bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
tfw not entirely sure what to call my cg since i haven’t asked and im scared to
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
Daddy: ok princess time to get dressed
Me: no
Daddy: *raises eyebrow*
Me: I don't wanna *clings to daddy's leg*
Daddy: *sighs & takes his belt off*
Me: ok so what should I wear today
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
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This is exactly how Princess is
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
little with bpd
so if you may be unaware what bpd is, it’s called borderline personality disorder. i have it, and it’s crippling. it’s basically a lot of angry, sad feeings all coming out at once. since i know it’s difficult for others to understand how exactly it works, i’ll give you some tips.
✨ if your little is getting angry with you please don’t be angry back; that tends to fuel the fire more.
🎀 sometimes your little can get irritable for no reason. when that happens DO NOT GET UPSET. i have found that when i’m irritable it’s just emotions i’ve kept in for awhile bubbling out.
✨ your little might say something they do not mean. and when they do, do not hold a grudge against them. sometimes it’s just something they can’t control.
🎀 do not ever dismiss your little if they claim they’re lonely and don’t want you to leave. it can take a lot of coaxing for them to realize you won’t abandon them.
✨ sometimes your little will say insensitive things and when pointed out they can get angry. instead, tell them you under why they said it, and how it hurts your feelings. most likely they will attempt to understand.
🎀 if you fee like your little is being somewhat hypocritical do not use it against them in an argument! a lot of the time they don’t realize they’ve done things like that before, and if brought up it usually shocks and it ends up in crying.
✨overall, please try an be understanding! borderline is a very serious illness and people with it can usually be made out to be horrible people. please be delicate and loving with your little. really, they might not have anybody ever treat them good or sweetly, so it’s something they might have to get used to.
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
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These are stickers & they are buyable. Click link to Pinterest and it will get you to the seller.
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
Little space vs Big space
Big me: *discusses philosophy and politics in depth*
Little me: “…I like bubbles…”
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
Reasons Why I’m Like a Toddler
👑 grabby hands
💖 getting fussy/whiny when I don’t get my way
🍬 throwing tantrums when I don’t get my way, fussy, tired, etc. Sometimes for no reason.
🌈 refusing to take a nap but eventually falling asleep since I was too tired
🍪turning tomato red at compliments (daddy calls me his little tomato sometimes.. which I’m not.. at alllll..)
✨ALL THE FLUFFY THINGS (I have 5 fluffy blankets to be exact, along with plenty of stuffies and fluffy socks)
🌸 can be bratty for little to no reason
🍼’no!’ + ‘nuh uhhhh’
💙 always sucking my thumb, paci, or teether (esp my thumb when sleepy)
🌻very clumsy
🎀 having to go to the bathroom 24/7 (idk why but when I’m in little space this happens - prob from hyperactivity)
🍭being hyper, with or without candy
🍦having a desperate need for cute/pastel/sparkly/pink/Disney stuff
🦋 getting lost easier in public (which is why i need extra supervision)
🐙 inability to use regular cups, therefore spilling all of it
🌞 mixing up words, like label and ladle + having a lisp or “baby talking/little talk”
🍓being extra picky about food, especially vegetables
🌹getting overly excited about cute/pastel/sparkly/pink/Disney stuff
☔️ not listening to caregiver at allll then regretting it
🐠 refusing that I’m sleepy, shy, embarrassed, hungry, thirsty, etc. For no reason.
🏵 moods can change at the drop of a hat
💬 saying/doing things for a reaction from caregiver
I know all of these don’t apply to everyone, but I hope you can relate!
-Pumpkin 🧡
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bunnysdewdrops · 6 years
things caregivers should have with them at all times:
☆ coloring book (in case baby gets bored)
☆ crayons (for the coloring book)
☆ a small stuffie (for comfort)
☆ a sippy (you don’t want baby to spill their drink)
☆ a paci (tantrum prevention)
~feel free to add on~
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