bytheankles-blog · 7 years
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color palette meme: Vincent & Mally + rewrite the stars (requested by @bittwitchy / @recklesswinter)
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
as requested by anon. Could be used for formed families as well as blood families. Many of them can be used in other categories. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
protective older
“Mom/dad/parent/guardian left me in charge.”
“I’ve been taking care of you since you were little.”
“Come here. I’ll play with your hair until you fall asleep.”
“I checked for monsters, but they’re all scared of me.”
“You’re not going out like that.”
“What do you think you’re doing? I said ‘no’.”
“Did you eat yet?”
“I don’t want to see that boy/girl/person around here again.”
“It’s for your own good.”
“I’d never let anyone else talk shit about you. Only I can.”
protected younger
“You’re barely older than me!”
“You raised me…”
“Quit telling me what to do!”
“You’re not my mom/dad/parent!”
“I can’t imagine being an only child…”
“Stop acting like you know everything. You don’t.”
“You don’t understand!”
“But I don’t need a jacket.”
“You’re supposed to be my brother/sister/sibling, not my dad/mom/parent.”
“I need a hug. And I think you do too.”
protective younger
“You may be older, but I’m stronger.”
“Just listen to me for once!”
“You know, I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“Trust me. Please.”
“You always said I was an old soul.”
“Are you going out again?”
“You can’t keep eating Cheetos and marshmallows. It’s not good for you.”
“I feel like a grandma/grandpa/grandparent.”
“You made me so worried!”
“I don’t like your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/etc. I want to kill him/her/them.”
protected older
“I can’t believe you’re taking care of me again…”
“I should be the one protecting you.” / “I’m supposed to take care of you.”
“I’m so proud of you.” / “I wish mom/dad/parent/guardian could see you now.”
“You were always the responsible one.”
“You know what? I know what I’m doing.”
“Don’t worry about me.” / “You always worry too much.”
“Here, take this. I won’t be needing it anymore.”
“You can’t boss me around just because you have the faintest idea of how the world works.”
“Let me do one thing right! Get behind me!”
“I’m not supposed to outlive you.”
protective sibling starters
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
@bytheankles For Blaise
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              //Hey baby brother I have a question for you.// Klarissa smiled at her younger brother. //Don’t worry it’s nothing bad, I just wanted to know if you would like to help me out with the music for one of Martyn’s movies.//
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            “I’m not a baby, Rissy —— I’m thirteen years old.” It comes out as a grumble, through he places his guitar down & turns to Klarissa. “Well, I’m going to need more information, but alright. I don’t see why I wouldn’t do it. You are my favorite sister.”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
“He loves me, he loves me not… oh.”
“She loves me, she loves me not… oh.”
“I don’t think it’s love…”
“So, is there anyone you’re secretly crushing on?”
“I don’t even like chocolate.”
“Yeah, nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a bouquet that’ll die in two days…”
“I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker… but at least they have good taste in gifts.”
“Oh! It’s my favourite time of year.”
“If I send a mass text to all the people I like, I don’t need to get all of them gifts do I?”
“I’ve never had a Valentine.”
“Will you be my Valentine?”
“Do you have a Valentine yet?”
“No one ever serenades me any more.”
“Just don’t write a song and play it in front of everyone again… it’s embarrassing.”
“Any secret admirers?”
“Oh, so you’re my secret admirer?”
“I may have been admiring you not so secretly.”
“Just because you like me doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual.”
“Seeing as we’ve both not got anyone, do you want to come to mine and watch a film?
“We’re never getting back together.”
“So, he got me a teddy bear, but we fought and he tore off it’s head.”
“How about instead of being ridiculous on one day of the year, you just be a decent partner for the other 364 days?!”
“We’re not together any more.”
“If you haven’t booked a table we definitely won’t get to eat there on such short notice.”
“It’s just Valentine’s day… I don’t see the big deal.”
“What do you mean you didn’t get me anything?”
“I’m feeling sick, is it okay if we arrange our date for another night?”
