butmakeitvegan · 2 years
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off to make soup
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
Always funny when people are like "pfft what is veganism going to do? We need to focus on REAL problems like deforestation in the Amazon!!" my guy, it would take you a 2 second google search to learn that the Amazon is being cleared for cattle.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
when it comes to structural violence and oppression, society as a whole rightfully labels the perpetrator/beneficiary of said violence in order to call out and label that behavior as wrong. for example, someone who actively upholds and benefits from white supremacist ideals is called a racist. someone who discriminates and contributes to hatred and violence against gay people is called homophobic. someone who contributes to the typically race-based fear and hatred of other cultures or countries is called xenophobic.
so why is it, then, when we’re talking about the oppression and perpetual mass-killing of non-human animals, that the people who are actively choosing to not contribute to that system are the ones that are labeled as “other”? why is it that we must bear the label of vegan when all we’re doing is not contributing to that system of violence (as much as is practicable and possible)? why is the systematic subjugation and murder of animals so extremely normalized to the point that those who are not contributing to it are the ones seen as subversive? there is no word for people who demand animal flesh and are willingly contributing to their murder by paying for it.
‘I am ok with people being vegan but…’
Oh are you? Are you okay with people objecting to the mass breeding, exploitation and horrifically cruel slaughter of billions of sentient beings, the exploitation of an entire underclass of the working poor and the massive ecological devastation inherent in industrialised animal agriculture? That’s so chill of you.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
i don't understand how so many kind and compassionate people can turn a blind eye to the suffering of animals. it tears me apart
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
have you people ever met a vegan person like in real life or do you get all your info from sensationalized tiktoks
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
I don’t get why people have done literally zero research about veganism love to argue with people who have spent years being vegan. Who have read books, googled everything, and are really passionate about a serious life long commitment.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
The fact is to correct climate change we NEED to, at the very least, DRASTICALLY reduce meat consumption.
There is no world where climate change is fixed and you’re still eating how you are now.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
the amount of instant noodles that use artificial meat flavours and are therefore vegan... i am so lucky and blessed
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
i went vegan in 2016 and honestly it’s shocking how 6 years later too many of you so-called leftist liberationists are STILL completely and vehemently anti-vegan
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
The fact that social justice tumblr is so outspokenly and aggressively against veganism really underlines my growing realisation that a lot of “activism” on this website has its basis in performative efforts, rather than true moral beliefs and convictions. A lot of this supposed activism is all noise and no action.
It’s terribly easy to hit that reblog button, slap on a “#sj” or “#signal boost”, and proceed to contribute precisely nothing to the cause. It requires the same amount of effort to reblog a social justice post as it does to churn out shitposts and vine compilations. Doesn’t exactly put the “active” into activism, does it? That callout post you liked the other day? Really put a stop to the rise of the far right.
This extreme need to be the most woke, the most progressive, the most ideologically pure, all while putting in an absolute bare minimum of effort, is precisely why so many self-proclaimed activists and social justice advocates despise the idea of veganism. You can’t become vegan by reblogging a bunch of photosets and sending out a few angry anons. You have to actually make changes that will affect your daily life.
So when they gleefully call all vegans rich white racists, pointedly speaking over poor vegans and vegans of colour, when they circulate posts about mistreated vegetable farmers (pretending they never ate a vegetable in their life), but ignore the treatment of workers in the meat and dairy industries, when they regurgitate over and over every single scrap of misinformation that lets them maintain their façade of righteousness /all while never examining their own actions and inactions/, they are proving over and over that they would sooner stab their own ideals in the back than take a good hard look at themselves and put even an ounce of dedication behind their empty claims.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
Weird how the hundreds of people who crawl out of the woodwork to ‘advocate’ for quinoa farmers and crop pickers at the barest mention of veganism are dead silent as soon as we’re talking about slaughterhouse workers.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
i hate that when it comes to ethical food choices people always have that ‘well you do you, but don’t tell others what to do/eat’ attitude…
like how does this make sense? all other kinds of activism include changing OTHER people’s behaviour. gay rights activism focuses on stopping other people from being homophobic, BLM focuses on stopping other people from being racist, and so on, and it’s common sense to understand why they want to influence other people who are being hurtful towards a specific group.
so what’s the problem with animal rights activists/vegans who tell people to change their behaviour? why is this specific kind of activism suddenly an issue of ‘well you do what you want but don’t tell ME what to do’…
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
Yeah not eating animals is a great concept but you know whats a better concept? Not contributing to an industry that enslaves, abuses, and murders hundreds of poc a year
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
I get so tired of hearing that veganism is prohibitively expensive when I KNOW I've survived on tighter food budgets than a lot of the people saying that. Especially when that same person then goes on to talk about "eating local grass fed beef". "Too expensive" clearly has vastly different meanings to us. You talk about bougie HEAVILY prohibitive shit like that then wanna tell me my lifestyle is only for rich people. Ok.
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
“animals should be treated well before they’re eaten but eating them isn’t wrong” really isn’t a hard belief to understand
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butmakeitvegan · 2 years
funny how people on Tumblr are constantly like “you are not immune to propaganda, look into what someone is posting first before blindly agreeing with them, even if their post reads scientific enough, double check” until it comes to anti-vegan propaganda, then it’s “oh yes, I 100% trust this and don’t need to do any research myself because I don’t want to challenge my worldview or find information that I don’t like.”
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