Prove Your Worth: Testimonials Serve Multiple Purposes
Getting new clients is always an uphill battle. We know this very well at Business Domination. Make it easier for your future clients to choose you over your competitors by posting testimonials from previous happy clients about your services and products directly on your website. Recommendations let potential clients know what benefits to expect. They increase the perceived reliability. At Business Domination, we know how important it is knowing that our current and previous clients believe in our services. While endorsements from high profile figures can boost the impact of your company in the short term, you’ll find that publishing feedback from everyday users will go a long way towards confirming social worth.
But Why Testimonials?
The savviest consumers rely on recommendations not only from friends, but from secure, verified reviews and endorsements from complete strangers from all over the world. 79% of website visitors say they trust online reviews as much as they would a verbal recommendation. They’re a valuable form of social proof that gives your claims validity. You would be unwise not to use them. It’s true that online reviews are different from testimonials, but the principle is essentially the same. You want someone else’s words of trust that represent your company most appealingly to another party whom you want to engage your services.
How Many Do I Need?
The accumulation of testimonials can be an intimidating task. You and your team are probably asking yourselves, how many do we need, whom should we ask, and so on. You’d be surprised to hear that six or fewer testimonials are needed to gain the trust of a client or customer that has never used your services before. You should ask for testimonials that sound natural. Manipulative, and overly polished ones will quickly show bad form to your potential clients. That’s not to say that we encourage you to post only negative ones, but a good balance will serve you in the long run.
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They Won’t Buy
At Business Domination, we know you are using the Internet to promote your business and products or services, but you may be surprised to find less people buying them than you would expect. Selling directly to your clientele in the fast-paced modern world is not easy. Did you know that selling to people on a subconscious level could help you to achieve your goals more directly? When you come to us, we will show you the missing elements that could help you to fulfill your goals here, achieving higher rates of sale, and the results you desire for the future as an entrepreneur.
 The Missing Elements
The first of these elements you will need to appeal to your clientele is social proof. Rather than showing people that they should trust you, show them that others already do. By seeing that other people love and appreciate what you are offering, people will be more likely to come to you and take advantage of what you are offering. Likewise, you should ask customers for a testimonial that speaks favorably of what you can do; this can work especially well if you have a celebrity client. You can also show the logos of business that may be clients benefiting from your services; this helps to build trust as well since customers will see something that they are familiar with.
 Let the team at Business Domination get you what you are looking for in terms of the elements that will have people buying from you. Once you are on top of things here, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. Call us today, and we can begin setting the process into motion for you.
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Twitter Word Count
At Business Domination, we are always following the latest Internet trends and changes, including what happens on Twitter. A double character count was introduced in September, boosting the maximum amount of characters up to 280, although only 5% of posts have exceeded the original 140-character count. This policy was quickly adopted as, obviously, it did not make much of an impact or difference. People are still able to read tweets without feeling like they are reading a novel, much to their relief. But, how has this impacted the site and the social network on a larger scale, and is there anything you need to know?
 A Look at the Impact
New users are not turned off by this news, since things have not changed substantially enough. Under the old limit, only 9% of English language posts reached the max word count, whereas in the new limit, that number has dropped to a mere 1%. Naturally, as someone trying to promote yourself and your business, you will still want to have content that is simple and to the point, as many other people have put out over the years. However, the boosted word count does give you some leeway if something is going a little longer than you expect. We can guide you and show you the pathway to better things.
 Discover Business Domination and the ways that we can help you here. Twitter remains something useful to business leaders, and you can be the next one to take advantage. Learn more about it all today; more and more people are coming this way to learn about the resources and what can change. Call now and get the info you require.
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Twitter Chats
At Business Domination, we know businesses continue to utilize Twitter. You likely already use the site to promote your business and what you are marketing, and the odds are good that you have considered using the chat feature to reach a wider array of people. This is a fantastic way to expand your social following, generate active conversations, and to build the connections you need between your brand and the chat participants. There are many useful strategies and methods that people need to utilize to get the best possible results.
