burkeandblops · 2 years
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OSCAR ISAAC for Esquire • 2022
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burkeandblops · 2 years
The evening didn't go as Eustace had planned, but when did things go his way? He had been at the Christmas Village looking for some entertainment after a busy morning at the ward. Instead of amusement, he found chaos and death. As soon as Morsmordre appeared over the clear sky, he knew it was the moment to run. Luckily his sister hadn't decided to come, or he would be in shambles.
Eustace couldn't say he didn't see it coming, because he did, he had heard things but didn't have the time to put all the pieces together and now it was too late. He felt he was going to be needed at the hospital and the quickest way was through the train station. His pace was determined, his wand at hand ready to defend himself, unlike the hectic movements around him, he was on a mission until he heard a familiar voice.
"Lucius?" He looked disheveled, but who didn't? The debris of the multiple explosions had reached everybody around, and multiple curses had been cast... "are you okay?!" Eustace asked with a sense of urgency, he was a close friend and he would use his healing abilities to help he looked alright, but anything was possible, "what was all that about?" if someone knew, it would be him.
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DATE: december 25th, 1986 TIME: 5:56pm LOCATION: Hogsmeade Village, train station LOCATION: closed to @burkeandblops​
Eyes WIDE, loose pieces of hair stuck to his lips and eyelashes, Lucius had his back to the brick, chest heaving as he watched the great writhing mass of bodies speed past. They seemingly had forgotten – unlike he – there were turns off the main path and kept moving in a basically straight line, trying desperately to escape.Predictable. Even in the midst of such   c h a o s   and disaster – even for the organization, what with Alecto’s outburst – Lucius Malfoy always had a spare thought to lend his own superiority.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a dark shape moving closer to the actual train tracks. Eyes darted to the blurry mass, and by some great MIRACLE, it was someone he not only recognized, but trusted. One of the very, very few.
“Burke!” he hissed, finally stopping to tidy himself a bit as he called out for his friend.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Seeing Eustace again felt almost like the ghost of her past. Somehow, Chiara had managed to avoid running into people from her life before she had joined the pack. Partially because she had spent so much of her first year with the pack in the forest, trying to learn what it was truly like to be a wolf, and unlearning the things that society had ingrained in her. Chiara had seen some of her old classmates from Hogwarts in the distance, but she hadn’t been forced to talk to them so it didn’t really count in her mind.
She couldn’t help but wonder if he had talked to her parents recently. There had been a time when they saw him rather frequently, and she knew that her parents liked him too. But the whole reason that the relationship existed was because she had been bitten and had spent so much time in St. Mungo’s. Without her…there wasn’t really any reason to continue the relationship. Especially because it had been nearly two years since she had left her family. She couldn’t ask him about her parents, though, because it felt like a betrayal to Fenrir and to the pack. They were her family now. They took care of her and accepted her. They taught her how to embrace what she was instead of fearing it. She didn’t want to betray them. 
She shook her head. “Nothing exciting. I’m just wandering around is all,” she lied with a smile. Lying was another thing that hadn’t been second nature to her, but she had had to learn. Lying was necessary with their way of life. He didn’t need to know that they were up to something.  “I’m sure you’re busy this time of year at the hospital,” she commented. Chiara smiled. “I’m good. I’m happy,” she told him. “I finally found a place where I belong.”
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"We all need to find our clique, right?" Eustace had mixed feelings about Chiara's situation. On one hand, he was happy she found a place she really belonged, turning into a werewolf was a terrible transition for most people, they were usually outcasts and their families turned their backs on them for the most part. He had seen his fair share of cases at the hospital and it as heartbreaking. He didn't know if there was still some level of relationship between her and her parents, but he wouldn't dare to ask. They had never contacted him back.
And on the other hand, he worried about her, werewolf packs weren't the most conventional of "households" to grow up in and Fenrir's pack wasn't Eustace's favorite bunch, even when he enjoyed a certain level of protection from them due to the nature of his business with their leader.
