bydeathbyblade · 6 years
Breaking Traditions...
( Inspired by miss Tak’s art piece Nose Piercing Ceremonies. )
Traditions are merely customs, or beliefs that are passed on from generation to generation. The simple foundations to teach us between what is right and what is wrong in the world. The out look on these things is all dependent on the individual and what the society is like in which one is raised. In my life time, I, personally, was raised upon my first breath to serve first the needs that the empire of Zul’drak required of me. From the ritual traditions of my governed temple of worship, to the orders of my superior officers overseeing my regiment and rank, to the requirements of rules, and of regulation of the laws not only in provinces, or capital, yet, that of home life as well. I, like many others were in the service of all those long held traditions, we followed their regulated practices as that was what was required for us to do.
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bydeathbyblade · 6 years
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Trollgust 29- In the Future
Follow up to THISSSS. There’s one more. (Ft. Elle @artistinhiding and Rock @minstrelofmyths)
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bydeathbyblade · 6 years
Tempered Steel...
Tempering is a process of heat treating, which is used to increase the toughness of iron based alloys. One can change the appearance of the steel from yellow to light blue, by the temperature of heat applied to the focal point of attention. I, personally, have never been one to enjoy the visual results. It’s strangely controlled this process, to change, to produce something new from a base alloy. I enjoy working at the forge, it consumes time, it has a purpose, the finished product has a continued use. May it be only a door handle for a trunk that holds keepsakes, or that of a weapon, or armor to protect, a shoe to issue forth a steed onward on a journey. It has purpose, a use….
The living are not tempered steel, they are emotionally volatile, their purpose is as vastly unclear to them …. I would spare them these many weaknesses that they endure. I know, this is not their purpose. They are not meant to be as the alloys forged strong, they are meant to have those weaknesses of faults on the surface, and within, to see those vivid colors in their lives, and glorious deaths naturally. That is the living condition, and their imperfect perfection.
Yet, in the state I continue in I resist such changes…
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bydeathbyblade · 6 years
“ Her curled petals host ghosts of memories. Eagerly It takes in upon a sighing breath, a perfume of her mortality. “
Those of the old know of the frost lotus, the talandra’s rose, what they represent to our once offerings to our spirits and gods, of sacrifice, of love and beauty, of the endurance to survive in such extreme weather. However, fragmented and lost throughout time has been the importance of the hyacinth. A flower that was once placed upon caskets, and burned within our pyres, that represented remembrance for all things that are fragile and the loss that comes with such things. All these flowers at one time were found in abundance, used in rituals, drink, and offerings. Yet, as things fell into ruin they became a rarity of beauty, as many things had become their importance forgotten. There was a story my mother used to tell me, that in my youth that I held a great fondness for….
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bydeathbyblade · 6 years
Damsel in distress?
A dead man has no hostage to give to fortune…
In my life, there were unspoken traditions, a set of standards that were gender based. The males were set on a path from birth of protecting and providing, the females were set in nurturing and maintaining stability for the next generations to come. Males held power, held wealth, held title and position in which would set a standard for a mated couple, within a mated couple’s union in which these balances of duty were achieved. The females provided a family the path in which oral, and unspoken traditions would be passed down, and therefore gave her mate and herself a taste of immortality,ensuring their continuation onward, in ill, or that of good. It was not questioned, it was the way of life, the typical life style commonality found throughout the nation. A mate and family, was the greatest blessing from the spirits that one of any rank could hope to achieve in their life time. There were of course exceptions to the general rule, great healers and menders, water binders, fire weavers, warriors, priests, prophets, head hunters, those of both genders that either lacked in, or exceeded all expectations of those unspoken rules to become beyond that of a commoner in goals. Those that became the old tales of legend, those that offered hope, and wisdom, defining who we were as an individual, and as a whole. Stories by fire light that spoke of salvation and redemption, those unattainable reaches to be captured within triumphant crescendo, that all could value regardless of status or worth, when times were tough.
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bydeathbyblade · 7 years
5 things Ra’rhuk
Tagged by: http://ahordeoftrouble.tumblr.com/
(( I'm going to do this ICly just because it's more interesting and funnier that way. Just imagine that serious sounding monotones of his echoing voice while reading this. XP ))
5 Things You can Find on my Blog:
Images I find appealing. Images of myself. Journal writings. Interactions with others. Information.
5 Things You can Find in my Room:
A sitting place. A possible wayward skull, or bones. Cleaning supplies. A causal outfit consisting of loin cloth, vest, and pants. literature.
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do:
Live my life as it was intended in the natural course. Remain dead, to join my ancestors and my loa. See color once more. To find a reconnect to my mortal being's emotional state. To have a purpose and destiny beyond that which is my design.
