burningxwinter · 10 years
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      "The men said me new home is apartment D-5. What's an apartment?"
Was it what these people called houses, towers or castles? Ygritte wanted to know what a castle looked like, there were none beyond the Wall.
{ ❀ —
Just as Petunia had expected.
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"Yeah… Are you alright, though? Where were you told to go for your apartment?" Or District, Heaven forbid. }
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burningxwinter · 10 years
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"Y'don't know the First Men? They're our ancestors, mine as yours. I been here a few weeks- sensed? What d'you mean?"
"Not at all, dear."
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"I can’t really appreciate face values, but I know mine can be a little unsettling. Kneelers and First Men, you’ve given me some things to research. Are you new to this harrowing place? I haven’t sensed you before."
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Ygritte was delighted to see the surprise on the other elf's face. She was quite light-footed and fast and didn't hide her pride in that.
      "Of course they're yours."
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She was confused about this man's words. The ears were his own, that's why they were attached to his head. Disbelieving, Ygritte shook her head.
      "You were born with 'em, how 'bout that?"
    The gunman nearly jumped a mile in the air at the sudden voice reaching his ears; obviously someone that had witness his brief freak-out. He quickly swiveled in the direction of the voice, sharp eyes quickly catching his fellow elf from her perch in the tree above.
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    "These aren’t mine!" he yelled, voice going up the familiar few octaves in times of panic. Reaching above his head, he tugged firmly on the ends; sure enough, they were entirely attached. "I don’t know how this happened!"
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burningxwinter · 10 years
In times of war [closed]
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Ygritte wasn't exactly surprised with the declaration of war from the elves towards the beastmen, but that didn't mean she was in any way okay with it. The beastmen were different, sure, but they were as much a part of the nature the elves swore to protect as the alraune-people were, for example. And the elves and alraune were allies, so why couldn't her kind live in peace with the beastmen too?
And the whole disaster came from that one day when Fionna fled into the Woodlands because the guards were attacking her. And now the elves were claiming that the beastmen had invaded their land with evil intentions.
But as much as Ygritte didn't want to be a part of this war, she had no choice. She was an elf and siding with the beastmen wouldn't be appreciated by either side. And that was why the redhead found herself on a battlefield a few weeks later. She ran through the forest, avoiding the thick roots on the ground naturally while her blue eyes were focused on the path ahead. The archer was a part of a small troop that ran along the vanguard, keeping off any beastmen intending to sneak around the first troop.
Soon the last elf of her group departed to check the far west side of the forest, leaving Ygritte to meet up with vanguard alone - she never got that far though. There was a noise ahead, fast steps on the bare ground of the woods. Elves were more sure-footed than whoever ran there and the wildlife had fled when the war-horns sounded.
      "Stop or I'll shoot you with me bow. Who are you?"
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burningxwinter · 10 years
pshhhh I have a relationship page now and you're the only person I was able to add before sleep consumed me
I'll do the rest later ugh, gotta catch some z's first
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burningxwinter · 10 years
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      "I know you are."
The words hold no amusement, as they might have a few weeks ago, when the two women had first met and the same words could have been said as a compliment. 
Ygritte was sure that Fionna hadn't backed down without a fight. She looked like she'd been hit by a carriage. The elf-woman didn't want to see the state the guards were in that decided to pick on the beastwoman.
      "They're lookin' for you, the chief doesn't want your kind here. Elves and       Beastmen never got along good, y'know that." Only the chief, not me. We       were friends, are friends.
If Ygritte had a choice, she would take Fionna's side in the fight that might come, but she couldn't. It wasn't honor or friendship that bound her to the elves, because those things  could never be more important to the redhead than the little blonde. No, this thing that pulled at her, it was dark and bitter and made Ygritte want to retch. It was as if there was a voice in her head, only placed there to make her do evil, twisted things.
The elf swallowed thickly. What to say? Ygritte was sorry, but what good would an apology do? It wasn't her sympathy that Fionna wanted, she hadn't been the one that shot at the rabbit-girl.
