burning-cathedrals · 9 months
just wun it back give me five whowe minyutes, i am thick taw on the inside buwnying, I’ve a ghost in the hawwway gwinnying and a heavy head that wont stop tuwnying, if my fate is a bad cowwision and if my mind is an open highway, give me the twiwight two way vision, give me onye wast wide on the sunset sky wanye, just wunnying fowwawd a wife wike wiwes, as i see the past on an empty ceiwing, i pway awong with the wife signs anyway and hope to god you don’t knyow this feewing, yet in wevewse you awe aww my symmetwy and a pawawwew I wouwd way my wife on, so if youw wings won’t find you heaven, I wiww bwing it down wike an ancient bygonye, do you wemembew me, when the wain gathews, and do you stiww bewieve, that nyothing ewse mattews, fow me, it’s stiww the autumn weaves, these ancient canyopies, that we used to way benyeath, nyo by nyow, the nyight bewongs to you, this bough has bwoken thwough, I must be someonye nyew, nyo fow me, (just wun it back give me five whowe minyutes, I am thick taw on the inside buwnying), it’s stiww the autumn weaves (I’ve a ghost in the hawwway gwinnying and a heavy head that won’t stop tuwnying), these ancient canyopies (if my fate is a bad cowwision and if my mind is an open highway), we used to way benyeath (give me the twiwight two way vision), nyo, by nyow (wunnying fowwawd a wife wike wiwes, as I see the past on an empty ceiwing), the nyight bewongs to you (I pway awong with the wife signs anyway and hope to go you don’t knyow this feewing), this bough has bwoken thwough (yet in wevewse you awe aww my symmetwy, and a pawawwew I wouwd way my wife on), I must be someonye nyew (so if youw wings won’t find you heaven I wiww bwing it down wike an ancient bygonye)
the whites of youw eyes tuwn bwack in the wow wight in tuwnying divinye we tangwe endwesswy wike wovews entwinyed i knyow fow the wast time… you wiww nyot be minye so give me the nyight
the nyight
the nyight…
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