butteredpenny-reblogs · 7 months
Incredibly intelligent maneuver by tumblr ceo to make a post that boils down to “if you want to deserve staff looking into preventing your months of harassment as well as explaining why your accounts keep getting scorched-earth deleted when you’ve made a point to follow TOS, you have to avoid hurting OUR special feelings or we’ll call the FBI on you. This is totally not transphobic despite only happening to trans women btw” and then delete the same trans woman’s account again. Excellent work sire you’ve reached new depths of spinelessness and ineptitude
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butteredpenny-reblogs · 7 months
i think it's worth remembering that there has been a multi month long ongoing harassment campaign against various transfems on this website by now, with tumblr moderation doing barely anything about it (except banning some of us), but they're currently able to find every single post vaguely mean to matt and suspend them within an hour with no reports.
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butteredpenny-reblogs · 7 months
It's Rita. We're done here for now
I'm sure everyone's heard by now that something's happened at least so I'll try keep it short [lie]. This post is a rough explanation and not a defense, if mutuals want to add evidence of what I claim then please do so, I will have a note to friends at the end, feel free to skip to that 🧡🤎
I got terminated on predstrogen due to mass false reports about sexually explicit content, I had evidence of these mass false reports, and when I asked support for help they stated "As you know, you posted sexually explicit content and additionally harrassed people"
My issue isn't with the account termination, it's the double standard around it
I've had multiple accounts. The first (madhopz) was terminated for content on sideblogs when I was doing sex work and I know I won't get it back. The second (sadhopz) was targetted by lolcow forums, and took half a year to get back, only once I humiliated myself to support by screenshotting and documenting what they were saying about me and sharing images of me. The third (predstrogen) I mentioned and I'll get back to, but I was never emailed to explain why the fourth (Avewy/Predesterone) was terminated. All we know is that it was right after the CEO got upset with me, I broke no rules and said no one should attack anyone, I posted no explicit content, none.
A man twice my age and worth $400,000,000 threatened to call the cops on a trans woman online, and then deleted me when I mentioned this
To add insult to injury, he refused to call me "she" the entire time, referring to me as "they" and backpedalling to vaguely refer to me as The Account. I'm a fucking person, and you know that by threatening to pin the cops on me. Eventually even slipping and calling me "it" before respecting the womanhood of the person he would gladly talk about and "make an exception for"
My complaint to his post was that he says I was banned for harrassment, which is a lie. I was banned for mass false reports of sexual content, despite having been told by staff directly a month prior that my blog does not break that rule, and have had people admit to collaborating on reports. But my biggest issue is that even if I was banned for harrassment, then what did they do about my own harrassment?
They did fuck all and told me my stalkers should not be removed from Tumblr
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After banning me without a reason, I immediately got an email back about harrassment and stalking that I sent a support ticket about in December. They banned me twice before looking into this, and their conclusion was "we won't do a thing". These are people who have been on my ass all of last fucking year calling me a rapist and a pedophile, and they ignored it. Does that sound like a man who cares about harrassment on his site, or only when it happens to him?
After the ban on Predstrogen and I moved to Avewy, they were everywhere. Inbox messages claiming I was sending asks to children threatening to rape them, anonymous people stating they're our victim and are scared to speak out about what I did to them. It all only happened now. They've turned a blind eye and given these people a win. I saved it all in an #archive tag as proof if I was ever asked or got through to support, but that didn't happen when i was terminated without warning or reason
When Matt deleted me himself, he deleted everything I posted and saved as evidence for my situation. Anonymous asks slandering me, reblogs of people organising to get rid of me, my own documentation of what staff did, all of it was deleted with @avewy/@predesterone.
I don't want to be on this site anymore, I was happy all day today because I feel free without it. But I miss my accounts, because of all the memories with them. I don't want to use them, but I want @madhopz, @predstrogen, and @predesterone back so that all the times ive had with friends, lovers and strangers arent completely eradicated. Every single thing uploaded to Predstrogen is gone and marked mature now, even my face and identity, because this was a sexual content ban and not harrassment as they say. They found another reason after the fact
Give me my identity and my memories back
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To all my friends and mutuals, thank you. Even people I've had falling-outs with have been nothing but kind and I want everyone to know I appreciate it. I saw every ask before deletion, I see how many people are on Discord. I can't keep up, but knowing you reached out at all means the world to me
I was happier today off this site than I have been in months. I'm not driving myself to breakdowns anymore by being on here, my mental and emotional state has been in ruins. Maybe I'll come back on this account, but for now I'm leaving it blank and still and moving on.
This post is incredibly meandering and too long, but I'm not trying to defend myself or document everything, I'm trying to make sure I say something to people I care for instead of disappearing, you deserve it. I'm doing well, please find me elsewhere.
My Twitter is mAD_h0PZ
My Cohost is Predstrogen
My BlueSky is predstrogen.bsky.social
My discord is Avewy, and my server is Public
My steam is mAD_hOPZ
Goodnight, thank you 🧡🤎
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butteredpenny-reblogs · 7 months
You gonna do anything or make any statement about the rampant transmisogyny on this hellsite, especially in cases like predstrogen recently? Or yall gonna stay silent and keep letting/making us get pushed off of it.
I have a number of asks about this, so this is to address all of them, I won't do each individually.
We generally do not comment on individual cases, but because there seems to be mass misinformation around this, I will make an exception and comment on predstrogen.
First, Tumblr has a number of LGBT+ including trans people on staff, and they see things from the inside fully, and they're not protesting this case.
