( batch 2. )
I’ll message everyone who likes these things but you can also message me directly to plot something out! Anyways here we have:
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is (mostly) a cinnamon roll
Looks like a could kill you but is actually a sinnamon roll.
Looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you
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AMY ROTHFUSS looks an awful lot like LILY JAMES. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN  and while they’re RESILIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty SECRETIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SAFE AND SOUND by THE CIVIL WARS.
Full Name: Amy Rothfuss (Eleanor Parry)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 27
Job: Private Tutor (english, math, history, piano)
Class: Middle class
Sexuality: bisexual
basically I tortured her more than anyone else and she is a sad puppy. So, there is a boy -- he is charming, beautiful and seems to be completely in love with you. He always wants to be around you and is sad when you are apart. An idealistic nineteen year old who wants more than anything to fall in love would be puppy in this guy’s hands right? This is exactly what happened to Eleanor. If this man was good and decent, maybe things would have worked out. But as the years progressed he became abusive and developed an addiction to painkillers. 
She thought if she loved him enough and if he trusted enough in God, he would eventually change. But, he only became worse. Soon, his attention shifted to their little daughter and that’s when Eleanor decided to leave. Problem was, he refused to grant her a divorce and his family was influential -- he threatened to take her child away from her and she could not let that happen. 
So, she ran as far as she could (California is a completely different place from Wales) and started a new life, one that included a new name and identity. All she cares about is raising her son. 
Basically: looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.
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GREGORY JACKSON looks an awful lot like JOHN BOYEGA. HE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re FUNNY, they have a tendency to get pretty ARROGANT. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to TAKE ME TO CHURCH by HOZIER
Full Name: Gregory Jackson
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 24
Job: Firefighter
Class: Middle class
Sexuality: straight
Gregory is a bit too sarcastic but it’s okay and we love him. Gregory is a good boy most of the time -- he takes care of his younger sister, he does community work, helps his friends and is generally well liked. It’s just, from time to time, he has the tendency to be a tad too sarcastic -- he way say mean things that he doesn’t actually believe in just to screw with a person. He has a weird sense of humor. He needs to work on it.
Anyways, back to his nice qualities -- he is a dedicated firefighter, knows how to knit (he is a hit in baby showers), and is the best big brother any girl could ever ask for. Which is a good thing considering their dad is a controlling bastard who should take a chill pill. His father was an army man and he wanted Gregory to follow in his footsteps but Gregory decided to choose his own path, one that wouldn’t make him beholden to his father. 
He moved away when he was eighteen and joined the firefighters. 
Also, this is not as important, but Gregory loved YA lit. His friends say ‘oh the girly stuff’ but Gregory will defend those books (and the girls who read them) till his dying breath.
Possible connections (i’ll send these later to the main)
GREGORY JACKSON (john boyega ) is looking for their YOUNGER SISTER with ANY FC (ethnically appropriate ofc -- BLACK).  Gregory and his sister are super close. Their father is a bit overbearing and controlling and while Gregory is already financially independent and is no longer forced to follow daddy’s rules, the sister is still in school and dependent on his money and support. Gregory supports has as much as possible. 
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LIAM HOPPER looks an awful lot like MATTHEW GOODE. HE is THIRTY-EIGHT and while they’re HEADSTRONG, they have a tendency to get pretty PETTY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST by QUEEN.
Full Name: Liam Hopper
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 38
Job: Union Leader (and history teacher)
Class: Middle class
Sexuality: bisexual
So, can I just say?? I am sorry. I think Liam read way too many superhero stories as a child and he truly believes that to function in society he needs at least 4 archenemies. Now, he doesn’t always believe he is in the right (anymore... 24 year old Liam as terrible and way too arrogant but no one wants to talk about superidiot!Liam). Don’t get me wrong, he is still an idiot and don’t be afraid to call him that. But now he is just a better sort of idiot.
His family was sort of rich but his branch was already a bit more poor (poor compared to his very rich cousins). His uncle paid for him to go to the best schools and he was supposed to take over the family company because his cousin is an idiot and his female cousin (the only smart person in this goddamn family) moved away a few years ago (because she is a smart cookie and deserved better than the mess that is the Hopper family).
