bunnymonstur · 7 years
The Fault in our Freezeria
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Summary: 2 summers ago… that’s how long it’s been. but that’s in the past, this is the now, and now ur pregant w/ someone other than ur bf taehyung’s kid. how will u break the news to him, how will u tell him ur a hoe who likes messin’ round’ with people u just met????
(A/N: This is not ideally the first thing that comes to mind as the first work I’ll have posted on here… but this is the reality so here we are. If you read this, wowow I’m surprised anyone was able to get passed the summary, I really wasn’t expecting anyone to give this a chance so thank you. Hopefully I’ll post more actual writing in the future, this was just a result of me playing flipline games the past week and being in love with the character Alberto from Freezeria… pls don’t ask. Thank you again)
2 summers ago, he met her. 2 summers ago, he learned how to make a smoothie. 2 summers ago, they fell in love. But it’s no longer 2 summers ago, and their love has faded. Everyone can see it him, you, Papa Louie, everyone. It’s gotten to the point that Papa had to intervene. He switched you from the freezeria to the wingeria. you two can no longer see eah other anymore. but that’s ok. now you can be a free hoe. somehow someway, jimin’s dick end up fucking your throat… apparently a new term the kids call “thrussy”??? a couple weeks later, you end up becoming pregnant, only it’s not taehyungs, or jimin’s… it’s Papa Louie’s. you needed to go to hoe recovery, but you didn’t bc hoe was life. correction, hoe IS life. *dab* you have to tell your boyfriend of 2 days- wait no… no, that was jungkook. who was it again??? the tall one. no, that was jin… who the fuck is taehyung then?????? just as you were trying to figure out who he was, you heard you name being called. it was the gucci for days boi. kim taehyung. the boi who you still don’t know who the fuck he is. “baby I missed you, where’ve you been??” … “who the fuck are you????” he had the face of a hurt puppy who’s paw had been stepped on. you didn’t give 2 shits about how he must’ve felt, bc you ignored his upsetti spaghetti look. “baby c'mon quit playing, it’s me taehyung” wait this is taehyung??? nvm he hawt af “damn now I wish u was the bb daddy” … “tf you mean you wish??? tf u mean bb daddy??? bitch is u preggers??? AND IT’S NOT EVEN MINE YOU HOE” suddenly, ALBERTO bursts into the freezeria, bc he was late as shit and he did not need another fucking tardy on his resume *dab on a bitch* but then he noticed that taehyung was yelling at u. “hey bro, don’t yell at her! she a lady” taehyung turns and almost get’s whiplash “so is u the bb daddy???? aW HELL NO” taehyung was ready to throw hands at ALBERTO but ALBERTO was confuckled as shit. he did not remeber putting his dimmsdale dimmidong in this bitch, otherwise known as u. but clearly, he had done something bc here u are preggers with his child… I mean the dude just said so… maybe it was the time he had spit on ur bitch ass bc you had sat in some chocolate like some bitch named AB, but that’s another story……. anyways, he ran away bc he was not about to get fucked up just bc u got knocked up. while all of this was happening, u were chillin in a chair eating a frappe with extra whip cream with 2 cherries on the side, not giving a fuck, bc taehyung wasn’t ur man and u know damn well it couldn’t be ALBERTO with his massive shlong. in that moment, the man of ur dreams came out of the freezeria, DADDY LOUIE. ur kokoro went doki-doki, ur head was spinnin’ and u was slippin’. he was so hawt that y he built this freezeria to cool his smexy ass down a notch. u go to ur tru luv, DADDY LOUIE and tell him “shit bitch, u fine af! u wanna have another bb after im done poppin’ this one out???” unbeknownst to u, taehyung had heard this exchange. and he was so sad like 20000x puppies being stepped on bc how could he compete with the GOD. I mean he had everything, he was rich, he owned the freezeria, he had bitche left and right, and I mean c'mon he had U, the bitch who could suck a man dry and still look like a piece of fine ass while doing it. ur thrussy was over 9000x. he had to admit, he’ll miss this about this bish, but he didn’t care. all that matters now is that u have a good life with ur bb daddy and never talk to him again…. who was he kidding, all that matters now is that he can finally go down on the new bus-boy, junglecock in the back room during breaks. and that is the story of how jungkook met taehyung, his hb of 70 yrs, with a bunch of rats (children) they adopted from u. bc u couldn’t keep yo’ legs shut… u hoe. THE END.
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid
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Chapter Four: Eavesdropping
Writer: admin monnie
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Description: In which Namjoon most definitely does not have a crush on his hyung
Chapters: One Two Three Four
He had the right to do this.
After countless moments of hidden smiles and sneaky texting, it was only fair for Namjoon to investigate who in the fuck was trying to steal his man attempting to date Seokjin, and if his hyung wouldn’t tell anyone, then it was up to Namjoon to find out who this mystery person was, so that everyone can rest assured that it wasn’t a serial killer or something of the sort. Yes, of course, it was for his safety. Because Jin is very important to him everyone, which is why he has the right to dress up in a very nonsuspicious hoodie with a pair of sunglasses and colored contacts (just in case), and secretly follow the eldest of the group to wherever his destination was.
And it’s totally not because he might be jealous.
Because he’s not.
Namjoon isn’t jealous.
Not at all.
Not even a little.
Finally arriving to the small coffee shop, the recently-dyed-purple haired man sits himself a couple of tables from where his hyung was. Using one of the menu’s as a cover, just in case he ever does turn his gaze towards his direction. Trying to blend in as much as possible, Namjoon decides to stop pretending to eye the menu and order something, which is when Jin’s date decides to show up.
Now, after being close friends with not only Jin, but the rest of the boys too, they all have become close to one another. Constantly supporting everyone and helping each other through tough times, and when you know someone for as long as they all have, then you get to know some rather personal things of one another at a certain point in your friendship. Which confuses him even further because Jin-hyung said he was gay right?  He’s not interested in girls, right? Right? I know I’m not a very religious person but God, if you’re up there…
“Hey, you finally got here” Jin greeted you warmly, standing up to give you a quick hug which you return. Smiling, you take a seat across him “Blame the traffic, it’s been horrible for the past days since it started snowing.” He leaned forward, resting an arm on the table and using the other to bring his coffee close to his lips “Hopefully the weather will clear up soon, I like snow days but not when they bury my car under what feels like seven feet of snow”. You chuckle, “Sorry, I thought it would be best if we met up instead of talking on the phone like usual.” A waitress makes her way to your shared table, and you give her both of your orders, a cup of coffee with cream and sugar for you, and a refill with some pastries for Jin. As soon as she was out of earshot, Jin continues the conversation. “So, what’s on your mind? You look a little stressed out.” Leaning back on the chair, you let out a deep breath, “Yoonsoo finally asked me if he had a dad, and I don’t know what to do. I knew he would ask sooner or later, but I didn’t think he would do it so soon”, you run a hand through your hair, a worried look on your face. Jin moves closer to you, a sympathetic look on his features, “Well, what did you do when he asked?”
“I told him he did, then he asked where he was and well- I panicked, I didn’t know what to say.”
“Why not tell him the truth? He deserves that much; it’s not like he just left you when he found out you were pregnant right?”
You look away, pressing your lips together. The brown-haired man across you scoffs, anger apparent in
his voice “Son of a bitch, what the fuck kind of person does that I swear if I ever-!”
“It’s not like that oppa! It’s more complicated than that” you interrupt him. The waitress had come back with your order, a tense silence falling between you two.
Namjoon silently watched the scene before him unfold, from where he was sitting it looked like Seokjin and his mysterious date were not having a swell time together, and it might be shitty of him but god was he happy it wasn’t going smoothly. Although he could not hear anything they were saying or see the girl’s face, he could see his hyung’s angelic face, and he did not look pleased for some reason. Curiosity bubbled inside Namjoon, maybe because it was in his nature to question everything -reason why he’s taking a philosophy class, and is working on his language arts major- that he wanted to move closer to their table. But he shouldn’t intrude on other’s conversations, plus it would be eavesdropping.
However, he needed to know what was going on.
No that’s not a good reason, what if he sees me and thinks I’m a creep?
And it’s completely normal to care about what your friends think of you because-
Why are they so close together?
They’re not gonna kiss, right?
Namjoon quickly looks around for the nearest waiter/waitress to move him to another table.
“Why do you defend him ___-ah?” you take a sip from your coffee, Jin’s gaze never leaving your face. “I don’t know where to even start…” you confess, he crosses his arms, expecting for you to elaborate. “Yoonsoo’s dad… He is- was, a very important person in my life. I loved him with every part of my being, but our happiness didn’t last very long and then…”
“And then?”