5 Things that Makes me content.
Drawing out the death of my enemy. The recollections of my life. I am content while in the company of my associates. Working the forge. Writing in my journal.
5 Things on My To-Do List :
Organize recently forged weapons. Write in journal. Count skulls of foes that I've abolished. Visit Orgrimmar. Contact associates that I have not spoke to in some time.
5 Things You May Not Know about Me:
I dance, when it is required. I create book clubs, consisting of forged materials and that of books to pummel one's foes. I am a guard for those needing that type of assistance. I am well maintained considering my status and condition. I socialize frequently.
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bydeathbyblade · 7 years
8 facts about Ra'rhuk
1. Family: Ra'rhuk actually has a large portion of his family that are living. He has a half brother by the name of Kor'akk. He has an aunt, San'gee. A cousin Ren'nari and his two children by the names of Enzi and Safi. His uncle Raji'din however shares his condition, was the one that ultimately caused him to become a death knight. Ra'rhuk relates with Raji'din the most. He keeps a fair distance from his living relatives, as he does not wish for them to become a liability due to the work he does. 2. Work:  Ra'rhuk first serves the directive and order of the Ebon Blade. He secondly follows the Horde’s current rules and regulations. Thirdly he adheres to the tribe he works for standards of behavioral protocol. Ra'rhuk attempts to observe and reflect with consideration on all customs, and regulations when dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette. This code of conduct is practiced towards all races he encounters within the Horde’s and the Neutral governed territories. 3. Hobbies: He is known for his skill in black/silver smithing, rune forging, as well as a farrier at times. He is known to make fine weapons, shields, armor and accessories for his allies. He dabbles in Book Clubs, not as in reading, but in making designer clubs and maces out of books for those that keep his company. It was a running joke off a misunderstanding, that continues onward.  He enjoys socializing, observing the living and their interactions with each other. He finds it entertaining even if he is not a direct part of the interactions. 4. Life: Ra'rhuk was once the middle child of a large well to do family. His father Zor'atus had three mates, his mother Krena the white, was the third mate, and he was the first born of that union. He had a total of eight brother's and two sisters, only one brother survives to this day. Ra'rhuk was born before the Drakkari empire’s collapse, he had grown in the growing shadow of the great nation Zul'drak as she was still on the brink of her finest hours, he was a soldier on the front lines in life during her crumbling demise. He had only the best his disposal, which the harsh life of the north could offer, a prestigious education, a home of elaborate carved stone in Drak'Mabwa, a respectable position in the community, an earned title and regard amongst the warrior ranks, he held plots of land in Drak'sotra which produced wheat and poppies, raptors, and many other rewards for his service. His service had brought him many riches and finery his heart desired. He had lived a split life of comforts and battle from his first breath. He had grown with the honor codes of a warrior, lived well, followed orders, and in the end the greatest achievement to die with honor. 5. Undeath: Just as he was a proficient negotiator and soldier in life, his capabilities caused him to swiftly rise within the elite ranks of the Scourge. He was used at first as a shock troop against his own people, he then was moved to the front lines of the battle eventually given a prestigious placement in the aftermath. He selected what dead, and fallen hero's he believed could be raised relatively intact in mind to further the King's design, and to ensure that which was taken off the fields of battle to the appropriate locations to be raised. He only came to know of the Ebon Blade after the Lich King's demise as he was he was freed from the tendrils that held his mind. It was his return to his homeland that had the Ebon Blade's interest in him, he was introduce within the ranks at Ebon Watch. Since his resurrection, he has been a valued ally to many individuals, as much as he has been an opposing force to be reckoned with towards others. 6. Intimacy: This is something he struggles with, not that he is against touch or forms of emotional bonding. It is that he cannot bridge that gap for himself towards others. He does not feel a need to touch others on a casual, friendly, or otherwise basis. He does not immediately hug others, unless someone living states flat out that they need a hug, and no other being is in the vicinity to perform it. Even if someone is in tears bawling, he will just sit there waiting for the emotional outburst to pass. Now, if something is mentioned enough out of a habitual stand point he will do it, as if it is a custom to be followed. He has certain associates, and friends, that he does greet with an embrace of a hug every time. However, this action is not motivated from a personal desire to, only that it has been demanded of him and he believes that is the acceptable way to behave. A reach for him is an unmotivated action without another's voiced wishes to be comforted, a subtle gesture to a touch to a hand, or a shoulder, a touch to someone's hair just because he finds it fascinating. He is very reflective of other's expressions, he has a dry humor, these vague tells of a emotional presence deeply contained out of his reach beneath the surface. He does laugh, he does smile, even though his voice remains in that monotoned echo. 7. Vision: He is color blind.... He sees between realms, the spirit and the living, in shades of lich fire blue. ( You know when you die in game, and you are at the graveyard? He sees like that, but in shades of blue. ) He can recall what colors look like as he has full memory. It is a secret desire for him to see colors as he was meant to while living as the memory soon fades from his grasp when it's not described to him. Certain colors he struggles to recall more then others. Bright light can cause irritation, he rather be shrouded in shadow, or be in the shade then standing under the sun. 8. Mount | Pets: His mount is an iron bound wraith charger, by the name of Wraith. A spectral steed that requires little maintenance.  The only other thing that is close to being considered a pet is a reanimated monkey claw by the name of That. That was gifted to him by one his charges that he guarded during an excavation in Uldum. The mysterious claw comes and goes as it pleases, Ra’rhuk does not question it’s absence nor it’s presence.