 Hosting a Successful Twitter Chat
These chats are vital to your brand, because they help you to build authority and establish leadership in your brand. You can enable business members to become influencers, and make new connections with relevant users on the site. Share valuable info, and boost awareness. Remember to clearly define your purpose, and do the necessary research when it comes to your chat. Determine the ideal time in which to host your chat, and choose the topic and questions ahead of time. You want your chat to be both engaging and informative, and there is no time like the present to begin planning one for your brand.
 Find out how at Business Domination we can have you en route to successful Twitter chats. You should not have to do these things on your own; we are happy to help and guide you when it comes to utilizing the best strategies as an entrepreneur. Get in touch with us today and see what we will do to help you out!
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Business Surveys
We at Business Domination know the importance of surveys in learning about your business, and how better to serve your customer base. It is disappointing to see so many business owners throw in the towel, essentially having their dreams die. Not enough people take the time to look at WHY said efforts failed. You do not want to be someone that sells the wrong things to the wrong people. What if you could simply ask people what they think of your business? It is no longer as expensive to do as it once was, and it could be what saves you from going under.
 Best Survey Tools for Your Small Business
These surveys can be the best way for you to build your business, and give the people that which they are looking for. It can seem overwhelming, but there is no substitute for direct customer feedback. Tools like Polldaddy, Survey Monkey, and SoGoSurvey are all useful resources, many of them are initially free, with an additional charge for the other features that they offer. This means that you can start surveying and getting valuable information from your clients before you know it. Uncover patterns and trends, get unbiased and quality responses, and find the best way of letting your customers know that you care.
 See more about what we at Business Domination will do to help you to move forward on the road to success with conducting business surveys to improve your efforts. When you let us know what you are looking to accomplish, you will be pleased with how much good we can do you in the long run, so give us a call and learn more.
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Making a Social Video
At Business Domination, we know and understand the importance of leaving an impact via social channels. People are coming to realize that the millions of people that use social media every day are a potential customer base that they absolutely cannot overlook. Video content remains one of the most powerful and impactful ways to leave an impression on these clients to be, so find out about what is necessary for a video, should you decide to make one to promote your business endeavors. Find out about what needs to go into your video for it to be the most effective.
 The Key Ingredients
When creating video content, it is important to keep it short and to the point; between 30 and 90 seconds is ideal. Keep word counts to a minimum if there is text, and be sure the pacing is right. Also, be sure your video is optimized for specific devices; will they be watching this on a computer or a mobile device? As 65 percent of Facebook video views happen on mobile, it is important to take this under consideration, as well as the fact that people may be watching with the sound off. Use descriptive text, and have a clear call to action that will encourage your potential consumers. With these resources utilized, you can achieve the ideal outcome.
 Find out how we at Business Domination can help you to make your social video a reality. There has never been a better time to act and capture a larger customer base. When you come to us, we can tell you more about the resources and the best way to make this happen.
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Social Media Fails
We at Business Domination know that your business entails the use of social media. If you have used these Internet portals for any prolonged period, chances are you have witnessed many of the fails for yourself. These things can include what stems from senses of urgency, something ignoring common sense, and anything that is all for the sake of getting attention. Poorly-advised posts can come back to haunt a brand name down the road. Focus more on the quality of your posts than frequency and speed, and you can put yourself in a far better position for the future.
 What to Avoid
There are some major fails that any business owner using social media should be made aware of. It is interesting to note that there have been many social medial fails in recent years, many of which have backfired and ended up doing more harm to their brand names and representatives. You want to take the time to make sure your information is accurate and reliable; rushing something can end up causing you unexpected obstacles and hardships. Something that goes viral on social medial lives on forever, so make sure it is something that you want people to see and remember!
 Let the team at Business Domination show you the social media fails that you need to avoid. Our team will always do what is necessary to guide you and show you the best options for your future. Call us today, and you will see what we can do to help you out.
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Snapchat Conversion Tracking
Here at Business Domination, we understand the challenges that you face when it comes to promoting your business. Snapchat remains a popular tool, and we will do our part to help you get the most from it. Snap Pixel enables brands to tie their site traffic to the in-app ads, While initially, this can only be used to measure the conversions, in time, brands will be able to use it so that they may build larger audiences, attaining similar customers over the course of time with the knowledge that this brings their way. This is a fantastic way of tracking everything, and it means that you can have a more streamlined experience when it comes down to things, much to your relief.