"There's never a dull day at the hospital, I'm afraid, but we do what we can," he responded with a grin. "if you're not busy, you can join me for a butterbeer at the Hog's Head," it was one of the few places that were friendly with any kind of crowd, "And you can tell me about your adventures."
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Seeing Eustace again felt almost like the ghost of her past. Somehow, Chiara had managed to avoid running into people from her life before she had joined the pack. Partially because she had spent so much of her first year with the pack in the forest, trying to learn what it was truly like to be a wolf, and unlearning the things that society had ingrained in her. Chiara had seen some of her old classmates from Hogwarts in the distance, but she hadn’t been forced to talk to them so it didn’t really count in her mind.
She couldn’t help but wonder if he had talked to her parents recently. There had been a time when they saw him rather frequently, and she knew that her parents liked him too. But the whole reason that the relationship existed was because she had been bitten and had spent so much time in St. Mungo’s. Without her…there wasn’t really any reason to continue the relationship. Especially because it had been nearly two years since she had left her family. She couldn’t ask him about her parents, though, because it felt like a betrayal to Fenrir and to the pack. They were her family now. They took care of her and accepted her. They taught her how to embrace what she was instead of fearing it. She didn’t want to betray them. 
She shook her head. “Nothing exciting. I’m just wandering around is all,” she lied with a smile. Lying was another thing that hadn’t been second nature to her, but she had had to learn. Lying was necessary with their way of life. He didn’t need to know that they were up to something.  “I’m sure you’re busy this time of year at the hospital,” she commented. Chiara smiled. “I’m good. I’m happy,” she told him. “I finally found a place where I belong.”
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"We all need to find our clique, right?" Eustace had mixed feelings about Chiara's situation. On one hand, he was happy she found a place she really belonged, turning into a werewolf was a terrible transition for most people, they were usually outcasts and their families turned their backs on them for the most part. He had seen his fair share of cases at the hospital and it as heartbreaking. He didn't know if there was still some level of relationship between her and her parents, but he wouldn't dare to ask. They had never contacted him back.
And on the other hand, he worried about her, werewolf packs weren't the most conventional of "households" to grow up in and Fenrir's pack wasn't Eustace's favorite bunch, even when he enjoyed a certain level of protection from them due to the nature of his business with their leader.
"There's never a dull day at the hospital, I'm afraid, but we do what we can," he responded with a grin. "if you're not busy, you can join me for a butterbeer at the Hog's Head," it was one of the few places that were friendly with any kind of crowd, "And you can tell me about your adventures."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Eustace didn't know if he should laugh or cry at the conversation he started with Fenrir. His big mouth always got him into trouble and would keep on doing so until the end of time, "oh, what keeps you busy in the winter? You know I'm very demanding and possessive with my time."
The scariest part of his interviews with him was probably the way he looked so composed, yet, always spoke with that sinister tone and gave him those occasional wicked grins, "I won't keep you from going to get your dinner AT HOME." Eustace retorted, feeling a sudden urge to get out of there.
"I'll find out what I can... And don't call me Stacey..." He didn't want to overcommit, but he was already into deep; the quality of his information determined if he lived to see another day and he still had a lot to do. "I guess this is our last meeting this year. Happy... holidays if you celebrate anything," Eustace didn't even know what he was saying, wishing happy holidays to a werewolf?
Without saying another word he turned and started walking back to the main road, relieved but still alert.
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"I get busy in the winter. I couldn't possibly find the time to clear my SCHEDULE..." Summertime had its own benefits, but people weren't normally as happy to flock about with their families. It was a special time of year for him, even without the holiday season. "And I'm sure we can find plenty of romance in the summer. We might even get a clear day, if we're lucky..." His eyes followed the pipe as as Eustace tucked it back into his pocket, and then sunk lower. "My dress robes might need some PATCHING up, but don't you worry. I'll clean up nice for you. Wouldn't want to disappoint the bride-to-be."