“Then I found out I was pregnant, but I couldn’t tell him.”
Jin sighs, “So you ran away.” You nodded, “Is he the reason why you and Yoongi…?” he questioned quietly, moving in closer to you. You bit down on your lower lip, tears threatening to fall. Seokjin held both of your hands with his, rubbing his thumb lightly on the back of your hands in a comforting manner. “The reason why Yoongi and I broke up was- “
“That’s why I need a one dance Got the Hennessy in my hand One more time ‘fore I go I have powers taking ahold on me- “
“Shit, fuck, dammit- Hey Jiminie what’s up? Fantastic, I’ll call you back later I’m busy right now bye.” Namjoon hung up quickly, looking towards Seokjin’s table, only to find out that he was already looking straight at him. Giving up, he awkwardly smiles and half-heartedly waves his hand “Hey hyung…” Jin waves back, a smile prominent on his lips. “Hello Joonie, what brings you here?” he replies with amusement, now he really must think I’m a creep. You let out a small laugh, making eye contact with him, he can only feel his eyes widen even more with surprise, clearly not expecting that the person Seokjin has been seeing for the past couple of weeks it’s you. Out of all the people in the universe, you were sitting across Seokjin, with your hands holding his, and smiling at him like you didn’t fell off the face of the earth two years ago.
Namjoon, Seokjin and you sat together on the table, explaining almost everything to him. How you met Seokjin by chance in the market and that you kept contact ever since, how you saw Taehyung at his job and are also talking to him, but you didn’t quite tell him that you had a kid. You didn’t need more people close to Yoongi knowing you had a child. His child. It just wasn’t time, or maybe you just didn’t want him to know at all. Either way, the less people know the better for everyone.
“This is so surreal; I mean what are the odds of you meeting everyone after so long? It’s just so unlikely, but here we are I guess. I’m not sure about both of you but I myself can’t really make sense of this.” Namjoon mused, making you and Seokjin both nod in agreement. Jin rested his face on the palm on his hand, a faint smile on his lips, “What I want to know is how did you got here Joonie?” he said teasingly, a soft shade of pink appeared on Namjoon’s cheeks. He cleared his throat, “I just happened to be here it’s all, please don’t think about it too much hyung.” He responded, a nervous laugh leaving his lips. Seokjin nodded, his smile widening “Well if you insist then I guess I’ll drop it, but just because you’re acting cute” You placed a hand on Jin’s broad shoulders, grabbing his attention “Aish, let him breathe a little oppa, you’re gonna give poor Namjoon a heart attack.” The flustered boy waved his hands, “It’s alright ____-noona, I’m fine.” You stand up, picking up your belongings, “For what it counts, Seokjinnie likes you so very much too. You don’t have to be so embarrassed, anyways I have to get ready for work in an hour so I’ll be going. It was nice meeting you guys again bye!”  you walked out before they could stop you, leaving both boys blushing and completely speechless.
“So indeed…”
Namjoon cleared his throat, avoiding his hyung’s stare “I mean… If what she said was true, then would you consider maybe, possibly, I don’t know, hopefully going on a date… with me?” he felt a pair of hands on top of his, “I would love to.”
Chapters: One Two Three Four
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid
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Chapter Three: Daycare
Writer: admin monnie
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Description: Jin is a life saver and reader meets another familiar face
Chapters: One Two Three Four
To all students:
Good afternoon,
As many of you know, there are two major projects that combined, will count for 50 percent of your final grade. Many of you might remember, or know how this second project works if you have been part for this campus before. This project consists of the following, and will not only affect your grade, but also your partners so please be mindful of how you will approach this project with your partner. Here is what I expect from your project and the guidelines to achieve a passing grade:
You will partner up with a first or second year of your professor’s choosing
You both will choose a theme and come up with 10 individual pieces that represent that theme
5 pictures will be yours, the other 5 will be your partner’s so pick wisely on which candids or portraits you choose to hand in to your professor
You both will individually hand in a copy of your 10 candids or portraits plus a two-page essay explaining your theme and how each picture represents it
Themes must be submitted by Dec. 7th at 11:50 pm so they can be approved
The due date is on Feb. 3rd at exactly 11:45 pm, anything handed in after will not be accepted and you both will receive and automatic failing grade
Any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.
Good luck on your projects, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
-Professor Kim Byungho
To Lee Gihye:
For your project, you have been partnered up with First Year Jeon Jungkook. We have shared your information with him and his with you below in this email. Both Mr. Lee and I based this decision on the premise that both you and Mr. Jeon share many artistic similarities and working dynamics, and we  look forward to see what your project will entail.
Best of luck
-Professor Kim Byungho
After reading the email for the fourth time, Gihye let her head fall on her desk with a thud, a feeling of dread creeping on her chest. Curse that bald midget of a professor she got stuck with, he clearly enjoyed making his students suffer and the gray hairs growing on her scalp was proof enough of it. Luckily she had had the idea of dying her hair a platinum silver tone, which not only made her golden skin glow, but it also helped blend in the gray hairs that she had grown because of stress. Although she was a very high spirited person, Gihye wasn’t good with social interactions, and now she had to go find this kid and work with him unless she wants to fail.
Tiny, warm hands pressed on her knee “Is  noona okay?” asked the small toddler with clear concern on his face. Gihye sat up straight and proceeded to pick up Yoonsoo and sit him on her crossed legs, while resting her chin on the top of his head, the younger boy immediately playing with the loose hair strands that escaped from her messy hair bun “I’m okay mini-minie, it’s just that my teacher is a meanie.”
“Because he asked me to do something very very important, but I don’t want to do it. And it also means I won’t get to play with you for a while.”
“Then don’t do it noona.” he whined.
Gihye chuckled, “But I have to.”
Yoonsoo frowned, laying back on the girl’s chest “Why?”  Gihye just smiled, playing with the boy’s small hands “Because it’s important. Mini-minie, where is eomma?” Yoonsoo hummed loudly, resting his head on his fist “Eomma is making dinner.” Nodding, Gihye held minor close and stood up from her chair, walking out of her small room and towards where her Unnie was.
Looking up from the cutting board _____ directs her attention at the two waiting figures that had now taken seat at the low dining table, the younger one immediately immersed with his toys. Stopping, she raises an eyebrow at both her son and roommate, giving them a questioning look “Yes…?” Gihye crosses her legs, sitting up straight “Okay, so don’t take this the wrong way unnie, but I can’t take care of mini-minie anymore.” she says straightforwardly, looking at her hands instead of your eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows “Oh-kay? How so?“ you coaxed, and Gihye takes in a very deep breath "Okay so my loser of a professor wants me to do this project which is very important but I need a partner for it and I am going to be super busy with finding said partner and also trying to get everything just right, and maybe trying not to choke them to death if we end up not tolerating each other and this is going to consume my life and I hate that dumb gobbling because this will probably take over my life for a while and-”
You walked up to her and put your hand on her mouth, stopping her increasing fast talk before she could run out of breath. “Alright so you have an important project coming up?” she nods, “And you’re gonna be super busy, therefore not able to look after mini-minie for a while?” she nods a third time, you finally move your hand off her mouth. Gihye bows her head slightly “I’m sorry ____-unnie, I know you counted on me to look after the little goofball while you’re out on your classes. But I’ll still will be able to be here during the night, so don’t worry too much about this.” she replies apologetically.
You pat her head reassuringly “I understand, don’t preoccupy yourself with this too much. I’m sure we’ll find a solution soon enough, so please don’t worry. Instead how about you help me with the Bibimbap I’m making for tonight?” Gihye nods, standing up from her spot on the floor and following you to the kitchen area, leaving a distracted Yoonsoo alone. The apartment you both shared was modest in size. If you walked straight from the main door, you would arrive at the living room, which also served as the dining room and was adjacent to the kitchen. At the left of it was a small corridor, one side lead to Gihye’s room while the opposite side was yours and Yoonsoo’s room, and right in the middle was the restroom with the laundry room right next to it, and both at the front of the corridor’s threshold. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was more than enough to live in.
Once dinner was ready, all three of you start digging in and enjoying the food, making small conversation with each other. Most of it being Yoonsoo talking about one of the many shows he liked on TV. You started to think about what would happen now that your “nanny” was off limits. Obviously, you could hire a babysitter, which would be tough since your three-year-old doesn’t quite like to interact with people he never met before. Not that he is hostile with them, he just becomes so terribly shy that he ends up hiding from them or ignoring the other person completely. You could probably start bringing him to class, but you doubted the professor would allow you to bring your kid to class, even if he remained well behaved. Or maybe-
Your phone vibrated, letting you know someone had sent you a text. You punch in your password and open the notification. It was a message from Jin:
Jincess: hey just checking in
Jincess: how’s your day been??