Liam wasn’t very interested in the family business, so he became a teacher and got really involved in the union (the only place people actually like him.... and even there he pisses off a lot of people). 
Anyways? Liam? A mess.
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MARIANA SAYEG looks an awful lot like BRUNA MARQUEZINE. SHE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re CARING, they have a tendency to get pretty WHINY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HOLD THE LINE by TOTO.
Full Name: Mariana Sayeg
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 23
Job: Medical intern
Class: Upper Middle class
Sexuality: straight
Mariana is one of my oldest OC’s and I love her more than I love some family members of mine. So! She is from Brasil because... i’m brazilian! She got an offer to do her internship/residency in america and her parents pushed her to accept it because they thought it would be a good opportunity for her. She was cool with staying. Anyways! she loves medicine and is very excited. Um, about brazilian universities -- we don’t have colleges. So, she graduated at seventeen. Had to only do one year of cram school to get into a good university (the average is I think 4... good universities here are very competitive, but she went to a fancy private school, went to a good cram school and also had a tutor [her parents are rich and supportive]) so she got into Uni when she was 18-19, did 4 years at uni she was in, and when she was about to start her internship she got the offer to come to america. Now that we covered the brazilian education system, let’s move on to her!
Mariana used to be a party girl who slept around and didn’t care much about anyone except her close friends and family but in the past few years she changed a lot and has generally become a better person but she can sometimes be a bit selfish and spoiled. 
She is eager to impress her superiors and wants to be a very good doctor but she also loves netflix and doing nothing.
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( batch 1. )
Okay, I am separating my characters into batches as I post them so I don’t overwhelm you guys. Here are my first (4) idiots:
tws:. death
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GEORGE WALLACE looks an awful lot like RICHARD ARMITAGE. HE is FORTY TWO and while they're COMPASSIONATE, they have a tendency to get pretty GRUMPY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to SWEATER WEATHER by ALYSON STONER AND SAM TSUI.
Full Name: George Wallace
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 42
Job: Coffee Shop Owner/Author
Class: Upper Middle Class
Sexuality: demisexual
Meet George, he is my son and he is perfect. He grew up obsessed with Agatha Christie detective novels and started writing his own when he was fourteen. He was published for the first time at 22 and during the last twenty years he has been enjoying fame and money. What has he done with this money? Not a lot. He bought a coffee shop that he loves and spends most of his time writing and moaning about defective coffee machines.
He doesn’t date a lot (apparently he keeps putting his characters before real people…) but he is fine with it as long as he has his friends and an unlimited supply of pastries.
Possible connections (i’ll send these later to the main)
GEORGE WALLACE ( RICHARD ARMITAGE ) is looking for their EMPLOYEES with ANY fc(s). George is stinking rich (an author of romantic crime novels your mom probably reads) and he hated all of the coffee stores around so he decided to construct his own, its a bookshop/bookstore that’s very chill and has nice pastries (george and one employee is in charge of them).  I am thinking around 4 employees (baker, barista, bookstore person) but shifts are a thing so there can be more if anyone is interested.
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AMANDA BUARQUE looks an awful lot like CAMILA MENDES. SHE is TWENTY and while they're QUICK WITTED, they have a tendency to get pretty VAIN. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DANCING QUEEN by ABBA.
Full Name: Amanda Daniela Buarque
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 20
Job: student/charity worker
Class: Upper Class
Sexuality: bisexual
Her dad was 50 and her mom was 24, surprisingly, her mother was the one that got sick, leaving young Amanda to be raised by her father. Her dad???? He wouldn’t kill anyone to save her -- he would pay a lot of people to save her. He is overprotective but also a hypocondriac who doesn’t usually leave his house. He is very rich though and Amanda never lacked for anything. He loved her, pampered her and gave her the best of everything. Amanda, though not very dedicated to her studies, impressed several universities with her essays and she got some offers from prestigious universities at the east coast. Though she was tempted, leaving her father was never an option -- he would worry too much.