Greyback chuckled. He could be a SQUEAMISH one, couldn't he? "I've said worse." More than that, done worse—but that was where the trouble lay, didn't it? It was easy, too easy, for Eustace to picture the CARNAGE in his mind's eye. It was enough to turn anyone's stomach. "But I'll do my best to keep it light. You should know, I haven't had my dinner yet." Eyes pulling back up toward his face, Fenrir faced him with a horrid, snaggletoothed grin.
Rumors. It was all anyone had these days. Even his few contacts still attached to the DECAYING corpse that made up the Death Eaters could tell him little else. "Riddle's house. I'm not surprised. They must take to it like a holy ground." Even so, it was something he hadn't considered, himself... perhaps it was SIGNIFICANT. Worth looking into. "You'll keep me updated, won't you, Stacey? Anything you learn, I want to know."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
“Oh, if you want...I was actually hoping to take a break. I can help you look for him, if you want.” Her eyes widened a little bit at the offered bottle. Surprised 1) because the man in front of her she couldn’t pick out of a lineup yet, and 2) at the sheer generosity of a complete stranger. “That’s alright--but I thank you, truly. I tend to let my brain run until it loses steam, then I fall asleep at my desk at home, and then do it all over again.” She added a light laugh, hoping the other would follow that she was joking. Which did answer the next question of how was she?
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
"Oh, don't worry, I know where to find him. I just ended up wandering on this side of the ministry by chance." Eustace explained. Then he chuckled at her remark on her energy problem. "You can't be lucid enough, these times demand it, believe me, I'm a healer." Winter was the toughest time for almost everyone he knew: low energy, busy schedules, holidays, and paperwork. He had seen his fair share of people coming unconscious to St Mungos.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
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Eustace's Potions at St. Mungos.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
A smug smile appeared on his face as she accepted to stay, at least for a little while, he loved achieving things like this. "Tea? It's earl grey," he offered as he poured himself another cup.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine about the timeline. How about Lobalug Poisoning? Cases have been rising at the hospital and I doubt this is just a coincidence." Several people in the same demographic (werewolves) had been arriving at his ward with this condition and probably someone had found they were more vulnerable to it than other people.
"What do you do in your spare time?" It wasn't all about work, he could sneak in a question or two to find out more about her, to KNOW her but also, to find a better way to reach out to her and break that icy exterior.
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The look she sends their way is one of mild amusement and questioning, brow raised as if to inquiry whether Eustace is being serious or not. She is sure they are, as they are wont to do, but the curiosity prevails. Why her? There is plenty of people within the Cabal and beyond with more than willing to indulge the older magic user, or at least, individuals willing to espouse their achievements to someone as well connected as Eustace Burke is. Her? Well, she had long since shown that she preferred Rosaline amongst the two of them.
"That would be my pleasure," she allows, expression softening ever so slightly as she glances at the table that he had managed to acquire for himself amidst the crowd, and carefully pulls a chair out for herself before turning to Eustace. She is never anything but polite to her costumers, even if this one in particular fills her with distaste due to his unsavory connections. Or at least, unsavory to her personal taste. "Which spell do you want to be updated in first? There has been some progress done, but the timeline still stands as previously discussed."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Constantina looked up at her uncle with wide doe eyes. "I think I might've forgotten for a moment there," she murmured. "It's nice to hear again. Thank you, Uncle." When she was in Egypt, she had been working day and night for nearly two years straight. If she was being honest, she didn't have the time or the ENERGY to miss anyone -- and that was really the point. She was sure once word got to her father, he would be   f u r i o u s   with her -- she wouldn't be surprised in the least if this little excursion had taken literal years off her life, how hard she overworked herself -- but the important thing was that she was still here. Would he have preferred it if she handled it like Mother had?
And, now "here" also meant back in Great Britain. Here with the people who loved her. Now that she was back, she hadn't stopped   m i s s i n g   all of them for a second of her waking hours.