 Using Snap Pixel
Snap Pixel lets companies track how their Snapchat ads have impacted the web traffic coming to their sites. While this remains in a testing phase, it has shown great promise, and has the potential to be one of the most useful tools and tracking resources of its kind. This means tracking conversions for the vertical video Snap ads, and through the introduction of these tools, Snapchat hopes to better compete for the budgets of brands; Facebook Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter have already done similar things and guided entrepreneurs and business owners. Currently available conversion events are purchase, save, start checkout, add to cart, view content, add billing, sign up, search, and page view.
 We at Business Domination understand the challenges that you face, and want you to have success with your clientele. Utilizing Snapchat and Snap Pixel in your business endeavors can give you a definite advantage, and we will do our part to make sure you can make the most of it all. Call today; we are happy to begin guiding you.
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Hashtag Trends
We at Business Domination know that hashtags are already likely part of your marketing endeavor. One of Twitter’s most useful features is that you can view recurring trend data. This means checking out stats and being able to use the hashtags to enhance your brand presence. You want to create campaigns that will spark conversation and increase the engagement levels that you have. Find out which hashtags will be most relevant to your audience; you can even us the analytic tools to get an idea of what will work best. You can utilize the recurring weekly hashtags as well, which have already proven useful to those that seek out something better.
 The Most Useful Recurring Trends
What are these weekly trend hashtags, and what could they mean to you? First and foremost, Motivation Monday. This gives your followers something inspirational to start their week with. As such a situation is relevant to everyone, this is a fantastic way to get engagement. Travel Tuesday is another; it is a fantastic way for those that love travel to share tips or exciting places to visit. This was primarily talked about by those age 18-34, making it something diverse and useful. Another is WCW, or Woman Crush Wednesday, commonly used by the 18-24 age bracket. This is a fantastic way for people to share their female role models, which can appeal to many people. And, of course, there is Throwback Thursday, which lets people share thoughts and photos that go back in time. It is the ideal way to express nostalgia.
 Let us at Business Domination be the ones to guide you in the right direction for marketing and promotional efforts involving hashtags. These are fantastic ways to boost engagement with your readers, so do not hesitate to come on board and find out more about what advice we can give you.
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Paid Search vs. Organic Traffic
Any sale department, at any company, will falter without leads. Because organic leads don’t start happening until your webpage has been successfully running for some time, traffic generated to paid ads is used to jump start things and increase exposure. Which of these will generate the most qualified leads will be based on several variables – frequently specific to your business and strategy, however, you can make both organic and paid leads work for your company. Check out the tips from Business Domination below.
Pay-Per-Click or Let it Build
PPC, or pay-per-click, is traffic which is generated from ads in the Google or Bing results pages or on social media. The most frequently used platform for PPC is Google AdWords. You can also generate them on Bing, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Google AdWords and other PPC podiums can be expensive if you don’t understand how to leverage them. If the wrong keywords are being bid on, or if you’re spending too much on each click, wasting money becomes more likely. Organic traffic is just that, it comes to you naturally, through your content placement on Google and Bing, your offline marketing efforts including word of mouth, broadcast advertising, business cards, flyers, conferences, etc. Here, you’re not paying each time someone clicks on an ad. This can increase your profit margin. However, as with PPC, the content your users land on is important. If they don’t see what they’re searching for, or it’s not enough to spark interest, you won’t generate leads. To increase your likelihood for obtaining highly qualified leads, with organic or PPC, present customer information will be the place to begin. Your CRM hold all kinds of info about who your present customers are. Study your best customers and determine what features they share. Then, work on personalizing your content to match that. Ultimately, you want every approach you take to increase qualified leads, increasing your likelihood of conversion. When leads aren’t worthwhile, your marketing ROI goes down, wasting your sales team’s time on leads which will never convert, and leaving those that could out in the dust.