You: it’s been alright
You: a little tiring, nothing out of the ordinary though
Jincess: that lit class is really kicking your ass isn’t it??
You: i have many regrets
You smiled at your phone, ever since you both exchanged numbers a week ago you both have been going back and forth checking up on each other. Both of you filling in the other on the daily events of your lives. You could hear Yoonsoo and Gihye arguing about which superhero from the most recent cartoon was the best, sometimes you wondered if she was 22 years old.
Jincess: haha
Jincess: that’s the price you pay for deciding to become a writer
You: well not all of us are blessed with amazing cooking skills
You: willy wonka :P
You: ooooo I’m gonna change your name to that instead
Jincess: >:O
Jincess: you wouldn’t
You: >:) I would
Jincess: wait what do you have me as right now then??
You: Jincess because you’re a princess and your name is jin
You: what do you have me as??
Jincess: cutie with the booty
Jincess: it used to be nerd lord but I changed it since sometimes the guys peek at my phone
Jincess: plus
Jincess: it makes namjoon jealous >:)
You giggled, locking your phone and putting it away. Although Jin and Namjoon weren’t together, they acted like a married couple already and it was obvious. Maybe this was a tactic to get Namjoon to finally ask him out, but even if the boy had one of the highest IQ’s he was the densest person when it came to love. Which might explain why despite all of Jin’s flirty interactions, he still hasn’t confessed. Once everyone was done eating dinner, you started cleaning up and ordering both Yoonsoo and Gihye to wash up, which earned you a chorus of groans. Regardless, both did as you ordered, and you went back to washing up the dishes. Once done, you sat on the couch and unlocked your phone again.
You: poor namjoon when will you let him be???
Jincess: well not anytime soon
Jincess: besides he looks cute when he gets flustered
Jincess: or jealous
Jincess: or happy
Jincess: he’s just really cute ok??
You: nerd      
You: talking about nerds
You: do you happen to know any that would be willing to look after a 3-year-old in the mornings??
Jincess: that’s very specific
Jincess: but no
Jincess: however I do know about a daycare
You: i don’t know, yoonsoo isn’t good with strangers
Jincess: he’ll be around kids his age plus the staff is very trustworthy
Jincess: and i believe the tuition is affordable
You: how do you even know about this daycare??
Jincess: well you see
Jincess: taehyung works there but he works in the afternoon so i doubt you’ll see him at all
It was a tempting offer. On one hand, it solved the problem of finding a caretaker and having strangers in your apartment, but it also costs money and your little one didn’t enjoyed big crowds so much when he is by himself.
And Taehyung worked there too.
Not that he was bad with children, but you hoped that the only person from your past life you would have to deal with was Jin. Well at least now that the universe shoved him into your life, but you weren’t complaining, it was nice to have one of your closest friends back and you were sure the feeling was mutual. However, you didn’t want any more people that personally knew him to know about your son and you. You didn’t want to risk having to confront him again, but the daycare was too much of a good idea to not consider…
Jincess: alright so i got the information off taehuyng and let me tell you
Jincess: you’re not gonna believe how much it is per hour
-Jincess sent a screenshot-
You: where did you said it was located again??
-Jincess sent a screenshot-
Jincess: got you >:)
You: guess who just earned the privilege of being willy wonka on my phone??
willy wonka: D:
You’ve fallen into an easy routine after some days of struggle. You would wake up early with Yoonsoo, get ready, eat breakfast, get to the bus stop, wake Yoonsoo up again and drop him at the daycare, take the bus to your campus, finish class, take a ride back to the daycare, and then arrive home around 2:30-35 pm. With each passing day, your original worries seemed to fade into nothing. Your usually timid son had become more comfortable around the other kids, and although you had caught glimpses of Taehyung he never seemed to spot you, but you did have very few close calls. Two to be exact.
The first happened when you had arrived a little later than you usually did.
The second was when Yoonsoo yelped when he saw you, and he was near the now blonde boy.
It seemed however, that your luck was limited to only two occurrences, because on your third time he finally spotted you. Not a mere glimpse of you, but actually spotting you as your tiny child ran up to you, jumped into your arms and cuddled to your chest. Before he could say anything to you, or even come close enough, you speed walked out of the building and to the bus stop.
Fuck the universe.
You were dreading for the next day to come, but even if you could have skipped to saturday, you would have to face Taehyung at the daycare the next time you went. So, after taking a deep breath and mentally preparing yourself on the way there, you decided you were as ready as you would be for yet another awkward confrontation. As expected he wasn’t there in the morning, but he would surely be there early in the afternoon.
And sure enough, Taehyung was waiting near the entrance when you came to pick your toddler up. He turned around quickly after hearing the bell from the door ring, signaling that another parent had arrived for their kid. He let you walk up to him, both of you nervous for what the other would say. He was leaning on the half wall that served as a fence and a counter, he had grown taller than you remembered him, surely rivaling Jin’s height. The blonde hair dye making him look more mature, his skin still the same familiar tan color you remembered. Despite the cold wind outside, the inside of the daycare was warm enough to wear light clothes, which is what his clothes consisted of. Baggy black jeans, a loose red sweater and a pair of brown leather ankle boots. Plus, an apron, which was more than likely to shield his nice clothes from the messy, sticky hands of all the running children that were left to his care. You copied his posture, leaving a small space between you, neither daring to speak first and looking to the small sea of energetic toddlers. Taehyung was the first to break the silence.
“So am I a stranger to you now or will you greet me properly Noona?” he says bluntly, not moving his position. You sighed, looking at him “It’s nice to see you again too Taetae” you answered him fondly. This time he turns to you, a sympathetic smile on his lips “You know, if I didn’t know any better I would say you have become a totally different person.” you frowned slightly, “Not in a bad way Noona, you just seem like a more mature person, although you still look the same. Maybe a little shorter.” he teased you and you chuckled and smack his forearm “Like it hasn’t anything to do with the fact that you got taller than I expected, not to mention your hair is blonde now. What happened to the orange?” He looks up at his hair, touching the strands that covered his forehead “Why does it look bad?” You shook your head, “It suits you” you reassured him.
A comfortable silence falling between you as you both directed your gaze again at the kids in front of you, this time it was you who broke the silence. “You won’t ask me about yesterday’s incident I suppose?” He shook his head, “I was actually waiting for you to explain.” he declares, “I mean if it’s okay with you that is…” You thought carefully about your next words, not wanting to deny being your son’s mother but also not wanting to give Taehyung and his curious mind more questions than answers. “Simple, I came here to pick up Yoonsoo.” Taehyung straightened up, giving you his full attention and a questioning gaze “Then why did you avoid me yesterday?” he asked. “I didn’t want to be confronted again.” he raised an eyebrow at your choice of words, “Again?” you nodded in confirmation. Finally, your eyes found Yoonsoo, playing with a small group of kids in the plastic playground they had stationed in the center of the room. You speak softly, “I met Jin a couple of weeks ago at the market. We have kept in contact since, but I asked him not to tell anyone, I didn’t want him to find out.” Taehyung nods understandingly, he concluded it was a good thing you decided to do so.
After you left, Yoongi had become a wreck and it had taken him weeks upon weeks to finally recover from whatever the fuck had happened between both of you. No one other than Yoongi and you know what had happened the night you guys broke up, but whatever it had been has taken a huge toll on Yoongi. The only thing everyone was on the same page about is that you disappeared before anyone could’ve noticed, and that after two years you could still see pain in Yoongi’s eyes if anyone mentioned the very idea of you.
But that was a story for another time.
Yoonsoo finally noticed your presence and ran towards you, playtime all but forgotten. Taehyung moves to open the small door, letting the toddler walk through and cling to your leg. Without a second thought you crouched to his level and gave him a tight hug, peppering his face with kisses. “Are you ready to go Mini-minie?” you ask him enthusiastically, and he giggles letting out a muffled ‘yes’ before noticing the blonde’s presence, his attention directed towards him now. Taehyung smiles at him and crouches down to his level as well, “Did you have fun today Yoonsoo?” he asks him, and to your surprise your usually timid child smiled brightly before answering him, “Yes hyung, thank you for playing with me today.” he answers, bowing respectfully. Taehyung ruffles his hair affectionately, “Don’t mention it, I’ll see you on Monday again alright?” he asks cheerfully, Yoonsoo nods. You pick him up and place him on your hip as you stand up again, Taehyung following your movements and looking at you “Will I see you on Monday too Noona?” he teases, and you just nod with a small smile on your face. “Tell Jin-hyung to give you my number, I don’t want to be excluded from you guys secret friendship group. I missed you a lot to you know?” Taehyung demands playfully, you assure him that you will as soon as you had time.
