burnitonfirexx · 5 years
“You know, despite the countless times I’ve proven myself, the world still seems to underestimate me.  Even my own team.  I mean, I could do more work than half of these people with one arm tied behind my back.  Don’t think I haven’t tried.” Felicity adds coyly. “Wait, I’m sorry, I think I got off on a tangent again. What was the question?” she asks, quickly closing her laptop on the latest bit of coding she’d been working on and looking up at the person standing next to her.
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“I don’t remember, but I hear ya about the team thing.  Hell I understand with my own team and I used to be a criminal, so yer team ain’t giving ya shit is that it?  Or ya just wanting more shit to hammer ya?    I’m just normally here doing nothing unless I get or called something like idiotic, so want to talk about our teams not respecting us people?
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
.。.:*☆ This was almost remembering her of the good old times, having to fight on a moving train like this. However, her opponent didn’t made it easy for Carol. It made her wonder who he was. He looked human, but the way he was acting… a mutant, maybe? Those seemed to be a thing here in New York, after all.
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However, when the other hit her jaw, Carol knew she had bigger problems than this. He was strong, managing to almost knock her off her feet. Carol stumbled, only inches away from just falling off a train on full speed.
Mick wasnn’nt sure what the lady was fighting him with about.  Uh maybe he said something to her about his weiner, or something gross  “Hey listen I ain’t th one alway’s wanting to hurt a lady ya know, but you better stop hitting me and tell me what the fuck is going on lady?   as he made a move to not let her drop as he wouldn’t want that on his concious.
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
“Listen, I get it. You must have had a hard life, the mistreatment of Arkham alone... But you don’t need to take it out on me!” Myrtle said as she backed up from the insane man, it was just her luck that the town went mad just when she arrived into town. All she wanted was to see the Riddler. She didn’t expect all this. Myrtle had spent months already in the hospital, healing from her wound to her chest. A miraculous survival, it wasn’t rare in Gotham but she certainly didn’t want to test her luck here. “I- I don’t think that you’re crazy.” Myrtle pleaded as she backed away, glancing for something, anything that could help her out. Sure it was amazing to see a real live Arkham Inmate. She was just a little skittish ever since she was shot. 
“Hey! You!” Her eyes finally caught someone else, squeaking a bit when the inmate grabbed onto her. “Help!” 
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“UH Me?” Mick asked as he had no idea where the fuck he was, but he diecided what ever was happening he help   “Who hurtin ya lady, hey ya Bastards leave the damsel in distress  alone or I kick yer ass and I aint kidding if you aske me. 
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
jason needed a breather - a moment to take off his mantle and try to actually live - not that he had a life anymore , since that was robbed from him by a clown , a crow bar , and an explosive . the more jason thought of it - the more he realized that it was just some sick joke , and his death was the punchline.  he wanted to drink , to fill his body with liquor so maybe - he can enjoy a night out instead of basking in nightmares.  which seemed normal enough. what wasn’t so normal , was the shirt that jason had custom bought . a simple black tee with the words , fuck batman , in white italics. minimalist. it was probably a better fashion than him considering going with a shirt that had his funeral card on it. what wasn’t so normal , was jason’s decision - having sneaked a knife into the club and threated the dj to play the baby shark song - whispering in his ear that sobering up the club might keep lives safe. and jason was content , drinking his third drink as the music blasted around - knife tucked away , and jason’s smug  expression. “ i think the club is being pretty smart.” jason spoke with a sly smirk, taking another sip of his rum and coke. “makes people think about their future after drunk sex and what comes in a baby carriage. “ 
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“I like Drunk Sex, it makes me horny for everyone “ Mick aknowledge the guy who was talking to himself. “Ya should really try and have drunk sex more often or get some dinky sex toys to help you solve your’e problem if you ask me . That’s all you need is someone to help ya with that “ Mick said as he took a sip of his dirnk
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
“Great.” Thor said with a smile and ordered two large beers. “I’m thor.” He said after finishing his beer in seconds
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“Names MIck, or that’s what everyone calls me.  Unless ya want to call me by my last name.  I ain’t that dumb, but if you call me anything else I punch ya in you’re gut. 
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
Alfred looked down at the man on the ground. Unimpressed he stepped over him. “You’re trespassing, so where you are isn’t somewhere you should be.” He turned to face him, again looking down. “So, get up and go.”
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“And I don’t give a rat’s ass that I’m doing that whatever trespass yhinh, zi’m freaking drun’ he said  ugh who was this man to order him out of there
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
The grounds of Wayne Manor were vast, that much was obvious, and even after nearly forty years Alfred had come to realize there were areas of the grounds even he hadn’t walked more than once. It was a strange time of day when the day began to turn to night, it meant only one thing - the work began. Despite being his legal guardian, his valet, driver, groundskeeper, bodyguard and pretty much everything else, the most work Alfred did was when Bruce needed him in the cave. It had come a long way from those early days of him and Bruce huddled over a PC covered in guano, the vast cave was now a technical marvel, and had two different coffee machines. The nights were unseasonably cold in Gotham, and Alfred, feeling the chill began to turn, to head in and prepare for a long night.
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“Ugh” Mick g roaned as he was waking up and wonder where he was , damn he over slept and drank to much “UH  where am I old man?” as he was looking at someone that he didn’t remember at all or if he met him “Uh have we met before?