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bydeathbyblade · 7 years
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bydeathbyblade · 7 years
One day, I shall reveal who I have been, and it will scare you.
Channing M (via le-immorte)
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bydeathbyblade · 8 years
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Edit: The Death Charger
I just couldn’t stop nit-picking at it.
Original  image link
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bydeathbyblade · 8 years
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New year, new Ra’rhuk. Serious looking image with silly title: Rock’s resting face. ( Fixed the Pauldron, it was bugging me.  )
Character profile below.
Name: Ra’rhuk
Nicknames: Rock
Titles/ranks: ( from past to present*): Warrior, Sentinel, Knight, Champion, * Guardian/bodyguard.
Class: Death Knight Troll
Race: Ice troll ( Drakkari heritage )
Tribe affiliation: Sul'tusk
Physical attributes
Age: 19 at death, ageless.
Birthdate: Late autumn
Hair: Longer in length at the back, shorter on the crown, he at times braids the back when loose the indication of the separated strands can be seen. The coloration changes due to the presence he in. In frost presence, it’s lighter in hue holding more pallid like shades due to ice particles. In blood presence, his hair is more vivid in coloration, almost deep pink. Eyes: His eyes hold the same blue glow that all Death Knight’s carry. Ears: Medium in length. Left ear tattered after death, white in coloration tapered back to an almost black hue. Tusks: Medium although seemingly holding an indication that may have been grand tusks if they had been allowed to reach potential. His right tusk broken after death holding a filed straight, yet brittle appearance. Facial: He had been merely between nineteen and twenty winters old when he had met his end. Ra'rhuk’s expressions and features may briefly reflect those youthful years. Scent: Faint touch of death, mostly frost laden heavy, as if being in a blizzard. In blood presence natural scent is stronger.   Skin Color: Ra'rhuk is well preserved although muted white in coloration that he had once held in life. While in blood presence an indication of a light undertone of blue can be seen.
Build: He had high end nutritional values met during life. He seems solid in structure and to be almost at the peak of his potential in mass and height. Ra'rhuk most commonly keeps to his frost presence one may feel chilled if standing close in his company. His personality in this presence reflects a calm, cool, and collective seeming demeanor. At times Ra'rhuk does carry himself in his blood presence, he may seem more approachable in this state, but he is also more volatile in his reactions. Tattoos /piercings: None Birthmarks: None Scars: Ra'rhuk’s neck had been broken, the injury which ultimately had been the cause of his demise. The scarring can be viewed at times as a dark shadow upon his pallid neck.  His left ear is tattered on the lower edges. Ra'rhuk’s right tusk is broken half way although it has been filed smooth to a point. Accent: His voice has the typical hollow echo accompanied by a very light trollish accent to his orcish. Ra'rhuk fluently speaks a number of languages, although he only makes it known in certain circumstances, typically when it is appropriate, needed, and the intention respectful. Garb: Ra'rhuk is rarely seen out of plate armor, although he has a few sets of it they are typical of what death knights adorn themselves in, always kept in top condition and rotated when need of repairs or other wise. He has one casual set of clothing, worn only for one day at the end of the week, as he was informed when off duty he should ’ let loose’ and not wear armor. It is a simple cloth outfit, a red vest, and black pants.
Ra'rhuk has full memory, his full intelligence, and mostly intact humor. He is most commonly seen as stoic in attitude and demeanor. Due to his current state and condition it causes Ra'rhuk during social interactions to tend to be a little off at times. During some interactions he may even seem slightly immature, or naive on certain subject matters, although what behavior is displayed may be a result of a lingering reflection of his age upon his death. Ra'rhuk has his moments of being spot on topic, and in other regards way off the point in his understanding especially when it concerns emotional responses the living carry. In other words he is an astute listener, even a good tactical advisor on certain subjects, but as far as those needing compassionate advice and comfort he simply lacks the emotional tools to aid in that regard. Other things
One may know Ra'rhuk from his life, or since his resurrection. He has been a valued ally to many individuals, as much as he has been an opposing force to be reckoned with towards others. Ra'rhuk’s earned name is derived from Zim'rhuk ( The wise one ) the forgotten god of Wisdom. Ra'rhuk’s name meaning the Son of the wise one.
