butchk123 · 3 years
'Tyranny Is Not Going to Shut Us Down': Goldwater Client Debra Tisler on...
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butchk123 · 3 years
What's Wrong with Wind and Solar? Some truth!
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butchk123 · 3 years
If you happen to be an honest, decent person – and especially if you happen to be an honest, decent and an American patriot and conservative, whether white or black – no matter what you do, you simply can not win as far as wokeist Marixists-Communists are concerned. If you’re...NBC show how RACIST they are!
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butchk123 · 3 years
Data published by the Public Health and the UK Health Security Agency suggests that more than 85% of people who died from Covid19 in September-October 2021 were vaccinated! Furthermore, the Office for National Statistics detected a spike in deaths of young boys by 83% after administered Covid19 vaccines. Consequently, the...WOW!
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butchk123 · 3 years
by Thomas Harrington, ©2021, reposted from The Brownstone Institute with permission (Nov. 1, 2021) — In 1927, the French intellectual Julien Benda published La Trahison des Clercs which has been translated to English as The Betrayal (and sometimes the Treason) of the Intellectuals. The book is a searing indictment of the role played by intellectuals […] Healers betray Americans again! 
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butchk123 · 3 years
11-1-21 - APS Rate Case Update Good info
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butchk123 · 3 years
Tumblr media
100 posts!
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butchk123 · 3 years
The administration of Empty Shelves Joe Biden, “the Democrat President”, and its proponents love to spread false claims, i.e. lies, about how much better it has been “handling” the COVID-19 pandemic than the administration of President Donald Trump. Evidently, the Biden administration has been coping with the pandemic in such... What a SICK Regime!
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butchk123 · 3 years
Daily Update 10-20-21
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butchk123 · 3 years
What is happening over here? The government of the United States is allowing all people from Third World countries to enter our nation as they please as illegal immigrants, it is allowing them to then settle freely wherever inside the country they like, and, to top it all off, it...   Biden Regime spreads infected illegals and children all over the country! No security checks, no health checks, and NO COVID checks!
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butchk123 · 3 years
As Communist China has gotten rich – all through the investments poured in by American corporations, the dollars of the US taxpayers used to buy their exports, and the theft of hi-tech and know-how – it has been becoming ever more assertive and aggressive in its foreign and military policy.... Thanks Joe!
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butchk123 · 3 years
RPAZ Daily Update 10-14-2021
A must listen and JOIN 
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butchk123 · 3 years
RPAZ America's Audit 9-24-2021 Here you go
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butchk123 · 3 years
RPAZ America's Audit 9-24-2021 AZ election update.
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butchk123 · 3 years
Parental rights violated Vote NO on all School Bonds and Overrides, We must take back our Schools from Liberal abusers and dictators!
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butchk123 · 3 years
The “transsexual” or a biological man claiming to be a woman who caused public outrage in June by visiting a Wi Spa venue in Los Angeles, and showing his half-erect penis to women and girls in the female section, has been identified as 52-year-old Darren Agee Merager, a big male...These FREAKS are all dangerous! 
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butchk123 · 3 years
Update 8-27-21 - Ascend Report Update from Nick Myers.
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