buzzsaw-burne · 12 days
I can't prove it but there was a top down view of a rock in the middle of the road in the first episode of Chaos Theory that looked like the exact same road setup and rock DAngelos dad almost crashed into that one time.
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buzzsaw-burne · 2 months
Buzzsaw is still in those woods post series but like living his best life. Hasn't seen his family in ages. Everyone thinks he's dead probably. He has let himself give into his artistic hobbies. The area surrounding his little shelter is covered in wood carvings. He's got a bunch of little ones all over the inside. Also he's the best darn flute player you've never heard.
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buzzsaw-burne · 5 months
For all its nonsense I like Nine Realms or more what it could have been but it's asinine they went through with letting Sledkin die apparently but not the Flame Torcher. Like the World Serpent was already a pushover lbrh but having it actually take out one of the baddest dragons the kids had come across yet would have made it seem...actually threatening. But when they were like oh actually it's alive that was weak.
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buzzsaw-burne · 5 months
free my girl she did all of that, feels no remorse, and is actively planning to do more, but have you considered it was funny as hell
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
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The Nine Realms dragons redesigns~
So I wanted to just play around with some ideas for redesigns for Feathers, Plowhorn, and Wu & Wei. Mostly, I wanted to doodle.
I re-designed feathers to actually have more feathers instead of just a few on her head and tail. She's partially based off of a nightjar bird and I wanted her to be a bit more bird-looking over reptile-looking.
Plowhorn kept her rhino-like look, but I added more armor plating instead of the beetle shell. I also wanted to add more crystals along her body to carry out this design choice smoother.
Wu & Wei's designed were changed to represent that of moray eels, specifically a wink to Floatsam and Jetsam from The Little Mermaid. I wanted them to really carry out that aquatic-look and I think the idea of a dragon being eel-like makes for a more interesting design choice with its irony, haha~
I didn't add Thunder on here because I already have a re-design of him and I just didn't have time for Webmaster.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Not just there like he was the hero of the day in s8e2 give him some respect
No one appreciates Eugene's ability to think on his feet as fast as he did in MAgma Comes to the Surface. And like I know he kept it on the DL because he thought the other kids would get mad at him but frankly I think he deserved some in universe recognition for working so hard to keep the dragons safe. Even if it came crashing down in the end.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
5 page essay on why Everest and frostbite should be canon to the show
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Give him a little bit more time I genuinely think Buzzsaw will drop that nickname and go back to Leonard. I think he's been associating the name with negative things and what I feel like the writers wanted to show was he was also trying to be something hes not. Eugene hit the nail on the head in the earlier seasons, chasing the Thunderbird was making him volatile and angry. His obsessions screwed with him and that was seen, and even noted in the end, when Tom compared Buzzsaw and Sledkins ambitions, but even noted earlier on when Tom himself was obsessed with opening the scroll case.
Prior to the Thunderbird/Dragons, Buzzsaw was also implied to be chasing after some sort of approval, probably from his mother, which was also making him volatile. He took D'Angelo words to heart, as evidenced by the removal of the cages and Jack's harness. He's done chasing and looking in the mirror to figure himself out.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
They tied up all lose ends except they really hung Winston and Ford in a net over the chasm and then never mentioned them again lmao.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Spoilers I guess
I'm choosing to believe Buzzsaw just like either stayed in the ice realms or built a little house near the logging town. His family presumes he's dead. No one knows where he is. He is thriving.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
It's such a shame the rest of the series wasn't as well written, paced, or focused as this last season because aside from a few glaring issues it was the best season overall.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Props to them for some good DAngelo moment this season he's been shafted up to this point he shines in episode 4
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
I dont knowmif this is a new addition I'll need to go back and recheck this is the first time watching realms on the big TV in a few seasons but buzzsaws leather vest not only has the metal burne emblem on it but also tiny burn emblems stamped into the leather I'm losing it he would lmao
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
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Writers actually utilizing the adult characters jumpscare
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Post these sillies to invoke the rage of a thousand suns from the fandoms they're related to when literally all they did to get so much hate was simply exist, when in reality they're wonderful and adorable and deserve so much love.
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Anyways I love them, my fellas <3
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Buuzsaw is one of the most consistent and more thought out characters in the show despite the fact he's also not well written. Proof:
1) They constantly bring up his appreciation for and somewhat talent with art (proficient wood carver, played flute by choice, ecstatic to share tapestry knowlege).
2) Although rude and tries to take charge, when people do not take him seriously, he blue screens. (While threatening Tom, when laughed at, and when working with Sledkin and she stops him dead in his tracks he's got that little computer loading bar rotating in his head)
3) Although not shown outright its clear he gradually grows more attached to Jack (from keeping him tied up at all times at first to happily hanging chilling and even giving him chin scritches)
4) He's the only one who gets an outfit change every season (it's just additions to his outfit but still it's a more noticeable change than anyone else gets and sort of showcases the rule of cool he seems to want to live by, for instance one of hisnfirst changes is just...ripping the sleeves off his sweater like sir what was the point).
5) Despite the fact we know nothing about his home life were still given just enough information to give a general idea (seems to be implied his mother takes no stock in him and expects him to fail so he has something to prove).
6) Although the King of Dragons thing does somewhat come out of nowhere and is not explained its not an out of character moment. It vaguely connects to a throwaway line about his 'logging empire'. With hopes of logging empire dashed, now he can have a dragon empire. It's still a shoddy connection and would make him an emperor anyway but still.
7) It's been brought up how stupid it is he doesn't just use modern weapons and 'where did he get the trebuchet'. But even this is consistent. Silly yeah but when he was looking at the picture of Dagur he mentioned how cool he looked. The image had the trebuchet and maybe the crossbow as well. He's literally running his operation based on what's cool not most functional. That's why he even took inspiration for his outfit upgrades. And again he's proficient with woodwork. He made it himself. He's a weird little freak ok
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