bunybunn · 8 months
Man I love Tubbo's brain so much like...
You know how on the first day qsmp updates called q!Tubbo the young inventor and honestly he is so living up to this nickname. Like sure they took away create but he still somehow invent. From chocobo to now planning on making the stock market on the server.
I love how it makes q!Tubbo seem like a bit of insane inventor. Too ambitious for his own good young inventor who is losing it more and more.
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bunybunn · 8 months
Hot take that is probably not that hot but I think it really sucks that create is disable and I remember one of the eggs suggesting it's behind the paywall.
Like it feels wrong to touch mod that was fully in use before this update. I totally understand having to wait for the nether aka the new things but create isn't new to the server and it was heavily in use.
Another annoying thing is that the payers don't really got pushed to actually spend those coins already. I mean have any of them even tried to use those coins? It feels useless to already have paywall especially on the mods that were norm before the update when there is no solid reason to use the coins already.
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bunybunn · 8 months
I always really loved the qsmp updates on twitter as they tend to be quite unique and matching the personality of the streamer.
It's very interesting though that today in update tweets about Tubbo he is called the young inventor. It kind of reminds me how in Philza's updates he is often referred as a crow and how it ended up actually being connected to his lore. It's interesting to see how Tubbo's creation became such a big part of q!Tubbo and his character.
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bunybunn · 8 months
Man I love the qsmp updates twitter account. Like the difference in style of how each of the streamers updates look is so fun
On one hand you have that Philza's updates the are much more in character calling him old crow and making references to it.
But then you have Tubbo's updates for example that are much more joking and chill. Sometimes the clips that are updats are a funny edit like it was with that one BBH update tweet.
I just think it's really fun.
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bunybunn · 8 months
This is exactly why I love smps in that style. Collaborative story telling best part for me is that each person has their own unique style when it comes to creating their lore.
Some of them put a lot of planning into some of the little bits like Fit having his dreams/memories or Phil trying to fly. Like they are willing to make it more cinematic.
And then you have people like Tubbo who rely more on improvisation. It's just just him being him reacting to the lore like he naturally would or at least making it look naturally.
Stuff like that are cool because it means every one can find pov that they might like.
The ability of every character to be existing as if they are from completely different genres on the qsmp is beautiful. We have a very serious showdown between the Eye Soldiers and The Islanders, and at the same time Bagi is comforting her daughter deep in her underground base. We have the tense attitudes of Fit and Phil, the soft familial time with Bagi and Empanada, Ramon complaining he’s bored like nothing is actually happening, then Tubbo attempting to make out with as many eye workers as possible and Mike dressing up as Luffy with the method acting of a century he is Luffy there is no Mike. Then Tubbo and Fit are attacking with blood-thirst on the Eye Soldiers, Fit just chainsawing everyone down laughing, as Tubbo talks up a storm tortuously killing and reviving the Eye Soldier over and over again. This is how every event is, if you don’t expect someone to interject the group lore with utter nonsense then I have news for you.
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bunybunn · 8 months
I'm sooo happy to see just q!Tubbo and Chay and Sunny just hanging out
I so love how it just turn into Tubbo talking to Chay's admin and it's so fun and cute.
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bunybunn · 8 months
Okay now I'm in the mood for thinking about the eye worker thing feeling boring.
Like definitely the fact that they are too powerful and the players can't really do anything against. It sucks because it just means when the workers attack the players get killed a lot or are stuck in fruitless fight.
But also... The Luffy feels like it's progressing very slowly? Like was there any bigger progress expected well Luffy is somewhere and that federation is not giving him back.
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bunybunn · 8 months
Tubbo is so right. The plot right now needs a threat that can be avoided or fought against because it feels like islanders are completely powerless and it's bit boring. Like when it came to the Codes there were clear safe spaces for the eggs but also parents could fight against the codes to at least make them leave.
Then you have Federation that sure is overpowered but they don't really fight the islanders that much now and it's mostly rp based or a punishment from what I remember. It doesn't feel as annoying and hopeless because federation is interacts with islanders very different to eye workers.
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bunybunn · 8 months
It's so interesting to see what are the main things people are complaining about when it comes to qsmp.
