byloodie · 2 years
Not a single care in the World | Sebastian x Reader | Stardew Valley
Chapter 1; Part 3; bar
But then, you saw a slender hand reaching for it from behind me. You got a bit scared, jumped and spilled a little beer on your hand.
"Shit." You murmured.
"Damn sorry, didn't mean to scare you." A male voice said.
You turned your back and gasped, but quickly shut your mouth and smiled awkwardly.
In front of you stood a guy taller than me, with black hoodie and skinny ripped jeans on. His hair was black and messy. It looked like he gave this haircut himself, but not in a bad way. It was surprisingly hot. You blushed and turned away from him to hide the embarrassment on your face.
"Y/N L/N." You said really quickly.
"Sebastian." Said the guy next to me.
"Cool! I finally know your name!" Shouted Abigail and winked at black haired guy. "Thanks Sebastian."
"At your service." Said Sebatian drinking from the cup I gave Samson before. "So, are you going to drink those two beers?"
That question took you back to reality. At first you got a little mad because he thought that you wouldn't be able to drink so much, but then realized that it's supposed to be for Abigail. You handed it to her and as soon as she got it in her hands she began to drink it.
"Thanks. I needed that. " The girl smiled at me with some foam above her lips.
Without thinking you took it off with your free hand.
"Darn, I'm sorry."
"Thanks." Said Abigail happily.
You jumped onto the couch and turned my back, so you'd be facing three young adults. The way they were just talking and laughing made me smile. It was so nice to feel like that again after a long time.
“So Y/N, where did you come from?” Samson asked you, drinking from the beer that Sebastian had drunk before.
“Well you know… Zuzu City.” You replied.
“WHAT?!” Said all three of them in sync.
You blushed out of embarrassment because of their sudden and loud response.
“Why the hell did you do that?” Said Sebastian. “I’d do literally anything to live there!”
“Yeah, are you sick in the head?” Abigail groaned while putting her hand onto your forehead to measure your temperature.
“Guys, I’ve already told you, it’s not as fun there as it seems.“ Samson exclaimed.
“Exactly! Simply living there made me sick in the head.” You confessed. “Wait, Samson-”
“Sam. Just Sam. Please!” Sam pleaded.
“OK Just Sam, when did you move here?” You asked the boy.
“Hmmm, I don't really remember, but it was a long time ago.” He responded with a smile. You quickly returned it and looked at Sebastian who just yelled “YESS”. You weren’t sure, but it seemed that he scored some points in billiard.
‘Why didn’t I realize that his voice is so deep?’ You thought, kinda ashamed.
For the rest of the night you were chatting, laughing and drinking beer. You even got officially invited to their pack. You finally felt settled in Stardew Valley.
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Next part will be the the end of the chapter! Again, will update soon
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byloodie · 2 years
Not a single care in the World | Sebastian x Reader | Stardew Valley
Chapter 1; Part 2; bar
Cleaning off the imaginary dust of yourself, you put your head up and walked straight to them with full confidence.
“Is this seat taken?” you said pointing with your finger at the right side of the couch. 
“Um, I guess no.” The girl said, kinda confused.
You sat near her and smiled. She returned it. You could sense the piercing look on my back given by the blonde boy. Purple haired girl sat straight and introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Abigail, and that boy behind you is Samson.” 
You’ve turned to get a better look at him. He looked a bit irritated, but he was trying to hide it.
“Nice to meet you both.” You said trying not to show that your ego was hurt. “I’m the new farmer, but you’ve probably already guessed that.”
Abigail chuckled at my words. The atmosphere was tight but she was somehow fixing it. 
“So… how old are you guys? Want a drink? I’d be on me!” You said, trying to gain their trust.
“I’m 22 and Samson is 21 so go on.” Abigail cheered with a big smile.
"God, could you cut it out?!" Samson shouted towards Abigail.
"What do you mean?" Abigail rolled her eyes playfully, looking at him with a smirk.
Sensing that you shouldn't be here, you murmured a quick "be right back".
“Fuck, she’s so hot” You thought while going to order three beers.
You went to Gus and asked him for a discount because your wallet wasn’t actually going to handle 3 more drinks. He said that he ain’t giving you a discount, so the drinks are free but you need to pay him as soon as you get the money.
You looked towards your new friends to see if they were still fighting. Luckily they weren't so you went with the drinks to them. Although back then you haven't seen the third person that was with them. 
After trying not to spill the beer out of the glass you got to Samson. Because of no third hand you just stood and waited until he stopped aiming at a billiard ball and got the beer from you. He took it, but didn't drink. It was a pain to think that you’ll need to pay 400 gold to Gus for a beer that no one has drunk.
But then, you saw a slender hand reaching for it from behind me. You got a bit scared, jumped and spilled a little beer on your hand.
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Hi! So sorry for the late update I totally forgot haha anyway hope you enjoyed this part. Will update in few days!
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byloodie · 3 years
Not a single care in the World | Sebastian x Reader | Stardew Valley
Chapter 1; Part 1; bar
You’ve only spent a few days on your farm, but it felt like an infinity. Since it was Friday, you’ve decided to reward yourself for that hard work by going to the Stardrop Saloon. It was around 2 p.m. so there shouldn’t be a lot of people. I mean… There would be Gus, Emily and maybe Pam but you were fine with that. Gus didn’t interrupt your presence by any shit-talking so it was a perfect opportunity to get some rest. Plus, if there’d be Pam, they'd be too busy with themselves.
‘Friday in a valley like this huh?’ You chuckled to yourself. ‘They probably don’t even know what I was doing in my hometown on a day like this.’
While you were thinking about drinking some alcohol, you saw Pam and decided to jog up to her.
“Hi Pam!” You said not showing any exhaustement on my face.
“Mhm.” Pam responded.
‘Thank God! She’s totally not in the mood to talk.’ You thought and smiled at your own thoughts.
With Pam on your right, you went to the Saloon with her. You left her behind and ran towards the bar just to open the doors for her with a smile. She didn’t return it. Blond woman sat at the left of the table, so you went straight to the right side.
Just like you thought - there wasn’t anyone but you, Pam and the two workers.
You put your hand up so Gus would see it and come up to you to take your order. You’ve ordered a big beer. He immediately filled the glass and gave it to you.
‘It’s gonna be a long night’ You thought to yourself and started chugging the drink.
After a few minutes of sitting on a stool your back started aching, so you moved to a sofa nearby.
After an hour of napping on the couch, Gus decided to wake you up because people were starting to come to the Saloon. You were grateful for him even letting you sleep. You needed it after those 8 hours of work on the farm for the last four days.
You’ve rushed to the bathroom to make yourself look presentable, but it was occupied. You leaned against the wall and waited.
After 3 minutes you decided to knock on the door.
“Is anyone there?” You asked.
“Just wait a few more minutes for God’s sake!” Someone responded.
It sounded like Pam.
‘Damn she must be throwing up her whole stomach’ You laughed at the thought.
“Nothing!” You said uptight. “Want me to help you?”
“Oh My God, go away!”
You’ve decided to listen to her and went to the mirror nearby. You quickly managed to
get some make-up on and fix your hair.
It was somewhat after 4 p.m.. To your surprise more and more people were getting here. You’ve seen that hot chick with purple hair that you wanted to be friends with sitting on a couch you were sleeping on before. There was a blond boy playing pool near her.
‘I wonder who that is.’ You thought while looking at them from behind a wall.
Cleaning off the imaginary dust of yourself, you put your head up and walked straight to them with full confidence.
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Hello! I don't think that anyone would see it, but the next update will be tomorrow or on Monday :)
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