After saying your goodbyes, you go back out on the cold and walk towards the bus top. You needed to stop being so paranoid and cowardly, that was the old you. The you from now needed to be a little more fearless, and confident. Between seeing Jin and Taehyung again after so long, and having no other alternative than to confront them you must now become prepared for if you eventually end up meeting the rest of the boys again. But only if. After all the growing up you had to do, now seemed like the moment where you need to end all the running away. If the day comes that you should confront every one of the boys again, you will do so with no hesitation, and no matter what you will keep Yoonsoo as your dirty little secret for as long as you had to. Even if you do end up having to see Min fucking Yoongi eventually.
You hope that day never comes.
Chapters: One Two Three Four
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid
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Chapter Two: Coffee Shop
Writer: admin monnie
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Description: Awkward conversations are awkward
Chapters: One Two Three Four
The small coffee shop you three had decided to go to was quite adorable, it had a home-like feeling to it with the wood accents and warm colors. Soft hums of acoustic versions of popular songs playing via the intercom, creating a serene ambiance, and yet the awkwardness in the air seemed to intensify with each second that passed by. You decided to try and start a conversation, if just to make things a little better “So um… how have things been lately?”
“They’ve been good… yeah…”
“That’s nice to hear”
You both drank from your coffee mugs, avoiding eye contact while Yoonsoo kept quiet, drawing in the coloring pages the small coffee shop offered customers. You knew it was a dumb idea to ask him to hang out, you can’t just ask people you haven’t seen in two years to spend time with you! Okay yes both of you were close back in the day but it doesn’t mean things would go smoothly suddenly and-
Jin put his mug down, letting out a small sigh “Well, this reminds me of the first time we talked. Do you remember?” he said fondly while putting his elbow on the table, resting his head on the palm of his hand. You gave him a hum, the memory bringing a smile to your face “Yeah, I remember.”
“Then do you think we could skip that part, since we’ve already been through it? We were close friends before, let’s talk freely with each other again okay?” you were taken aback by his words, if memory served right Jin had always been a quiet person. Not to say that it was a bad thing, you always hoped for the elder to be able to freely express himself without worrying about other’s opinions, but then again it had been a long while since you both talked with each other. “Sorry, you’re totally right. I guess it’s just- Well, we haven’t seen each other in a long while. But if I’m honest, I’m grateful to cross paths with you again” He smiled brightly, sitting up “Then let’s catch up in each other’s lives! What were you doing in the market today? Grocery shopping?” he might have become less shy, but he’s still the same soft-spoken person you remembered “Yeah, me and Yoonsoo were running some errands. Right Mini-minie?” the child raised his head at the mention of his name, nodding his head and making quick eye contact with Jin before going back to coloring. Jin chuckled “Ah, I see. I was actually passing by for some ingredients I needed, do you live close by?” You nodded “A couple minutes away from here, but what about you? Do you still room with Joonjae at the dorms?”
“No, not anymore. Remember how I wanted to get my own place? Well I finally did a month ago, you have no idea how much of a blessing it has been.” He replied with content, and you nodded in agreement. Joonjae was the definition of annoying, not only did he had no sense of boundaries but he would always expect Jin to just clean after him, not to mention how obnoxiously loud he was, especially if he managed to bring a girl over to do… certain activities... It’s still a mystery how Jin could endure all the suffering that the reincarnation of Satan made him go through.
“I’m very glad to hear that” you told him “What about your job, do you still work at Gold Crown?” Jin nodded, taking another sip from his cup “Yeah, we’re getting quite busy now with the holidays being so close. I swear I’ll get diabetes if I eat another candy sample…” he added somberly with a pained face, you laughed at his confession, making him pout “Don’t laugh _____-ah, I’m serious! Working in that confectionery is a nightmare” he complained, making you laugh harder and your son giggle. Jin turned his attention to the little one “Eeeeh? So you think this is funny too?” he teased, Yoonsoo covered his smile and took shelter behind you “I’m sorry hyung” he tells him timidly. You wrap your arm around him instinctively, smiling widely. “It’s okay, ummm… Yoonsoo right?” he nods timidly, Jin offers him a warm smile “My name is Seokjin, it’s nice to meet you”
“It’s nice to meet you too Seokjin-hyung” he replies politely, bowing his head amd then returning to busying himself with finishing his drawing, ever so often drinking from his chocolate milk. Jin’s gaze return to you, his eyes asking the question he has been avoiding saying, but instead he quickly changes the conversation and you couldn’t be more thankful to him for it. You both continued to talk about almost anything, from the change in weather to recent activities and even sharing recipes with each other. Anyone that knows Kim Seokjin knows that his true love is food, and even if he could very well become a model, he instead pursues a cooking career. And you were sure that his heavenly meals will make him go very far in his career, or life for that matter.
After a while of going back and forth in the conversation, Jin’s phone rings. He picks it from inside his jacket, giving you an apologetic look and answering the call. “Hello? … Yeah I finished already … No, I’m not in a traffic jam … What do you mean? … Wha- it hasn’t been that long you liar! I’ve been out for” he checked the time in his screen “… Okay maybe I have, but I got a little sidetracked … doing what? Catching up with-” he looked up at you. You just shook your head with a pleading look “-an old friend … Yeah I’ll be on my way, stop whining … Aish! You’re not gonna die of starvation you coconut head stop being dramatic. Tell the others I’ll be there soon too, I’ll see you guys later … Alright, bye” he hangs up and puts his phone away, looking at you apologetically. “Well I guess this is where our small reunion ends then?” you ask him.
“Yeah. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay and talk for a little longer, but you know what it’s like with those boys.” you nod, agreeing “Yeah, I know. Seems like they haven’t really changed that much either.” He chuckles softly “Seems so.” All of you stand up from the table, putting back your many layers of clothing and stepping out of the shop and into the cold with your bags. “Why don’t you let me drop both of you off? I parked my car close by anyways” Jin offered, “Oh no it’s fine, we don’t want to bother you” you tell him, picking up your toddler and once again placing him on your hip. Jin waved his hand in a dismissing manner “It’s not a bother, I’ll do it gladly. Plus, I want a little more time to hang out with you, we haven’t talked to each other since-…” Since you broke up with Yoongi. You smiled bitterly at him, hugging Yoonsoo closer. Jin sighs deeply, giving you an apologetic look. “Either way… I won’t mind to do it, so please let me drive you home” he pleads, “Alright, why not?” you tell him, and with that said you three head into the direction of his car.
The ride back was filled with a comfortable silence. With the warm air flowing from the ventilators, Yoonsoo quickly fell asleep on the backseat of the car. “You’re not gonna ask huh?” you say, catching Jin off guard. He presses his lips in a thin line, letting out air from his nose “It’s not really my place to intrude, it is your personal life after all.” He says in a hushed tone, “I’ll admit that I have been curious, we’ve all been. You completely disappeared after the break-up. You moved out of your dorm, changed your number, quit your job, and you were nowhere to be found at the uni campus. Yet here you are, same appearance but a different life, a kid and…  What really happened _____-ah?” You looked away, not knowing what to say or even think, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but remember that I’ll never judge you. We might have lost contact, but you’re still important to me.” Jin finishes, quickly patting your shoulder and gripping the wheel again. You let out a deep sigh, leaning against the window “A lot of things happened oppa… I don’t think I can tell you everything right now, but I’ll say this much: I am happy now, I have a friend who I can depend on, she’s like a sister to me. I didn’t drop out of school either, so please don’t worry about that, and yes, Yoonsoo is my biological son. It’s been tough, but I have managed to come this far, and I’ll keep doing it for him, he’s my inspiration to achieve all of my goals, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” you replied, Jin’s expression was unreadable as he mewled over this new information, and you grew more and more nervous the longer he stayed quiet. He parked his car on the tenant area, killing the engine and finally looking at you. “_______-ah. I-… I don’t know what to say” you swallowed hard “I know you’re not ready to tell me everything, and I don’t expect you to. Let me just say-” he snorts"-you sound very much like a mother. I should know I have five of them" he jokes, making you finally crack a smile “and I really admire that you’re willing to do anything for your son, it shows how much you have matured as a person.” you were a little speechless, you hadn’t really expected him to say something like that to you. God bless Kim Seokjin and his pure heart.
