bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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Rkgk the boys as girls
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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"You suffered. I'm sorry."
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
Yanqing's Happy Family AU: Dan Feng's Parenting
I did say I would post headcanons on here in relations to my Yanqing's Happy Family AU so I am posting them now instead of writing because I hit a writer's block on all my work-in-progress. I also have not started on the 1.3 update and these works might reflect that since they were written a day before it was out.
Please enjoy my headcanons on Dan Feng parenting Yanqing and feel free to send me asks or message me. I would love to talk about HSR and/or this AU with you.
Out of the three, Dan Feng has the most anxiety when it comes to parenting Yanqing. He grew up in an environment that was incredibly demanding and was raised with extremely high expectations. He never had anyone to consider an equal until his met his husbands and, even then, he still had to maintain a stoic and unfeeling facade when they were in public. The lack of proper, healthy social interactions and the inability to express himself freely manifested in intense anxiety when he adopted Yanqing. It also did not help that Yanqing did not bond with Dan Feng as easily as he did with Yingxing and Jing Yuan. He did not know how to raise a child and the side of him that was a perfectionist reared its head, leading him to constantly fret whether or not he is raising Yanqing well. 
He is the only one Yanqing will got to for help on his homework, especially math. Jing Yuan’s strong suit was never math (he gives me English and History vibes) and while Yingxing is very good at math, he is a very intense tutor and made Yanqing cry once. Dan Feng is the only one who can teach Yanqing math competently and not yell at him.
To outsiders, the High Elder of the Vidyadhara was an unfeeling man who expressed little to no emotions. Even in the presence of his husbands, the most one will see from him was a faint smile and a gaze held longer than it should. In fact, when he was married, it was a hotly discussed topic as to whether or not he loved his husbands due to how restrained he was in public. The only outlier is Yanqing, who Dan Feng dotes on constantly. Bright smiles, hugs, kisses on the forehead- Dan Feng magically transforms from an emotionless leader to an adoring father.
Dan Feng has accidentally smacked Yanqing with his tail once when his son was almost 2 and still feels bad about it a decade later. Yanqing was learning to walk at the time and attempted to walk over to his fathers. However, Dan Feng was too engrossed in a conversation with Jing Yuan and did not noticed. He ended up turning around quickly and unknowingly smacked Yanqing in the stomach with his tail, causing him to fall. The incident left Yanqing with a bruise and a bump on the back of his head. The wounds were superficial and he was fine, but Dan Feng was absolutely distraught. Some witnesses said he cried almost as much as his son did when he saw what he had done. For a couple weeks, he refused to have his tail out and bought countless toys and treats as atonement. Even though his son is 14 now, mentioning that story would only lead to the High Elder of the Luofu Vidayadhara to become very upset.
Feel free to let me know if you want any of these written out as a fic :)
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
Jingrenheng is another one of those ships that I don’t feel particularly strongly about but like looking at through the perspective of other characters.
Imagine Jing Yuan’s like “meet my new partners” and the light dies from Yanqing’s eyes as he asks why Jing Yuan has forsaken him
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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When both of your boyfriends have huge boobs because one’s a blacksmith and the other is in the military
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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drawing Imbibitor Lunae (🍁 Dan Heng ) everyday part 36:
which one would you adopt?
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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After playing 1.2 update of star rail I was so fired up to draw some ship art 🔥🔥🔥 look at the beautiful bois 🥹
I’ll have this piece available at Fan Expo Boston next weekend and available in my online store soon 💕
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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just because u see him all the time ren doesnt mean he does
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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group divorce starts in five
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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Four cats basking in the sun
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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until death do us part
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
I recently got into Honkai Star Rail through you art and I was wondering what made you ship Blade and Dan Heng? Hope you have a great day ❤️
they had sprinklings of lore throughout the game and I love that! also the very first dan heng nightmare pv was 👀 that was the first thing that made me curious about their dynamic I'm also a sucker for dynamics that are a little unhinged and plague each other's dreams, gotta have a healthy balance of feral so the more intimate moments hit harder ajfjgkgh it's that friends to lovers to tragedy to enemies pipeline
it's that unrequited connection from someone forced to live because of past consequences, and someone who bears the weight of those sins but desperately wants to disconnect from the past. they're currently at their lowest rn but that just means they can only go up from here, and I'm really interested to see how they interact once they learn more about their past
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their backstories are very much intertwined, alongside the high cloud quintet. I'll put some stuff that stands out to me below the cut!
Nowhere to Run lightcone
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This isn't the first time he's seen this man. This man had become his own inseparable shadow. No matter how many times he runs this man through with his spear, the man always comes back. He can neither lose to this man, nor truly win. Though he wants to run away, there is nowhere to run.
