bumble-uck · 2 years
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bumble-uck · 2 years
Strolling aimlessly in a bookshop is self care
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bumble-uck · 2 years
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this is the money garf. reblog for untold pasta and riches to come your way
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bumble-uck · 2 years
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hello friends! thanks so much for 800+ followers! I'm back with another crystal giveaway! For those who have been following me for a while, you know that I love doing crystal giveaways because I feel like everyone needs crystals in their lives, and I love giving everyone a chance to have some!
Please read through this post before you participate!
crystals included: clear quartz tower (w/ natural inclusions), sodalite tower, tiger's eye tower, black tourmaline chunk, amethyst standing cluster, rose quartz raw chunk, labradorite palm stone, amethyst bracelet, highquality clear quartz rainbow sphere, enhanced citrine pendant, black tourmaline pendant, and a selenite (satin spar) stick
1. MUST be following me to participate! (Entries will not count if this is not followed)
2. Like this post for an entry ❤
3. Reblog this post for an entry (1 reblog = 1 entry, BUT please don't spam your followers 🙏🏽)
4. Follow my Instagram for 2 extra entries, and reply with your username (let me know if you already follow 😉)
5. Follow my Tumblr sales page for 3 extra entries (let me know in the replies if you already follow!)
GIVEAWAY ENDS: JUNE 18TH 2022 @ 11:59PM PST. Winner will be announced the next day on my page. Winners must reply within 24 hours or new one(s) will be picked!
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bumble-uck · 2 years
I am excited for when I start graying. I hope with my blonde hair it will be more white. Then I can tell people I'm a white wizard! Working on a cool name to go with the status.....
sad to still see so many people talk about how gross signs of aging are and people aging “poorly”. those are signs of a life that has continued to live and it is a blessing. age is coming for you too btw
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bumble-uck · 2 years
emoji spell for good luck!
likes: charge
reblogs: cast
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bumble-uck · 2 years
reblog this to give a fresh mango to the person you reblogged this from. <3
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bumble-uck · 2 years
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Preach, LeVar.
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bumble-uck · 2 years
~I am successful in my endeavors~
⭐Likes charge, reblogs cast⭐
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bumble-uck · 4 years
Cliffs at sunset
O to be the wind, carefree and endless. Whisper through the trees on a moonless night, calming and gentle as l pet the leaves like a sleeping beast. Then scream in the mindless howl of a hurricane. For what reason? Only that I can. A wayward traveler I would be. Were I the wind I could dance along the blistering sand without pain, fly into the atmosphere on a whim, and explore caverns never touched by man. Even breeze atop the cliffs, view a sunset no one will ever see. If I were the wind; I could move storms, fuel fire, spread seeds to pollinate new life. Maybe I would shape landscapes or simply blow up skirts.
