byanka101-blog · 6 years
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I have a big family, 4 aunt's, 4 uncle's, 6 1st cousin's, and alot of second cousin's and ect. I would say that i have a great life but life isnt always great, sometimes you can say you hate your family or you love your family but everyone has thise moment's where u just snap for no reason.
Im the second oldest cousin but sometimes i feel like im the only oldest cousin beacuse the oldest one has a kid so hes always busy and im the one that gets stuck with the kids jumping on me when they are bored. You can say that im basically the "punching bag" but i dont mind it at all i mean sometimes i say calm down because kids get way too excited sometimes
I wish i had a picture of me and my grandpa but he's not really a picture type of guy but anyways i love him so much he's laterally been there for me since i was a little girl. I call him dad and sometimes its weird for people to hear that but i dont care hes always been like a dad for me and always will.
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byanka101-blog · 6 years
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This is my dog Ozzy, hes 11 yeats old i think, when i was 10 years old i used to live in the country, me and my mom decited to get a dog a train him to be a gard dog to protect me and the family and the house so one afternoon after school i get off my bus and i see a big black dog run up to me and usually people are scared of big black dogs like Ozzy but i wasnt one of those kids i love all animals so when he ran up to me i was confused of whos dog it is but i still pet him and he gave me lots of kisses and belive it or not hugs too.
Ozzy isnt just some normal always sleeping or boring dog hes way more then just a dog. One day in the winter i brought him in the snow with me and we played for hours to the point where it was dark out. Since it was the country there was a lot of snow so when i was playing there was a big snow blower coming twards us and i was right next to the road so when Ozzy saw the snow blower coming he went right infront of me and all of the snow went on him and not me, i literally hugged him so much after that.
Ozzy saved my life so many times that im always there for him too, when hes sick or bored and he wants to play or when he wants attention i give him all my love. Now that hes getting old im trying to make so many memories with him as much as possible because hes my hero and i love him so so much, he has to be the best dog that anyone could ask for.
Love you Ozzy❤
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byanka101-blog · 6 years
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This is my brother Jaxon, born on April 2nd 2018, and i was born on August 17th 2001, big difference i know but my mom was taking her time to find the right partner to have a baby with and im happy for my mother.
When i was little i was the only child that i knew of, my dad probably has other kids with other women but i never focus on that, today i focus on the life i have now, my new baby brother, a step dad that made my mom happy and made my brother happen, and a beautiful mother i call my hero, i call her my hero because when i was little i was raised without a father and i was ok with it until i got to my first year of school and i was so confused of why other kids had a father and i didnt and it stayed confusing for a long time.
When i hit 13 that's when i realized what my dad meant witch is nothing and that's why hes not around witch is a good reason why he isnt around, one Christmas morning i asked my mom about my dad and she said enough to make me understand but she would always feel bad that i wasn't raised with a dad but i always made sure that she knew i was happier without him.
I always wanted a sibling especially a baby brother and i never knew why but i always thought that one day just ONE DAY i would have a brother. Last summer my mom woke me up one morning with a big surprise, she told me that she was pregnant and i was so happy and excited but i was also scared that one day he or she would find out that his or her dad isnt my dad and he or she would hate me but i was wrong, my brother loves me to death, he smiles to me every morning before school and after school when i get home and i know how to make him laugh or smile and he sleeps on me when he has his hard night.
The day before i found out that i was having a brother me and my mom had the same dream about a little boy named Jaxon then the next day we finally went to the doctor ls to see if we were right and we were witch shocked the both of us but finding out that i was having a little brother or sister was the best day of my life and all i want from him is happiness.
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byanka101-blog · 6 years
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Every summer is always a way to get away from things, all i do is go swimming and go to the beach with my family and camping.
I love when the sunshines against the rippled water its so calming and i think about how life can be so beautiful when it wants to be.
This summer i went camping with my family like every year and it was fun but it was raining everyday witch sucked but i still had lots of fun with my cousins and aunts and uncle's.
When we came home from camping it was my 17th birthday and it was a normal day my mom wanted to spend time with me and my family cause now that im almost an adult shes scared haha like every mother would be.
I remember my sweet 16th was in the backyard mainly in this pool because it was in the summer and i had lots of fun and definitely spoiled by a lot of people, we had a BBQ and a pool party and everyone was there my hole family, my family is so big we needed two cakes haha.
I love to take pictures of nature mostly the sunset but nature is beautiful its self and when i take those pictures i look back on them and it just reminds me that life could be ugly but when you really think about it its so beautiful just everything is beautiful about it, the people, animals, plants just mother nature its self.
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byanka101-blog · 6 years
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I see this view every morning, every afternoon on my way home. Everytime i see the beautiful sun shinning against the vivid bold green grass it wows me and fills my eyes with happiness and joy and comfort.
I may be a city girl from Montreal but there is nothing like looking at a beautiful sun shinning and seeing the beautiful horses running around with joy in their eyes and power in their run. It makes me want to get off the bus and just hop on a horse and just run freely with them in the sun and the clear green grass.
Sometimes i can call myself a country girl but only the heart of a country girl. Being in the country makes me feel free, happy, freedom.
I miss the city though, its my home, its where i was born and raised but i can say when i want to get away from society and just think about life i always go to the country where no one can find me, no one can hurt me, no one can haunt me.
I am honor to be in CVR, i met new people and i made a new beginning in my life like i always wanted. Its been hard being in a new school with people that arent city people but the best part about it is that i dont need to hide what i love. i love everything about the country and i used to have to hide it in Montreal because people would make fun of me and call me the horse lady. Now everyone is a horse person or a cow person or even a pig or chicken person.
There is are many different people in this school, no one is the same, everyone is different in their own ways.
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