"It's the shop my father always kept; I don't actually think any of his friends knew the shop was anything but a front. It's, um. It's in Carkitt Market, so it's really old and LOVELY. And he owned it, so there's nothing in rent. That’s nice." She tucked her hands into her pockets and shrugged lightly. "It's not much but it's something to pass the time. I bought a kappa at auction when I was in Egypt and he lives in the shop now; he's really quite sweet, though most people are awfully frightened. Which is a good thing, I suppose," she laughed.
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Eustace wasn't one to judge, and that's why he would've been a great dad, if he had chosen to be one in the past, but fate had it other way and he had never made himself emotionally available to almost anyone to develop such relationship to be able to consider having a family of his own. The way Constantina dealt with her issues was her way and he understood, even when she didn't say anything, how traumatic everything had been.
"So you're taking on the family business, wonderful! I'll make sure to refer some patients to your shop, after all, our disciplines are very similar and I'd be happy to support you in any way I can." It was good to hear her excited about her business, a sense of pride taking over him, her father would be so proud.
"A kappa?! I hope it is trained!" He wasn't fond of pets, especially deadly ones, but if it was her little baby he wouldn't do a thing about it, "don't let it wreak havoc, I know a person or two that would do anything to get their hands on one..."
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Constantina looked up at her uncle with wide doe eyes. "I think I might've forgotten for a moment there," she murmured. "It's nice to hear again. Thank you, Uncle." When she was in Egypt, she had been working day and night for nearly two years straight. If she was being honest, she didn't have the time or the ENERGY to miss anyone -- and that was really the point. She was sure once word got to her father, he would be   f u r i o u s   with her -- she wouldn't be surprised in the least if this little excursion had taken literal years off her life, how hard she overworked herself -- but the important thing was that she was still here. Would he have preferred it if she handled it like Mother had?
And, now "here" also meant back in Great Britain. Here with the people who loved her. Now that she was back, she hadn't stopped   m i s s i n g   all of them for a second of her waking hours.
"It's the shop my father always kept; I don't actually think any of his friends knew the shop was anything but a front. It's, um. It's in Carkitt Market, so it's really old and LOVELY. And he owned it, so there's nothing in rent. That’s nice." She tucked her hands into her pockets and shrugged lightly. "It's not much but it's something to pass the time. I bought a kappa at auction when I was in Egypt and he lives in the shop now; he's really quite sweet, though most people are awfully frightened. Which is a good thing, I suppose," she laughed.
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Eustace wasn't one to judge, and that's why he would've been a great dad, if he had chosen to be one in the past, but fate had it other way and he had never made himself emotionally available to almost anyone to develop such relationship to be able to consider having a family of his own. The way Constantina dealt with her issues was her way and he understood, even when she didn't say anything, how traumatic everything had been.
"So you're taking on the family business, wonderful! I'll make sure to refer some patients to your shop, after all, our disciplines are very similar and I'd be happy to support you in any way I can." It was good to hear her excited about her business, a sense of pride taking over him, her father would be so proud.
"A kappa?! I hope it is trained!" He wasn't fond of pets, especially deadly ones, but if it was her little baby he wouldn't do a thing about it, "don't let it wreak havoc, I know a person or two that would do anything to get their hands on one..."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
"And here I thought you'd be a romantic that would prefer a winter wedding. You're full of surprises. You better clean up nice." He finally got his pipe back and didn't know what to do with it, so he decided to keep it on the pocket of his coat.
"With good reason... you would S L A U G H T E R your opponent." Eustace wasn't a fan of the sport, but he liked a few people who did, the mere thought of the picture Grayback put in his head made him shiver, "Enough with the graphic depictions of violence. I just had dinner and I've seen enough."
He wish he had more, Eustace felt vulnerable coming to these meetings with something worthy to think he could live one more month without his insides being torn out because it wasn't sufficient, "Well, you know the rumors, our the dark lord may not be dead. But I haven't witnessed that and I doubt I'd be here to tell the story if I did. Activity regarding death eaters meeting at Chercher, no surprise, and even Riddle's house. Again, I haven't seen anything, but I trust my sources and something is up."
