bxronunwxnted-blog · 8 years
   He didn't have the strength to wake up.       He wasn't sure if he wanted to. 
      The days went by that he just... laid there.    At first he could barely breathe on his own, but as the days went on, it seemed he was getting at least some strength back. 
       But... Still the days ticked by, his wounds and body healing... but he just wouldn't wake up. 
   It took another two months for him to open his eyes... And when he did, he was met with silence.       Nothing but the bright light hanging over his bed. He almost swore that he was dead...    Until he heard little heavy footsteps coming around the side of his bed.  And a small, broken "Dadda.." 
       A hand smaller than he'd seen in a long time came to rest on the side of the bed, and then reached up further to rest on his arm. 
      It was at that moment that he realized the rounded off end of his arm wasn't the secondary on that side.    It was the primary.       He'd lost his left primary hand... From the middle of his forearm down was gone. But... That was something he could worry about later... Or... Or was it? ....no, no he needed to... He... 
   Before he knew it, he was on his feet.       He was relying heavily on everything around him to move, but he was walking... to an extent. He made it about twenty steps before he ran out of things to grab that would hold him up. 
   And then he was on the floor.       And in the next second, the tiny Awoken-Eliksni hybrid that had been following him was on his back. Just... Sitting on his shoulder.    And after that, he called out "Dadda booboo!"
      After a moment or two of nothing, the boy had to gather what very little English he’d been taught, and he screeched “HEEEEEELP!”
She was so numb. It was just supposed to be a simple and quick mission and it turned into a long period of worrying, wondering if her mate was going to ever return.
Gail refused to leave his side after she was allowed to see him. She didn’t get a wink of sleep since she was alerted that they found him, alive, but wounded badly. But the accusation that either Enderis or Zelriks would send Kralihs to such a fate… they would never have done that. At least not intentionally, she knew. She loved Kralihs, they saw that, everyone saw that. Her fathers would never hurt her by sending her love away.
The small voice was the only thing that broke her blank stare. Her eyes flicked down to the children. Ash, the daughter of his previous mate, and their own Son stood there, blinking at her. Ash was a little older, smarter. She knew her father wasn’t well. As for her half-brother, he stood there, thumb in his mouth and a curious look in his eyes. He was still too young to understand.
“Will papa be okay..?” Came the soft question, and Gail sighed softly.
“I think he will be, soon enough.” She replied just as quietly before letting a hand run through each of their hair. “He just needs a lot of rest. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with him. Ash, go find your grandpa Enderis. Let him know I said to stay with him and Zelriks tonight, okay? And take your brother with you.”
That earned a slow and hesitant nod from the little female, and Gail watched as she took the little half-awoken’s hand to lead him out of the room. And of course, he toddled along after her, still unknowing to their worries.
A long moment passed, and Gail heaved a sigh as she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. This night had been a very stressful one, and she wanted to rest, but she found that she couldn’t. Knowing that Kralihs could have died on the operating table… it sent chills through her body and she couldn’t stop the tears this time. She was slow to move so that her head was resting on the edge of his bed and a hand found one of his to hold it gently as the little sobs and hiccups escaped her.
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bxronunwxnted-blog · 8 years
   That’s what it was. What he’d been put through was what one would equate to a living hell, for fucks sake, a living hell would be heaven compared to what he’d endured.
   What could he remember...? What was real, what was a nightmare, what was a true memory or one forced into his head??? He couldn’t tell anymore, he couldn’t see through the fog... but he could feel so much.
   Pain. Coursing through his body, specifically through his chest and one of his arms... what arm was it?? They all felt the same, but one was so much worse... 
   He heard a few words, broken and fading, but he fought, oh Primes was he fighting... He knew the voice, he knew the tone in it so well and he could practically feel the distress radiating off of the girl that was trying to keep up with the medics who were trying to get him to an operating room as quickly as they could.
      “Stay with me, please...” rang throughout his head, over and over and over again.
   He was trying... if he, if anyone said he wasn’t, they were lying more than anyone had ever managed in their lives. He was trying so hard to stay, he was nearly forcing his fading consciousness at this point, and as he heard doors being forced open, he heard a fading shout of                                                                               “I love you!”
   Not a pleased shout, not by a long shot... no, this was filled with dread and pure fear, the person shouting was petrified that they would never get to say those words again without having them fall on a living person.
   And then another voice, one he’d been hearing since he was but a Dreg. His sister, adopted of course, was his surgeon... she was a surgeon? She--.... Of course, she’d always been a surgeon... right??
      “Kralihs, please... Please stay with us, I need, you, Gail needs you, your children...”    she pleaded as what little clothing that was still on the Baron was stripped, and as she was prepped by a few Vandals.
         “Gail...”    the male breathed, and at that point, he couldn’t hold onto consciousness for any longer, letting the blackness around him envelop him, letting it swallow him...
      “We’re not sure exactly what happened to him...”    one of the few nurses around the Awoken spoke, though a Captain, Procixas; one of Kralihs’ men.. He’d been silent, sitting on the opposite end of the room due to the fact that he was covered in blood. At that comment, he spoke up, a growl laced through his voice.
      “You know exactly what happened to him. All of you do.”    he snarled, moving over and having to drag himself over to Gail. One of his legs had been injured as he’d been getting Kralihs back... back from Venus.
      “He got taken down by another fucking station, another Baron ordered by someone here.. A station that had a Skiff waiting. and that fucking Skiff took him back to his fucking family that wanted him dead.”    he hissed, looking down at Gail.        “I know this isn’t the right time to be angry, not the right time to tell you this, but his sister and I have a feeling it was your ‘father’.”
   A small silence rang through the room after that, no one wanting to speak up... besides Procixas.
      “Kralihs will be lucky if he lives. Before he got this bad he was going on and on about what those fuckers did to him, what his own fucking father did to him. You can ask him what hell he went through when, if he comes to.”     And with that, he was pulled off by a medic that had been examining him a few minutes earlier, the others near Gail going along their own business...
            The only sound after that was a small “Momma?”
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