burningtowntales · 21 days
After months of deep diving
It’s time to sail the surface of life
With stronger wings and a willing heart
The winds of change are taking me back to sea, where new adventures await…
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burningtowntales · 1 month
Retrenching inside while the temperature soars outside. 🔥😁💦
Focused on developing a better understanding of my current needs and dreams for the future while unlearning lessons from the past.
Freedom comes from knowing what doesn’t serve me and moving forward without the weight of expectations and responsibilities that were never meant to be mine. As those assumed burdens lift, I am creating space for lightness and joy and replenishing the deep well of love inside me so I can feel alive again.
There is ongoing regret, loneliness, and guilt and still more grieving to be done to truly heal, but there is a path forward, and I’m grateful for the wisdom that is being shared and growing inside my heart and soul.
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burningtowntales · 3 months
Independence, liberty, and freedom…
As I think of these words this Independence Day, my feelings are evolving. I hope is that in the future my independence is less about how I’ve learned to survive, and more about creating possibilities for space for me to thrive and where dependency is enabled through trust and collaboration.
I don’t want my intense sense of responsibility to continue to limit my freedom to deeply live and experience this world. In the future the responsibilities that I take on must be balanced with role clarity, grace and gratitude.
I am deeply appreciative of the Liberty and liberties I have as an American citizen and grateful for the leaders and people who had a vision for a democracy where people have a chance to bring their dreams to life.
July ‘24 musings
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burningtowntales · 3 months
The long goodbye…
While grace was sought
And the pull of deep love remained
The pain I caused exceeded the threshold
Where understanding was possible
And I am left
With compassion and memories
Where once there was the warmth
Of His arms
The reasons for all of this heartbreak on both sides are real and now I will give grace to MY heart and spirit in lieu of the future of which I dreamed.
I hope the emptiness I feel now is one day transmuted
Into the space where new love and hope can grow.
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burningtowntales · 4 months
Mid year already?
Still feels like I’m on the starting line
And yet I’m running the race
As best I can
Breathe deep
and GO!
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burningtowntales · 5 months
Be here now
In the quiet place
While the world in on fire
In my mind there is fresh snow
The smell of the hemlock tree
Next to the house in which my dreams were grown
Be here now
In the warm place
While the world is on fire
In my mind there is a salt breeze
The sound of palm trees
Next to the hammock in which a marriage was born
Be here now
In the loud place
While the world is on fire
In my mind there is the roar of a waterfall
The feel of warm rock
Under my fingertips through which strength is realized
Be here now
In the cold place
While the world is on fire
In my mind there is an explosion of color
The flash of fish through kelp forests
As salt water presses against my skin and I feel alive
I am here now
In this place
While the world is on fire
In my heart there is gratitude for the lessons learned
The moments of clarity
As my heart heals and my spirit rises
These are the threads that take me back and transcend time ❤️
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burningtowntales · 6 months
In this new season
I have no answers, only questions
Well chosen and worthy of consideration
As I search for reason and rhyme
Flowers encourage me to take my time…
A reminder that emergence is inevitable, but not predictable. 🙄😁🌼
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burningtowntales · 7 months
Light builds
Softly breathing
I step forward
Into a new dawn…
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burningtowntales · 7 months
Breaks down walls
Shifts perception
And creates desire
Where doubts leave space for You…
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burningtowntales · 7 months
Love was lost in the space between…
Silent loneliness : quiet companionship
Listening to the words : hearing the emotions
Touching each other’s body : feeling each other’s soul
Connection built our home and then disconnection tore it apart and the space between is now filled with regret for what could have been but will never be.
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burningtowntales · 7 months
The roots planted breaking towards the surface
Emerging from dark solitude into an unknown tempest
And following the call of my spirit guides
As I brave the wilderness once more…
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burningtowntales · 8 months
The sunlight seems out of place
While my heart sinks
With the weight of your words
And sadness crosses my face
#heavyheart #grief #lovelost
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burningtowntales · 9 months
The light is shifting
And within my mind
There are dreams to chase
But time is drifting
While I stand fixed in place
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burningtowntales · 10 months
Each day is short
The nights are long
I pause for the movement of light to dark and am filled by the absence of what was here, but is no more.
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burningtowntales · 10 months
Want < Do ❤️
“If you want more joy, serve. If you want more money, solve problems. If you want more freedom, face your fears.”
— Unknown
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burningtowntales · 11 months
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When my heart is on fire, I look the the sky for answers,
When the sky is on fire, I look to my heart for truth…
#chooselove ❤️
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burningtowntales · 1 year
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❤️ #perdidokey
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