buraibanzai · 3 years
you know what? Time to combine two hyperfixations! reblog this and I'll tell you a Pokémon I associate with your character!
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buraibanzai · 3 years
y'all have a group chat huh
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buraibanzai · 3 years
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i did the thing
i think the categories are pretty self explanatory, but:
are @tai-watanabe-class-1x and burai dating?? who fucking knows
very good friends (he knows they probably don’t feel as strongly, he’s just very fucking bad at making friends <3)
“frends!” are good ol regular friendos
“frends?” means people he wants to be better friends with
“new phone who dis” means people he doesn’t really know much about
jury’s out means he’s conflicted about how he feels with them, mostly due to other people liking them making him feel confused about his judgement
please do not perceive him, thank you very much. he simply Refuses
character elaborations:
amorette kinda confuses him, he doesn’t get the chuuni thing at all and doesn’t like that he’s expected to play along with it. autism brain get big distress. but he doesn’t say anything about it and is never mean, especially since other people seem fine with it
aito.......... he thinks that she must be an alright person if so many nice people hang around him, but he has trouble understanding this. he hates how she uses his Quirk and will make sure to never make eye contact with her. if his shit gets stolen then he will bite Aito /threat
I’M SORRY MISS MOA but he doesn’t like angry people and thinks she should learn to control her temper better. also gets an arrogant vibe off of her.  however does get on better terms with her after being put on the council with her. wishes she’d be a bit nicer, but does like her!
i mean he’s already gone off about Mitsumi, but he can’t stand gossip and drama, and Hina’s whole thing is... that?? he would actually fight her
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buraibanzai · 3 years
i made some of these
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I think I included everyone and i cba to tag everyone so uhh if you see yours there u are
art from @dantelionwishes tho
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buraibanzai · 3 years
update everyone i loved is dead
need to be real with y’all
the reason i haven’t been posting at all is because
i’ve been playing way too much Yakuza 0
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buraibanzai · 3 years
need to be real with y’all
the reason i haven’t been posting at all is because
i’ve been playing way too much Yakuza 0
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buraibanzai · 3 years
does burai have any favourite stim/ fidget toys. I cant remember if this has been asked before rip
yes! he loves little spinny things, like spinner rings or necklaces, and keychains that have a spinner
shakey charms are fun, he has a few. he likes anything with a repetitive motion honestly, like buttons you can press over and over or things that feel like they pop
but his absolute favourite stim is chewing, hence why he puts literally everything in his mouth. his favourite things to chew are pens! he knows it's gross, please don't touch his pens
he's tried those chewy necklaces before but they never last long with him and they don't feel as good. me and @mousierat talked about ikuto buying Burai a dog toy bwahaha
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buraibanzai · 3 years
burai goes for the crane games and gets increasingly frustrated when he can't win a prize. he has to be literally torn away from it by his classmates
1x and 1y have an excursion to the arcades, what games does your bnha oc go to first?
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buraibanzai · 3 years
y'all talking about mun names and im out here like "someone already took my name" ajdndkgmgm
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buraibanzai · 3 years
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hey burai what’s on your mind
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buraibanzai · 3 years
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here's a fun lil thing: reblog this with ur knha oc's most typical expression/the expression you're most likely to see said character wearing! here's haru's
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buraibanzai · 3 years
yall don’t tempt me to draw for actor au i have homework
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buraibanzai · 3 years
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also known as:
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"try your best" is for homoromantic tension between jock dudes, naga ain't getting electrocuted today, no sir
@buraibanzai good luck!!
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buraibanzai · 3 years
how diligently does burai do his schoolwork? can he focus easily?
tldr; he's spiritually very diligent but adhd brain go brrrrrr
despite presenting himself as a little blue ball of chaos, there's one thing about him that he can't shake: he's deeply afraid of authority.
before highschool, he would kinda look down on people who were late, who didn't turn in homework, who flaunted the rules or were disruptive etc. he's less of a prick now, but for himself he doesn't want to disappoint his teachers, especially since he's lowkey afraid he could be kicked out of U.A. at any time for someone better.
