do it.
red: seven insecurities
orange: six fears
yellow: five turn ons
green: four life goals
blue: three fears
indigo: two weaknesses
violet: one thing you love
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Ego feeding is always good, I don't mind supplying it as long as it's deserved. Checked out some of you're matches mate, and I'd say ya' do, but wadda I know I'm just a kid. (; Was that what I saw on the dash earlier? Yea' not gonna lie, that was pretty bad, but hey if that's the only thing left from that gimmick I think you're safe and people have forgotten that one.
Oh no another kid feeding my ego, like it needs it. All of ECW is worth rewatching, plus I get to watch my hair change. …I did have Scotty Flamingo, but I doubt they’ve got footage of that. And if they did I’ll burn it. And you have a point.
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Just think of it all as battle injury's, just means you kicked plenty of ass, and took on plenty of names. Watching your own matches is ace, everyone does that doesn't make you a loser, unless you had some lame gimmick back then I don't know about, then yeah maybe haha. Well who cares then if you can still kick ass?
I’m a fragile old fuck, that’s what I am. I’ll probably end up watching my old matches because I’m a loser. When did I become such a loser. And yes, I am that old. I can still kick ass, but I’m that old.
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Oyi, yeah that wouldn't do ya' any good I suppose. Hrm I'm outta ideas then, I'm a borin' sort who doesn't do much other than that usually, I guess there's always tv though, but at this hour it's probably garbage that you'll end up falling asleep too...so I guess if you want sleep then there you go. Also like you're that old, probably still give guys a run for their money mate.
Can’t drink. Shouldn’t work out knowing my luck I’ll dislocate my shoulder again, plus it’s one am. Who works out at one am? Not this old fuck.
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Why don't you go have a few drinks, or work out mate? Always works for me anyway.
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If I was closer lass I'd invite you over, I'm sure they'd love the company haha. But no seriously mate who wouldn't want some beer tea with those aces, I couldn't help myself with buying their action figures.
I'm jealous.
I want to have a tea party with all those guys.
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Tea party with the lads tonight.
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Seriously? No friends at all, now I find that hard to believe mate, what with jokes that are well above the sub par level. You'd get along with me n' the boys let me tell you, their all a bunch of coddin muppets it's grand. Equal opportunity hater, suppose that's the best kind to be, at least you're never surprised or you pleasantly are when you don't totally hate someone I'd assume.
I have no friends, so I’m generally alone. In the Raven estate. I hate kids, then again I hate everyone. I’m an equal opportunity hater. 
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♛—out of character} since prince uses a lot of slang terms i'll probably start doing this, to help everyone out; so all you have to do is hover over the words. although if your character still doesn't know what he's going on about, considering it isn't supposed to be prince translating his slang, it's just me helping out for the writers sake mostly lol, then feel free to have them ask prince if they feel inclined.
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I can’t talk too much mate, I usually have others with me all the time, you may be a side show but I ain’t much better with a circus haha. But oyi’ whatever floats your boat side show or not. I’m a bit on the indifferent side, I like kids, sorta, if they don’t act like little punks but yeah.
Brightest side, people leave me alone. Except that’s a lie, I’m like a side show now. But no, I don’t like kids on my yard, I don’t like kids in general, but that’s neither here nor there.
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So long as you give me a good interview, I think I do! Well now that's something, watched it did you— and thought my entrance was gold? Now if that's not ace I don't know what is, you've got me sold, officially my favorite of the whole wwe lot. But really I'm glad even the folks this way liked it, I like big entrances though, what can I say.
Devitt’s got my back? Well I’ll be! Yeah, I watched Wreste Kingdom 8. The Time Splitters Back to the Future entrance was legit. But yours though? I may have flailed a little too much. It was gold.
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Glad everything is swell for ya'. Managed to catch the last shield match on the box the other night, you've been killin' it mate. Ah but I'm alright, in London at the moment so It's been an ace time here.
What's up
Everything is good. How are you?
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Aye' brighter side, scaring kids off 'your yard' is always fun I'm sure, unless you like kids on your yard, and then that'd be another strange story entirely.
I think I’ve officially become that old guy telling kids to get off my yard. Sans cane because I’m still fully capable of walking on my own thank you very much.
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Oyi mate, how goes it?
What's up
Hey everyone.
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Yea mate, that'd be me, less you'd rather call me Devitt. I don't rightfully care either way though, hell even got 'hey asshole' plenty before, but if we wanna get to a right start off I wouldn't go with that one.
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You need some help with a getup and makeup I got your back mate, who knows maybe you'll pull it off almost as good as me ah-ha, I jest, I jest.
Yesss! And I could totally do some matching face paint, I’ve dressed like Goldust before. :p
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