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Customer Survey Mistakes
We at Business Domination understand the importance of surveying your customers. Unfortunately, many businesses have fallen flat when it comes to creating effective means to survey customer satisfaction. Surveys, naturally, are a useful and popular tool. But if you want something like this to be effective, it is vital that you do not make many of the common mistakes that people in the field continue to make. We are happy to share this information with you, so that you will be on the way to better things.
 How to Avoid These Mistakes
What are the survey mistakes that people continue to make, and how can you avoid these pratfalls? Chances are you may already be making one of these mistakes, but it is not too late to change. You do not want to have a “crazy long” survey of 30 questions or more, for instance. Naturally, it is also important that your survey is targeted specifically, and not just the “one size fits all” variety. Do not limit your survey to multiple choice answers, and do not force your customers to create an account just for the sake of taking said survey. When you come to us, we can help you to concentrate your efforts.
 Learn more today about how at Business Domination will continue to offer and provide expertise that can culminate with you getting the results you desire. There has never been a better time to improve relations with your customers, and effective, reliable surveys that improve your business are one of the best ways to make it happen. Call us today to find out more!
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Marketing Trends
Let the team at Business Domination tell you what to expect for forthcoming marketing trends. You know that the business world is changing and changing often, so being aware of these trends is more important than ever. The world is a fast-paced one, and things are rarely consistent and predictable. Once you think you have something figured out, the world of marketing can change drastically in the blink of an eye. Going into 2018, what is one to expect?
 Top Trends to Think About for 2018
We will show you what you need to know, and can expect in the new years for marketing trends. Live streaming and global video will remain relevant, and grow in their prevalence. Growth hacking will become something in the spotlight, as well artificial intelligence and explainer videos. Factors like chat bots and viral content will continue to rise in demand, and you will also see geofencing in wider use. Micro influencers and brand blogs remain popular, and will only grow in relevance into the new year. If you are rethinking your whole outlook, these trends are where it begins, and the ones that will continue to benefit business owners.
 We at Business Domination are ideally suited to help you find out how to market yourself. It is thanks to what we are doing to help people do research that they are now on the way to incorporating these same trends in their marketing endeavors. Get in touch with us to learn more.
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Optimizing the Most Important Pages
You are currently leaving money on the table, but there is an easy fix, and Business Domination is here to help you out. It is important to understand just how vital a “thank you” page is when it comes to running your own business. Sometimes called confirmation pages, this is where someone will end up after they make a purchase. It is important to make the most of this page, which should serve the purpose of confirming the transaction, measuring conversions, and presenting another offer.
 What This Means for You
When it comes to your thank you page, for every 10 people taking an offer, there are two that want more. Increase the value of a transaction by offering your clients what they need. Each step in the funnel needs to be adhered to if you want to see the best possible results. Confirm the prior transaction, measure conversions with an analytic program, and make the next offer in the funnel. Just by doing these things, you can find yourself well on the way to new levels of business success.
 Here at Business Domination we are doing our part to bestow upon people the resources that they need for business success. The opportunity for you to continue broadening your horizons has arrived; this is everything you need to have successful sales transactions with your business for years to come. Call today and learn about what we can do for you.
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Instagram Posts
At Business Domination, we know Instagram is a regular part of your marketing. You may not know that 50% of Instagram users follow a business, and 60% use it to learn about a product or service. With over 700 million users of Instagram, there is no denying the impact that it has had. With good reason, it has become one of the fastest growing social media networks out there. This image-dedicated media platform is now one that continues to grow regularly. Markets are discovering these advantages firsthand and utilizing them. We are happy to help you out here.
 30 Posts in One Day
For using Instagram to market your business, you will be delighted at the number of free tips and templates that are available on the Internet, and we can help you to get there. It is difficult to keep an audience engaged with the competition and other users that inhabit and use the site today, but we can offer advance for making your time on the social network useful and valuable to your clientele. Get inspired by your favorite bands, and do not hesitate to jot down ideas. Scheduling software and tools are vital here as well, and can prove to be instrumental in your cause of promoting your business. See what others have had to say, and how they have utilized said methods and tools.
