c0nques7 · 4 years
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This weeks project. #raspi #xbox https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TsD9xlH5s/?igshid=5olczqaewt2k
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c0nques7 · 4 years
CIA: The War
            The Beginning of a War
The loud click-clack of combat boots echoed across the dark grey-green algae covered stones. Constantine was in a hurry, but not enough to break out in a jog or a full run through the tunnel of five-hundred year old stonework. The sun hammered down on the opening of the alleyway causing a brilliant light at the end of the tunnel. Constantine squinted to block the harsh light. The courtyard before him was owned by a very wealthy man by the name of Damien Isidor. Mr. Isidor insisted on showing his power and wealth by building this fortress, as it were, out of the stones brought in from other castles around the world. Trees dotted the grounds of the inner courtyard, providing shade and an air that was dense with the natural scents of forestry. Mr. Isidor laid out on a reclining chair beside a pool.  Drops of sweat collected on the outside of a cup sitting on a small table next to him, indicating that the temperature of the air was enough to necessitate condensation. He gripped the glass and brought it to his mouth. Seeing as how Mr. Isidor never drank alcohol this liquid was simply lemonade. A simple cure for the ailment of the summer heat.
            He lowered his glass and smirked, sensing that Constantine was near. Not a blade of grass could be disturbed on his private estate without Damien knowing about it; 
            “Hello, Constantine.”
            Constantine merely nodded and sat down in a chair to the left of Mr. Shavoul, also in the shade of the sun-umbrella.
          “You said you had news for me?" asked Constantine.
            “Yes. We've been searching for so long for the man that bridges the gap between merely understanding the Gift, and embracing it.”
            “You mean-?”
            “Yes, I do.”
            Constantine stood up and raked his hands though his hair. He looked at Damian, “GeneticsTech is surely aware of his existence by now. They have to be!”
            “Constantine, please, calm yourself. GeneticsTech is oblivious, and we no longer have to refer to the man ambiguously. His name is Christopher Holgram.”
            “And you want me to dispose of him, I would assume?”
            “Yes. There’s no other way to prevent GeneticsTech from getting their hands on him.”
            “Yes sir.”
            Damian slightly turned his head to notice that Constantine was no longer sitting in the chair. He was gone. The Gun took another sip of lemonade before closing his eyes to a slight rest. Constantine would not kill Christopher. Not that it mattered anyway.... Chris would die... Just not today...
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c0nques7 · 4 years
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c0nques7 · 4 years
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Had to move this chonky boi out of the driveway. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MWwbjlcjH/?igshid=16gc0b7c91q88
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c0nques7 · 4 years
Unfuck your life, a retrospective
Chapter One: Un-f Your Head
A special kind of person has special kind of problems. My flavor that had to be dealt with was narcissism. I would start drinking and then talk for hours, just to hear the sound of own voice. People would listen because I was a gifted orator, not because the words connected to provide any substance. 
Hopefully after reading the intro and doing some reflecting you’ve come to find yourself ready to begin the hard work towards making your life better, but before we get started, you have to make one promise that you’ll carry through the entirety of this book -
If your doctor says to do something that is contrary to any of my recommendations, you listen to your doctor instead of me.
I am not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, and as you'll see later on, I have also had to reach out to medical professionals when the nature of my problem went outside the realm of what I could attain myself. You promise you’ll go to them when things get really tough, right? Right? Okay cool, lets begin.
First things first. You’re going to need to spend some time with yourself, thinking, exploring, crying, etc. Some of it you’ll do by yourself, some of it you’ll do with dear friends or spouses, and some of it will come off a drunken 2 day weekend bender and you’re so sorry for it please god stay friends with me. Trust me, I’ve been to all of these places. The purpose of all of this is to take some time, get a feel for who you are, what you like, don’t like, your good, bad and otherwise. Grab something you can take notes on, and start here. Write down 5 things you like about yourself. It can be as simple as “I’m great about remembering to lay down the toilet seat” or as complex as “My confidence going into the Calc 3 final.” The reason we’re going with the good first is that you need to CONSTANTLY remind yourself of the things that you like about yourself. Can’t think of anything? Ask a friend. Don’t have any friends? Ask your mom or dad. Don’t have any parents? Jesus, I’m sorry, tweet me and I’ll help you with this part.