BUT this isn't about his school-related trauma so let's go!!
burai doesn't miss deadlines. he will get the work done on time even if it kills him
and sometimes it does feel like it's killing him if it's a subject he's not interested in or if he finds it confusing. he is easily distressed
boredom is painful for him. he would rather pull his own teeth out
he tends to leave things to the last minute, the night before a deadline, and just stay up super late in a rush to finish it all
there's three ways to get him to focus: he has to be naturally interested in the subject, it has to be easy enough for him to do without much effort, or it has to feel urgent enough for him
he actually does pay attention in class, more than people might think. he REFUSES to talk when his teachers are talking and will act like you don't exist if you try to talk to him during Teacher Time
he's surprisingly good at remembering information which helps him the most when it comes to tests and such, since a lot of testing is memory recall unfortunately
he learns best when putting things into practice e.g. in maths, having the methods taught and then doing a lot of practice questions will stick it in his head
when it comes to studying for tests, the thought of it stresses him out so much that he simply Does Not Think to cope. he will be suspiciously social
until the week before. then he's like ah shit here we go again
he will stay up most of the night reading and re-reading his textbooks and will do this in the morning as well
do not disturb him he will bite you
has a tendency to isolate himself from people around exam time, please check up on him i personally am worried he's dead
that being said, he doesn't like studying in groups or with other people bcus he is distracted easily and can't concentrate as well + he has a Unique way of understanding things and doesn't want to confuse others or be confused himself
he also avoids asking for help bcus he's worried people will realise he left it to the last minute if he asks basic questions the night before
basically: yes he completes all his work but at what cost?
OH ONE MORE THING. burai is amazing at taking notes, as in he can write them so fast. he will look at the board once, remember an entire passage of information, and then scribble it down. 
the only thing is... if he’s speed writing, you literally cannot read it. sometimes he himself struggles to read it. he can also type really fast but he doesn’t remember it as well than if he had handwritten it. 
luckily for some (COUGH*RIN*COUGH) he rarely has to resort to writing that fast so his notes are still decipherable! and even tho his handwriting is messy, he organises his information very well on the page so it’s easy to follow
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buraibanzai · 3 years
sorry i haven’t been posting or talking much
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buraibanzai · 3 years
what are some song lyrics that you think represent your character?
interesting q!! i'll leave these lyrics up to interpretation unless someone asks about it <3 it was very hard to limit myself haha
I’m choosing the uncertain
Cause today’s song will keep changing
Isn’t that amazing for both of us?
That’s all I can ask now
About this reference book of emotions I’ve gathered
Study me, and the answer is?
In the city where I live, even in March,
snow falls once in a while
Guess it makes mistakes
just like a good-for-nothing
like me, huh
Harumaki Gohan feat.LUMi - This Earth, for You
“Teacher, I want to talk about my life.
What should I do from now on?
Are you just going to tell me ‘no one knows that’ or something?
Look, it’s not that I want to suffer.
I just want to live without doing anything.
Is it selfish to just want to look at the blue sky?”
Yorushika - Hitchcock
I like the indigo that appears
right after sunset
The reason is because
you can't see me crying in it
with your eyes
Harumaki Gohan - If I Could Become a Comet
Studying various “how-to”s,
I was too afraid
to let my true self show
All of my attempts
to fix the balance of the world
went right out the window
PinocchioP feat. Hatsune MIku - Zero
Is it okay for me to be the good-for-nothing that I am?
Can I still qualify for some tender love?
Is someone who’s completely hopeless as a human
still allowed to talk about dreams?
Harumaki Gohan feat. Hatsune Miku - Dreamless Dreams (Acoustic)
but the fact I can't get over it,
and the fact I can't move forward with it
who's fault is it now, is it yours, probably, maybe not,
I don't know, I don't care, I take it back
I guess it's my fault, yours too,
everyone, as well, thats why
EZFG feat. VY1 - Cyber Thunder Cider
Don't look down on me with your frantic attitude
It's annoying
It's so bright how you're chasing after something
I'll just rot away like this at the very bottom of society
My vague life will just pass away
Even my tears have withered away
TUYU - Even Tears Withered
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buraibanzai · 3 years
burai! ⚡
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Electric boi Burai!
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