Day 4.
Father God, tomorrow Saud and I are going to the doctor to continue our fertility journey. As I am typing this, I am listening to the daily message in the Bible app and the message of the day is turning to you and knowing that because you are my God, you will lead me to stable grounds. The question of the day asks how do I need God to be my firm foundation today and one of the answer options reads “I need Him to show me what His will for my family is.” God, your timing is everything and today’s verse proves exactly that. As we continue this path we’re on, I ask that you walk beside me and help me to give all my fears up and put all my faith in you. Help me to find peace and know that you will cover me in your grace and love. I will never be alone and the vision you have for my life is the only one I need to have for myself as well. In your heavenly name I pray, Amen.
Scripture: Psalm 143:10 - “Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: Thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.”
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Day 3
January 3, 2024. 11:30 PM.
Today’s message was about the word and what it means to speak truth into the world. It was about the importance of words and how to take God’s word into the world. I actually missed my Bible study for the day yesterday. I am writing this on 1/4. I felt awful because the message was about how we can know exactly what God wants and desires for us by reading Scripture. And instead, I missed it for the day. But that’s truly the testament of God’s goodness. I can miss a day but God doesn’t miss a single day. He works in me everyday and motivates me to do better in this world. Taking the time to sit down and dedicate quiet time to the Lord is the way I will honor him today.
Scripture: Psalm 119:11 - “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.”
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Day 2.
January 2, 2024. 11:29 PM.
Today has been a little tough. I found that I had more energy and motivation today. But I made 2 major resolutions for this year. Moving my body everyday and reading the Bible everyday. I wasn’t able to work out so at least this was one thing I was able to accomplish today. Today’s word was good and helped me to see that we shouldn’t just read the Word but only truly when we live it out, does it really hold its meaning.
The question in the guided prayer was “In what ways do you need God to show up today?”. I thought about this a lot and I actually couldn’t ask for more than I have already received today. Which only fills my heart with gratitude because I am sure not everyone feels that way.
Scripture: James 1:22-24 - “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For it any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.”
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Day 1.
January 1, 2024. 7:14 AM.
It feels surreal to write down the first date of 2024 when I feel like 2023 flew by. I had so many blessings and adventures last year but I came across many challenges as well. Some which I am carrying into 2024 with me. I know I won’t be able to move forward in the next steps of life without you next to me, Heavenly Father. And I know that a huge part of my growth will be to trust your timing, rather than my own. Today is day 1. A fresh start. A clean slate. A chance to take the first step towards a new life.
Scripture: Genesis 1:1 - “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.”
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Starting over.
February 21, 2023. 6:42 PM
Tomorrow is the first day of Lent 2023. It has been a while since I wrote here. The truth is that lately I have felt distant from everything. I see myself going back into my shell. So this year for Lent, I have decided to add something to my daily life rather than give something up. This Lent season I want to practice DISCIPLINE. I really want to focus on the things that are good for me. I want to give myself the same nurturing I give the rest of the world. For the next 40+ days, I will be focusing on eating healthy, committing to an hour of exercise everyday, giving up sweets, reading the Bible everyday and being present in Church.
I know this won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding. And I am looking forward to seeing this change in myself.
Dear God,
Over the next 40+ days, please give me the strength to be present in your blessings, find comfort and solace in your grace and know that through You, all things will be complete. Please help me practice patience and kindness, give to those who are less fortunate and never forget to count my blessings. Because there are more than I deserve. In Your holy name I pray, Amen.
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Day 1.
April 9, 2021. 7:02 AM. 
Today I began my Bible plan to finish the entire Bible in one year. Of course today’s lesson was over the first two chapters in the Bible. I chose today to begin because today is the first day in my marriage. It has not been easy to come to this place in my life but I believe God is using me in a way that I don’t completely understand yet. But I trust it and know that He is with me every step of the way. 
Dear God,
Today is a new day for Saud and I. I ask that you watch over us. Give us patience to deal with the hard days and love to fill all others. As I enter this new phase of my life, I ask for guidance, strength and discernment to be a good wife. I want my marriage to succeed. I want to grow in my faith and be closer to you everyday. I know you will never forsake. This will be the hardest part of my life. What is coming next. But I will not leave you, heavenly father. I will seek you in all the ways of my life as you stand by me. Pour your holy spirit on us as we embark on this new journey. In your righteous, holy name I pray, Amen. 
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I don’t know what’s keeping me from starting this.
March 24, 2021. 11:19 AM. 
I can only imagine that the primary barrier I am facing is myself. It’s always me. And it’s not like I don’t read the Bible everyday. Or don’t engage in Bible plans, because I do. But I know I am allowing life to keep me too busy and that’s not the kind of life I want for myself. I know I need to correct this and soon. I am about to embark on the newest chapter of my life. And my diet and body can be weak. But I know my faith cannot. I need strength for the upcoming days. I know when I ask, God will give me what I need. 
This much I am confident in. 
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Starting a new journey.
January 15, 2021. 5:35 PM. 
Today is the day of my new journey. 
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