Dan Heng's char story II
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Very sus of u blade to chase after another man through countless planets and still recognize him after he's changed his appearance
Blade's char story II
The black-haired young man shivered violently all over, but still clutched onto the spear in his hands. He had no dragon horns, and his reaction was slightly less mature than he remembered... But he would never forget this spear, these eyes, and how cruelty burst out from beneath the mirror-like emerald calmness. His wounds began to heal. His irises flickered and fixed their gaze at the boy once more. Without hesitation, the boy made another flourish with the spear... "That's it." The one who showed no mercy to enemies - was you. The one who single-handedly buried the beloved - was you. The one who almost led the place called home to its destruction - was also you. He fell down again. The teen pressed his hand against his own wounds and retreated, until he was no longer in the man's sight. "Before I witness your death in person, we will meet again, ███."
the beloved = blade the blacked out name = dan feng/imbibitor lunae it implies they knew each other in the past, but DH doesn't remember. Blade doesn't remember much about his past either, only that his mara strikes are triggered by seeing his xianzhou friends of the past (he most likely doesn't remember them as friends)
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They share a pair of bracers!
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the entire Passerby of Wandering Cloud set is Blade lore! he's such a tragic character, he's been through quite a lot, you should give it a read if you have the time :'>
this one is the backstory for the dragon bracer:
It seems that pairs of objects have telepathic connections with each other. Though the unnamed only had one bracer in his possession, his fingertips could still faintly feel the temperature from the other. He closed his eyes, trying his best to extract any information about the other bracer from the tenuous connection, be it its location or master. A slender yet strong hand once wore the other bracer. That owner, whose sharp spear glinted with a cold light and flourished like shooting stars, once sparred with the unnamed. That owner also once shared company and drinks with the unnamed, the two of them simply gazing at the moon with no words exchanged. However, in the end, it was also this person who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed, turned the beloved into a monstrosity, and pushed all into an abyss of eternal hatred and remorse. Pairs of objects are destined for an eventual reunion. The long years of grudges and hatred between them should be savored, like ice-cold aged liquor, one slow sip after another until the bottle of resentment is finally empty. Would the wearer of the other bracer feel the same? The unnamed didn't want to know.
the unnamed = Blade = Yingxing
drinking under the moon together -> in cn this is very ceremonial bond/close relationship-coded. Yingxing and Dan Feng were close
Yingxing, a short life species craftsman
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Yingxing has the bracer on his right arm and Dan Feng has the other pair on his left
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They also share jade pendants (they look like they'd slot together, forming the head and mouthpiece of a cn lion)
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This is a line from a vidyadhara egg, but I find the implications very fitting for them :'>
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Yingxing created DH's Cloud-Piercer (as well as the other weapons for the High Cloud Quintet)
Blade's char story IV
He remembered that, decades ago, he came to the Xianzhou with a merchant vessel and was impressed by the superb craftsmanship of this place. The young man was obsessed to the point of forgetting to eat or drink, and spent his inspiration like he was running out of time. He forged hundreds of marvels, four of which were the most famous. ... The black-haired man with dragon horns used his water manipulation abilities to rejuvenate his allies, and in the next moment he bound the water upon his spear and used it to ran his enemies through.
Blade's iris shape is similar to IL's lotus motif. lotuses symbolize resilience and rebirth--fitting for both of them, though one came back wrong :'>
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Blade | About Dan Heng:
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It's been heavily implied that Dan Feng and Yingxing did something that caused catastrophe and resulted in DF being forced to molting rebirth + banishment, and Blade being cursed with immortality and banished.
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Dan Feng trusted Yingxing enough to sneak him into the Scalegorge Waterscape and let him do research--into what? we're not sure yet, but since Yingxing is a craftsman, he's probably creating something from the ambrosial arbor?? or from something relating to the vidyadharas. Perhaps he got cursed with Shuhu's gift here?? or DF somehow gave YX immortality, who knows...
I think their plan may be related to what we learn from Imbibitor Lunae's companion quest
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There's a big focus on vidyadhara's immortality through molting but inability to reproduce, so any casualties in their numbers results in a permanent decrease in their numbers. Dan Feng's sin may be related to changing that (and failing, creating a dragon abomination that they had to fight against instead. although a whole separate vidyadhara was born from the catastrophe--Bailu).
Big hc delulu hrs now
Maybe being around the High Cloud Quintet made Dan Feng realize he didn't have a legacy to leave behind, unlike them. Every high elder becomes like the former, they lose their own sense of identity. I'd imagine being around a group of friends with their own agency, who also saw DF as a normal person, made him realize he also wanted to break free from the high elder cycle.
Yingxing may have been DF's biggest wake up call just bc he's a short life species who has done so much, who achieved more than anyone could imagine in a fraction of a lifetime of those in the Xianzhou. DF saw a star shine bright and couldn't help but follow and maybe wish he'd never lose sight of it as well.
Maybe it was for the selfish reason that he didn't want to lose these memories of the people who truly cared for him--of the people he truly came to care for--that he committed such a grave sin
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He was dehumanized by everyone around him, I wouldn't put it past him to just. Snap one day, break his cold and calm poise, cry of desperation and fear of losing something dear to him
This kinda became a DF thing but personally, while DH himself may want to distance himself from DF, they're still the same person with shared memories (that DH can't remember)
It's similar to how Blade distances himself from Yingxing because he can't fathom his former self becoming the monstrous thing he is now
I'm really looking forward to when they can both reconcile and put their past to rest
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bunnbiiirb · 9 months
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bunnbiiirb · 10 months
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bunnbiiirb · 10 months
chrobin dynamic
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bunnbiiirb · 10 months
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