Why do we wrongly have a transphobe reputation? We did have an external contract moderator last year that was making transphobic moderation (and also selling moderation, criminally). As soon as we were aware that person was fired, and we later terminated the entire relationship with that contracting firm and have brought almost everything in-house (at great cost). I have previously commented on this publicly, several times.
I am not aware of any Automattician (people who work at Automattic and Tumblr) who has made any transphobic moderation actions. If it's reported it is investigated immediately, if anything were found that person would be terminated for cause immediately.
In predstrogen's case in addition to some mistagged sexually explicit posts, which on its own wouldn't be that bad, we have documented cases of harassment against other users. Most importantly, and why she is banned from Tumblr for life, is she made threats of violence against Tumblr staff.
That is never okay. Threats of violence is not protected speech. We will work with police and FBI where appropriate. I just got a death threat yesterday from someone mad about predstrogen, and that account was immediately terminated.
So regardless of whether you still think Tumblr staff is somehow a bunch of transphobes, know that threats of violence or death are still not acceptable and will result in immediate and serious action. Know that when you rile people up, they can do dumb things with possibly permanent consequences.
(2 hours later update: I have changed instances of the pronoun "they" or "their" to "the account" because I am unaware of pronoun preference in this instance and don't want to misgender anyone. Thank you for the people who reported this as an issue. Update 2: "She" is apparently better, the post now says that. Sorry for the mistake.)
Here's one (of many!) examples of the harassment violations, this one targets me but there are others targeting other users on the site.
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The second part seems to indicate she wanted to be suspended, I'm unaware of why, perhaps to create this sort of uproar.
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butteredpenny-reblogs · 7 months
You can get banned for talking about cars and hammers?
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The thing about Minecraft is that there's an abundance of people who have been playing it since it was in beta, and Minecraft youtubers are likely more popular than even the game itself, so the typical play style is a community-built ecosystem of workarounds for the game's various poorly designed, unbalanced, and unfairly punishing elements, and everyone is expected to absorb these through osmosis, and if you are genuinely new to the game you're just fucked without extensive research or a veteran player to patiently shepherd you through
Highly accomplished players are very visible in the Minecraft community, but square that with the sheer number of people that play, and I think you'll find that the highly accomplished players are a much smaller minority of the player base than with many other games.
Even the number of people who have actually beaten the final boss and gotten the end credits without turning on cheats is very low. I haven't even done it (I beat the ender dragon solo once, but I had keepinventory—and good thing, because I fell into the void trying to get into the portal to return home)
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Part 2 of “just friends being besties”
That’s all I have to say in regards to this story, If someone would like to continue.. please do 😂
[part 1]
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No one wants to work anymore. All kids these days want is to physically transform into animals. Bones cracking, breaking, splintering apart, stitching together into exhilaratingly new shapes. Hair, all kinds hair, various fluids and oils and whatnot. Ragged-lip maws dripping with alien teeth, crowning in teething agony like the birth of an infant god. Gore-streaked visages howling in pagan delight by the pale light of the moon, etc. No work ethic. He who makes a beast of himself takes away the pain of clocking in tomorrow
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i needed some mojo back so ms paint doodles! (i got distracted by very cool media)(and finishing school)(and my dog got his balls chopped off)
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uh so i never do this but maui is quite literally on fire and there isn't nearly enough care or consideration for. you know. Native Hawaiians who live here being displaced and the land (and cultural relevance) that's being eaten up by the fire. so if ya'll wanna help, here's some links:
maui food bank: https://mauifoodbank.org/
maui humane society: https://www.mauihumanesociety.org/
center for native hawaiian advancement: https://www.memberplanet.com/campaign/cnhamembers/kakoomaui
hawai'i red cross: https://www.redcross.org/local/hawaii/ways-to-donate.html
please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.
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I think that 2023 is a good time for many of us, and allies in particular, to practice again the dying art of minding our own fucking business when it comes to the identities and lives of other people.
You see someone from one of your classes in a public place with a different gender presentation/expression than they typically have? Mind your own business.
You discover that one of your coworkers is in a same gender relationship, but they aren't out at work? Not your place to share that information in the workplace.
You notice that your neighbor in a red state takes a road trip across state lines with their transgender child every 3-6 months? No you fucking didn't.
You overhear students in your classroom using a different name and different pronouns for one student than you are used to using? If you live in a state hostile to trans rights, pretend that you don't know anything about this and report nothing.
You suspect that an acquaintance of yours might be gay, but they deny it when asked directly? Leave them the fuck alone.
One of your friends refuses to publicly label their sexuality? Good for them, you aren't entitled to that information anyway.
Your sibling comes out to you as questioning, but isn't comfortable sharing that with your parents yet? Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Don't out people; coming out is a personal choice not a moral obligation. Don't demand personal information about other people's sexuality or sex lives. You aren't entitled to information about anyone's gender identity, assigned gender at birth, or transition.
Bring back privacy, allow people to have control over the information that is shared about them publicly; it might save their job, their housing, their parental rights and their child's safety, or even save lives.
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Under clover
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twilight eat burgy
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twilight sparkle is a catgirl in spirit
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thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Apparently one of my finals in high school was a podcast entry. I hate it and want it gone but the account was probably made with my school account, and also it was archived on the internet archive. Whatta hell? What do I do? I don't believe the shit I said anymore.
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obsessed with the concept of being haunted by yourself
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jaiden and roier! (+ ari and bobby)
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