in her night clothes (which was FINE she never slept in anything to bad looking but still!) (Her presentation!). She would have assumed that cucurucho would have came to the living room, but no, it was outside instead?
So she made her way outside, taking her robe off the rack it was on. As she walked up to cucurucho she kind of hesitated. Was thing going to be a good meeting? Or was she going to like- she didn't know, get beaten up. She shook her head to herself and continued walking until she was almost face to face to them.
"Hey!" She ran her tongue over her bottom lip as she subtly scanned them. They looked, new! Like- literally. She guessed they had somehow gained a new body (because she was pretty sure robots couldn't gain weight). She liked it though, it looked good like that- prettier too. "You look good today! So like- when did you undie?" Was that rude? Probably.
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builderfreak 1 month
The old cucurucho got reactivated by its boyfriend
Oh whew? It's got a boyfriend? Good for them nodding
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builderfreak 1 month
I thought the old bureau got terminated
APPRENRLY NOT THO IF THEYRE HERE well unless it got . Realived (that's a word) shrugs idk
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builderfreak 1 month
To my house? Uhhh. Leo is here btw keep it clean and rated g 馃グ
Heyyy Foolish. Um. Long time no see... Do.. you mind if we could... talk...?
HOLY SHIT YOURE NOT DEAD鉂擄笍鉂擄笍鉂擄笍 wait that might be rude uh sorry . Yeah of course :)
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builderfreak 1 month
Heyyy Foolish. Um. Long time no see... Do.. you mind if we could... talk...?
HOLY SHIT YOURE NOT DEAD鉂擄笍鉂擄笍鉂擄笍 wait that might be rude uh sorry . Yeah of course :)
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish frowned, then tried to school her face into something less upset. She did still think of maximus as a friend, seeing them waste away would,,, she'd watched people die before, even killed them with her hands. People close to her have died with less conviction. It was,, hm. She guessed it was the fact that she couldn't help at all.
She ran through the one of the only blessings she knew from other gods, a prayer for luck. "If you say so. I'm sorry we couldn't do more."
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish sighs, getting on this island sucked majorly sometimes. Bad was right, this usually was something that he could try to heal, but his powers weren't mainly healing, it was the reversal of death, and he could only do so much. Especially with the cuffs (that really sucked??? Who made these. Why couldn't he take them off, very annoying.)
She shook her head, "Nope, nothing I can do. Bad, I'm going to be real, I can't do alot of the stuff I used to be able to." Her face shrivels up, "also, this isn't the kind of death I work with. I stop death from happening the same way the totems do, and you saw what happened with that."
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish glances towards bad, before patting maximus's knee. "Sorry to say, it's kind of the only idea we have? We could also try amputating it, but that might just be worse." She scratches the back of her head, what other options were there, this was the first time she (and probably anyone else) had heard of it, and foolish had been alive for a long time.
"Me and bad don't have to be the ones to do the surgery, but also, have you taken any medication since you got killed? Like, antibiotics and the ilk?."
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
She throws her hands up, "then what are you even useful for!" Running a hand through her hair, she thinks. What could help when the code that's supposed to be nonvisible is, well, visible. Hm, maybe they (they being her or any other nefarious surgeons, badboyhalo is a HACK!), could treat it like a broken bone? Or treat it with a skin graft? That might work, but what about the nerves.. hm.
"Maybe we could set him up with a surgery? I don't know which one just yet, but one of them."
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
She blanks for a second, blinking hard. Uhm. "Oh I know this one, bodies are made of code, like a building block, so when a person respawns the code quickly deforms and reforms, fixing the body right up." She tilts her head "what does respawning have to do wi- oh . Maximus is turning to code. Code that's not supposed to be visible." She purses her lips.
At least maximus is heading to sleep. "Do you like, know a way to fix that. Cause I don't." Her eyes dart to maximus.
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolishes eyelid begins to twitch as the totem sparks, but he doesn't wince fully. Whew. Totems. He shook himself out, eyes opening fully to see what was happening. Huh . Weird.
"It means mm . That shes not close enough to death for it to work, but close enough that it can't help but try to revive her. Weird." She shrugs, confused. She had, honestly never had something like this happen. Well except for the time she tried it on a zombie, kinda sorta like this, but instead of reviving the person it had just, killed the zombie.
"New thing to note i guess. I actually didn't think it would work at all, considering he's well, still alive."
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish nods, "So the codes are the source of all this, kinda obviously. Should be we check anyone else who's had encounters?" He looks over at bad, "or just the people who died from them, who. Actually, the people in that category might just be only you, maxo."
She taps her chin, was maximus really the only person to die from a code? Have the children died from the code, and did they count? Because maximus was just a, waves hands, human. Was this having a worse effect because he wasn't anything else? She shrugs, "do you want a totem? See if that'll help?"
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish taps her chin ands it's like a visible light bulb cuts on. "So she's being like- mutated? Like with code instead of radiation?" Uh, although, radiation and mutation sounded bad. Hopefully not contagious.
She lowers her voice, glancing at max "do you think we need protection other than this?"
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
Foolish shrugs, an uncertain look on her face. "I mean, probably? They can access websites so?" She looked back and maximus for a second, taking in his entire demeanor. Sick as hell, although it didn't seem like a regular sickness. Maybe the codes were parasitic.
"I don't think I've ever really met a code? Maybe they're like leaches, and not like-" and she makes a few hand gestures, attempting to signal out the egg.
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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builderfreak 2 months
No bitches
No. No patients to . Guys I think I nay have misunderstood what hit comic loss was about.
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builderfreak 2 months
Wish someone would recreate the hit wexomic loss with me. Would be funniy.
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builderfreak 2 months
"Huh." Foolish blinked harshly, and then nodded once, a jerk of the head more than anything. That was, weird. He wasn't sure he had experienced anything like it (what was with the places he went and having weird parasitic diseases! What the hell!).
"Uhm . So, can you move those? Your fingers that is. Anywhere else that does," he waves vaguely at maximus鈥檚 hands, "that?".
Bad arrives at Maximus' house with the tingle and whoosh of the waystone in his hand.
It looks like the grass around the scorched base of the windmill is starting to grow back. That's nice to see.
He's scarcely taken a step towards the porch when he hears the waypoint activate behind him again. He turns to see who the new visitor is.
Bad gives an inscrutable grin. Friendly? Shit-eating? Hard to tell with him. "Hey, Foolish."
[@builderfreak, @yaaay-propellerhat, @maximum-father]
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