Then why does it feel as it it was my arrow?
      "Let me help you, Fionna. I'll get you somewhere safe."
It was the only thing Ygritte could truly offer her friend. Watching Fionna with her blue eyes, the elf extended her hand.
We can't be friends no more, Fionna [closed]
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"I’m… pretty small. Good at hiding.”  Not to mention she was pretty sure she’d taken out one or two before they could warn the others of an intrusion. It had been instinct, though she’d been able to push back the urge to do worse than knock them unconscious.  "It’s… I’m not supposed to be here."  The words are said slowly, lilting up at the end in an almost-question, brows furrowing.  "I was trying to find a way around, but…" Her expression grows slowly, slowly darker. "They kept shooting at me. For fun.” 
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burningxwinter · 10 years
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Race: Beastman Class: Blademaster Assimilation: 73% Bunny Fi ain’t got time for no nonsense. She will mess u up dude. She will mess. U. Up.
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Assimilation: 100%
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Ygritte watched the struggling elf-to-be from her post in the crown of a tree, with a lopsided grin on her face and a witty remark on her lips.
      "Your ears look fine t'me, don't you like'm?"
What was this elf fretting about? He looked confused and expressed his distress too, but why? His ears were completely normal for that of a changing elf.
Race: Elf. Class: Gunman. Assimilation: 52%. Both guns acquired. Ears completely elongated. Has yet to mentally assimilate, though is slowly starting to pick up on unfamiliar habits. Appearance: [x]
    He had had yet to really see himself since the Change had began; really, the only thing he had noticed was his sudden acquiring of this strange new second gun. Dual wielding was a bit foreign to him, as he had only done so a handful of times, though soon enough he had nearly the same grasp as he did with his usual hand. It wasn’t much different than when he used the gun in his false arm, to it hadn’t been too difficult.
    The magic was a different story. Without even calling it forth, small sparks of electricity spouted forth from his fingertips, spooking him back a few steps. Had he regained abilities as a Plant? No, that wouldn’t make sense. He may have been a ‘battery’, but not a rechargeable one. It was then that, catching sight of a small pool of water just at the edge of a thick line of trees, that he finally decided to get a look at himself- something had to have changed for him to be able to use his powers again.
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    "Wh-What!? What’s with these ears!?”
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burningxwinter · 10 years
candyruler answered your question:
{ this could be why they dislike humans so much… assuming humans are as unwilling to coexist with the natural world as we are irl pfft }
woah yeah! I didn't think of that, but it really makes sense! this piece of knowledge is now part of my personal headcanon puzzle
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Ygritte had never seen a living dragon so close, well, not a peaceful, living dragon, that was. And although she had gained the control over her facial features back and the surprise wasn't showing anymore, it didn't fade. Never did she think that she would be one of the few elves to ever get the chance to speak to a dragon. Usually, that was left to the old, wiser elves.
      "Hi dreh ahrk Zu'u fen ni vodahmaan."
The elf grinned. No, she'd never forget. A dragon, owing an elf! Oh, her friends would like to hear that story.
      "Nuz dii for los ni fahliil, Zu'u los Ygritte."
Dragons had names too, she knew. But only the ones that were ridden, right? After all, dragons didn't name themselves. Or did they? Those were the things the wise elves were silent about, because they knew no more than the other elves did. They may have found the language of the dragons, but not their culture.
      "Til krif enookstaad, kein. Un konaar los zofaas tol waan mu vos gein dovah ko, vorey fen kiibok. Rek lorot hi fen drun dinok."
Friend or foe? [closed]
Tamed or not would be up for debate.
