burtonad · 5 years
It’s been a long time since I posted anything to Rosie ‘n The Catzes. Mom Cat isn’t doing well. She appears to have a nasal tumor, she’s congested and not eating or drinking without the help of a syringe. She’s spending some time in the sun today.
Keep her, and us, in your thoughts.
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burtonad · 7 years
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We’re back home. Mom Cat spent all night curled up with me: in the house she’s making the same kind of worried/sad meows she made when we took her kittens to the vet for neutering. I can’t tell if she knows Prince has died, or thinks he’s gone outside and she hopes he’ll come back. But she’s definitely distressed, poor thing.
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burtonad · 7 years
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Prince, RIP. :(
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burtonad · 7 years
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In the last year, Prince has lost a lot of weight. He's over 18 now. He used to be much heavier than Mom Cat, but now when you pick him up he's light and fragile. But she's taken to cuddling up next to him on the sofa.
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burtonad · 7 years
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Sleepy Mom Cat, who is dreaming softly.
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burtonad · 7 years
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No-one is paying attention to Rosie.... 🙁
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burtonad · 7 years
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Mom cat and @gingerkid91 Face Time.
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burtonad · 7 years
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Renaissance festival, yesterday.
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burtonad · 7 years
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Mom Cat is giving her left paw a very deep clean.
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burtonad · 7 years
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20 years ago today, @gingerkid21 joined us. She was a bit more ginger then, and a bit smaller. Awesomeness.
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burtonad · 7 years
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It's been a while, mousies. Did you miss me?
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burtonad · 8 years
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My Infiniti M45 2006 just passed a milestone...
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burtonad · 8 years
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She looks so sweet now. You wouldn't know she got me up twice in the night.....
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burtonad · 8 years
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It's been raining in Houston. Rosie wants to sniff everything on our morning walk.
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burtonad · 8 years
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Sleepy Saturday morning.
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burtonad · 8 years
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So, off to college for @gingerkid91. They grow up... well, just at the right pace.
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burtonad · 8 years
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A while since I posted one of these. Dad and daughter brunch at Escalantes in Houston. Tradition! But a tradition that will be interrupted, for a while, when @gingerkid91 heads of to Newcastle University in 5 days time. Life is change. How it differs from the rocks.
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