Markus certainly wished he would be able to see the look on Scarlett's face when she got news of the rental. Then again he could simply just read her mind when she arrived. The temptation had been there to have her brought naked but all the same it would happen during the rental of that he was certain. "Looking good Scarlett." He said when he finally saw her. He would have preferred bikini but so be it. He noticed the look of surprise that the guard had that she was not fighting. "Well I did rent you but that is the majority of my plans. Oh and for the rental so no one messes with you." He pulled out a little charm to attach to her collar. It was a pretty silver looking charm shaped like a wave. It would take effect supposedly immediately any questionable behavior on his part would instantly be forgotten when the charm came off, and the added bonus of increasing her sex drive well even better. "So should I give you the tour?"
Play Time
So this rental was far overdue. He had different plans for her, and well even better the fringe benefit of annoying the hell out of Sabrina. Keeping Scarlett for a week though well he was certainly not going to be thinking about Sabrina. The morning of the rental came and he made his way downstairs having a coffee as he held a little charm in his hand that he would be attaching to the collar. The simple excuse just a way to show that she was rented. While in reality a bit of a way to get everything that he wanted out of the experience. Titan noticed the approach even before he did. Markus headed to the door opening it as the guards were coming with Scarlett heading up the drive.
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Play Time
So this rental was far overdue. He had different plans for her, and well even better the fringe benefit of annoying the hell out of Sabrina. Keeping Scarlett for a week though well he was certainly not going to be thinking about Sabrina. The morning of the rental came and he made his way downstairs having a coffee as he held a little charm in his hand that he would be attaching to the collar. The simple excuse just a way to show that she was rented. While in reality a bit of a way to get everything that he wanted out of the experience. Titan noticed the approach even before he did. Markus headed to the door opening it as the guards were coming with Scarlett heading up the drive.
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NAME OF APPLYING MASTER: Byron Markus Christiansen
REQUESTED SLAVE: Scarlett McKnight
Scarlett is to be brought to my home in the morning of the rental wearing either option of clothing I am providing (Clothes enclosed: Bikini or short jean skirt and band shirt)
She is to not work for the week other than classes. Should this be a problem with her employers I will compensate them for her time. 
She will have one hour a day to use her phone when not in classes. Should she abuse this her phone will be taken from the moment she is out of class until the next day.
Scarlett will be staying in my bedroom. Should she misbehave less comfortable accommodations will be provided.
She is to clean up after herself and very basic housekeeping.
She is not to be fed from or anyone else having sex with her.
Should she be over disrespectful there will be a public punishment.
The rented slave will be returned to their quarters promptly at the end of the rental. If the applicant fails to surrender the slave, administration has the right to send guards in to collect.
The applicant will cause no permanent harm, damage, or other alteration to the slave. The slave will be returned in the condition it was received in, normal wear and tear excepted.
Your requested slave, Scarlett McKnight, will be delivered to your residence on the morning of March 12th, 2024, and returned to their quarters on the morning of March 19th, 2024.
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Hopefully these rules will keep this particular slave in line. I do hope she doesn’t prove too much for you, Master Christiansen! You are responsible for her punishments if not. Either way, be sure and have some fun with her dear.
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@byronxmarkusxchristiansen​ @scarlettxmcknight​
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"Ah well I have not been to that place. While I enjoy a fight now and then not all that appealing to me." Though he could see the draw of the place. As she began listing off all the negative aspects of her job and her current situation it was giving him a lot of ideas that she would be quite more receptive to his presence now. "Ah I see." he said admiring her looks even though she was far from put together in the moment. "Seems as though you could use a break. How about tonight I take you out for a dinner, and if that goes well you can start thinking now about me doing a rental. One where I can get you obviously out of here and out of the fighting club. I'm surprised no one has offered before." He said more referring to his so called sister
Markus couldn't help but to look her over in her robe and her hair all tied up in a towel. Not the most flattering of looks to be sure but he was fine with it. "Ah I see That is the casino right?" He couldn't remember he rarely gambled it just wasn't fun when he could read minds, but it wasn't the worst if he had to make a point to someone. "Oh I was curious. The new headmistress talked about the time to remake the dorms so I assumed the cells got an upgrade as well and it seems I was right. How are you liking it?" He said casually though also gauging how eager she must be to get out of there.
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Hmm well it seemed that she was well trained to do as she was told. Searching her surface thoughts made that clear. She was submissive, but still had some fire to her which would suit him quite well. A pure submissive could be boring. Someone with a little fire in them made things more entertaining.
Markus smirked at how happy she got at his offer. "Oh well who am I to let a pretty slave go wanting. Plus I have to make up for the pathetic master that left you wanting. Let's go for a drive and see where the night leads us."
Markus had been out exploring the new cells. He was a little curious as the other half lived. These were certainly a few steps up from the dark and gloomy cells they had once been. he had to know how the slaves lived in general so he could know how to entice them more to come to him. He was inside of a cell looking at it when he heard someone launching into a bit of a tirade about being stood up by whoever it was. Curiosity getting the better of him he made his way out and around to see who it was. "oh I'm certain you did not look like a fool." Markus said looking the woman over. "I'm sure said master looked the fool to stand you up. You could be lead naked by leash through the campus and not look foolish. I'm sure the only looks would be of envy." he said simply leaning against the cell wall looking at her. "So as a foolish master forced you to waste your free hour I'll take you out."