She is a journalism major in university and involved in a lot of local charities. The latter is good for her because not only does she want to help others, it also occupies her time and gives her a lot of opportunities to ‘guide’ people. She believes she knows best (always) and plans on becoming becoming a lifestyle writer for magazines and newspaper and run an advice column.
Possible connections (i’ll send these later to the main)
AMANDA BUARQUE ( camila mendes ) is looking for their BEST FRIEND with ANY FC OLDER THAN 30, NO PREFERRED GENDER. Amanda was the neighbor kid that used to annoy your character but they are both adults now and they are best friends. This character needs to be responsible (™) because even tho Amanda is very mature in some aspects, she is an idiot and needs to be lectured from time to time (pls) You DO NOT need to contact @ TUMBLR HANDLE before applying.
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GABRIELLA SMITH looks an awful lot like DAISY RIDLEY. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they're STEADFAST, they have a tendency to get pretty JEALOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to ANDANTE ANDANTE by ABBA.
Full Name: Gabriella Smith
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 23
Job: waitress
Class: --
Sexuality: straight
Gabriella grew up very poor and her family was quite large. The situation was only worsened by her mother’s death, suddenly, she was supposed to help her father to take care of all of her other siblings (seeing as the was the eldest girl). Gabriella, a hard worker since she was young, dedicated all of her time to them and soon she was no longer going to school and ended up flunking out while making sure that all of her siblings were attending all of their classes and extracurricular activities.
When she was nineteen she ran away from her house. Her siblings she still loved and would do anything to help them, but her father was trying to marry her to their neighbor, a man in his fifties who owned a small grocery store.  She got a job at an waitress at a diner, working days and nights só she could pay the rent of the tiny and dirty place (and most months she couldn’t even pay the rent).
Her luck changed when she started casually dating a rich man who was looking for a distraction after a disastrous breakup. Sadly, she fell in love with him. He didn’t fall for her, but he deeply enjoyed her company and on a whim they ended up having a shotgun wedding.
Possible connections (i’ll send these later to the main)
GABRIELLA SMITH (daisy ridley) is looking for their HUSBAND with ANY FC (a little older than daisy) Gabriella and your character had this ill advised whirlwind romance as your character was getting over a very bad heartbreak. He proposed on a whim and Gabriella (who was very in love with him) accepted. They are now married and a bit lost because there are feelings there, but its complicated and not exactly the best foundation to build a marriage. They have fun tho.
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LUCY KIM looks an awful lot like PARK BO-YOUNG. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they're WITTY, they have a tendency to get pretty COMBATIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to GOOD TIMES by ALL TIME LOW
Full Name: Lucy Kim
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 24
Job: english teacher
Class: Middle class
Sexuality: bisexual
LUCY! Ugh, I adore this child okay?? Lucy is filled with energy and has absolutely no idea what to do with it most of the time (except fight, she is tiny and she gets into way too many fights, someone pls protect her). She has a younger sister she loves more than life, is super close to her parents and hasn’t moved out yet. Technically, she has the money to rent a nice apartment, but she enjoys living with her parents (dork).
She runs a semi popular youtube account where she talks about the books she is reading and her experience as a korean-american woman. She really enjoys doing it (even tho it stresses her out a lot because OH MY GOD WHAT I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT) and will literally talk about books all day long if you let her.
She teaches eighth graders and hates all of her students except the three who actually look up when she enters the room.
Possible connections (i’ll send these later to the main)
LUCY KIM (park bo young ) is looking for their YOUNGER SISTER with ANY FC (ethnically appropriate ofc -- KOREAN).  Lucy and her younger sister are quite close, but the younger sister is a bit more rebellious and inconsequential. Lucy knows have to have fun and enjoys it a lot, but she ends up being the bad guy a lot.
0 notes
I was going to make this prettier because I was super excited but it’s late and I am sleepy! Tomorrow I’ll do proper introductions and stuff.
