businesschiefs · 2 years
Top 5 Worst Stock Market Crashes
The Five Worst Stock Market Crashes In The History Of The USA
Below are details about the worst stock market crashes in the USA’s history.
2020: The COVID-19 Crash
Market loss: 34%
Time to recover: 33 days
The recent crash still on many investors’ minds is the one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the virus, global governments shut down entire economies to lessen the spread, causing an economic shock that rattled investors.
Unlike the other crashes on this list, this one hit surprisingly fast and recovered quickly. The stock market decreased by 34% but regained its peak in only 33 days, a historically fast turnaround. The journey to the bottom and subsequent recovery was slower than in previous crashes.
The US government partially reacted by injecting trillions of dollars into the US economy. It was the most cash added to the circulation between printing money and stimulus payments since 1945.
Despite the terrible human costs of the pandemic & the financial suffering felt by millions, what followed was a surprising upward run in the market. Companies reported record profits, and valuations soared. For a while, the market reacted as though the crash had never occurred.
Read More @ https://businesschiefsinsight.com/stock-market-crashes/
2008: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis
S&P 500 loss: 57%
Time to recover: 17 months
Linda García, the founder of In Luz We Trust, a financial coaching business, explains that the cause of this crash was banks’ loose lending practices for mortgages (particularly subprime mortgages), which had a ripple effect in the entire economy, resulting in the worst crash since the Great Depression. It was a very specific trigger. There were terrible loans in the housing market.
Kimberly R. Nelson, the advisor at Coastal Bridge Advisors, adds that the S&P 500 fell around 57% from its peak and took global markets down with it. Valuations of homes were not good, and prices were through the roof.
Recovery came from government bailouts, fresh cash injections into the economy, and interest rates cut down to historically low levels.
It took nearly 17 months for the market to recover. When it did, one of the longest and most profitable bull runs in history began in 2009 and lasted to 2020 – the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. During bull markets, market confidence is high, and investors are eager to buy stocks.
2000: The Dotcom Bubble
Nasdaq loss: 77%
Time to recover: 15 years
When the 21st century rolled around, the stock market was reeling from the “dot-com bubble” aftermath caused by the major overvaluation of tech companies in the late 1990s. A bubble is caused by valuations that don’t match a company’s financial stability and are often spurred by eager investors trying to chase the next big thing – even if a company doesn’t have revenue. It was the case with many of these tech companies.
It was the first big crash for tech stocks that make up the Nasdaq Composite Index. Between 1995 & 2000, the Nasdaq rose over 500%. By 2002, the index fell nearly 77% and wouldn’t reach its former peak again for almost 15 years.
1973: The Oil Crisis and Economic Recession
Market loss: 48%
Time to recover: 21 months
This crash was the worst since the Great Depression at that time. There was not only one event that caused the crash, but a series of events.
First, several financial reforms, including de-pegging or unlinking the dollar from gold, undermined the dollar’s stability and contributed to runaway inflation. Parallelly, there was an economic recession, then the 1973 oil crisis, in which the price of oil approximately quadrupled and sped up inflation much faster.
All combined, these events created a crash that saw the market decline by 48%, taking about 21 months to recover.
1929: The Worst Crash in History
Dow loss: 89%
Time to recover: 25 years
The stock market crash of 1929 was the end of the Roaring 20s and started the Great Depression. It was one of the worst stock market crashes. The stock market contracted so much that it would take until 1954 to regain its pre-crash value fully.
Stocks began dipping in September of that year, but two consecutive days in late October, the 28th and 29th, saw a nearly 13% decrease and another 12% dip, respectively. These days are now known as Black Monday and Black Tuesday, the biggest two-day loss in history. It was enough to bounce investors into panic selling.
A couple of weeks later, the Dow lost half its value (the S&P 500 and Nasdaq were not used as markers then) and entered a long bear market. In 1932, the market found its ultimate bottom at a staggering 89% below its peak.
This period was tumultuous, with the Great Depression, Dust Bowl, World War II, and other distressing international events. Hundreds of companies filed for bankruptcy.
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businesschiefs · 2 years
Wealthy Franchisee - Things You Should Know About
Wealthy Franchisees are the ones with the highest profits and the best lifestyles. A Wealthy Franchisee business program is the one that anyone wanting to become a franchisee of any brand should take before becoming a franchisee. This program helps set expectations and puts things in perspective for what life is all about.
You see what they have in common when you meet enough top-ranked franchisees across various industries and brands. To be ‘wealthy’ as a franchisee means you must meet three criteria.
The first criterion and the most obvious is good income. That is relative to your investment, your expectations and where you live. But generally speaking, given what you have put into the business, you are getting a good return on investment.
Read More @ https://businesschiefsinsight.com/wealthy-franchisee-need-to-know/
The second criterion is staying in control of your time. Two franchisees might earn the same income, but if one does it by working 20 hours per week and the other works for 80 hours. They both are not equal.