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Eustace recklessness sometimes led him to dangerous situations like this, and he cursed the day he chose to be so SASSY and stop watching his tongue, especially with this kind of individual, "I guess I chose the perfect time to bring the topic, then." He knew what Grayback was capable of, her had S E E N it, and he wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of his particular affections.
"Oh, we do know you love to cause them," He retorted to the tensions thing, he didn't mean to give advice, but the thought of having to deal with the aftermath of the restlessness of a wolfpack gave him a headache, "ut a wise course of action, free advice here, would be to show some restraint... "maybe practicing some quidditch instead of hunting can work to release some steam."
He couldn't give much away, because he didn't have anything yet, just scattered pieces from gossip at St. Mungo's, Ministry talk, and the Cabal sources. "They have been... working? Something is keeping them busy, I don't know what, but there has been a lot of activity with the main heads." Speaking of heads, he wanted to keep his and betraying what once was his clique felt a little... heedless.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
"Sorry, sorry! My manners are alright, you were just too focused," Eustace exclaimed, unable to contain a giggle, it was funny when he managed to sneak on people like that, "didn't see me coming huh?" He joked as he started eyeing one of the tomes in front of him, Botanical Curses and How to Heal Them, he found in interesting and grabbed it.
"What are you up to these days, Bastian?" He asked full of curiosity. It had been some time since he caught up with the whereabouts of his favorite seer.
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"Sorry, sorry! My manners are alright, you were just too focused," Eustace exclaimed, unable to contain a giggle, it was funny when he managed to sneak on people like that, "didn't see me coming huh?" He joked as he started eyeing one of the tomes in front of him, Botanical Curses and How to Heal Them, he found in interesting and grabbed it.
"What are you up to these days, Bastian?" He asked full of curiosity. It had been some time since he caught up with the whereabouts of his favorite seer.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Just after getting off work at St Mungo's, Eustace found himself walking to Hogsmeade to hang out at the Hog's Head, his favorite pub and a place that felt like home. Just as he was walking by The Magic Neep he saw a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in ages. Chiara Lobosca, a former patient at St Mungos and one of the few werewolves he didn't feel apprehensive of, probably because she wasn't born as one, but had been turned by no other than Fenrir. He could still remember the day she got to the hospital, how scared her parents were of her condition, and aware of how her life was going to change forever. He worked tirelessly to help her recover, but being a werewolf would be a mark she would carry with her, for better or worse. Seeing her resilience and her attitude, made Eustace optimistic about her future, now that he was seeing her after so long, he confirmed it was true. Seeing she hadn't noticed he was approaching, he decided to surprise her by sneaking to stand by her side, it wasn't only until he was hovering over her that he let out a chuckle.
"Chiara... Up to anything interesting?" he asked. If she was in the are, most probably she wasn't alone, werewolves moved in packs and he could feel the others were not far. He had been keeping tabs on her well-being after he caught wind that she joined Fenrir. "I am doing good, coming around for a butterbeer or two. How about you?" He was curious to know about her whereabouts, and overall, how she was feeling about calling the pack her family now.
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Location: Hogsmeade Date: December 20th Time: Early Evening Closed for @burkeandblops​
Chiara and some of the other wolves had gone into Hogsmeade together for supplies. She had been put on lookout while they went into some of the shops to commander some supplies, and she was secretly grateful for being put on lookout duty. It was still hard for her to steal sometimes, not just mentally, but she just…wasn’t as good at it as the others. She had gotten caught a few times, but thankfully was able to talk herself out of it before they called someone in to arrest her. But she knew that she could only get away with it so many times before she got into real trouble.
Suddenly she sensed someone hovering, and Chiara’s defenses immediately went up. Glancing up from where she was standing, she spotted Eustace Burke standing nearby, watching her. Chiara’s defenses immediately went down, and a smile formed on her lips. It had been two and a half years since she had last seen him she suddenly realized. There had been a time when she had gone to the hospital regularly, for check ups, for uncomfortable tests, and while Chiara had hated it all, Eustace Burke had always shown her kindness, had treated her with dignity, and she was happy to see him.
