bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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     He rolled his eyes, "It isn't a matter of whether the act was difficult or not. It's your persistence on befriending someone who clearly isn't interested. Has anyone ever told you that you're annoying?" Glowing eyes moved from the girl to the forest nearby. 
     "Tell me again, why you are doing this?"
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"T-Thank you, was that so hard?" she sighed. Victini’s eyebrows rose "so you’re a Giratina too? I’ve seen at least a few others who were Giratina as well."
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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     "As I travel and as the dates go by there are more and more hearts, balloons, etc. with terms of endearment or affection sprawled on them. I fear there's some sort of day dedicated to love." 
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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      "You're  far too sentimental." Giratina laughed at her comments; He was taking this too far. This girl wasn't going to be able to talk correctly at the end of this. 
       "Fine, I'll humor you. My name is Giratina." 
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"W-Well I just thought…..e-even if we won’t ever see each other again, I’d still liked to know, just so I can look back and remember who I talked to…"
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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        Something was still different about the human. He knew that sometimes shiny Pokemon weren't aware that they were in fact rare among their family or friends, maybe this was the case? No, he didn't think humans were that stupid to completely ignore their being different. 
        "Flannery? You look like a fire type. Though, you look like you are special. Are you shiny?"
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Flannery stopped and looked around, finally spotting the person. “Hiya!” She grinned up at him, sliding her hands in her pockets while tilting her head. Wow, his hair looked really fluffy, it was difficult not to reach up and pet it! She rocked on balls of her feet, letting out a little laugh at his question. A special human?
"My name is Flannery! I wouldn’t call myself special though…"
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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I don't know who I owe so if I owe you please say something!
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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       "Let's see, why would you let an alleged violent and brash Pokemon loose onto this world your favor so much? That's why I was locked away in the first place so why not do it now? You never know when I might snap and how many people will get hurt when that happens." 
Giratina kept an icy glare pointed at his father. He didn't care that he had the appearance of a human, whatever was happening, was happening and there was no way around it. He was tired of running away. 
        "Fate. Funny, I don't believe in that so in my eyes you tracked me down for this meeting and do not call me son. I am not your family, you disowned me; casted me aside; out of sight, out of mind."
   Indeed, the Renegade had been recognized… despite    their clever disguise. Many Pokémon choose to take    the form of man, especially  those  of  legend.  It  was    a fairly foolproof plan… unless one like Himself  could    see right through it effortlessly.
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          ❝Now, why on My great green Earth would I do that?                                               Fate has destined our reunion, my son.❞
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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     "I do hope no one became comfortable with my absence. Father attempted to return me to the distortion world but he was unaware of the ring portal that allows me to return to this world." 
Giratina chuckled, "The idiot.." 
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
ooc; I took a break from my Pokemon rp blogs to see if that would boost some muse morale and it seems it kinda worked! 
I'll get to replies and then do starters!
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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        "If it's any condolences I just think you're an awfully small person."
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"Even the universe thinks I’m an awful person."
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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       "You've got to be kidding me.. It seems that everywhere I go I just attract small.. being." He murmured to himself as the other approached him. Maybe it was his own height that made him stick out to the... shorter kind but he wasn't complaining that much. 
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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      Like for a starter of varying lengths!
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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                               { It was banished for its violence.                                    It silently gazed upon the old                                   world from the Distortion World. } 
                          Independent Gijinka Giratina Rp Blog 
                                          Rules | Bio | Home
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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      "Of course... it's a child." He muttered to himself as he stared down the girl. Despite her being alone she didn't seem to be lost but it bothered him. Her inability to form sentences and the fact that she oh so willingly approached someone like himself didn't sit well. His swaying never ceased once he started to speak again but it did slow slightly. 
       "What are you doing, child? Where is your father?"
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╾ ██ The girl with bright hair and eyes continued to stare, her lips unmoving as she waited for him to stop the swaying but it seemed that he had been unable to do so. “Papa not stare?” She blinked quickly in succession trying to get herself a better grasp on the being before her. “Indra manners. Indra say please. Thank you.”┊
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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     "How naive.. you really thought I could be hurt from our words?" He paused to sigh, "Because I don't want you to know. Why give my name to someone I probably wont see again. I'm not going to go out of my way to see you. The question is, why do you need to know?"