Time is precious. You are only going to have less of it. Wealthy franchisees are not blackbirds to their business. They travel, will be home for dinner, and have time to run additional businesses if they choose.
The third criterion is quality of life. Your business should amplify the way you live, not just by how much you earn, but by the time spent by you and how it makes you feel. Enjoying what you do with minimal stress and maximum fulfillment would be best.
A well-run franchise can allow its boss to check all three boxes. But their success is by design. They have much more going for them than a decent location, consistent marketing and hard work.
Those things are not the secret to success but are prerequisites. Three powerful behaviors you can replicate give wealthy franchisees their edge to achieve the same results. Below mentioned are the things required for becoming a wealthy franchisee.
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businesschiefs · 2 years
The Best AI Cameras You Should Know About In 2022
Did you know? Your home security can be improved with the installation of AI cameras. Security cameras when integrated with AI are capable of analyzing the activities and reducing the notifications alerts regarding the home security. The most common and important feature of an AI camera is person detection, but some of the cameras are more enhanced and have pet, package, and vehicle detection. Read the entire article to know about the latest features of the Best AI Camera in 2022.
With AI cameras, you get computation photography where the camera makes real-time processing of data to make decisions. The systems are built with complex algorithms.
Features of the AI Cameras
Red Eye: with AI integration, the camera has auto red-eye adjustments. It reads an image to identify the subjects who have read eyes and then they are corrected through the feature.
Facial or Subject Recognition: Facial recognition in smartphones is a common feature but with AI cameras, this feature can be coupled with a security camera making its functioning more enhanced.
Zoom and Enhance: The security cameras are capable of enhancing the zoom and picture enhancement capabilities.
AI has influenced almost every industry. It is only natural that AI is used to augment the skills of cameras. AI may not be on the advanced levels but it has enhanced the home security cameras. These cameras can detect the person and share intelligent alerts. The alerts are only shared when the camera detects people as opposed to animals, cars, and inanimate moving objects, which are amongst the top skills of the security cameras with AI.
Read More @ https://businesschiefsinsight.com/the-best-ai-camera-you-should-know-about-in-2022/
AI integration can surely enhance the capabilities of our traditional security cameras. However, even the most advanced systems cannot guarantee safety. There is always room for errors and mishaps, and the most common occurrence is the hacking of such cameras. Several companies have now paired the security cameras with two-factor authentication, this the user may receive unique codes to the phone or mail for operating the account. This would help with the malicious practices of the hackers.
Also, the upgrade to an AI camera may come with some additional cost. As listed above the Canary Pro version includes the AI feature, however for the other options, the user must pay a monthly subscription plan or for the equipment.
The listed AI cameras are the best amongst the currently available options. You can choose the right fit from the listed options or we have also curated a list of features that will the search for the right AI camera easy.
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businesschiefs · 2 years
Future of Data Analytics: The Top 5 Predictions for 2022
Data analytics will highly transform the way we live and operate our businesses in the future. Analytics is already instrumental in technology devices and affects our daily lives. For instance, when you try to avoid traffic jams or identify waste in business processes.
In the tech-friendly world, data has become the operational currency. Around a decade ago, data started growing exponentially and since then the growth trajectory has been upward. The top contributors to this growth rate have been the internet which includes the use of social media, text messages, media files, and web searches. Also, IoT has majorly contributed to data through devices and sensors. Altogether, these factors are driving the global big data market growth.
The analysts have predicted that data will continue to grow at this rate and soon be difficult to handle. We are operating in terms of big data now which has forced businesses to rope in data analytics which will be capable to harness complex data processing.
Read More @ https://businesschiefsinsight.com/future-of-data-analytics-the-top-5-predictions-for-2022/
What is data analytics?
The pursuit of extracting information from raw data with the help of specialized computer systems is called data analytics. These computer systems can organize, transform, and model the data to draw conclusions and identify patterns.
Data analytics can be further categorized into four types:
Predictive data analytics
Prescriptive data analytics
Diagnostic data analytics
Descriptive data analytics
Other FAQs related to data analytics:
What data are google analytics goals unable to track?
The customers’ lifetime value cannot be tracked by google analytics goals. It can only track four types of metrics as a goal i.e. Pages/Session, Destination, Event, and Duration. With a Lifetime value report, one can understand the value of different users for the business based on lifetime performance. As this is not just a number but a complete metric it cannot be tracked by google analytics goal.
What data does google analytics prohibit collecting?
Google policies do not allow data that can be termed as personally identifiable information (PII), which is to protect user privacy. PII consists of personal information like email addresses, personal numbers, and social security numbers.
What are the options for filtering data in google analytics?
Google analytics offers two types of filters for data – Predefined Filters and Custom Filters. The Predefined filters are for beginners because they are easy to set up. On the other hand, Custom filters can be divided into four types- Exclude/Include, Lowercase/Uppercase, Search and Replace, and Advanced
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