butternutsquashoil · 1 year
Jesus, after coming back from the dead: hey guys it’s me Jesus, just look at the scars on my hands
Thomas, a known freak: show us the feet as well please
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
[AMV] Jon Arbuckle - You’re Gonna Go Far Kid
this is one of my favorite videos on the internet, and it kills me that the source has been silenced by youtube’s copyright system, so I’m putting it here!
I have seen a version of this on tumblr before, but the audio in that one is just a little bit off because that person edited it back in themselves
but today, I am proud to present the original video, sent to me by Crispy Crungy, who gave me permission to upload it here and share it with you all!
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
“wIlL iS a hOmEwReCkEr.”
Meanwhile, Will:
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
today i’m sad about that one line from the creator’s commetary about how zuko is a tsungi horn prodigy and the little letter zuko, aged 7, sends iroh in “legacy of the fire nation” where he very politely requests that iroh come home and teach him pai sho tricks, because that casts such a different light on their interactions in book one.  it was never iroh trying to push his own favorite things - pai sho and music night - on an uninterested zuko, it was iroh desperately trying to reconnect with zuko by recreating the activities he knows zuko used to enjoy.  zuko, aged 7, once begged iroh to come home and play board games with him and now zuko wants nothing to do with him and you know that eats iroh up alive
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
Ozai is so pathetic, like that “take his bending away haha he’s harmless now” trick would never have worked on Zuko, if you took his bending away he’d just grab his swords and come at you twice as hard, Azula doesn’t have swords or anything but she’s pretty good at hand to hand and amazing at talking her way out of problems, Iroh bust himself out of prison with no bending at all, meanwhile Ozai? Gets his bending taken away and then just collapses, doesn’t even try anymore, then just sits in prison and tries to get into Zuko’s head some more, he could have trained up and tried to break out too! But no! Bet he can’t break steel bars with his bare hands. Bet he can’t kick a steel lever in two. Bet he can’t even do a flip.
Also we never really see him do any really impressive firebending apart from when he has magic comet power, I guesss he shoots some lightning at Zuko, but that’s it and Azula is still better at the lightning thing. Azula has blue flames. Zuko can do firebreakdancing and bend with his swords. Does Ozai, who is not 14 years old, have blue flames? No he doesn’t.
He didn’t even do his coup himself, Ursa had to kill Azulon for him! Could have just challenged Iroh to an Agni Kai for the throne but he didn’t bc he knew he’d lose.
And then he only ruled for like 6 years! He lost a war that had been going on for 100 years bc of a bunch of kids.
Loserlord indeed
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
sokka comes up ideas and suki and zuko are his enablers.
for example:
sokka: should i get a pet catagator?
suki: why stop at one
zuko: yeah get like seven of them
sokka: what would u guys say if i wanted to drink some cactus juice tn even tho ive got a meeting first thing tomorrow morning
zuko: what if u drank the cactus juice during the meeting
suki: why not do both
sokka: aang stepped on my foot this morning. im thinking of starting a war with him because of it.
suki: you’ll lose but i support u. ill sharpen my fans
zuko: u need an army? how many men?
sokka: i rlly want sea prunes rn but ive already eaten so much today.
zuko: eat more. treat yourself.
suki: have some seal jerky while ur at it.
sokka: im going to move to the swamp and become one with nature. im tired of politicians and laws and debates. my plan is to invite katara and aang to visit because it’s the anniversary of my first hunt even though i dont actually know the date of that but do they no that? no. no they dont. and when they get here im going to steal appa and fly to the swamp and maybe ill kidnap toph and take her with me so im not lonely all the time.
zuko: offended youd invite toph over me but go for it. i wont stop u.
suki: no tell them its my birthday thatll work so much better
zuko: is it actually your birthday?
suki: no
sokka: i think parkas with shorts should be brought back into style
suki: i second that. show off ur knobby knees
zuko: yes show off ur knobby knees
sokka: i hate the new earth queen
zuko: kill her
suki: yeah kill her
tl;dr: suki and zuko basically just let sokka do whatever he wants. sometimes they join him.
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
Hey what the fuck
Time to watch Devilman Crybaby for the first time :)
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
Vampire Eddie has me foaming at the mouth
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
Time to watch Devilman Crybaby for the first time :)
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
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if i had a nickel for every time i played a game with a blue hedgehog in it i’d have two nickels
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
untitled god game, a video game where you play as a mischievous minor deity loose in an ancient city
it’s a lovely day in mesopotamia and you are a horrible god
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
You CAN do deep squats, my friend!
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
dsm-vi just came out. it says all my dreams are visions and also that im a special princess
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butternutsquashoil · 2 years
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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