“Mr. Burke!” Chiara exclaimed. “I can’t believe that it’s really you. How are you?”
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Constantina crumpled at the mention of her father. Only for a millisecond, before her upbringing kicked in and she regained her composure. She swallowed the   l u m p   in her throat -- hard -- and, with it, the tears that immediately sprung to her eyes every time she remembered how far away from her father she was, and for how long she would be. Turning the gulp into a   l a u g h   -- albeit a TIGHT and nervous one -- she looked back up at Eustace, her eyes still shining. 
"I know. I remember every time. It was my favorite, when he let me come with." She laughed again, something real and JOYFUL this time. "In those ridiculous frilly dresses Mother used to put me in. Gracious. Me, all in pink." Constantina wiped at her eyes, pulling back slightly from her uncle in order to more fully enjoy the feeling of being this near to him once more.
"It's so good to see you," she breathed, voice wavering again. Her smile began giving out in spite of how hard she was trying, so she pulled herself back to Eustace's side, arms locking around him as tightly as she could manage for the briefest moment.
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"I think I'm here to stay." Motioning with her head they should move up in line, she pulled away once more and continued speaking. Then --
Tell me everything about your adventures. She had been so FOOLISH to isolate herself so much over the last two years. When everything came crashing down around her, the pressure of it all had been crushing. She almost didn't recover. Not taking advantage of the support system her father had fought so hard to build her would likely be a regret she carried with her for years to come.
"FOR NOW, at least. I have the shop now, anyway. I'll tell you and Tilda everything over tea sometime," she promised, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "How are you? I heard you... left. The organization."
He could tell it was still hard for her. It was still hard for T H E M, her father being one of his closest friends, now secluded at the worst place imaginable. Eustace admired and respected Constantina's decision to lay low and leave for a while, Merlink knows he would've left forever if he had been in her shoes.
The way she reminisced about the past made him feel really nostalgic about that time of his life, but everything was different now and his allegiances had changed, mainly by need, but also due to truth, one he couldn't deny, just like you couldn't cover the sun with one hand. A need to care for her took over him, being alone against the world like that would be unfathomable for him. "I'm glad to hear that kiddo, we missed you, and this is your H O M E. You know that right?" He wanted to convey a message of safety. The world had changed and he was part of that change and would take anyone who wanted to join him in making it palpable.
"A shop? An entrepreneur!" Doing things was the best way to keep your mind busy, and her reinvention was astounding. She still had a lot of the niece he knew years ago. When she asked about the o r g a n i z a t i o n he kept a straight face. If she only knew. He would tell her the story, the TRUE story of all the things that had transpired while she was gone, but also the ones that happened before she was even born. "The organization... that's quite the story, a good one, but for another moment, we really need to catch up." He would share it in due time. "Tell me more about that shop of yours, I'm intrigued."
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Constantina crumpled at the mention of her father. Only for a millisecond, before her upbringing kicked in and she regained her composure. She swallowed the   l u m p   in her throat -- hard -- and, with it, the tears that immediately sprung to her eyes every time she remembered how far away from her father she was, and for how long she would be. Turning the gulp into a   l a u g h   -- albeit a TIGHT and nervous one -- she looked back up at Eustace, her eyes still shining. 
"I know. I remember every time. It was my favorite, when he let me come with." She laughed again, something real and JOYFUL this time. "In those ridiculous frilly dresses Mother used to put me in. Gracious. Me, all in pink." Constantina wiped at her eyes, pulling back slightly from her uncle in order to more fully enjoy the feeling of being this near to him once more.
"It's so good to see you," she breathed, voice wavering again. Her smile began giving out in spite of how hard she was trying, so she pulled herself back to Eustace's side, arms locking around him as tightly as she could manage for the briefest moment.
