every time i think im over fullmetal alchemist, i realize im not,
im only a fool
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I will follow you into hell if you ask me to.
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disney seaに行った時撮った写真にロイアイを合成する楽しいおしごと
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Also I just thought of the Stay Alive Reprise but with Edward as Phillip and Riza and Roy as the Hamiltons and I am in the most pain 10/10 would not recommend
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Don't you be afraid. If we got nothing, we got us.
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Was debating on if I wanted to post this silly doodle of Riza when I discovered that apparently my drawing app automatically saves time lapses of all my drawings?!?? WHAT?!
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It has been far far too long since I last drew these two 💥🔫
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★ シノノメ | 0801 (Hawkeye) ☆ ✔ republished w/permission
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I’m working on something 8B
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Hey guys, I just created a Voltron side blog if anyone I follow here was in that fandom as well :) I've been drawing some fanart there too! It's @pastel-space-zelda ✨🌎🌙🦁
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I’m back with this little pic >__< it’s not the best I can… but I wanted to upload some RoyAi drawing! 
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the smallest words (fma, 1/2)
Based on one of my headcanons that I came up with about Aidan, I was literally unable to stop myself from writing this. In fact, the problem became that I wanted to write so much that it turned into a two parter, which I think works better. This was so much fun. I had a blast getting into Aidan’s mind, especially about something that had to be confusing as hell. There are a few references to an article from my Hamilton-inspired fic “Hightlights” as well. This is seriously one of the angstiest things I’ve ever written, but listen, this fourteen year-old boy has got some shit going on. I loved writing from Aidan’s perspective. It was fun to see Riza and Roy from such a different view. The Havolina kids, Bran and Ally, belong to the brilliant stupidsexymustang, of course! Love them and her! Talking to her helped inspire me to write this.
we’ll give the world to you the smallest words
People have treated him differently for his entire life. Bran says that he should be used to it by now, but Aidan can’t help but feel uncomfortable when people give him strange looks. It’s been like this for as long as he can remember, but then he does have a weird life. Not everyone can say that they’re the Fuhrer’s son. According to history, the Fuhrer before his great grandfather, King Bradley, had a son named Selim. Aidan wonders how he fared, being the son of the most important man in the country, if it made him feel like he was removed from everyone else or if he liked the attention that it garnered him.
Aidan decidedly doesn’t like it. His mom doesn’t either. They share that in common. His father, on the other hand, seems to glow in the spotlight. Aidan only likes the spotlight when it’s of his own choice and most of the time, what with who his parents are, it’s not. But this has been his life for so long. His parents are famous in Amestris for a lot of things. He’s their son. It’s only natural that people are curious about him.
He can only remember flashes of his life before his parents were married, but most of them only involve his mom. She’s always the constant in his memories of his earliest years. His mom hugging him, his mom smiling that secret smile of hers, his mom wrapping her body around his protectively when he crawled into bed with her and she was alone, his mom telling him how brave, strong, smart, kind he was. There are flashes of his dad here and there - letting Aidan sit on his lap in the car and pretend to drive, the flames he’d create while telling a dramatic story, the way he’d try to sneak up on his mom and always got caught.
But what Aidan mostly remembers about his father during the time before his parents married was his distance. It was almost desperate adoration in private and then a cold detachment in public. He did not hold Aidan. He did not take care of him when he tripped and fell. He smiled and made jokes, but they were the kind of interactions one did with their friend’s kid. His mom tried to make it a game, so when he always called his dad by the “correct” name, he got a treat or a little gift, like it was a prize.
“Congrats! You’re only three, but you didn’t make the mistake of calling out ‘Dad’ in public!”
Keep reading
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Am I so predictable?!?!
So I watched Voltron recently and I drew a picture of Princess Allura and posted it to my main blog. I also sent it to my fiancé and he responds: "Did you try and draw Riza in a space suit?" -_____- Patrick...ahh...I can draw things other than Riza.
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fma invites you to consider the ethics of “never-again-will-i” leadership - despite that roy mustang personally murdered hundreds of civilians in the war, does it Make It Okay that he’s looking to lead his country now because he realized what he did was Wrong and has now vowed to never again allow something like this to happen? and, like, this is a real question. i realize that once we’ve started talking about this, a lot of us default to “ooohhhh roy and riza are actually guilty, they aren’t war heroes, they’re war criminals, fandom likes to erase their past”
but like…………..these issues are more complex than a simple moral judgment. to take an example from fma03 canon, look at frank archer, who presumably was not a soldier in ishbal (i take that cue from when he says to roy “a decade ago you annihilated ishbal and came home a war hero, now it’s my turn” in ep42). the man is invading liore and obviously agrees with the state’s aggressive policy of Destroying people before they get a chance to cause any more trouble. and he’s not even in on the fact that the government is literally being secretly controlled by the homunculi + dante!!!!!!!
it’s like: if it’s a choice between roy mustang and frank archer for a promotion in the state or military - a situation that very well could have existed, considering they were of equal rank for that last mission - of COURSE we’ll say roy, despite his past! of course! if roy, who has seen, COMMITTED, atrocities of war in ishbal, and therefore sworn never to allow it to happen again, can take up the place of someone who is discriminatory, amoral, and frankly (no pun intended) evil, then SURE. because that’s the state and situation they lived in.
things are different, i imagine, after the coup, after amestris returns to an assembly. but i just…..idk. this discussion requires a degree of nuance.
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