 See what we at Business Domination will do to help you continue with Instagram post marketing. It has proven to be one of the most valuable tools for people that want to do business marketing, so see more about the lasting impact when you come to us today!
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Influencer Marketing
When it comes to your business, influencer marketing remains a way that you will continue to get much of your publicity. Here at Business Domination, we understand how important it is to have the voices of opinion leaders harnessed, in the most authentic and natural possible way. It is something that will continue to evolve; naturally you should have every advantage when it comes to your needs in the world of marketing and promotion of your products and services. With a new year upon us, it is important to know what the top trends in the new year will be.
 Top Trends to Shape Influencer Marketing
What influencer marketing trends are going to be the big ones that shape 2018? A sizable shift to influencer marketing will be the most noticeable thing, along with all eyes being on micro influencers. Another substantial change will be video being more widely adopted; it is something that marketers have continued to use over the years to attract customers, and it has reached new heights in terms of popularity and effectiveness. A focus on data and accountability will be noticeable as well, and employees as influencers will be a reality. With these changing trends, you need the guidance of pros that can keep you ahead of the game.
 Let the team at Business Domination be the ones that help you get where you want to go. We have seen the formation and growth of influencer marketing and want you to have every advantage when it comes to changing your business opportunities. Get in touch today to learn more!
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How To: Social Media Branding
Social media is one of the most effective marketing tools you have at your disposal. Eighty-one percent of country has a social media profile. Using social media is typically free, so why wouldn’t you want to sign your business up on as many channels as possible? Using social media is a fantastic way to enhance your business’s brand and promote yourself. As a small business owner, creating social media profiles for different channels is crucial. How can you brand your company across several channels as different as LinkedIn and Instagram? A social media branding strategy will be your best friend. Below Business Domination has some tips on social media branding.
So, How Do You It?
When you brand your business, you craft items that underline the individuality of your business. Your brand helps customers identify and emotionally attach to your business. Social media branding is how your company comes across on social media. Employ visuals and text to start crafting your brand via social media. Your company could even receive a high return on investment (ROI) when social media is used to its fullest. For little to no money, you’ll attract new customers, sustain present customer loyalty, and increase sales. There are several channels consumers all over the world use. Determining which ones to make a profile for can be tricky. Base your social media selections on a few factors: popularity, target audience, and usability. In terms of which sites are used most, check out the stats below from Pew Research Center for adults ages 18-65+:
·         68% use Facebook
·         28% Instagram
·         26% Pinterest
·         25% LinkedIn
·         21% Twitter
If you make social media pages based on who’s in your target audience, knowing what channels they use is crucial. With Facebook, you make a profile and have access to events, groups, etc. LinkedIn is a professional networking site which focuses on businesses, employees, and career development. Instagram is all about photographs. Choose the one or maybe a few that make the most sense for your business and don’t neglect your account. This is why having a few at first might be a better idea than making them all right away. As is have a staffer devoted to social media.
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Free Stock Photos
At Business Domination, we understand the challenges that you face with marketing yourself. If you use stock photos appropriately and correctly, they can help bring your content to life. When you hear the term initially, you may be thinking of an image of people looking at charts analyzing stock market conditions, but the definition of the term couldn’t be more different. But stock phots are cost-effective solutions that are often free, and if you know where to look, you can find quality images to use. Should you be using them for your business marketing endeavors? The answer is yes, and we are here to give you the facts.
 Using Free Stock Photos
When it comes to getting the attention of your clientele and boosting their engagement, this is the way to go. Tweets with images get 150% more retweets, while Facebook posts with images get 2.3X more engagement than those that lack them. Used property, stock images can create many reactions with your clients, both positive and negative. Sometimes, the photo is the key thing that people will remember about a post days later. Finding the perfect stock image is a challenge, but taking the time to do so can work wonders for you. Sometimes, a few light modifications, including something as simple as adding text, can change a photo to be more impactful to your audience.
 Let the team at Business Domination continue to guide you here. The use of stock photos can be one of the smartest things you do in your advertising, getting more attention and creating more memorable posts for your growing clientele. When you come to us, we will do our part to help you out.
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