byrnetm · 4 years
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“ listen–  i’m  more  than  willing  to  help  you  practice , love . all  you  had  to  do  was  ask  nicely . ”  she  teases  the  other . 
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     ginny  rolls  her  eyes  ,  but  still  can’t  help  a  smile  that  plagues  her  features  !  “  i  get  it  ,  luna  .  but  you’re  a  linguistics  major  --  &  aren’t  you  literally  italian  ?  you  kinda  have  an  unfair  advantage  .  ”  except  --  this  is  coming  from  an  east  coast  floridian  girl  who’d  hardly  been  outside  the  state  for  most  of  her  life  ,  let  alone  the  country  .  you  could  argue  just  about  anyone  had  an  advantage  when  it  came  to  new  languages  !  damn  her  linguistics  elective  --  she’ll  stick  to  courses  in  her  own  major  ,  next  year  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
“ i can’t deny it’s iconic place in her discography, so, i respect that. ” seb nods, in complete respect. there were many lonely nights spent listening to tay-tay. “ probably busted, they do that one ‘ he said i’ve been to the year three thousand — not much has changed but they live underwater ! ’ 
 c’mon surely you know that ? ”
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     “   she  says  it’s  her  least  favorite  ,  but  i  think  that’s  ,  like  ,  absolutely  ridiculous  .   ”   and  this  next  bit  will  catch  her  full  attention  ,  eyes  squinting  at  the  other  in  near-disbelief  .   “   are  you  about  to  tell  me  the  jonas  brothers  didn’t  write  year  3000  ?  because  if  so  --  i’ve  literally  never  felt  more  lied  to  than  in  this  moment  .   ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
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“ most probably, yeah. they only come out when i’m drunk. don’t tell anyone ! ” maeve winked. her room mates were probably one of the best things gallagher has ever given to her. they truly didnt make school seem so bad. “ as long as i get to sing backstreet boys and y’all have to be my hype men. ”
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     “   i’ll  take  your  secrets  to  the  grave  ,  maeve  !   ”   ginny  jokes  ,  a  radiating  smile  worn  on  her  features  .   “   like  ,  i’d  literally  see  it  no  other  way  .  as  your  friends  and  roommates  ,  hyping  you  up  is  pretty  much  our  jobs  .   ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
“i have fun with a lot of things, so you don’t worry about that either.” and while that could have him sound like a complete nerd, he doesn’t mind. he likes what he likes and when he likes them. “and besides, anything productive is never a waste of time!” rizo rubbed his hands together and clapped. “alright, what do you got? i’m sure with both our heads together, we’ll get it done in no time!”
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     “   well  ,  only  if  you’re  sure  !  --  &  i’m  sorry  for  how  bad  it  is  ,  in  advance  ,   ”  she  admits  ,  scrolling  her  mouse  to  the  top  of  the  essay  .  it  wasn’t  that  she  couldn’t  write  .  she  just  wasn’t  particularly  enthusiastic  about  the  class’  content  .  that  --  &  she  inevitably  bore  a  lack  of  drive  for  school  altogether  .  these  factors  certainly  didn’t  help  .   “   i  totally  feel  like  it’s  done  ,  but  i  still  need  ,  like  ,  three  hundred  words  to  reach  the  word  count  .  i  guess  i’m  not  so  sure  about  my  intro  ,  either  ,   ”   ginny  explains  ,  hoping  these  were  the  only  issues  .  she  wasn’t  really  confident  when  it  came  to  peer  reviewing  ,  after  all  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
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a mock gasp of shock escapes him, the hand on his chest only adding to the sneer that followers. her words don’t even come close to making a dent. “ it will do. ” features return to bare the edges carved out of him as he casts a sharp and dismissive look. “ if you’re going to insult someone, do it properly. that was quite pathetic. ”
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     she  just  has  to  roll  her  eyes  ,  at  this  point  ,  doing  her  best  to  remind  herself  her  anger  simply  wasn’t  worth  it  .  best  to  save  it  for  something  that  actually  mattered  !   “   dude  --  nothing  more  was  needed  .  you’re  being  a  dickhead  .  i  can’t  really  sugarcoat  it  ,   ”  and  she  settles  on  this  ,  because  what  more  could  she  say  ?