Rational thought, or as rational as Wade could be, was still flowing freely despite the more than occasional resilience. It wasn’t a new voice but yet rather a primal pulling, something feral biting and lurking at the edges of his subconscious. There were times where it would take over, like in terms of food. He already had to stop himself from devouring wandering humans that strayed too far from their downs. He feared there would be a time where his waning humanity wouldn’t stop him. When she left and wandered into the forest, he wanted to follow but just settled for stretching his neck and sniffing curiously.  He caught strong tones of the earth, and of footsteps of his new found friend as well as fading ones from long ago.  So this is what it was like to be Logan. His head rose as she came back out and a pleased purr rumbled through his long neck as he slid the meal towards him with ease.  ”Zu’u owe hi gein, fahliil. “ Without hesitating he tore into the creature, snapping up limbs and organs quickly so as to not drag it out longer than necessary lest the woman would be bothered by the sight. Something told him she had no problem with it but it was still courtesy. When he was finished he sniffed around the bloodied ground before looking at her almost expectantly for a long minute, pupils slowly filling and rounding out. ”Ful, fahvos nis Zu’u bo ko? Nid bo drik uv fos?”
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burningxwinter · 10 years
scarredsardonic answered your question:
{ so now wade can basically shittalk all the elves. thats cool. [also glad i could be of service `v`]}
It's only my headcanon tho, so you better clear it up with the muns first, don't want you getting in trouble 'cause of me
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Ygritte slings her bor'assan over one shoulder, the quiver with arrows over the other. She can hear the other's footsteps behind her, so she knows he follows. Distant memories of her time as a human come back to her and suddenly she remembers that she's always had good ears - eyes too. Even before becoming an elf, the redhead was good with bow and arrow.
      "Races are fightin', sometimes the Woodlands are the only safe place. It's not me       place who makes the rules, though. If it were, we wouldn't be 'gainst the beastmen.       They're good folk, not the brightest, but true 'n honest. They don't do no bad stuff, it's       them humans that are bad."
The elven mage nods, his body starting to resemble his kind more now. He already has the pointy ears that humans use to insult him, but he’s started to become slimmer. Any thoughts of previously being a human are starting to pass him by.
“Alright then. I suppose this is what happens when too many unwanted try to come into our forest.”
They were elves, after all. One with nature. So for anyone else to invade this was extremely disrespectful. Even if it was boring, he would do this job with pride. Anything for his clan, his Lethalin.
So he would follow her, still wearing his normal robes but the stave he used seemed to be slowly changing.
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Headcanon for Elves - What do you think?
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I hereby announce that I have the headcanon for elves that they have a deep connection with nature [not as deep as the one the alraune have with it obviously] and that it is part of their culture to value animals. They're also able to understand them, though not through talking - body language only! Except for dragons. Elves speak dovahzul, the Old Tongue of Dragons. They found traces of its existence deep within caves under the Woodlands and proceeded to learn the forgotten language. It's used to talk to dragons [duh] and in dangerous situations.
Imagine if two elves were caught by enemies - they could simply talk in dovahzul and create an escape plan without their enemy's knowledge!
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Ygritte flashed the dragon a lopsided grin. Apparently her dovahzul wasn't so bad - the chief would be delighted to hear so - if the dragon was able to understand what she said.
      "Daar los dovahzul, wuth tinvok do dovah. Onik in los mindaat mii."
The dragon spoke the language so fluently, although he hadn't been aware that he even knew it. Ygritte's words were thick with her northern accent and foolishly simple, but they served their purpose well enough and luckily she had no problem following the dragon's words.
If the elf wouldn't know better, she'd say that this was a tamed dragon. He behaved like a dog and showed absolutely no sign of anger or arrogance towards her. Maybe the legends weren't so wrong, the ones back home that told of humans that rode dragons. It was hard for Ygritte to believe, as this time was long gone and she had no prove beyond the tales.
      "Nii los nunon toriig, nuz nii los pah Zu'u vis miik hi."
Ygritte turned away from the dragon and walked into the forest, crouching down before a hollow tree. She pulled the fresh corpse of a stag out, swung it over her shoulder and brought it to the dragon. It had been meant for herself, but Ygritte didn't need this much meat, she could hunt a bunny or other smaller prey later on.
      "Nii los hin."
