buttercreamscenes · 1 year
How crazy!! I’m loving all the photos though!
I also extra love that it was a total surprise! Like, no one leaked the date or anything! It was just like “BAM! MARRIED” 😂
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Personality lmao 😂 idk but when I watched it back after having not seen it in awhile, I immediately was like “hmm that character reminds me of someone” lol 😅
Haha fair enough! That’s such a weird feeling when it happens 😂
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Okay random, but like why does the love interest in Coyote Ugly lowkey remind me of Simon? 👀
LOL If we’re talking about looks here, I do not see it in the slightest 😂 but if we’re talking about his personality, I can’t say anything since I’ve not seen it haha
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
that last ask is stupid as fuck. doesn’t matter if you don’t like talia or their relationship, but praying on someone’s downfall and hoping their marriage fails makes them such a shitty person.
nick and priyanka got engaged a few weeks after dating and got married two months after that, justin and hailey got married like two months after they got engaged, ariana and dalton got married after like six months of being engaged. and all of those couples are going strong and full of love.
that ask reeks of jealousy and is a horrible thing to say about someone’s relationship. simon’s not gonna fuck them lol get over it. they’re engaged and they’re gonna get married whether you like it not.
sorry for the rant, the negativity of that just pissed me off
Babe, same lol. I read it and was like ...um...what.
Some people get engaged with the intent to GET MARRIED. Whether it's the day after they get engaged or three years after. There's no time limit or set schedule people have to follow.
I just can't get over the "I want a laugh"...GO TO A COMEDY SHOW THEN. Don't hope for the downfall of someone's relationship. I wouldn't normally reply to something like that but I just had to say it. It was just ridiculous.
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
I hope Simon and Talia get divorced. They say if you get married so quickly after just getting engaged, you’re at higher risk for divorce and I honestly hope it happens just to have a laugh. Because why the fuck are they, mainly Talia, rushing the wedding??
Sorry but what…? Hoping someone’s marriage fails just because they’re not having a “waiting” period…? Some people don’t like the thought of a long engagement. It’s a matter of opinion. So what if Talia’s rushing it. She’s planning a wedding. A wedding she clearly knows how she wants it to be. If you have the money and time (considering they make their own schedule), why wouldn’t you start planning and getting things done for it? A wedding is stressful as fuck and if you know you don’t want a waiting period, getting shit done at the beginning is better than waiting until the last minute.
You hope someone’s marriage fails because you want a laugh. Take that in.
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
did you end up watching the charity match? what did you think?
i only watched some of the livestream (bc timezones, i wasn’t about to stay up til 4am) and everyone in the chat was just spamming them about bringing speed on again it was so bloody annoying. like literally worshipping him like give it a break man it’s a charity event let’s focus on the actual event?
other than that it was good! loved the wholesome moment of all the boys running up when vik scored the first goal for the sidemen!
apparently there were pitch invaders again 🙄 they explicitly asked not to do that man why cant people just enjoy things
I did watch it! I watched it on Sunday though cause I was working Saturday so I didn't see all the Speed comments. That's annoying that people would just talk about him and focus solely on him. Honestly, I don't really see the appeal in him but hey, he brought in views so can't really complain.
Overall, I thought it was a very big success. They literally raised over a million, which is insane for a YouTube event. I think the teams were so evenly matched and it made for such a great match! Stephen and Spencer did such an amazing job with the commentary, they definitely need to do it again next year.
I'll never understand how many times we need to address the pitch invaders. Like, honestly grow up. You're old enough to know how to behave. Some of the people were full on grown ass adults, like come on. You're embarrassing. It's frustrating because we lose out on half the event because of them and all the boys want to do is lift the trophy in front of the crowd and they have yet to do it. It's sad.
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Gotta love how Talia is making the birth of Ethan and Faith’s baby about her by tweeting “let’s not tweet about who’s next 🥰 pls” like I bet she’s praying it’s gonna be her so all the attention can be once again on her.
We have to remember that her stans are ruthless and couldn't care about anyone but Talia so every little thing that happens, they also make it about her and bother her. So let's be real, it was probably her stans dming her and asking her when it's gonna be her. My biggest pet peeve is making someone else's accomplishments about others. Let people have their damn moment.
Faith just gave birth to a whole ass HUMAN. Ethan has the chance to be the father he never had. LET'S CELEBRATE THAT.