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byrnetm · 4 years
“ well, at least the beatles are british. but i won’t lie, i fucking love taylor swift. i’m in a constant battle between knowing whether 1989 or red is better. ” seb nodded, a secret stan for sure. “ you think i won’t ? to be honest, i wouldn’t even know where to start. ”
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     “  it’s  probably  biased  ,  but  i’m  a  sparks  fly  girl  myself  !  ”  and  she  can  thank  years  of  middle  school  love  and  woe  for  that  ,  naturally  .  “  well  --  what’s  your  favorite  !  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
“ i’m literally baffled. ” he nods, eyes just slightly wider to express his shock. “ what did you listen to growing up ? i just can’t imagine being the person i am today without, like, the sugababes, you know ? ”
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     she  has  to  pout  --  it’s  almost  sad  she  doesn’t  understand  !  “  i  was  rasied  on  the  beatles  !  ooh  --  and  taylor  swift  .  ”  she  giggles  at  the  next  one  ,  “  you’re  gonna  have  to  start  singing  their  songs  ,  just  to  prove  they’re  deserving  of  the  hype  you’re  giving  them  .  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
Rowan had set herself up at one of the wooden tables in the Japanese garden, a palette of paint on the table in front of her and a canvas in her lap. She was staring off into space, hadn’t even realized she had company until they were right up next to her. “Shit!” she said, cursing as she jumped and splattered paint on her dress. “Crap,” she cursed again and looked up at the other. “This is why I usually wear a stupid smock,” she muttered, almost under her breath. // @gallagherstart​
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     the  garden  was  crowded  enough  ,  that  afternoon  ,  and  perhaps  that’d  be  a  reason  to  eat  lunch  elsewhere  ,  if  she  hadn’t  already  made  the  trek  here  .  she’ll  unassumingly  take  a  seat  at  the  other  end  of  a  picnic  table  with  only  one  other  student  --  sitting  quietly  while  rotating  between  bites  of  her  sandwich  ,  and  scrolls  through  instagram  .  only  the  red  head’s  exclamation  will  claim  her  attention  --  ginny  jumping  in  her  seat  ,  and  her  phone  hitting  the  ground  .  “  i  --  sorry  ,  ”  she  starts  ,  bending  down  to  pick  up  her  phone  ,  “  i  didn’t  wanna  bother  you  --  but  there  weren’t  many  seats  .  if  you  need  help  getting  the  stain  out  ,  i  know  a  few  ways  !  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
“ so i know the spice girls MUST HAVE, but did you guys get girls aloud over here ? what about the saturdays ? please tell me you know jls
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     “  honestly  ,  bud  ,  you  lost  me  after  spice  girls  .  ”  blame  it  on  her  attention  span  ,  or  rather  her  lack  of  knowledge  in  90s  era  music  groups  .  especially  of  the  british  variety  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
“boooooriiing.” he rolls his eyes at all the whispers in the halls about someone stealing the damn sword. deep down he thought the prank was a little pointless because if the thief wanted fame, they succeeded, all that remained was the doubt about who had done it, so far he had no information about it nor the brotherhood and that was frustrating. “this whole sword game is wacky already, can we move on now?”
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     head  will  tilt  ,  a  slight  shrug  on  her  shoulders  .  “  i  dunno  ,  it  seems  kinda  lighthearted  .  i’ll  take  that  over  ...  the  other  stuff  .  ”  naturally  .  as  one  of  the  first  scandals  post  the   double  murder  back  a  few  months  ago  --  she’s  inclined   to  see  this  one  as  amateur  ,  and  thus  not  a  threat  .  perhaps  she’s  wrong  .  she’s  too  idealistic  to  consider  that  ,  however  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
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          “ yeah, that sounds great ! “   kass laughs, a smile growing on her face.  she glances over at the refrigerators full of drinks.   “ should we grab something to mix with ?   what do you normally drink tito’s with ? “  she wasn’t really a vodka  ( ? she thinks it’s vodka ? )  kind of girl, but when in rome, right ?