Ra'rhuk at one time was a follower of the loa Rhunok, that is no longer the situation due to the obliteration of the loa from this plane of existence, and of his current state of being. He wears a totem bear claw charm necklace representing the bear that Ma'aret insisted that he wear to ’ Remember’. He wears a necklace of woven leather and beads with a white feather center piece given to him by Kevasha. Rock, wears an ankle bracelet made with sea glass, and small sea shells of turqoise and sea green in coloration, given to him by Jai'kanu, Motto; One is more likely to believe an ‘onest mon’s one lie, then one is to believe a liar’s one truth. Hobbies: Mining, Black and silver smithing, he is known to make fine weapons and shields for his allies. Relationship status: Perpetually single.                                                                                                           Theme music; Audiomachine - Red Sorrow Audiomachine - Life Chronicles More art from Various Wonderful artists for Rock, and of Rock can be found here;   rocksfanart.tumblr.com
Out of the ten children that were conceived, Ra'rhuk was the middle male child. He was the first born to Krena the white, who was the third female to be taken as a mate by a higher ranking Drakkari male by the name of Zor'atus. Ra'rhuk was born before the Drakkari’s empire’s collapse, he had grown while the great nation Zul'drak was still on the brink of her finest hours, a soldier in life during her crumbling demise. He had only the best his disposal, which the harsh life of the north could offer, an prestigious education, a home of elaborate carved stone in Drak'Mabwa, a respectable position in the community, an earned title and regard amongst the warrior ranks, he held plots of land in Drak'sotra which produced wheat and poppies, raptors, and many other rewards for his service that brought him many riches and finery his heart desired. He had lived a split life of comforts and battle from his first breath. He had grown with the honor codes of a warrior, lived well, followed orders, and in the end the greatest achievement to die with honor.
That he had… Only to be risen from his own demise to take part in the destruction of his homeland as the opposition’s blade. Just as he had in life, in death he served a king unquestioningly, although it was not the reigning frost king of his people, but a foreign king with a much colder agenda. Ra'rhuk had quickly rose in ranks just as he had in life amongst his brethren Drakkari, gaining ranks and titles as well as an earned trust in his capabilities to serve unfaltering. As he rose in status his station was relocated several times with transfers to other parts under the order of his sovereign liege.
That was until he felt the icy tendrils in which his mind was held slip in it’s grasp to the point he was able to break free. A course of direction which then took place as he found himself drawn back to his homeland. At that time he was absorbed within the ranks of the Ebon Blade at the Ebon Watch base to be observed. After an extensive formal inquiry, he was sent to Highlord Darion Mograine in which the free of mind Ra'rhuk vowed his undying allegiance towards the Ebon Blade’s cause. Ra'rhuk slowly became integrated more within the Horde, enlisted in their ranks as tasks and duty ordered him in that direction. His oath of fealty to serve the designs of yet again another ruler.
Ra'rhuk first serves the directive and order of the Ebon Blade. He secondly follows the Horde’s current rules and regulations. Thirdly he adheres to the tribe he works for standards of behavioral protocol. Ra'rhuk attempts observe and reflect with consideration on all the customs and regulations when dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette. This code of conduct is practiced towards all races he encounters within the Horde’s and neutral governed territories.
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bydeathbyblade · 8 years
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Because I have had “Gift art for @minstrelofmyths“ on my to-do list for far too long, and because there is just something about how Ra’rhuk says “you want me to take care of murdering that for you?” that always makes Muds smile. Even if he never takes Rock up on the offer, he does always briefly consider it ;). 
Thank you for always being so kind to me, for inviting me into your wonderful guild, for putting up with drawing all three of my idiot boys, and in general for spreading so much positivity around the community. You are an amazing, creative woman and I am a lucky lady to know you. <3 
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bydeathbyblade · 8 years
( for ic reasons )
Rock ever so slowly smiles, yet speaking in his typical hollow monotoned echo and demeanor that gives everything and nothing away at once, a matter a fact manner which left no room to question further. “ Indeed, there was a time many life unions were compromised in pursuit of my affections.  “ His smile seemed gain an almost wicked glint.
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Ra’rhuk (Rock)
19, full of dreams, oh and alive… but that same ‘weight of the world’ look in his eyes I imagine him still falling into presently. 
Shameless gushing about this OC and its creator below:
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bydeathbyblade · 8 years
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Gift for Minstrel, her troll Ra’rhuk. 
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bydeathbyblade · 9 years
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By Joni Niemelä
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bydeathbyblade · 9 years
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bydeathbyblade · 9 years
Johnny Cash - Hurt Music Video - RUNAGROUND Cover - Nine Inch Nails  
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