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
It makes me sad thinking back on how I used to be so into the sidemen (Simon and JJ especially) and now I can barely watch their videos, I’ve unsubscribed to both of Simon’s channels a while ago (I just had enough of the wack gf content tbh, it was like every other video back then) and am still subbed to JJ and the sidemen channel. Idk but every time I think about how back in late 2016 to 2017 I would go back and religiously watch Simon’s gaming channel and the cards against humanity and GTA vids just makes me sad :/
I totally get this. I find myself going back and watching Cards Against Humanity so often, it's embarrassing. But truthfully, I can't remember the last time I watched one of Simon's recent videos. I still watch all the Sidemen videos and such but to watch them individually, I'm not finding it as entertaining as it used to be. Which is quite sad, it's like the end of something and I think I'm finally accepting that I'm just not as into them as I once was, especially back in 2017. It's definitely sad so I get what you're saying
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Something about Talia’s music is just so…mediocre? She and her stans act like it’s some brand new genre with the way she teases music, but it’s not. Like it’s the same song theme done over a thousand times already by other and better artists 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah, I get that. But hey, she’s gotta pump it up, right? Like she has to hype it since it’s hers and she’s proud of it. But I do agree, it’s quite the same as every other artist out there but one could also argue that other artists are just the same as her so it’s just normal stuff 🤷🏽‍♀️😂
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Lmao Austin McBroom got humbled real quick 😂 way to go Gib!
Honestly, nothing has made me happier. Hopefully Austin will give it up and realize he’s nowhere near where he thinks he is.
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Talia hit 1M subs on YouTube. Lmao the Simon effect
I'm shocked there's been barely anything said about it...or am I just dumb? Because I swear the only thing I've seen about it is her tweet and this message LOL
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
I just don’t understand the point in dressing up for a fucking boxing fight. Like the night is not about you. It’s about the people boxing 🙄
Okay but it’s also an event lol like you’re not gonna go in your pj’s, are you? 😂
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
never would’ve expected to go onto instagram and find out callux cheated 💀💀
Well damn…that’s a plot twist… sounds like an absolute banger of a song though LOL
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Talia: complains about how expensive weddings are
Also Talia: makes more money than an average person
Like pick a struggle. There’s people that can’t even afford their dream wedding and she’s over here complaining when both her AND Simon combined can afford a picture perfect, magnificent, spectacular wedding 😒🤦🏼‍♀️
Yeah, maybe she just didn't realize how expensive they actually are? It's fair, though. Like most people can't have everything they want at their wedding due to budget but let's be real, the Salia wedding definitely can. So maybe she was just making a comment about how she didn't realize how expensive it can get as fast as maybe it has...?
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
I just think it’s a bit sus that Talia is moving mad fast with wedding stuff, like planning and dress shopping and already having a dress. Like homegirl, you just got engaged, calm down. Something about her movements is so sus omg
I don't think it's that weird, honestly. Weddings are so much work and if you get things moving fast, it's better down the line haha Trust me, I'm currently in the middle of my sister's wedding and I REALLY wish she didn't put things off until the last minute. So it's nice to get certain things done fast so it's less to worry about later on!
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Josh and Freya should’ve gotten engaged before Simon and Talia. There I’ve said it since everyone else is afraid to say it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lol it’s not really up to us, to be fair. Josh will propose when Josh and Freya are ready for that step. Just because someone’s been together for time doesn’t mean they need to be the first to take a step before someone else. It’s a personal choice and no one else has the right to comment or dictate when someone takes a step in their relationship
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buttercreamscenes · 2 years
Lmao the sidemen tinder US edition, I feel like some of them would risk it all just to hook up with some of the US girls. I know it’s meant to be for jokes, but how are you gonna be in a full ass relationship and hit on other women, and in this particular video, see not one but two other woman’s breasts? You should watch it and see the way some of the guys look at these girls. I bet talia is feeling real insecure rn 😂
Honestly, I thought it was funny. The breasts thing, yeah, that was a little much. Like the boys looked away but I did see a few turn back around quite quickly so that wasn't the greatest. As for hitting on the women, that's the whole point. It's meant to be Tinder and it's just for fun. If none of the girlfriends or boys in the video were comfortable with doing it, they would stop doing it. Like if it became such a big problem, I'm sure they'd end it. Honestly, I'm quite over Vik being in them, like it's just very clear he doesn't want to participate in it and that's totally fine but I dread when it's his turn to go because it's just not funny at all.
I mean, Simon did no worse than Josh or Vik or Harry for that matter. So to single out Talia, that's not fair. Faith is really the one getting all the backlash from the video so she's probably not feeling the greatest. I think Ethan's line was good and funny but the minute he felt the girl over top of him, he should have immediately moved. Buddy closed his eyes...how in the world is that going to help...? But yeah, I'd say the other taken boys did pretty normal to what they would do back in the UK so I don't think the girlfriends are really freaking out that much, to be honest.
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