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     “  ooh  ,  smart  !  i  always  go  for  cranberry  ,  but  orange  juice  is  good  too  !  maybe  a  soda  ,  if  that’s  your  thing  ?  ”  experience  taught  her  not  to  mix  or  chase  with  drinks  she  enjoyed  on  a  regular  basis  ,  so  as  to  not  risk  ruining  the  taste  for  good  .  she’d  learned  this  the  hard  way  ,  after  one  too  many  bad  nights  mixing  with  orange  soda  .  needless  to  say  ,  she’d  ditched  her  enamor  for  the  soft  drink  long  ago  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
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“ i must’ve crawled back into the room then or used my teleportation skills, ” she winked at ginny. clearly, maeve couldn’t remember at all and so she decided to poke some fun at instead. “ you know, that’s not necessary, ” maeve smiled at her room mate. “ but yes, we should do that though i don’t think drunk karaoke is lowkey. i wont be opposed to it though. he can drag clem into it too. it can be a small roomie weekend type of thing. ” 
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     “  i’d  say  it  was  definitely  teleportation  ,  ”  ginny  jests  ,  idly  twirling  the  straw  in  her  smoothie’s  cup  .  she  never  needed  an  excuse  to  go  out  --  but  knowing  it  was  with  her  favorite  group  only  made  it  more  exciting  .  “  he  simply  has  no  choice  but  to  join  !  it’s  a  mandatory  outing  ,  and  i’ll  sing  all  the  off-key  taylor  swift  i  want  !  ”  and  cue  a  giggle  !
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byrnetm · 4 years
“i think ginny is a fancy name, no fancy titles needed.” he offered. as he took a glance at her screen, rizo briefly remembers that his own was due in a few days and thinks about reconsidering. but rizo also knows that he cannot function well when he’s bored and uninterested in the work and he prides himself on being able to actually enjoy all of what Gallagher has to offer him. he figures a short break wouldn’t hurt.
“i could help you out! then maybe after, we can totally ditch. so you don’t have to worry about it so much! ‘cause if you don’t finish it and we ditch, you might get distracted from the fun.” he tried to explain.
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     and  she’ll  sport  her  usual  glossed  smile  ,  “  well  ,  thank  you  !  it’s  short  for  virginia  --  but  i  think  that’s  kinda  boring  .  ”  in  honesty  --  her  nickname  had  a  lot  more  to  do  with  what  caught  on  ,  back  in  the  group  home  .  the  abridged  version  caught  on  ,  somewhere  along  the  lines  ,  and  it’s  casual  enough  to  feel  comfortable  .  eyes  will  dart  between  the  screen  and  the  boy  ,  and  she  can’t  deny  it’s  the  right  thing  to  do  .  “  like  ,  you’re  right  .  but  i  wouldn’t  wanna  waste  your  time  !  i’m  not  sure  how  fun  you  can  really  call  peer  editing  ,  yeah  ?  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
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luna  thought  about  it  for  a  couple  of  minutes , and  thought  it  best  to  just  go  along  with  the  other ; not  really  sure  how  to  respond .  she  sometimes  forgets  not  everyone  shares  the  same  logical  and  analytical  way  of  thinking  that  she  does . “ uh–  y-yea  sure
 if  you  say  so  sweetheart .”  she  retorts  with  a  small  grin . 