You thanked him for the drive back home and exchanged phone numbers with him. ‘Just in case you need someone to lend you an ear, or help you out in any way.’ he’d said, and then proceeded to pick up your snoring prince and your bags. You walked inside the building, and then headed straight for the elevator and to your apartment. Gihye locked herself inside her room, more than likely to finish touching up the pictures she had gone out and taken. You laid down Yoonsoo on the sofa careful not to wake him up, put the groceries away, and then finally sat down and relaxed. It had been quite nice to had seen a familiar face after so long, talking to Jin had made you realize how much you missed hanging out with him and the rest of the guys.
It also made you wonder what would have happened if you hadn’t been a coward and ran away. Would they have rejected you? Or would they have accepted you like Jin had? Would Yoongi have accepted his kid? How would the rest of them react if you had told them before? You looked down at your sleeping son, curled up in a ball with his hands pulling the blanket close to his face. His hair lazily laying on his features, and a calm expression on his face. You gently moved his hair out of his face, placing a kiss on his forehead.
One thing was for sure: You would never regret deciding to raise your son. With or without his father knowing.
Chapters: One Two Three Four
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid
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Chapter One: Old Friends
Writer: admin monnie
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Description: Reader meets a familiar face in the market
Chapters: One Two Three Four
“Mini-minie are you ready to go out with eomma?” you asked your three-year-old with a playful tone. As expected, he goes hide under the blankets while shaking his head, his cute laughter bouncing off the walls. “Come on Mini-minie, we can go get hot chocolate when we’re done~” he peaked at you from behind his cover, you had him now. “With many many marshmallows?” he asks timidly, making your lips turn to a small smile and your heart to a puddle “Yes, many many” you reply kindly. You finished dressing him up in his winter clothes, and grabbed your bag as well as some other things, writing a note to your roommate so she wouldn’t worry if she came back to an empty apartment. With a short elevator ride and a hurried walk to the nearest taxicab, you and your toddler were off to run a few errands.
It was the beginning of winter in Seoul, the cold becoming more and more unforgiving as the days passed by. Yoonsoo cuddled into your side, trying his hardest to steal some of your warmth despite the hot air that the car heater provided. Smiling, you rested your head against the window and looked to nothing as you saw the sea of faces passing by. School girls hurrying to stores to find gifts for their friends, children playing outside in parks despite the cold weather, adults speeding from one side to the other as to reach their destination on time, one or two families walking down the street to-
You decided to watch the sky instead.
Two years have gone by since you both went your separate ways, which also were the two years you have spent dedicating your life and efforts into the only important man in your life: your son, Min Yoonsoo. Whether a curse or a blessing, Yoonsoo had many resemblances to his father, his raven black hair, the pale milky skin tone, hell even his sleepy catlike eyes. The only physical proof of you in his body were your eyes. It hurt to see his face sometimes, it reminded you that you were raising your child alone, without him, but you long convinced yourself that this was the only way. Who cares what the world thinks? What they say behind your back? How it had treated you when you decided to raise him?
How can they expect you to love someone else when Min Yoongi took such a huge piece of your heart, and never bothered to give it back? Now that piece is slowly being filled in with the one your son gives to you, and that’s how you preferred it.
The driver was the first to speak, bringing you back from la la land “We’re at your stop miss” you mumbled a soft apology and payed the tariff, hurrying out of the cab and into the market street. You took Yoonsoo’s hand and walked down the street, pulling out a list of groceries “Okey dokie, so what do we have to get first?”
“And then hot chocolate?”
“Not until we’re done with everything in the list mini-minie”
Yoonsoo pouted, crossing his arms “Fine” he mumbles with discontent, making you chuckle. You kneel down to his eye level and stick out your pinkie to him “I promise I’ll buy you hot chocolate when we’re done buying groceries” he stays quiet for a bit before looking away, wrapping his pinkie around yours, a pout ever present in his small features “Okay”. You picked him up and positioned him on your hip, ready to continue on your small adventure. “Eomma, will noona be home when we get back?”
“It depends on how fast we finish mini-minie”
“Then let’s hurry up! I wanna see noona!”
“Ahhh~ does mini-minie like Gihye noona?” You teased him, poking his nose gently. Yoonsoo giggled at the gesture, hiding his face on the crook of your neck and holding tightly to your jacket, his cold nose leaving a tingle in your warm skin. Gihye was your best friend and current roommate, she was one of the very few people who supported your decision, and the only one to help you through thick and thin. You both met in the dormitories at college, being younger than you, it became a habit of yours to care for her as if she was your little sister. And your situation now didn’t change that a bit, after becoming pregnant you decided to move out of campus so to bring less attention to yourself, but finding housing was near impossible. That was until your dongsaeng timidly approached you about living with her on an apartment complex she had learned about in a flyer, that was when you realized how important she really was in your life, and you in hers. Since then, Gihye has become part of your small family, and even dedicates some of her time to look after Yoonsoo when she knows you need time to rest and recharge. She was truly an angel sent from the heavens, and you were forever grateful for having her in your life. Which is maybe why your three-year-old seemed to take a liking to her, but who could blame him? You still wondered yourself how come someone like her was still single, she was an amazing person and not to mention gorgeous and hardworking.
You kept looking through the grocery list, making sure to buy the right things …uhhh maybe for today we’ll do something with squid. But the octopus looks good too… maybe if- you heard your phone ringing from within your purse. Quickly, you set Yoonsoo on his feet and took the device out, answering without looking at the screen. “Hello?” You placed your phone between your shoulder and cheek, “Unnie, I just saw your note. Have you been gone for a while?” Gihye asked, “No, but we’ll be back soon. How did it go with that internship application?” you hear her sigh from the other end “They haven’t contacted me back yet, I’m getting worried unnie what if I didn’t get accepted?” Paying the stand lady for the food, you grabbed the bag and moved along to the next, your little one holding on from the end of your jacket to not get lost. “Don’t worry, you’re a very talented person. They’d be crazy not to take you, believe in your talent you loser”
“I hope so, I am really looking forward to this. Well I need to go, I have to get ahead on some work. I’ll see you when you get back?”
“Yeah, see you soon.”
“Byeeeee~” she singsongs into the phone, hanging up after dramatically blowing you a kiss. You kept going on with your day, a small smile finding its way onto your lips. “eomma, are we almost done?” Yoonsoo asks from besides you “Almost, but we need to get three more things”
“And then hot chocolate?”
You patted his head gently “And then hot chocolate”.
Jin held the grocery bag close to his chest, looking out of his hiding spot from behind a corner “Hyung? Are you there?” Jimin asked from the other side, “Y-yeah sorry, I just got distracted by something…” he replied, trying to sound calm “Right. Anyways, don’t forget to get a set of plastic plates. The god of destruction has struck again, and glue won’t hold them together anymore” Jin chuckled lightly, “I won’t, I’ll be home soon”.
After hanging up he looked around once more before walking away to the nearest convenience store, feeling a little agitated. As far as everyone knew, you had fallen off the face of the earth. For two years, every text or phone call made to your number was never answered, your previous dormitory was quickly occupied by strangers, and you had become a memory to everyone’s mind. Yet here you were, in the same city, with the same features, walking around the market place with a kid. Whose kid? Only God knew, but something about his features made Jin feel uneasy. Something told him that it would be best if he kept this little sighting of you to himself, but another part of him hoped you both crossed paths again, if only to be able to reconnect with an old friend.
Turning around the corner, he bumped into another body, causing both his and the other person’s groceries to fall to the floor. He was quick to kneel down and help pick things up “Oh, I am so sorry-”
“It’s alright, please don’t worry about it”
“No it’s my fault I should have paid more attention to where I was going. I’m sor-” His words got caught in his throat as he looked into your eyes. The toddler next to you timidly held some of his items in his hands, offering them back to Jin. He took them slowly, thankfully nodding to the boy “Jin-oppa?” You asked curiously, surprise clear in your eyes.
Funny how the universe seems to always make Jin fall into very uncomfortable situations, and today wasn’t an exception to that rule.