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"I think I'm here to stay." Motioning with her head they should move up in line, she pulled away once more and continued speaking. Then --
Tell me everything about your adventures. She had been so FOOLISH to isolate herself so much over the last two years. When everything came crashing down around her, the pressure of it all had been crushing. She almost didn't recover. Not taking advantage of the support system her father had fought so hard to build her would likely be a regret she carried with her for years to come.
"FOR NOW, at least. I have the shop now, anyway. I'll tell you and Tilda everything over tea sometime," she promised, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "How are you? I heard you... left. The organization."
He could tell it was still hard for her. It was still hard for T H E M, her father being one of his closest friends, now secluded at the worst place imaginable. Eustace admired and respected Constantina's decision to lay low and leave for a while, Merlink knows he would've left forever if he had been in her shoes.
The way she reminisced about the past made him feel really nostalgic about that time of his life, but everything was different now and his allegiances had changed, mainly by need, but also due to truth, one he couldn't deny, just like you couldn't cover the sun with one hand. A need to care for her took over him, being alone against the world like that would be unfathomable for him. "I'm glad to hear that kiddo, we missed you, and this is your H O M E. You know that right?" He wanted to convey a message of safety. The world had changed and he was part of that change and would take anyone who wanted to join him in making it palpable.
"A shop? An entrepreneur!" Doing things was the best way to keep your mind busy, and her reinvention was astounding. She still had a lot of the niece he knew years ago. When she asked about the o r g a n i z a t i o n he kept a straight face. If she only knew. He would tell her the story, the TRUE story of all the things that had transpired while she was gone, but also the ones that happened before she was even born. "The organization... that's quite the story, a good one, but for another moment, we really need to catch up." He would share it in due time. "Tell me more about that shop of yours, I'm intrigued."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
Eustace recklessness sometimes led him to dangerous situations like this, and he cursed the day he chose to be so SASSY and stop watching his tongue, especially with this kind of individual, "I guess I chose the perfect time to bring the topic, then." He knew what Grayback was capable of, her had S E E N it, and he wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of his particular affections.
"Oh, we do know you love to cause them," He retorted to the tensions thing, he didn't mean to give advice, but the thought of having to deal with the aftermath of the restlessness of a wolfpack gave him a headache, "ut a wise course of action, free advice here, would be to show some restraint... "maybe practicing some quidditch instead of hunting can work to release some steam."
He couldn't give much away, because he didn't have anything yet, just scattered pieces from gossip at St. Mungo's, Ministry talk, and the Cabal sources. "They have been... working? Something is keeping them busy, I don't know what, but there has been a lot of activity with the main heads." Speaking of heads, he wanted to keep his and betraying what once was his clique felt a little... heedless.
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"Don't you worry, I'm not the SUPERSTITIOUS sort. I'd be happy to tear it off you many times before that date." Among other things, limbs and flesh included. His nature had been burned into him for too long, and his descent into the wolven mind had marred his affections... what few remained. The only thing that kept Eustace alive and well was his own usage, the same arrangement that brought him—as close to safely as there was in his presence—into the forest UNHARMED. "But I'd think the winter too cold for that sort of thing. I've heard people prefer to hitch their horses in the summertime."
The mention of the ward, of St. Mungo's, hardened his expression. Fenrir, as many of his kind, had been there before. Too many times to count, in his youth. None had been PLEASANT experiences. It reminded him, once again, of the itch that lived beneath his skin—the desire to turn those among Eustace's kind inside out. "You'd be hard-pressed to surprise me with ANYTHING," he remarked, letting his teeth mark the pipe set between them. A gift, a disapproval—there was little difference, anymore. "I've known for a while now about TENSIONS."
Letting his neck roll from side to side, Greyback considered his statement. "Your holidays are safe, for now," he answered, careful to keep his information vague. Without more from his contact, little would be given in return. "But I can't make promises about afterwards. The pack... they get RESTLESS." He got restless. He demanded carnage. "I want to know anything you've heard about..." he trailed off, lowering his voice further. "Those rumors about the Death Eaters. Anything you've got."
