burrowsangel · 2 years
It’s just more then
Joe burrow x female reader
(Part 2)
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Content warning:adult themes,stalking,friends to lovers,violence (football duh),cussing,mocking,teasing
Summary: when game day arrives and the speculations haven’t been cleared up.Joes mind is focused on tasks at hand until a situation comes up leaves him questioning his feelings.
Joe felt the intensity of the game from the moment he woke up,his phone was blown up with messages,an alarms to get him ready and set to be there on time for the game.
He wasn’t expecting many of the questions they threw his way as they were interviewing most of them all before the game started,he felt his nerves become agitated while watching as the words fell out of his mouth not wanting them to come off the wrong way.
The lady interviewing Joe smiled at him as she felt embarrassment creep up her neck as she read the questions rolling in have nothing to do with football at.
“I’m sorry,most of the questions coming in have nothing to really do with football but more about asking your relationship and if your single” the lady gave him a apologetic smile as she shut the scene of her phone wanting to be able to focus the questions back on the game.
“I’m single,the speculations of the photos that were taken out of my house late at night was of my best friend sense childhood,it was a late night between friends that was just took out on context,she’s a amazing girl,you know but it’s not like that most girls you see friends with guys in the nfl it’s then secretly hooking up but it’s more then that,she’s my go to and I know if something ever happened she’s the first person who’s gonna be by my side and I hope nothing is ever gonna change that” part of him felt himself relaxed as he talked about it zoning out before looking back at the lady interviewing him.
“She’s great you know,she’s the first person there when somethings wrong and she just spoils the hell out of you trying to make the situation better,she’s a lot different then most she’s more willing to come down during practice and play and be super into it rather then be home worried about what she’s gonna wear or how her hair and nails look,she doesn’t take crap from anyone and I think that’s why we got along so easily when we met as kids”
Joe didn’t realize that he felt himself start to blush at the idea of thinking about his best friend as the interview ended and the game vs the eagles was getting ready to begin.
Halfway through the game with five minutes left in the second half,joe couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong the way Taylor Britt kept looking almost as if he was ancy.But when halftime came he made sure seeing Taylor Britt was his first mission.
“Man what the hell is going on your not even focused on the game?” Joe told him as he shoved him very slightly to get his focus on him.
The light in Taylor Britts eyes saddened as he looked at him.
“You haven’t seen it have you?” Taylor asked him as he made joe sit down on the blenchers.
“Fans recongized her from the photo few weeks ago,there was a accident” he said with sadness as he delivered the news.
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burrowsangel · 2 years
It’s just more then
Joe burrow x female reader
(Part 1)
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Content warnings:adult themes,cussing,violence (football duh),insecurities,Best Friends to Lovers,obsessed fan,stalking
Summary:When Joes Best Friend Is PhotoGraphed leaving his house by a fan,the photo is posted everywhere leaving questions and speculations.
Having been best friends with joe for years it became almost a ritual that the two of you always hung out after a game that didn’t go the way he would hope for,tonight was no different except In a way it was.
Part of the hanging out with his best friend he loved so much was,she never pushed for him to talk about how he felt but he knew if he wanted to talk she would be the first one there.If something would ever happen to him,he knew he would be looking over and seeing her right there beside him holding his hand trying to do everything she can to help him get out of pain.
Joe laughed quietly as he came around the corner sitting down on his brown sofa,as he glanced over at you while you had stole one of his many blankets he always kept around his living room completely covered hidden into it.
“SpongeBob at two in the morning?” He said with a smile finding it funny how she never seemed to surprise him with how well she knew him,better then anyone.
“Oh come on,we both know you love watching it” you tried not to smile at your best friend knowing he was just thing to get a rise out of you.
“I have no idea what you are talking about” joe chuckled softly as he ran his hand through his freshly cleaned hair pushing whatever hairs that fell down,back as he leaned back resting his head against the sofa sighing as he felt himself relax hearing his best friend laughing to herself over the show that played quietly.
Having not realized that you both slowly fell asleep together on the sofa leaned into each other as what was SpongeBob was now a different tv show.
The air was cold and dark expect the light that came from the tv,an the house had fell silent as you reached over turning it down not wanting to wake Joe up,knowing that practice had hit him hard earlier in the day preparing for a big game.Carefully having guided him to lay down fully better on the sofa while covering him with a blanket before you had headed out like any other night.
It wasn’t unusual as many times out of the week you were leaving his house late always having crashed watching or talking with each other finding comfort in each other,though Joe never realize you leave until in the morning.
The air burned your lungs as you left his house,the cold air nipped at your skin as you headed to your car in the car,half awake you sat for a moment rubbing over your eyes wanting to make sure you gave yourself enough time to wake up before you had started to head back home.
When the news had hit Joe had been in the locker room getting ready for practice before the big came would finally come up,confused he had reached out as one of his team mates handed him their phone asking if he’s seen something.
Feeling concern and annoyance as he seen the picture that was now seemingly being posted everywhere by everyone of you leaving his house looking half awake with one of his blankets most of the posts asking if he was secretly in a relationship or asking what it was all about or what it meant over the photo trending.
Being unapologetic for who he was and how he held himself was who joe was,he wasn’t gonna let one picture leave accusations against him for things people were speculating which were easily wrong.
“You have got to be kidding me” he laughed surprised and annoyed as he looked up as chase nudged hun trying to joke with him asking if the girl was his girlfriend.
“No man she isn’t,but we have been best friends sense god I don’t even remember when sense we were maybe nine?” He questioned himself even as he spoke as he handed the phone back wanting not to overthink it until he talked to her and figured out how far all of this would lead.
When practice had ended he made his way to the lockeroom the change,whiping his forehead with the back of his hand before reaching picking up his phone seeing he had two miss text messages from you.
-miss read text messages-
2:24 pm:
I know your at practice but somebody may of took saw me leaving your place and is now posting it speculating things..I’m so sorry I’ll fix it I promise.
3:17 pm:
I don’t think we should hang out for a while..I came home from work and someone broke into my house.
Joes phone fell against his side as he looked up wanting to let his he felt out but knew it would make a bigger scene as he texted back asking if she was okay before tossing it into his locker before he went to take a shower,after the kinda practice they just had
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