Chapters: One Two Three Four
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
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Writer: admin monnie
Pairing: College!Namjoon/Reader
Description: In which Namjoon’s glow up got you fucked up in more ways than one
Genre: smut
Warnings: Rough sex, Domination, (really badly written) Dirty talk, Choking (kinda)
You couldn’t write. That was the cold hard truth, you just couldn’t write anything in paper to save your life, English or Korean, it didn’t matter. Which is how you ended being tutored by nerd supreme, Kim Namjoon, first class dweeb and destructor of everyday objects. You had met Namjoon in school, sixth grade to be exact, and the only difference between high school Namjoon and grade school Namjoon was that his baby chubs have now transformed into long and awkward limbs. He was sporting the ugliest bowl cut to be known in mankind, his glasses were okay you guessed. It was your last year in high school and for your final in language you had to write a perfect essay if you ever hoped to graduate. Of course, perfect student, top of the class, indisputable valedictorian Kim Namjoon had already turned his in and received a high, if not perfect, score. Leaving him with enough free time to tutor someone for the assignment. For a month he would come to your house or you to his to work on your writing every and all weekend, and after a lot of tears and migraines, you wrote a good essay. Somewhere along the way you felt a shift in Namjoon’s behavior towards you. He had become more shy and tongue tied, his clumsiness had evolved, and he would ramble on and on sometimes. You didn’t thought about it too much, but maybe that was your first mistake in the chain of events that were about to go down. Rumors started spreading around school, twisting the new gossip into many different stories, yet all had the same message: Namjoon had a major crush on you, and he was planning on confessing soon. You were mortified to say the least, he was a good kid but you wouldn’t date him in your lifetime, he was just not it for you. So you did the logical thing to do, and avoided him as much as you could till graduation. Rumors may be rumors but you weren’t taking chances to get your reputation ruined, nope not on your watch. But the nightmare continued for a while longer. You had found a rose on your desk one morning, two weeks later a love poem signed “secret admirer” had found its way inside your locker, on your birthday a small teddy bear with chocolates had found its way to your house, and worst of all when you asked around about the identity of your so called “secret admirer”, you would be answered with “why don’t you ask joonie?” and you begged graduation to just come already. One day it had been too much to bear.  A week before freedom, you found a note with very familiar handwriting saying “please meet me at the park by your house tonight at 8, I want to tell you something important”, and you were too fed up with everything to even find it sweet. So you changed into the first thing you saw and walked towards the stupid little park at 8 pm sharp just to find the boy of your nightmares already there, hand in his pockets and dressed up, clearly making an effort to look good that night, but you were not having any of it. It bothered you how his face lit up once he saw you, and how he smiled warmly at you from underneath the light post he was leaning on to look like fucking prince charming or something. You stopped in front of him, cutting him off before he even spoke “listen, I know okay? I know you were the one with the roses and the poems and stuff and its sweet but I just don’t like you like that Namjoon-sshi. I’ve never have and I’m sorry if it looked like I was interested, believe me I am not. So please just stop with all this, okay? Just. Stop. And leave me alone. Goodnight.” and then you walked away, relief had flooded into you after you had made yourself clear. Where you a little harsh? Maybe, but he needed to back off one way or another. That whole week you didn’t see Namjoon in class. The only time you ever did was when he delivered his valedictorian speech, and then never again.
At least not in high school.
College was a bittersweet miracle, whoever said a Major in Fine Arts wasn’t that hard needed to die slowly and painfully. Your newfound freedom, however, was a blessing in your life.However, it still hold true to having gossip and rumors flying around much like high school. The newest being of one of the top 15 getting a job where two of the Top 15 were already working, a small café that only got busy because hot guys were working the machines and also taking your orders. Now the Top 15 where the 15 hottest and best good looking guys in the campus, it was a secret that only the female alumni knew about, it was ridiculous but so very appreciated. It was a matter of days before your roommate Nari was begging for you to accompany her to the café, she wanted to attempt and get the number of a specific guy working there, and because you can’t say no to Nari you go even though you didn’t really cared. And you’re glad she did because holy shit you were literally looking at heaven. The barista was drop dead gorgeous, his bottom lip fuller than his top one, making a perfect heart, he was tall and his shoulders were broad, and he had such a sweet smile that can make anyone swoon and chestnut hair with an opening in the middle. The first waiter was shorter than the barista, but what he lacked in height he made up in charms and looks. His hair was a platinum color and was styled in a simple sweep to the left but it just made him more handsome, his ears were pierced and a cross earring hanged from his left earlobe, and let’s not forget the great view from behind, god bless tight red dress pants. And then there was the man of the hour, with purple hair styled to the side which seemed to go perfectly with his tanned skin and his pouty lips that when he smiled showed his dimples, and his godly muscles that were visible under his black button up shirt whenever he flexed, his height and appearance perfect fit for a model and jesus was he wearing rings?  Needless to say, you would go anytime you had an excuse just to see your purple haired beauty.
And then the universe decided to play a cruel joke on you. In an effort to make the students more bonded with each other, the language and fine arts teachers decided to do an assignment together. You were to create a piece whether a portrait or landscape, hell even contemporary, and your literature partner had to either give you a written piece to gain inspiration from or for them to write their interpretation of your artwork. In an effort to save time, since you only had a month to work with, the teachers had randomly assigned partners, the announcement on who got who taped outside their doors. And you felt ready to die when you saw who you got “you’ve got to be shitting me…”
There, in bold mocking black letters, was the name of the one person you didn’t want to see as your designated partner. Not only were you in the same college as someone from your damned high school, but that someone was perfect student, fashion disaster, god of destruction- “Kim Namjoon?”
As if summoned, he had appeared behind you, his deep voice scaring you half to death. You wished you could’ve die of a heart attack right there and then, because when you turn around guess who you fucking see? Yep, that’s right. Your purple eye candy, and by the look on his face he was trying to figure out where he’d seen you before. The air was suddenly disappearing from your lungs.
“______-sshi?” fuck he looked hot when he was confused.
“Hey… What a surprise seeing you here” You averted your eyes from his, hoping that your blush was not noticeable. He looked you over before replying with indifferent in his voice, “I could say the same thing. What are you here for?” “Fine Arts, I assume you’re doing Literature?” he nodded on response, the three years you haven’t seen each other he had somehow turned into the man of your wet dreams, he’d grown taller which made his once lanky form now perfect, his bowl cut replaced with a shorter and well styled purple hair, his dressing style aesthetically pleasing and his glasses- Well his glasses were still okay, but they looked even better on him now. He leaned forward, looking over you to find his name on the list and you could almost smell his cologne. He hummed to himself once he found what he was looking for, letting out a small sigh. “I see, I guess you want to change partners then? If we hurry we might catch up with Mr. Yuu and-” “-No no its fine! I mean, I wouldn’t want to bother them with this anyways. Its just a silly project, besides we already know each other so it’ll be easier to do this don’t you think?” you rambled, hoping not to sound desperate. He nodded again, “Well, I don’t know about your teacher but this is a big assignment for me. So how about we go somewhere to discuss how to do this?” he smiled. You gave him one of your own, “Sounds great, lead the way please.”
You were fucked.
After your chance encounter, you both walked to a nearby bench where you discussed how you would do the assignment, deciding that you would interpret his poem  with a painting, then exchanging numbers and going your separate ways to start on your work,  making small conversations here and there to relief some of the awkwardness surrounding the both of you. Namjoon had managed to come up with an amazing poem in two weeks leaving you with a week and a half to actually come up with something, but it just wasn’t turning out how you wanted it to. Every piece you started you hated, and you kept redoing and redoing until you were ready to jump the nearest cliff, curse Kim Namjoon and his sexy brain and intellect of the philosophers of ancient Greece, and curse him for doing a poem so involved in romance as well as eroticism without being explicit. Reading it the first time had gotten you a little worked up if you were being honest with yourself, and you wanted that feeling to be conveyed in your art without being explicit, much like his writing. But nothing seemed to work, and you were ready to stab yourself with your dull pencil. You were currently inside one of the art studios, having separated it after hours for the rest of the day since you were determined to not leave until you had something you found decent. Paint covered your skin and your clothes, which consisted of an old peach colored sweater that hid your very comfy black bralette, a pair of washed out shorts and some sandals you discarded somewhere on the floor. You preferred not having shoes when painting, that March Chagall guy was onto something when he said he preferred painting in his underwear. You also decided on wearing a choker because why not? You might need it later to choke yourself to death because art sucks and it looked cute with what you had on. But none of that mattered because you had exactly 5 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes and 5 seconds and counting to come up with something before the deadline, and your canvas was still blank. You laid on the cold floor, picking out your phone from your back pocket and sending your project partner a text.
////// You: I have nothing.
KN: wdym?????
You: what I said I got nothing
KN: I got that but I mean how come you have nothing?????
KN: time is almost up      
KN: can’t you just throw paint and call it a day?????
You: and look like I half assed it? no way
You: I’d rather die than having my name engraved on some shitty copy of a monnet made by a blind tortoise
KN: ok fine. what if i go and help you interpret it????