But, basically:
Hey there demons, its me ya girl. ‘Ello, my name is Lívia, and I was going to apply for 3 characters but I ended up applying for fourteen different ones because I apparently have no idea what self control is. I am 22. I’m from Brasil and law school is a tiring business man. 
I created a very basic (VERY BASIC) muses page here. Tomorrow I’ll make it pretty and add details. But, here are some short descriptions of them and honestly... I basically just drag my characters because that’s what they deserve (not you Amy. You deserve the world)
Characters who are basically a dumpster on fire
Amy Rothfuss (Lily James)
Tragic backstory. Young child she will kill to protect. Has way too many secrets. Could use a nap. One time she saw her own shadow and she screamed.
Liam Hopper (Matthew Goode)
WHITE MAN HAS POLITICAL OPINIONS (mostly good tho). But yeah, he is a union leader who should really take a chill pill and treat his immediate family better (tho... they are a mess as well). Anyways, he is my trash son.
Gabriella Smith (Daisy Ridley)
HA. HA. Look, i’m not saying this girl should have watched frozen... but the line ‘You can’t marry a man you just met’ might have been good for her. Because?? Getting married to a guy you met three months ago, while he was on the worst rebound of his life... Not exactly the best decision ever.
anyways she deserves the world. She didn’t finish high school because her family sucked but she is crazy smart.
Kitty Johnson (Eleanor Tomlinson)
the fact she hasn’t accused someone of being the zodiac killer yet is truly a miracle. because??? this girl?? a mess. reads way too many conspiracy theories, reads gothic and detective novels and seriously believe one day she is going to change the world (which you know what?? keep believing in that girl. it’s good for you)
Messy characters
Amanda Buarque (Camila Mendes)
Amanda?? is an actual queen? Not really but she is very rich and pretty much controls everyone in her life since she was twelve because they are all a bunch of dumb dumbs (but she does that lovingly. You know??? She wants what’s best for people... but she should really learn to listen to them.
Jane Blanche (Lily Collins)
Jane isn’t that messy actually but i can’t say she has her life together. On a surface level you might think all she cares about are her dogs, wearing pretty dresses and winning races (she rides horses like a boss). But, she has hidden depths that are very hidden so if you think she is a frivolous idiot... I wouldn’t blame you. That’s how she usually behaves.
Henry Adams (Alfred Enoch)
look?? i am not saying that if you switched his brain with a golden retriver’s one no one would notice the difference, i am just saying Henry is a nice boy that is always trying his best and it should be acknowledged. Why is he messy? Because he has no control over his life.
Lucy Kim (Park Bo Young)
OH LUCY. THIS ONE IS A TRUE MESS. She is feisty, makes very hasty judgements and hates changing her opinions. Would literally fight her shadow if she felt insulted by it. One time she dragged a plant so hard it died and the soil where it stood became infertile.
ok. i am mostly joking. But Lucy is just a lot of fun and is the nicest and most loyal girl ever if you become her friend.
Kinda have their lives together
George Wallace (richard armitage)
george actually has his life together. He is the only one I am truly proud of and he deserves his success. He is a dork with way too much money who decided to become the supporting character of every romantic comedy (he owns a cafe that is also a bookstore). Also writes novels in his spare time and they are very famous. He is proud of them.
Mariana Sayeg (Bruna Marquezine)
Mariana is my child and honestly i love her best. She is a medical resident in the hospital, she is an immigrant form brasil (because why not. i like my country). Honestly, she is the mom friend all of your characters deserve but she has a tendency to complain about literally everything (we love her tho)
Gabriel Montenegro (Oscar Isaac)
he has terrible social skills but he has learned to live with it. Runs a successful business that I still have to determine (its family owned). Dotes on his little sister, takes care of his friends and still has time to have an existential crises every few weeks (okay, he is a little bit of a mess but he is also very good)
Gregory Jackson (John Boyega)
Gregory only cares about a few things: his sister, being a good firefighter and when the next YA sequel of his favorite series is coming out. Honestly, I would say Gregory has his life figured out.... he could be a little less sassy and sometimes he has a tendency to say the opposite of what he means just to mess with people but he is a good boy.
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