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"Not a problem." Markus smirked not knowing much about others that had powers like him other than his father or well his sisters pathetic abilities. "You are not wrong though this place could use more help. Then again I think some of the neurotic people on this island are fun to watch driving themselves crazy." He sipped his scotch. "Not going to lie it is rather easy to stir things up a little to make some paranoid. It has been my weapon of choice and just sit back and watch them squirm and I have to do absolutely nothing other than enjoy." Listening about their last practice of suburban housewives he visibly shuddered. "That must have been aweful probably nonsense about if their spouse is having an affair and the predictable neurotics.
Markus had noticed the mental barriers of the psychologist or whatever he was when they all arrived. The others were simple to scan their minds. Most did not have any form of mental blocks. That is unless they were psychic like him or some species which he may have not known about. Either way he would have to be on his guard. "Well welcome all the same. Again just help yourself to the kitchen. If you have any special food needs just write it down and I'll have it delivered." He said simply as it was more a way of just to see if he was some species he may not know about. He ate a little slowly glancing in the slaves minds but it was mostly just fear and nerves nothing of any real interest. After they hurriedly ate they excused themselves to go to their guest room. "So I imagine a therapist must be an interesting job around here. Those so messed up they actually need to talk to somone. What twisted things they must have in their mind."
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Markus smirked looking at her. "You certainly could be dancing though if you wanted." He was going to have fun. While he had wished he would have taken more slaves given all the mess he was happy and would have fun for however long he had his guests. "Oh really that would depend on the way you may categorize being a good boy. I can certainly be very good if that is what you want."
Markus skimmed her mind a little getting some information about her. Not that he really needed to. He knew she worked at the blood bar so she probably knew his so called sister. Though no need to push for any information yet. "Really didn't see me. Would think a dancer would be more aware of their surroundings." he teased her a little with a grin and briefly checked her out. "Why don't you join me the hot water is soothing all aches and pains."
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Markus couldn't help but to look her over in her robe and her hair all tied up in a towel. Not the most flattering of looks to be sure but he was fine with it. "Ah I see That is the casino right?" He couldn't remember he rarely gambled it just wasn't fun when he could read minds, but it wasn't the worst if he had to make a point to someone. "Oh I was curious. The new headmistress talked about the time to remake the dorms so I assumed the cells got an upgrade as well and it seems I was right. How are you liking it?" He said casually though also gauging how eager she must be to get out of there.
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Long Time
Markus saw that Scarlett had been demoted in part due to his removal of points, but then his points were cancelled out by Sabrina. So it obviously was not all his fault. Still that meant other than classes she did not get free time. So under the pretense of seeing the new housing arrangements for the slaves he made his way over looking around and then spotted Scarlett. "Surprised you are not working at video games."
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Text: Alright I will put in the rental request
[Text from Markus] So I've been told many times I am not good with feelings or what not. [Text] That being said want to be rented? Normally I;d just do it but seeing as you are coming off a claim...
[text] Layla: Ya, that would be fine. It's not like I'd rather be in the cells right now.
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Long Time
Markus saw that Scarlett had been demoted in part due to his removal of points, but then his points were cancelled out by Sabrina. So it obviously was not all his fault. Still that meant other than classes she did not get free time. So under the pretense of seeing the new housing arrangements for the slaves he made his way over looking around and then spotted Scarlett. "Surprised you are not working at video games."
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Markus had been out exploring the new cells. He was a little curious as the other half lived. These were certainly a few steps up from the dark and gloomy cells they had once been. he had to know how the slaves lived in general so he could know how to entice them more to come to him. He was inside of a cell looking at it when he heard someone launching into a bit of a tirade about being stood up by whoever it was. Curiosity getting the better of him he made his way out and around to see who it was. "oh I'm certain you did not look like a fool." Markus said looking the woman over. "I'm sure said master looked the fool to stand you up. You could be lead naked by leash through the campus and not look foolish. I'm sure the only looks would be of envy." he said simply leaning against the cell wall looking at her. "So as a foolish master forced you to waste your free hour I'll take you out."
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Thalia was a little sad to see the cells being restored. She had enjoyed the company of Grace and the others. The large house reminded her of home, even if the host had been much nicer. With her own room and helping with the chores, she had began to like this new ‘normal’. That things would eventually go back to how they used to be was no surprise but disappointing, nonetheless.
“I can’t believe I wasted an hour out there”, the red-haired woman frowned deeply upon returning to her cell. Quite a few of her belongings had been destroyed. The cells were more modern and spacious now, though it would take some time to get used to the new look. “I looked like a fool waiting for this Master”, Thalia elaborated at the questioning glance from the other person. “I don’t even know who it was, but my presence was apparently no longer required. I shouldn’t be mad but… Why not cancel?”  
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[Text] I'm not a witch. No pointy hats or warts though it has been a while since I did a thorough check. Could use another set of eyes probably
A few days later...
[text] Layla: Well, turns out I've been unclaimed.
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[Text] Really that is odd timing. I didn't need to bribe anyone ;)
[text] Layla: Rude! I'm definitely worth it! XP
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[Text] You assume everything is a bad thing Scarlett. [Text] I offer to buy you clothes and you get mad that I'll enjoy watching you try things on [Text] I offer to take you out for dinner and then I want sex [Text] Since you are worried about strings I could tie you up if you are into that kind of kink ;)
[Text] I want your company. Is that better?
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[Text] It seems more that is where your mind wants things to go. I'd be fine with that.
[Text] I want your company. Is that better?
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[Text] I want your company. Is that better?
[Text] Because your other option is the day old slop they feed you?
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[Text] Because your other option is the day old slop they feed you?
[Text] I'll think about it then. ----A couple days later--- [Text] I'm craving Italian care to join me?
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