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
He smiled. “Glad I could help entertain you.” he said. “Now ,whoever this was is gone so would you like to have a drink with me?” he asked. 
“Of course I’ll have a drink with ya,  I ain’t that dumb. Offer me a drink and that where I want to  do. 
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
          A laugh, bright smile plastered on his face. “Not a regular by any means, I usually fix something back at my place, but I figured a change of scenery was good for me.” Gingy, creative. Totally never heard that one before. “Eh, sounds like a good balance to me!” It was a bit fun to play along, he found the fun in nearly everything. And now, he was gonna’ school a stranger in the ways of good old Mortal Kombat. 
“Yea kid I can tell you ain’t a regular, but lets finished this game so I can get the damn fucking whiskey, but “ he admitted he didn’t know the kid and didn’t care.  “So are ya going to beat me or should I beat the crap out of you on this ? “ he asked
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
Thor was back at Midgard after his little trip to Asgard, glad that everything was going well, it was hard to stay in both realms but both places were important to him so he was trying his best. Entering the bar Thor took a sit but before he could realize he just felt something cold and wet hit his face. “What did I do?” He asked
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“don’t know maybe ya existed,  or something but who ever that was they didn’t like ya,  I found the thing fucking entertainting, and i ain’t always finding things that funny” 
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
     - - - It was rare that you found bow tie-clad photojournalists in bars. Usually their natural habitat was their small office or their smaller studio apartment with their even smaller dog. But here was a rare exception: James Bartholomew Olsen outside of his comfort zone and downing a brandy Old Fashioned. His camera bag sat just at his feet, staring at one of the television screens showing some sports game he wasn’t really interested in. He hadn’t made much conversation, but there was one thing on his mind as soon as he turned to try and make it. His eyes caught a beat-up arcade cabinet, and a smile seemed to make its way onto his speckled cheeks. God, he remembered the old Metropolis arcades, spending countless hours and quarters just to have some kiddy fun. He dug through his pockets to find a few of the grungy coins, taking one more sip with his eyes never leaving the game.
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          “Bet I can get the high score,” he told to no one in particular. 
Uh maybe I can beat yer high score, how about that.  As I ain’t sure who all likes arcades and you ain’t a regular here are you gingy?  I ain’t seen ya before but if you want we can play the game if you lose you buy me a whisky, if you win ya buy me a whiskey,  ain’t that  fair ?
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
“Wings? I left them at home.. Batman has to do laundry just like the rest of us, okay?” Wade said as he tried to make it seem as if he could have been the Dark knight. “Oh, I can fly.. Just watch..” He said as he jumped through the air attempting to fly, but hitting the ground very hard. He then proceeded to look at the floor, wiping a gloved hand over it and pretending he meant to land exactly where he was.
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“Nailed it. Yeah”
“wow I’m impressed” mick mocked this dick head for trying to even act like someone.  “I ain’t sure I believe you, you must be a dick and  you’re annoying aren’t you  uh huh sure ya nailed it, why dont you go by me a fucking donut in stead nut job”
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
Wade got as close as he could to the other man, getting right up behind him.. “I’m Batman,” He said in his best deep impression of the Dark Knight hero. Hoping the joke would go one of two ways, he laughs or he punches Deadpool in his face. His face looked like boiled eggs anyways, so there wasn’t an issue with option 2. 
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“No.. Wait, let me start over.. Ahem.. I am Supergirl. Better? Better, go me” Wade smiles as he gives himself a pat on the back. “Shall we go get you a Donut Mr. Grumpy pants?”
Mick wonder what the fuck this guy was on, and was it any good shit.  Because he would like that shit. “ Uh you ain’t batman, where yer damn wings  And you ain’t her cause can you fly or shit.
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
Amy raised a brow at the man. “That must be some drink then. What do you mean where is everyone? It’s not like they poofed. Go get a donut if you want one, Homer.”
“Oh fuck, where  have I been than?  What have I been doing  ugh my head as well. “ 
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
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   .。.:*☆ “Say do you Midgardians always just leave your trash like this everywhere?” Valkyrie frowned as she picked up an empty can from the street, throwing it into a dumpster bin nearby. “You know, I have lived on a planet that was full of this shit. trash dump of the universe. But Earth could easily turn into one as well if you people do not finally learn to clean up after yourselves…”
“What the hell is a midgardians?  Eh I don’t care what the fuck you’re talking about, “ he said as he threw a wrapper on the floor not giving a shit to what this lady was thinking.   “Earth a dump what ? You a fucking alien ther to many fucking of you around ya know.
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
“Uh where everyone, I’ve been here drinking and well need some kind of fucking donut.  Oh crap,  what now?” Mick asked as he looked around the city, it wasn’t a pretty site.  It was just something he had to do
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burnitonfirexx · 5 years
.。.:*☆ “Thanks for the compliment,” she gave the man a grin, not knowing if he was flirting on purpose. Not that she would fall for it that quickly, anyway. “And, good to know. It was what my mentor would tell me whenever he had the chance. Slightly annoying, if you ask me.”
“Eh yo’ welcome” he shrugged not caring if he did oor not.  “ he smiled a little bit more “so are ya ?” he asked if she was annoying?
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