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     perhaps  her  notions  weren’t  particularly  agreeable  ,  but  she  would  reckon  it’s  fair  .  to  each  their  own  --  and  that’s  okay  ,  too  !  she’ll  take  a  long  sip  of  her  strawberry  banana  smoothie  ,  thoughts  still  glued  on  the  situation  .  “  what’s  your  take  on  it  all  ?  ”  ginny  questions  .  call  it  persistent  curiosity  .  “  think  they’re  gonna  get  away  with  it  ?  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
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almost everything rubs nico the wrong way, but there’s nothing like an utterance that is neither here nor there that truly irks him. thank god for his parents’ intuition for not sending him to a school which opened the doors to everyone. he can feel the symptoms of a migraine from the mere thought of having to mingle with people that can barely stand up for themselves. a sharp tongue is prepared to wield words like daggers as he turns around. “ come again? ” his tone is harsh, almost patronising. “ if you have an opinion, do try and voice it. a little more volume might help. ”
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     it’s  the  condescending  tone  that  really  drives  it  home  for  her  ,  and  she  can  only  care  to  be  polite  for  so  long  .  some  people  simply  didn’t  deserve  it  .  “   i  said  you’re  a  dickhead  ,  ”  her  voice  is  raised  this  time  ,  because  sure  --  she’s  soft  .  but  she’s  not  a  coward  ,  and  she  kind  of  hates  guys  like  this  ?  “  is  that  better  for  you  ?  ”
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byrnetm · 4 years
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there’s no difference between gallagher’s academy and a zoo, and the students are like rabid animals on steroids. at least to nico. he despises it here and it starts with the accent. leering across the large and busy dining hall, he plays with his cuff-links as he grimaces with disdain. “ so 
 this is what happens when a school turns into a charity. ” 
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     this  is  her  area  of  insecurity  .  and  she’s  optimistic  --  but  she  has  her  days  .  days  where  she  feels  she  doesn’t  belong  ,  days  where  she  feels  like  a  mere  burden  on  the  shoulders  of  gallagher  .  she  doesn’t  feel  exceptional  --  she  assumes  her  admittance  had  to  do  with  daddy’s  influence  .  the  comment  ostracizes  her  .  she  doesn’t  like  confrontation  .  all  she  can  really  do  is  portray  silent  vexation  ,  muttering  the  words  “  alright  ,  dickhead  .  ”  --  albeit  under  her  breath  ...  but  she’ll  deal  with  those  consequences  if  she  has  to  .
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byrnetm · 4 years
{ computer labs / sometime in the afternoon. } @gallagherstart​
rizo didn’t consider himself a workaholic, despite the many things he had on his plate. he had a natural knack for time-management and knew when to work and when to play. it was how he managed to win a tourney, finish final projects, and still able to eat and get enough sleep inside twenty-four hours. most of the time, he really did like the work he was assigned. after the two years of grueling physical training at blackthorne, he was just happy gallagher wasn’t like that at all. 
however, looking at the screen in front of him was rendering him a bit more tired than usual and he longed to do something else for the time being. he spun a bit on his rolling chair and proceeded to roll himself to the nearest person and held a hand out like he’s giving the other an imaginary business card. “hello i am rizalino guinto. coder, gamer, amateur game developer and chef, and snack enthusiast. please tell me you have something for me to because this – “ he gestured to the screen in front of him, “isn’t really doing anything for me right now. kinda need a side project of some sort.”
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        turning  in  her  chair  to  face  the  boy  --  blonde  will  giggle  at  his  intro  ,  pink  glossed  smile  brightening  her  once-weary  features  .  “  i  love  it  !  i’m  ginny  .  no  fancy  titles  .  ”  she  jokes  lightheartedly  ,  allowing  her  mind  to  wander  from  the  reason  she’d  been  in  the  computer  lab  ,  in  the  first  place  .  however  --  a  gesture  to  the  computer  screens  ,  and  it’s  hard  to  really  let  it  out  of  her  mind  when  she  knows  it’s  due  at  midnight  .  with  a  frown  and  a  tilt  of  her  head  ,  her  glance  will  switch  from  the  computer  ,  and  back  to  rizo  .  “  but  --  i’m  working  on  a  paper  for   my  clandestine  operations  class  ,  so  ...  !  unless  you  want  to  switch  brains  for  a  little  ,  i’m  not  sure  i’ll  be  much  help  .  ”         and  still  --  the  idea  of  a  break  !  it  entices  her  .  how  long  could  she  really  stare  blankly  at  a  screen  ,  anyway  ?  perhaps  she  needed  an  adventure  .  for  inspiration  .  “  alternatively  ,  if  you’re  trying  to  ditch  work  altogether  --  i’m  more  than  happy  to  join  you  !  ”
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