Like the three I have seen the most is
The eggs discourse aka people getting mad at eggs for something they did especially if it was connected to other egg. Most of those are coming from heavy bias and not wanting to see that eggs don't have to get along as well that they are canonically kids with feelings and in case of older eggs trauma. Still I totally get people getting really upset for what for example Leo did to Sunny's statue considering how much it meant for Sunny. Like that will lead to angst for sure. Still each story has more than one side.
The eye workers critique. This one is fair as long as you don't go for the admins. I think most of us agree that making eye workers impossible to fight or protect against fucking sucks. It was especially clear when Em lost a life. Even if it was for the plot it sucked how it was done. We even saw some cc complaining about it.
And the last one being one that happens on every smp I think aka the this prank sucked discourse. This right now is aimed mostly at Bad because his use of snow block is very annoying and clearing it put in quick way will crush the server. Stuff like the often can make things less fun but hey Bad is trying his best to clean the Tubhole so at least he is taking some responsibility.
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bunybunn · 9 months
This was great not only we have Bad thinking that mate is only Australian (while Philza exists like come on) being confused about word brov and learning what the why did the chicken crossed the joke means
This in my favourite type of BBH bit.
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bunybunn · 9 months
I live for the dynamic between that one specific admin and Tubbo like the way Tubbo just goes "Oh it's you"
I love it so much
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bunybunn · 9 months
Okay so the eye worker can try damage one tap Tubbo who has proper enchanted armour so that's wild but also
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The threat just for Sunny tempting them
And also the fact they can edit in the inventory???
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Also we got a name???
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Tattered? Like where did that came from?
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bunybunn · 9 months
I really love how we get to know Federation and it's worker better step by step
At the beginning it was mostly just Cucurucho interacting with the islanders. We learnt that that there is something off about federation during that time. A little bits and pieces. We knew they are not ethical already though. Starting with what happened to Walter Bob to what happened to q!Quackity.
Then we got to meet the workers and see their more human side of them. They started as workers that weren't really allowed to be too human and then later we saw them being not that different to the players. We saw them playing around, joking as well as we saw them getting hurt and traumatised. I feel like Fred's and q! Tubbo's relationship was big part of it. Also whole Elena's first lore streams were very much showcasing that humanity too.
But now we are once again hit with the reminder that something is very wrong about the Federation. Not only we saw what they did to Elena but we also getting more and more conformations that whatever happened at the Egg Island, whatever created Purgatory is heavily connected to Federation.
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bunybunn · 9 months
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No because this is basically confirmation that Egg Island was one of Federation project. I mean I feel like we already knew this but it's interesting to see more islanders realising that. Like whatever Egg Island was it went very wrong and the Federation is aware of it somewhat
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bunybunn · 9 months
You know speaking of q!Tubbo trauma on this server I feel like Fred being kidnapped was the least traumatising one.
I mean remember when q!Tubbo was babysitting Chay and Tallulah when the eggs came back dirty and then disappeared?
Or you know the two Purgatories? Especially the first one where it was about the eggs and where he thought he was the cursed team and where he lost?
Or maybe that time he made funeral for Fred because he thought he was dead?
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bunybunn · 9 months
I... Q!Tubbo just say the him and Sunny are totally not traumatised... And q!Pac just went along with it... And the q!Tubbo literally saying oh we will leave before anything happened... Right in q!Pac face.
And... Now q!Pac suggesting that q!Tubbo's trauma must be connected to Fred.
Also they way q!Tubbo suggested q!Pac to run away with him but then Ramon reminded him he has boyfriend...
Morning crew why are you doing it to meee
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bunybunn · 9 months
Q!Tubbo being often compared to the eggs (even if I joking way) and the way that eggs seem to just understand him better than the islanders do of them makes me think... Why is it?
Part of me wants to just put it to the fact that q!Tubbo interact with the eggs quite different compare to the other parents. At first it was because he simply wasn't a partner for the egg but even now that he has Sunny he still doesn't act fully like a parent. He is the one being fully honest. He usually treats eggs like equals. He is fine with having beef he is fine with just playing around be them.
The other part of me feels like it is because how Tubbo is treated by others. They assume he is bit immature. He is the youngest on the island. He often isn't told the more secretive stuff. Sometimes it feels like he is treated like an older egg. Sure he can handle himself but he is still young... Do you think eggs see themselves in him a little bit?
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