“I’m not sure if they’re a secret admirer or a stalker….”
“Well… they don’t know I’m going out with you so we’re going to have a girls night sitting in and cry about being single…”
“I’ve got the lube and strawberries, we’re all set!”
“I got out the whipped cream and she slammed the door in my face.”
“I am not wearing that.”
“When he said he would give me a pearl necklace, I thought I was getting actual jewelry.”
“It would have been a lot more romantic if you de-thorned the rose before you put it in your mouth…”
“I’m all for dressing up… but, how do you wear this?”
“If I see another couple holding hands, I’ll… I’ll-”
“Young love, isn’t it sweet?”
“Who did you get all these roses for?”
“I don’t love you, I’m just here for the chocolate.”
“So, let me get this right, you want me to be a stand in to make the person you like jealous?”
“Valentines? Pft!”
“That’s the least romantic thing anyone has ever said to me…”
“What are you doing? Why are you on one knee? Get up! Get up!”
“My mum gave me a rose because she felt sorry for me.”
“Look, you can buy me all the chocolates in the world, I still won’t go out with you.”
“A diamond ring? I appreciate the offer… but don’t you think this is a bit… excessive?”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
&& @bytheankles ;; VALENTINES STARTER
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         “ You’ve gotta tell me, how long exactly were you setting this up? “ It was either a short amount of time, or an excessive amount. Hardly the inbetween with Vincent– though, it was rarely the former, either. “ And how many places did you go through before picking one? “ 
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        “I’ll never tell.” The truth was what could be considered an embarrassing long time —— along with asking his dad for advice, although it didn’t really help that much. “Though, for the latter question, I... honestly can’t remember. Way too many. But hopefully I made the right choice in the end?” She seems happy, which is the main point of all of this, but Vincent does worry. “Of course, I’ve got more after this, so you don’t have to answer right away. Or at all, if you don’t want to. I completely understand. Your choice.”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
valentine's day application
Name: Age: Do you like to cuddle?: Can we make-out?: A night in or dinner out?: Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: What makes you a good Valentine?: Would you cook for me?: Would you let me cook for you?:
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
" Qoak broke his arm. " The blonde doesn't seem entirely interested in the wet, injured boy in her arms as she places him on the couch in her mentors home. She does, however, walk over to her mentor after she's shoved him on the couch, sighing. " He tried to impress the older girl by throwing himself into a river.. again. Didn't realize this one had rocks. "
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           “Oh, sweetheart.” She quickly rushes over & begins to inspect Quigley’s arm, clicking her tongue as Shiori concludes that it is, in fact, broken. “Damnit. Mally, can you get my phone & dial Bartholomew for me, will you? Hopefully he doesn’t have a shift right now because it isn’t the best idea to leave the children here alone or have them go to a hospital.”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
Top KPOP Bias: 1/5
↳ Myoui Mina from TWICE.
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
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FC change for Isadora from Ha.yley K.iyoko to Myo.ui Mi.na!!
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
Send 💗 to kiss my muse tenderly without explanation
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ = asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
Here’s how to start your day like a VIP, featuring actor Matthew Daddario via GQ Report
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
                                    &&;; @01498
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            “Uh, Chell, babe, darling dove...”
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            “What the HELL are you wearing?”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
                       @silentfilmmaker ;; SC (still accepting!!)
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            “I’m just saying this might be one of my best scripts yet &, combined with your always amazing filming skills, this is will be the best movie we’ve ever made. Okay, I know we’ve only made two so far, but the third time is always the charm! What do you think, love?”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
             @bespectacledscholar ;; SC (still accepting!!)
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            “Look kid, I don’t have time for this shit. Just get to the point already, will ya? Faster you ask me, the faster you get answers.”
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bytheankles-blog · 7 years
                              @13timesthecharm ;; SC (still accepting!!)
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            “Ha, & YOU said it was impossible to juggle an orange & a banana! Well, guess what Bea? I win! Gimmie my twenty bucks.” 
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