The elf stepped back, not willing to get in between a dragon and its food.
Friend or foe? [closed]
The language was harsh on his ears, but in the same sweep, it made sense to him. Like something just clicked for him and it was as if he was supposed to be speaking this language. He jumped on his front paws happily, wings stretching wide as he got excited at the idea of actually communicating with someone. 
”Zu’u gaav nii. . Saraan. Hi vis tinvaak wah zey? Zu’u mindoraan nii? ” He threw up his head and chirped joyously before crouching low to look at the woman, jaw resting in the dirt as his tail thumped gleefully. His wings curled close to his frame once more and he laid like an obedient dog would, afraid if he wouldn’t he would end up going without food. ”Hi dreh? Jul Hi los pruzaan. Geh geh geh fil!”
[Careful. It might be poisoned. Unlikely, since she’s willing to help, but still.]
«Who cares!! Food!!»
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burningxwinter · 10 years
Assimilation: 81%
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      "The chief said you're to come with me on guard duty for the west border, lad."
Ygritte urged the elf on to follow her as she started to make her way towards the border through the maze of the woodlands. Guarding the border was boring, although necessary. Recently, Ygritte had encountered too many beings that wanted into the forest that were not allowed to pass the border.
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burningxwinter · 10 years
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No, Ygritte though, no. She couldn't allow Fionna to stay, she was a beast and her chief had given the order to shot the likes of her at sight. But the elf couldn't, She couldn't kill a child, a friend. Would another elf know these thoughts, of hers, they'd kill her for a traitor. Elves had strict rules and disobeying was punished with exile or death.
      "These are the woodlands. The land of the Elves, Fionna."
Fionna looks equally surprised and confused. But how can the beast-kid not know how she got into elf territory? It wasn't easy to slip past the sentinels and even harder to stay hidden in the forest once you invaded it -  for strangers at least, the elves knew their way around.
      "How did you get past the sentinels? They're not like to miss someone comin'       into the woodlands."
We can't be friends no more, Fionna [closed]
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Instinctively, her hackles rise as the smell of something- elf, her mind supplies venomously- reaches her nose. But the voice that follows is familiar, and Fionna pushes herself up, rubbing at her face and looking frustrated.  "…Ygritte?"   She shakes her head at the question, running her fingers through her hair.  "No, no I…"  She quints, as if she can’t remember.  "I can’t remember but it definitely wasn’t goblins."  Her eyes slide up to her, and she pushes herself to her feet slowly, the blades at her waist rattling as she does. "Where am I? I was trying to go home, but…” 
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burningxwinter · 10 years
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Ygritte watched the scaled thing closely and kept an arrow drawn on her bow as if she was only waiting for the beast to make a false move. It wasn't that she hated dragons or animals of any kind for that matter, but the elf had her orders.
But the dragon behaved and the redhead was positively surprised that the beast was willing to talk to her instead of just following its own will, as dragons were like to do.
"Faal Konaar dreh ni laan Dovah ko faal Woodlands, Zu'u vis ni vos hi ko. Los hi bahlokus? Zu'u lost mahyun sliin fah hi. "
Albeit Ygritte's dovahzul wasn't the best, she didn't doubt that the dragon understood. The learning would have been easier if the tongue of the dragons was more like the Old Tongue or the Common Tongue beyond the Wall, but this? The elf felt like a child, having to think twice over every word before speaking it.
Friend or foe? [closed]
The forest was his best option right now.
He couldn’t really get a lock on where Hellboy was, even after tracking his scent for an hour or two. It was hazardous for him to go anywhere near the towns and he was finding himself getting more and more fed up with the slim pickings of animals. So he took off for the Woodland, hoping to find solace there.  Something in his gut told him that should he not, it would not bode well for anyone.  However, when he landed in the clearing before the border, it appears someone was already waiting for him. His wings tucked close to his body in attempt to make himself seem as least threatening as possible. Getting shot for no reason wasn’t on his agenda today. 
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"…..Rrruh …” 
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