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bumble-uck · 8 years
An Old Piece
The end was near, one misstep and I would never see another rising sun. I held my breath, a wild wind pushed me back as if urging me to turn and run. I had followed this trail many times, stood at the edge of the world and looked down. But this time was different this time would be the last. Every day I would awake before the sun peaked over the trees. In the damp chill of pre-dawn the stars stood guard I would make my escape. Every morning I crept out of the cottage with only my cloak, a bow and quiver for protection. Outside the gate I stopped to listen for any sign of my father finding my bed empty. He never awoke, never knew of my ritual, and never learned my depraved obsession. Then I took the south road following the dark line of the wood further out into the wilds of the realm. Quiet blanketed the world, only the soft crunch of my stolen boots interrupted the silence. I still flinch every time I thought about the poor soldier who walked the five miles back to the castle in bare feet. I didn’t consider myself a bad person but I figured he could always come by another pair faster than I could. I counted slowly as my breath came out in white crystalized clouds. It was far too cold for any sane being to be up out of its warm burrow. At the tick of 148 I turned sharply to the west. The trail was faint even in the growing light of morning. I remember counting the paces at least twenty times before I was confident enough to try it in the dark. After walking it for so many mornings I learned to notice the slight curve various game made walking this route. From here on it was easy. Though my breath still fogged heat began to occupy my muscles from the activity. Warmed as I was I still watched for anyone who might happen upon me. Not many people travel by night even then those that do are not the savory sort. I looked up to the sky and let the quite seep into my mind. Even as a child I had a terrible burn in my soul. Something that called to be quenched. Back then I didn’t know what it was, I could feel it now scorching beneath my chest. Some aching for a then unknown source. My heart quicken at the hint of an incline; I was getting close. Part of me wanted to take off running, burst forth and be consumed. But I was cautious, complete abandon would quickly see me dead. Moving quicker as the sky started to lighten I felt a slight give. I cursed myself as a stone rolled loose under my foot. Pin wheeling for balance I lost the battle with gravity and stopped myself with my face. My head spun as lights exploded against my vision. I waited for the dizziness to pass then righted myself. Growling I blindly scoured the ground for the shiesty stone that felled me. The infuriating part was that it happened every morning. I stubbed a finger against the perpetrator and growled some more. Cursing every rock in the world I hurled it wishing it to the bottom of the deepest water source. I sat for a minute like I do every morning trying to calm down. Anger made one irrational and that could lead to clouded judgment, something I did not need. When I felt prepared to move on I stood and continued the climb. I leaned forward as my legs began to burn. It was a good feeling I concentrated on my breathing and the lightening of the sky. I was so close. My heart skipped as I made out the muted tones of a withered tree. For some reason the small trail turn into a cobbled road. When I first came upon it as I was guarding one of the many flocks my family owned I was struck by the oddity. What was a road doing out in the hill lands of a small village? Intrigued I followed it. I figured the sheep wouldn’t mind. All predators of the area knew my aim with a bow was true and learned to steer clear of the McQuentis sheep. Now in the washed out gray of dawn I followed the old road like a pilgrim to a holy place. And in a way it was, some feeling I could not explain took over my entire being until I gave in to the demand. As I crested the hill a squat boulder came into view. Success! I stopped to rest a moment and allow the sun to catch up to me. I gently place my bow and quiver down next the boulder and sat. The sweat seeping through my shirt and breeches cooled as I became stationary. It was an odd feeling but I did my best to ignore it. There was no room for that now. All that was known was the burning in my soul. Whatever it was knew I was close it called to me. As the first dim rays of light stretched over the woods I stood. Breath held I took off my cloak and walked down the last bit if road. At the top of the hill it ended. The road, the hill the world it all stopped. Nothing but air and darkness stretched out below. I edged closer feeling a heart stopping thrill dance through my body. The stars melted away and the sun claimed the sky as I looked out in the vast unending nothingness. Another step and I was only inches away. I waited as the sun rose higher bringing the world awake, in the distance I could hear birds call early morning greetings to one another. Further still were faint sounds of the closest farm, the lowing of cattle sagging with the weight of warm milk. All around the realm was waking but not a sound was made near the end of the earth. I spread my arms wide for balance and stepped closer still, ignoring the worry wart conscience in the back of my mind. My boot tip slid out over the edge, just the tiniest bit of leather. I smiled as I leaned forward a hair, blood rushing and heart hammering I leaned. I waited for the first tickle of wind to brush my face, to cool the sweat beading at my temple. I dared a breeze to turn the small trail of liquid to a grain of salt. Another inch and my hair floated on the answering gust. A light headed chuckle escaped my mouth and was snatched away as I chanced another inch of air. I was down to my shoulders in gusts. I had to concentrate on my balance to keep from falling. Slowly I wiggled further out; the sun was high enough now that I could make out a few skant details in the depths of the crevice. It was peculiar how flat and straight the sides of the cliff were. No outcroppings or juts of any sort crowned the face, just smooth stone leading down into the murky darkness. Merely ten feet below the sun stopped warming the cliff. After that fog and oblivion took over. Finally at the edge of my balance I let the wind hold me up. I leaned wholly against it feeling giddy as the strong gusts kept me from my supposed death. I closed my eyes and dreamt that I was flying. I thought many a time that if I just let that last inch of footing go I would be carried off never to be seen again. It was a wonderful dream. Unfortunately my common sense cut in about this time and reinstated power over my mind. Float off like a cloud would you? It said. Humph, what poppycock! Plummet that’s what people do when they let their dreams take control. Step back from the edge dear girl and mind your sheep.  Now there is a nice sensible creature. Never see a sheep jumping off cliffs and trying to fly. Silly humans. You will never fly, if you were suppose to the gods would have fashioned you wings.