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"I’m not….I was just….I didn’t want to…..a-anyways, why shouldn’t I know who you are?"
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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First of all, wow. I did not think I would even get this far with my precious hedgehog. 100 followers and counting. Thanks guys. All of you have made my role play experience in the Pokemon community amazing. ;w;
But enough of my sappy rambles, on to the bias list!~ ^v^
☼My Special Friends☼
These are the people that have never failed to make both me and Shaymin smile. I consider these people some of my best friends, and I’m really glad I got the chance to rp with them. ^^
blackwxngs: Jordyn is like, amazing. She writes a super awesome Dark Pit and although she may kinda seem intimidating at first (and to be honest, I was actually kind of intimidated by you when I first saw your blog with my other blog ^^;), she’s a great friend and really sweet once you get to know her. I also adore the relationship our muses have together. Precious hedgehog plus edgy birb equals cuteness for days. >v<
transmxw / heavengxddess: Myuuuuuuuu! >v< You’re seriously one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met on this site, and it is an absolute pleasure to talk with you!~ :D Your writing of both Ammy and Mew is basically perfect, and I’m sure you’ll write the new character you’re creating just as well. >v< Have I mentioned that your personality is as sweet as sugar yet? Because it is. ^v^
ninesilvertails / @lxghtningstrxkes : My first shipping partner with Shay! (which honestly I need to write out more ^^;) I love Kyu so much. He has a nice backstory, good headcanons, and (in my opinion) the personality of a canon Ninetales. Our muses are absolutely adorable together, and I cannot wait to see how their relationship ultimately turns out. And Bucket (the mun) is really nice and great fun to talk to. We should talk more sometime. ^v^
oblivxsci / perfectaxdefectum / nihxl : It’s so much fun role playing with you and reading your other role plays on my dash! You are one pretty talented writer friendo. x3 And I know we haven’t talked much ooc, but I would love to chat with you sometime! ^^ Keep on being awesome, Newt!~ :D
occisanovae: I know we don’t interact much on this blog, but even still you deserve to be on here. After all, you are my senpai. >v< No matter what blog I’m on, I love writing with you and seeing the shenanigans you put your muses through. And that dork Leon will be the death of me and Yumi someday, I’m sure of it. xp 
☼My Utmost Gratitude☼
These are the people that I have role played with a few times before or I enjoy watching on my dash. I would love to role play with you all sometime soon!~ ^^
☼ adaptablepower ☼ aurxola ☼ belladrago ☼ bow-before-him ☼ bxnishxd ☼  cascadewxterfall ☼ daakurai ☼ duskjin ☼ four7one ☼ fuupa ☼ gracidxa ☼ heatrran ☼ kureseria ☼ lifeentity ☼ loyalpika ☼ multilimbedhoarder ☼ mxlktank ☼ negai-no-hoshi ☼ platinumverity ☼ priimordial-sea ☼ rathiasu ☼ rathiosu ☼ rebelxdistortion ☼ resurgamxextempora ☼ shininglatias ☼ spatiilacerabis ☼ the-grimoire-of-muses ☼ thelightofsinnoh ☼ theruleroftheland ☼ thespikeyghost ☼ thunderstonereject ☼ truthiiisms ☼ txmpusfugit ☼ valkryiie ☼ virtuedsinners ☼ x—crimson ☼
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{Thank you all so much!!~}
And if I forgot about any of you, it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate you! I appreciate all of my lovely followers <3
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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          Piercing red eyes broke through the darkness of the night. His movements were sluggish; as he walked he swayed side to side. He knew that staying in this world, this form, would wear him out but to this point? Never. His eyes moved from the floor to the person not too far from him. 
           "What? Have you no manners? Didn't your guardian ever tell you to not stare."
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bxnishxd-blog · 10 years
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       "Being in this form is incredibly draining. I can sleep for hours, days even, and not feel the strength I do in other forms."
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