You: I would really appreciate that ;-; ///////
You send him the direction to the small studio you were in, rolling on your side and looking at the wall. Okay concentrate, if you just sketch whatever you might get somewhere, yeah okay sounds like a plan. Standing up from the tiled floor, you make your way to the table you were using a few seconds ago and started sketching while letting your mind wander around. It didn’t take long before you started thinking of Namjoon, how much he had changed since you last saw him three years ago, ad how unfair it was that no one told you about this witchcraft beforehand. You wouldn’t admit it openly but the way he looked in the café, with his sleeves rolled up and beads of sweat from the steam on his forehead, it just did something for you. It had you wondering, how would Namjoon look when he was turned on? Your hand stopped and your face flushed, did you really just thought that? What kind of pervert were you becoming? But you couldn’t help it, you kept going with that train of thought, no use fighting it now that it was present, he’s probably a total vanilla sort of guy. Not timid but definitely would always ask before doing something, would he be a tease?  Nah, he doesn’t look like someone that’s patient when they get worked up. He’s most definitely an ass kinda guy, and he prob-
“______-sshi? You there?” His voice pulled you back from your wandering mind, your cheeks flushed with the faintest of pinks from embarrassment, even though he didn’t hear anything because you said it all in your head, “Yeah I’m here, let me open the door for you hold on.” the five minutes it took you to walk over, open the door and letting him in did not prepare you for what you saw. There he was, satan himself, with black dress pants, a white button up, and a blazer that was made out of some sort of shiny material. A black belt keeping his too tight pants up, the top button undone and giving you the perfect view of his collarbones, his hair styled to the side like always, a hand on his pocket and the other with what you guessed was his laptop bag. To make matters worse his fucking glasses looked good on him and you never wanted to punch someone on the face so much for being so sinful with so little effort. You prayed to whatever god was up there to give you strength while you closed the door behind him. Namjoon proceeded to sit on the table you had been a few minutes ago, taking out his computer and starting to get to work and letting you sit next to him. He wasted no time in trying to figure out how to help you, trying to interpret his piece but either you were too dumb or he was too smart because you understood jack shit of anything he said, and it felt like high school all over again when you both were arguing over the first sentence of your essay. Namjoon leans back on the chair, letting out an exasperated groan, you were quick to try and compromise “Alright how about this, tell me what you were thinking of when you wrote this. Maybe that can help me-” You moved towards the canvas, brushes, paint and palette ready to go “-to get the visual of your poem. Just say anything, a shape, feeling, color, whatever.” He raise an eyebrow in confusion at your idea. “Don’t artist usually need visuals to inspire them?” You chuckled looking back at him, “Probably, but I prefer listening. It gives me a better picture and helps the imagination go wild.” You turned back around “So just start talking.”
He kept quiet for a few seconds, probably figuring out if he should say what he was really thinking about when he first wrote it. You could feel his hesitation,“Alright, but don’t make it awkward please?” You gave him a thumbs up, a sign to let him know he was on the clear. “I was thinking of the foreplay before sex.” Fucking hell Kim Namjoon, you can’t just drop that without any warnings. You forced yourself to not seem faced, picked up a random brush and started coloring in the cloth, he kept talking. “You know that feeling of wanting? Of absolute need for the other person you feel before even kissing them? I was thinking about that. Looking at someone at completely wanting to devour them, letting your eyes wander around their body and thinking of everything you would like to do to that person.” You gripped your brush tighter, it was like he read your thoughts and was laying them out in the open for you to reflect. Moving your legs closer together, you gulped “And what would you do to that person?” you asked him, one to keep him talking, two because a part of you really wanted to know for artistic purposes of course. Namjoon fixed his eyes on you, he could tell there was something off about you the moment he got inside the room, what he was trying to figure out is why, so he kept watching your every move for any answers. “Why do you ask?”
You stiffened, “B-because, it helps me think of what to uh- paint about. So just keep talking, please” Your voice a whispers towards the end, he hummed in amusement, resuming his train of thought “It depends on the day, but usually it’s mostly submission.” Of course, you should have known he’s totally a- “There’s something about having a partner completely submissive that’s just really hot. At my complete mercy, ready let me have my way with them.” DOM?! HOLD ON THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION- “Just, seeing them kneeling down in front of you, ready for anything. Begging, pleading, and just completely drunk on the idea of what I can do for them.” Every word was torture for you, everything he said you wanted to do and you wouldn’t mind. Picking another color, you quickly distracted yourself from your thoughts. From where he was sitting he could tell you were getting bothered by his words, and he wanted to see how far he could go before breaking you. A smirk playing on his lips “You okay          -sshi? You look a little uncomfortable.” You jumped slightly at his sudden change in tone, letting out a fake laugh to try and play off how horny he was getting you from those images, the sexual tension in the air rising every time he spoke his dirty thoughts aloud. “I-I’m totally okay! Why are you asking are you uncomfortable? Because we can stop if you want to I’m fine with that” You chuckle, trying to sound convincing and not at all like you’re slowly going mad from his words.
And then it dawned on him,____  ____, the girl who broke his heart three years ago, not even letting him say what he had rehearsed for hours in the mirror, was very attracted to him. Not only did she find him attractive, but she was getting completely turned on by his words. His ego and his confidence rose to a completely different level then, ready to get satisfaction from embarrassing you to the grave right there in that small art room. His smirk widened, “Alright” he lowered his voice purposely “Then I’ll keep going. You know what else can also be a major turn on? Name calling, some people like it when you refer to them with a specific name, like ‘princess’ or 'kitten’.”
“Do you have something like that?”
If you weren’t soaked before you were now, the room was way too hot and his words were way too filthy this early in the day. You fanned yourself, trying to calm down and hopefully stopping yourself from looking like a damned tomato. “Is the room too warm?” hoW CAN HE SWITCH BACK AND FORTH LIKE THAT HE WAS GOING TO KILL YOU. You nodded, letting out a nervous chuckle “Just a little though, I’ll be okay once the AC starts again.”
“______ -sshi?”
“The AC hasn’t stopped yet.”
“Oh.” curse this damned day, curse the stupid AC, curse his stupid mouth that can probably get you worked up in very different ways.
“Yeah, it’s probably that sweater you have on. Why not take it off? It might cool you down.” He was winning and he knew it, if he kept going he would get you to run out completely mortified in the next three minu-
You put the paint brush down, and reached for the hem of your sweater. Slowly but surely, you pulled it up and over your head, your skin caressed by the cool breeze the fan was giving. It was like unwrapping a present during Christmas, except he didn’t have to do it himself. He watched you drop the item on the floor, not looking back even once. He had to catch his breath, not expecting this turn of events at all. And now he was the one embarrassed, your exposed skin and the real effect his words had on you hitting him like a ton of bricks. You were totally turned on, and he was getting there too, but he was a man with enough pride to last him a lifetime, so he kept going. Not caring if the tent forming in his pants was becoming obvious now.
You may be wondering, what in the living hell are you thinking? The answer is, you’re not. It sounded like a good idea at the moment, but what honestly compelled you to go through with it was his voice. You were loosing your grip on your rationality every time he answered all the questions you had of him in your brain, cursed be Kim Namjoon.
You nodded, not wanting to let a single noise escape your lips.
“Let’s continue then.” You felt his gaze devour your figure “You know, since we’re talking about clothes, why not discuss that? Clothes can be quite a turn on for me if I’m being honest. A girl in heels it’s a great view for me, specially if they have thigh highs on as well. Black lingerie is very much appreciated too, even better if it’s see through” You went rigid after his last words. Bralettes were not lingerie, but your was very much black and also not so much covering your breasts. The black straps creating a triangular shape for your boobs, but the mesh that covered your now hard nipples ended halfway to the strap that was close to the valley of your breasts. A lace pattern decorating the end of the material that Namjoon was dying to see from where he was sitting. So he quietly got up from his seat and walked behind you, and you could feel his presence and it was too much for the both of you to keep your cool and not give in right there and then to what the moment had build up to. He leaned closer to your ear, “Most of all, jewelry has a certain kind of effect. For example,-” his lips ghosted over your neck, his hands deep in his pockets to stop himself from touching you “-that choker you’re wearing. It looks so good wrapped around your neck.”
“Your hands would look nicer though.”
He cursed under his breath not expecting you to react that way, you leaned back towards him and rested your head on his shoulder. His greedy hands finally touching your skin, you closed your eyes while you felt him caress your legs, moving up towards where you wanted him the most at that moment until one gripped your hips and moved you closer to him while the other wrapped around your throat. “Like this?”