Ah but that is why they gave us brains, I would reply. I will build my own wings and change the world! Everyone has the chance to fly in their own right. I tempted fate a leaned a hair further, my common sense pulled frantically at my sleeves. Nothing could be heard but the wind rushing by, it carried away everything that weighed me down.  There was the smallest of shifts in the world. Somewhere a raven quorked, a raindrop filled and bucket, and the earth beneath my precarious balance gave way. The last of my boot left the ground and I was free.
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bumble-uck · 8 years
For Evan
Technically this is for me and those that miss you. For those that don’ t know Evan was one of two I showed my writing pieces to. He made me want to write more. I wrote this piece after he told me about a dream he had. I can’t remember his reaction to it because of him this will be the first of many postings with my pieces. If you want to know my battle a little better look up thereallmpsoffortbravo......
He didn’t have a name, I mean he was a cat. What did he need a name for? Not like he actually listened it the ones I had tried to call him anyway. He just stared at me while he licked himself. Maybe I was just being lazy, trying to justify it through the lack of usefulness. We walked on. The highway we had started walking on after the car consumed its last bit of go juice and fumes had turned into a dirt road. Not really sure where we were exactly but that was fine with us. Well me at least, I won’t assume to know cat’s opinion. Once he was done with his um, adjustment, he trotted up ahead darting here and there.  He batted at rocks and hopped through the low grass along the road. Eventually he took off into the trees chasing after some creature too quick and small for me to see. I shifted the bag on my shoulders and kept going; still not sure where but I was positive it was better than where I was. “You can’t run from your problems!” I’d heard it so many times I can’t remember who said it first. But I figured they had never tried it so why should I listen to them. They didn’t know. It was nice out here in the woods, birds, air, and green stuff. Lots of green stuff; with all the paper making nonsense and the “don’t kill the trees” hippies I thought there would be a lot less of it. I noticed it was getting closer, slowly encroaching on this well-worn path. Wait when did it become a path? I was on a road when I started. I scanned further ahead a saw that it turned in a game trail. When did the wilderness become so uncivilized? I stopped for a minute, cat returned from the shadowy unknown of the wood tail up and with a jaunty skip to his step. Like a cat dance slightly predatory and completely proud. A small furry lump was placed lovingly at my feet. “Umm, thank you?” I studied the cat to see if this was the right response. He seemed pleased so I added, “But you worked so hard to catch that little bastard. Though I am deeply honored I hope you will devour this victory yourself. You deserve it.” Seeing my so eloquently put logic he scooped up the lump and carried it back in the trees. I walked on. Taking a path no longer I slipped in among the silent sentinels and headed for my goal.  This was just the beginning, soon I would be safe and secure in the comfort of the mountain range. Well that was what I was aiming for. C’mon how hard is it to miss a mountain? The noon heat was cooled in the shade of the trees, I walked to a fallen trunk to rest against it. My pack thumped to the ground and my butt wasn’t far behind it. The calm, dare I say Zen, of nature started to creep into my soul. It was an odd feeling after all the struggle and stress of everyday life. There was no way to describe this feeling but it was one that I embraced. Where ever I was going and what ever happened next I knew that I was heading in the right direction.
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