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SuperM performance video: KAI 🌹
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[IG] 190929 jennierubyjane: Cozy in red 🌹
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priyanka chopra is a un ambassador but here she is choosing to belittle a pakistani woman asking about her support of nuclear war
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Did you see that video of Priyanka Chopra at Beauty Con? Honestly I can’t believe that she would speak about world peace and then defend Modi!!!
So here’s the backstory for anyone who hasn’t been keeping up because this incident was bigger than a girl questioning Priyanka at BeautyCon. 
In February, Indian Armed Force crossed (illegally) the line of control towards Pakistan and dropped bombs. While so many Pakistani celebrities were tweeting in support of Peace, Indian celebrities such as Priyanka Chopra tweeted “Jai Hind #IndianArmedForces”. While, there is nothing wrong with supporting your country, tweeting at a time when tensions are high from both sides and you’re dealing with two countries that own nuclear weapons..situations could have become really serious so it was really upsetting seeing a UN AMBASSADOR who’s main criteria is to advocate for peace and wellness around the world in support of war and occupation.
Present day, India reversed Article 370 which allowed Kashmir to be autonomous state in the hopes of making new additional states. This is WITHOUT the approval of Kashmiris so obviously, protests are occurring. While, occupying Kashmir the India government sent 50,000 troops cut off all forms of communication, electricity, food and water supplies, enforced a curfew, around 100 political leaders and activists have been arrested, Indian political leaders are joking about raping Kashmiri girls and marrying them.. I mean any forms of human rights abuse you can think of is happening in Kashmir right now.
Coming back to the Priyanka incident, many activists go to events such as Beauty Con because they know they’ll be heard during a Q&A session (for those saying why was she getting political at this event). Priyanka Chopra responded in the way every condescending, privileged person does by dismissing and gaslighting her claim. Firstly, saying “Whenever you’re done venting,” As if the mic wasn’t snatched away by two big men. What happened to allowing women to speak up and empowering women to voice their opinions even if it doesn’t match yours? Her next power-play was when Priyanka supporters were cheering for her she goes “thanks girls” indirectly, stating to the protester you’re nothing, look at all this support I have.. are you really willing to go against me. Next, she played the old I can’t be racist because I have friends from this race. But, tragically, her main response was, “War is not something I’m really fond of but I am patriotic. There’s a middle ground we have to walk.” So if your government chooses to kill innocent people, you’ll support it blindly. If she truly loved and wanted India to flourish, she should be critical of its govts wrong-doings because historically, blind nationalism led to a lack of development and war against minorities. Finally, when the girl answered back saying there’s no winner in this or she loves both countries, Priyanka’s passive-aggressive self said “don’t yell.” First, she was “yelling” because she didn’t have the microphone and we all know how people like to silence voices they dont agree with. So basically if you’re still supporting, Priyanka just know that you’re supporting a condescending, passive-aggressive, warmonger who preaches feminisms and sisterhood for the likes but doesn’t practice it.
The only good thing that came out of this incident is now people (international media) will actually cover the atrocities happening in Kashmir. 
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Kashmir is bleeding
TW// mention of violence
There’s an issue our lands are dealing with, and it deserves all the global attention possible. To give a short and not-so-detailed explanation, I’d tell you that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were once one, before getting colonised by the British. Once the states became independent and the British finally left, a territory was left disputed, Kashmir. Since 1947, the two countries (Pakistan and India) have been fighting for Kashmir (as it’s historically important for each one).
(You can search up the entire story of Kashmir and understand both Pakistan and India according to their history and culture and religion. I can’t write it because I don’t want my opinion to enter this post- I want people to understand it all through an unbiased view, and also because it’s too much to mention in limited time. )
Yet mindsets have changed. While the prime minister of Pakistan has declared that the “Kashmir solution” is now all up to the cizitens of Kashmir and not Pakistanis, india is deploying 35,000 more soldiers in addition to the 500,000 they have already sent in the disputed territory. The Indian government has declared the repealing of article 370- saying that it is going to ‘improve the lives of kashmiris’. The people of Kashmir are going to die. They have been getting killed day by day since the past years, little babies, school going children, bleeding teenagers, dads and mothers lying dead on the road sides, grandparents. Their land will no longer be their land.
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Here’s a bit more explanation.
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This isn’t a solution, terrorism is NOT A SOLUTION. Kashmir should get what Kashmir wants, if they want to go to pakistan, become independent or join India, anything THEY want, it’s a home they’ve been living in since 1947. It’s about time we let Kashmir speak, and because they’re bleeding right now, we need to speak for their voice.
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This needs attention so please spread some, it’s the least we all can do.
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Treat yourself like a princess, and make Aphrodite proud.
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