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burkeandblops · 2 years
@aetheriuswrites ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Drowning in paperwork. Amelia was beginning to wonder if she’d chosen the wrong field. Lately her work had been chaining her to a desk, wondering again if she should’ve become a Hit Witch instead. Biting back a bored sigh, she’d been already debating on taking much deserved break when someone called to her. A tilt of her head as she studied his face briefly, recalling the name. “Eustace Burke,” A soft huff of a laugh falls from her lips. “I think I’m going to leave that up to the imagination. Were you looking for someone?” And an offer to assist would follow.  
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"I was, but I don't think I'll find him here..." Eustace liked people who offered their help without having to ask for it, he was that kind as well, so he took her offering with a smile, his plans had changed. Seeing her disposition made him want to stay there a little longer, sourcing info or just developing their acquaintance.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Noticing the pile of paperwork, he said, "I think you'll need this more than my friend Brod," he said as he offered her the little bottle of elixir, "just a few drops when you're feeling tired and it will work wonders." His specialty as a potioneer came in handy, not only at St Mungo's. "How are you?"
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burkeandblops · 2 years
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Peak Jake Lockley energy
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burkeandblops · 2 years
REBLOG IF YOU'RE STUCK USING THE BETA TEXT EDITOR. i feel like reblogging this will help spread awareness on how serious the situation is for everyone in the rpc because we're unable to edit posts edited in LTE. here are some posts that'll help you get a better understanding on everything as well as teaching you on how to use BTE ( and yes i recommend you looking at all of them ):
why LTE + BTE don't mesh well together
mobile tutorial for BTE
desktop tutorial for BTE + update
recommended addons for xkit rewritten
suggestion for those stuck with BTE
how to add color to your text in BTE
BTE + tagging system
and if you guys have any posts / tutorials that you'd like to be added to this then, by all means, go for it.
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burkeandblops · 2 years
He knew she didn't like him. She avoided him everywhere she could, not even at their Cabal meetings she even tried to approach him, and he was curious about what it was. Or maybe not, deep inside he understood he was a lot to handle and that his methods, friends, and previous history didn't sit well with some members of the community, "and think that I was about to ask you to join me for a cup," a tone of pity in his voice.
"Well, if you want to talk business, I can be here for that as well, after all you owe me that report on new healing spells." Eustace was a fan of her work, in fact, he was O B S E S S E D with it, and he considered Rosaura one of the brightest minds in his circle. He would exploit that then, taking advantage of his high rank in the Cabal, in the end he was the second in command and she wouldn't want to escape W O R K.
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Rosaura had been acquainted with tea at a young age, but it had not become a major part of her palate until after moving to the United Kingdoms. Now, tea offered comfort and refuge when she is stressed or in dire need of something warm, or even when she just wanted to treat herself to something nice. Rosa Lee Teabag just happens to be the perfect place to do so, specially with all the festivities going on around the Alleys and Hogsmead. As she walks into the restaurant for a nice cup of green tea to keep the warmth in a cold December day, she notices something— someone— that wipes the good cheer from her face, turning it into a polite yet distant expression.
"Nothing of the sort, Burke," she denies swiftly as she approaches them, lips twisted into a faint smile to observe courtesies. There is a thin line, she manages around the Cabal, knowing she is amidst blood purists and not alike. She is more than capable to be affable with xenophobes by sheer virtue of experience, but there is something about Eustace Burke that leaves her distinctly unimpressed. It might have been the conversation she overheard or the keen reminder of seeing them next to Argo Pyrites daughter on the courtroom, even after it had been revealed that he had experimented on muggles. Either way, she found a distinct lack of pleasure talking to the them. It would be a shame as they seemed quite the interesting conversationalist, would be, alas, she found them too unpleasant to find even that a shame. "Merely realizing that my desire for a pleasant tea time has evaporated, as I believe our conversations are always all business and no pleasure in my part."
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