“Yes” you almost moaned, feeling his manhood poke at your back. With his hand still on your neck, he coaxes you to stand up. “______, if you want me to stop you better say it now. Because I don’t think I’ll be able to later on.” his warning sounding more like a promise to your ears, and you wanting nothing more than to let him bend you over the table and pleasure you anyway he saw fit. Feeling a little balls-y, you moved your hand towards his crotch, gripping his hardened cock in your hands and earning a hiss from his lips. “Who said I wanted you to?” and then he was gone. He bent you over the table in one swift motion with his hands gripping your waist and holding it in place, paint splattering everywhere and no doubt getting on you, but you couldn’t care less. Specially when he had started to grind his hips against yours, giving you a taste of the mess you had gotten yourself into, each movement getting you more and more worked up until you were panting. He chuckled, “You like that baby? You like having my cock rubbing against your pussy? Look at how much of a mess you are, and I haven’t even touched you properly.” You gripped at the table, nodding in response to him. Dissatisfied with your response, he  stopped moving much to your dismay, instead gripping a fistful of your hair and pulling you towards him again. “Use your voice baby, I won’t know what you want unless you tell me.”
Your voice trembled “P-Please touch me.”
You take the hand that’s still on your waist, moving it between your legs “Here, please, just do anything. I need you to touch me.” You sounded desperate and you knew it, but you couldn’t help it. Not with the way he has you right now, and not while his hands finally start to rub against your core, your moans growing with every motion. He go of you to spin you around and press his lips against yours, you took off his glasses so not to annoy you but apparently he looked even better without them, and you loved it. You loved how he starts to undress you, you loved how he kissed down your jawline and stopped at your neck, you loved how he wasted no time marking you with hickeys in places you knew were gonna be hard to hide, but you specially loved how he pulled back to stare at his creation his dilated pupils drinking in your figure, making him curse loudly. It probably also due to you going back to grope him from over his now too restrictive pants that he needed to take off right now. Namjoon pulls back completely,  confusing you entirely until you see him sit back on the chair he’d been watching you from and motioned for you to follow, except-
“Nu uh, I want to see you crawl.”
He could have asked you to run around church naked and you would still do it, so you had no hesitation to get down on all fours and crawl all the way until you were between his legs. He cradled your face and leaned in to kiss you again, this time softer than the last, while also unbuckling his belt and pushing down his black dress pants, letting his cock finally free from its clothed prison. You gave him one last peck before getting down to business, licking the pre-cum off his tip and dragging your tongue down his shaft. A hiss pulled out of his lips at your gentle motions, but he needed more, “Don’t tease me baby, I want to see what that pretty mouth of yours wrapped around my cock.” And who were you to deny total Dom, filthy mouthed, wet dream, Kim Namjoon of his pleasure? So you do just that, and take him in slowly in your mouth. Savoring every second until you can feel your nose touch his pelvis, and staying there for as long as you can until you had to pull back and get air inside your lungs again, which was short lived since he immediately pushed you back down on him. You gripped his thighs, needing to hold on to something to so not to fall down completely on the floor, and with a fistful of your hair, he let you bob your head up and down, picking the pace up every time, his curses and groans giving you motivation while he got rid of his shirt and blazer.
Then you were pulled back again, a lewd 'pop’ resonating through the walls while saliva ran down your mouth and to your neck. Not even his old high school  fantasies of you compared to the sight you were providing right now, you were ruined but not enough for his liking, and he needed to fix that soon. Moving you back with a soft yank of your hair (that you couldn’t deny you liked) he guided you to the floor, turning you around and making you get on all fours for him, and getting your clothes off your body. Gripping himself, he teased your entrance with his tip, and you moved your hips back to make him go in already, but he had other plans for you, “Tell me how much you want it, I wanna hear you loud and clear baby.” He demanded, and even if you were desperate for him, you were still a little shy about being more vocal. He smacked your ass roughly when you stayed quiet for too long, and you yelped, “C'mon baby, I can spank you the whole day if I have to until you say what I want to hear.” he whispered in your ear while massaging the reddening cheek, he most definitely left a hand print on your ass. You gulped, unsure to whether to keep quiet and getting another one or saying your dirtiest thoughts aloud, his other hand landing on your unmarked cheek when you took too long to think about it, he tried a gentler tactic and pushed two fingers easily inside of you. You were practically dripping for him, and the cold metal of his rings against your heat was driving you wild every time he pumped his digits in and out of you painfully slow. “Fuck, Namjoon-” a loud moan"-Just fuck me please. Ruin me, with your cock, don’t stop until I can’t take it anymore.“ A whimper "Have your way with me, please” he pulled his fingers out of you, the emptiness to cruel. You looked back at him, confused and a little pissed off that he had stopped.
His face was completely different from before, unlike the cool and calmed expression he’d been wearing this whole time, was replaced by one of pure surprise as he painfully gripped himself so to calm down, then he locked eyes with you “Shit- Damn baby,-” he placed his hands gently on your hips aligning himself with your entrance, “-you have such a filthy mouth on you, I almost came just from that.” He started pushing himself inside your walls, mercilessly slow, turning you into a moaning mess from how deliciously he stretched you, “Fuck, you feel so nice around my cock. Do you like that? You like how good my dick feels inside you? Do you like how fucking desperate I got you without even moving baby?” a chorus of 'yes’ seemed to be the only thing coming out of your lips, you could feel him filling you up entirely, and then more and you couldn’t wait for him to just destroy you “Namjoon please-” you begged him, and he didn’t need you to repeat yourself again. His thrusts were powerful, every time he pulled back he went back in with more force, the grip on your hips tightening until the pain dulled into pleasure. The top part of your body fell down in exhaustion, the new angle providing even more ecstasy for the both of you, taking you to your arousal faster and faster, his sinful words becoming filthier and slurred as he reached his, his satoori more present than ever. He reached down to grip your neck, and with an extra rough thrust, you came hard, screaming his name clear and loud for the unfortunate person who walked by the room to hear. He let you go, pulling out and and releasing his seed all over your back, catching you and himself as you both collapsed on the paint covered floor. Both of you equally spent from your little improv session, the only thing noises left being both of your gasps as you tried to catch your breath, your bodies covered in sweat and cum (and markings but that was just you, courtesy of Kim Namjoon).
After a few minutes, realization dawned on both of you. You just had sex, together, in the art room, with each other, instead of working on your project. Awkward didn’t begin to describe the feeling in the room, Namjoon broke the silence first “So, how’s that for inspiration?” you couldn’t help but laugh, the guy gave you the best fuck of your life and he’s choosing now to act shy? “You know, maybe I need another explanation from you.” it was his turn to chuckle now, “Well you’re always welcome to call me for anything.”
You both received the highest scores in your assignment, and you also  kept calling each other for anything.
And you mean anything.
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
♥️ fluff ✖️ angst ♠️ smut ❗ crack ✔️ completed
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🦁 Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid - ✖️ nonfamous!au, 4/? ongoing
Description: He didn’t know about him. He didn’t know that he was as gorgeous as him, or that his favorite food was milk pudding. He didn’t know he only falls asleep only if someone sings to him. He didn’t know that he dreams of growing up to be a pilot and likes to fight monsters in his free time.Its been two years since you gave birth to Min Yoongi’s son, and he didn’t know he existed.You plan on keeping it like that.
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🦁 You’re Nothing Like I Remember - ♠️✔️ smut one-shot, college!au
Description: In which Namjoon’s glow up got you fucked up in more ways than one
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🐰 The Fault In Our Freezeria - ❗✔️ Freezeria!au, crack, one shot, ft. Jimin and Jungkook
Description: 2 summers ago… that’s how long it’s been. but that’s in the past, this is the now, and now ur pregant w/ someone other than ur bf taehyung’s kid. how will u break the news to him, how will u tell him ur a hoe who likes messin’ round’ with people u just met????
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Admin kookie
hey guys I’m admin kookie, I tend to have more ideas than actual writing, however once I start writing I usually end up with a pretty long one-shot if I do say so myself lololol
as I probably won’t write to often, that doesn’t mean I won’t answer asks and requests and such, I love talking to followers so don’t hesitate to send things in
I hope to come up with great pieces for everyone so please anticipate our hard work!!💕💕💕
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Admin monnie
i write too much and not very often so if you expect me to post that one oneshot right after i respond to ur request u need to lower your expectations m8
aside from that, i’m willing to write about any pairing and will do prompts but not all, do keep in mind i won’t post it right away but if i can i will 
im looking forward to writing lots of good content so please don’t be afraid to ask for scenarios and such kisses <3
fyi: im on AO3  if u wanna read more of my stuff
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bunnymonstur · 7 years
Meet the Admins
admin kookie
admin monnie
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