c-thefeministlens · 7 years
bar discrimination
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Presented on the left is what the average white male wears on a typical night in downtown Athens. Presented on the right is what a fellow classmate was wearing on the evening that he was denied from Hedges bar due to his shoes going against the bar’s outlined “dress code”. This is only one example of the many ways in which downtown Athens bars utilize oppression and racism as tools to keep minorities excluded from a fun, energetic environment that is supposed to be welcome to everyone. Constant oppression like this can also cause more severe damage on an individual and their identity. While bar owners make it seem like they are only denying someone based on their clothing, the fact of the matter is that they are denying people based on how they physically appear and their skin color. It is racist and makes people feel degraded, further solidifying their idea that they are worthless because of their physical appearance.
- malin
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c-thefeministlens · 7 years
media mishap
“White media executives have total control over the major media outlets and consciously reproduce upper class ideologies, which in turn subjugate racial minorities…” (Anderson and Collin,145) Media is a social institution because it helps order and structure behavior of individuals. It is an aspect in the representational realm that intersect race, class, and gender. Media is used as a reference and a learning course for hegemonic ideologies that reinforce stereotypes of race, class, and gender and encourage white supremacy through entertainment, advertisement and news outlets. It is a tool that maintains the status quo and reflect the views of society. It unfortunately uses stereotypes to attempt to relate to target audiences however in the process tear down self image just to get revenue.
media portrayal of criminals
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media portrayal of gender
- jasmin
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c-thefeministlens · 7 years
education in decolonization
- rhea
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c-thefeministlens · 7 years
white supremacy
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White supremacy has always been a reoccurring event but recently has been happening a lot. Not too long ago it seem like every other week or month there was a black person (usually a black male) getting pulled over and being shot and or killed. Usually they are even pulled over for nothing. As you can see the picture above is a white person being pulled over and below you can see a black person getting pulled over and what happened to him. He was shot 4 time just for doing what the police officer asked him to do which was get his license also this was only less than 24 hours after the Alton sterling shooting death from a police officer which happens to be another black male.
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- brian
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c-thefeministlens · 7 years
the cult of domesticity
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Women are statistically paid lower in food production industry and agriculture-related jobs and are simultaneously expected to complete domestic labor (including cooking) for free.
In America, most women work laborious jobs to make ends meet while also doing housework.
Those who do have domestic help (which are usually women) are of higher socio-economic status.
“Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique convinced women to regard their housework, especially cooking, as drudger. Freidan did not, in fact, construct this sentiment herself; she merely observed the existent trends in white women’s attitudes about food and housewifery.” (Balasubramanian, 493)
Agriculture is a white, male dominated industry.
Often women who do farm do not claim the land they farm as to inheritance practices.
“If the nation is truly to scale up sustainable foods, we cannot fixate on the early image of the American farmer as white, male and conservative. Instead, we must acknowledge (as USDA statistics tell us) that the face of farming is changing, and women and people of color will continue to grow in number as stewards of sustainable agriculture. (Balasubramanian, 494)
Women across race are disproportionately paid less than White Men that hold similar positions in the production, processing, distribution, and retail of food.
Within the working food system, to the $1.00 White Men make, Asian Women make $0.68, White Women make $0.63, Black Women make $0.53, and Latina Women make $0.50. (Yen Liu and Apollon, 10)
- thomas
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c-thefeministlens · 7 years
works cited
media mishap
Andersen, Margaret L., and Patricia Hill Collins. Race, Class, and Gender: an Anthology. Cengage Learning, 2016
cloudburst11. “HOW THE MEDIA REINFORCES GENDER STEREOTYPES.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 May 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM-d2qLEWug.
Wing, Nick. “When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims.” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 14 Aug. 2014, www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/14/media-black-victims_n_5673291.html.
Postracialcomments. “Postracialcomments.” Post Racial America, 16 Jan. 2015, postracialcomments.tumblr.com/post/108260186290/an-18-year-old-kentucky-man-and-his-13-year-old.
the cult of domesticity 
Underwood Archives. “Dinner In The Oven.” Fine Art America, fineartamerica.com/featured/dinner-in-the-oven-underwood-archives.html.
Balasubramanian, Janani. "Sustainable Food and Privilege: Why the Green is Always White (and Male and Upper Class)." Race Class and Gender: An Anthology, by Margaret L. Andersen and Patricia Hill Collins, 8th ed., Wadsworth, 2013, pp. 493-494.
Yen Liu, Yvonne and Dominique Apollon, Ph.D. The Color of Food. Applied Research Center.
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