Once you have those down, put them somewhere you’ll see them every day. I used to have mine as my cell phone background. I used to also be studying for a computer certification, and every time I’d score over a 70%, I’d write on the piece of paper, “Good job Joe!” in a cool color, and it was forever in my study journal, so that every time I’d review, I’d remember how good I was at this stuff. 
The reason behind all of this is that with how deep we’re going to go into making positive change, you need to have the foundation of confidence knowing that we’re working with a good person, not a shit person who is hopeless. If you are reading this right now, you are not a shit person, because you are at least trying.
The next thing we’re going to do is write out 3 things you don’t like about yourself. Now, when you get into this, make sure you’re writing something down that you have a measure of control over. If you were born with a birth defect, or have a mental illness, don’t write down the symptoms of those things as the focus of your change. These need to be more along the lines of, “I wish I was more outgoing”, or “I wish I didn’t talk badly about people behind their backs.” or even, “I wish I was better at coding/reading/being empathetic.”
Full disclosure, when I went through weekly therapy after my divorce, there were so many problems that we had to unpack and dig through that tackling only 3 problems seemed like a waste of time, but what I’ve found out is that depending on where you are emotionally in this process, 3 might be all you can handle. If you wanna do more, and address more, then by all means, go for it.
Every week, remind yourself of the things you want to change, remind yourself of the things that you like about yourself, and then finally write down how you can correlate the things you like about yourself with the things you want to change. For example, I’m really good at being able to gather lots of information, and one of the things I’m working on is trying to stick to a budget, so I’ve been trying to gather as much financial information about myself as possible to better understand when I spend, why I spend, and try different ways of budgeting so that I’m not overextending myself. This part is going to take some time, and I recommend only attempting one per week at first until you get the hang of it.
Now, because it’s the elephant in the room, we’re going to go ahead and jump into the subject of drugs, what I would be a healthy guideline to follow regarding their use (as long as your doctor gives the okay), and I’ll provide what I use/don’t use, so hopefully you’ll be more informed than just your 1hr DARE class you attended 10 years ago. I wish that people had been real with me about drugs. We’re going to be roping alcohol in with drugs, because saying drugs and alcohol is like saying fruit and watermelon. It’s all drugs, with varying pros, cons and usages. 
The drugs I’ve used/tried are as follows:
Adderall (I have a prescription for it, I’ll go into that later.)
Very low dose antidepressant (Prescription too. Haven’t noticed any mood changes with it, but my doctor recommended it for sleep, and it seems to be working. Gives me dry mouth.
Weed. Didn’t start smoking until I was 26, only smoked when I was really stressed out, had a period of a month where I was a daily smoker, now I try and stay away from it. It’s illegal where I’m from, so it’s best to stay away from things that could get me in trouble with the law.
Alcohol. Used to use it for stress release, now I only have a beer every once in a while, or an expensive tequila. Don’t like the way it makes me feel after more than 2 or 3 drinks. Brings out the worst in everyone, I’ve found.
Kratom. Only used in very small doses. Dried me out, but I did notice a very relaxing effect, and improved sexual performance on certain strains. The DEA is trying to make it illegal, so be careful with this one. 
Kava. Root based tea that chilled me out. I highly recommend. Tastes like dirt. Get the powder, take your time making it, don’t mess with the concentrates or anything other than Noble powder. 
We’ll touch on these again in the next chapter, but for now here’s what I want you to get real about.
Does my usage of drugs push me closer towards the things I like about myself, or towards the things I don’t like about myself? It’ll take some time to answer that, and it’ll take even longer to kick the habits and/or addictions associated if you decide the answer to be no.
In my case, I always knew I had issues with focus, we made jokes about it, I laughed along, but I always felt like a failure who was letting everyone around me down because I couldn’t finish anything I started. After getting into another serious relationship after my divorce I decided that the stakes were much higher this time around, and I wanted my promises to be not only remembered, but kept and followed through with. At this point I decided it was time to talk to my doctor, who then referred me to a psychiatrist who recommended I try a low dose of adderall. For me, it was a game changer. The problem with acquiring anything illegally is yes, you can go to jail, be fined, etc, but more importantly, you’re not doing something that can be monitored. Part of your doctors job is and should be supplying you with objectivity. Yes, yes, big pharma and “The Man” have gotten to your doctor and are causing him/her to prescribe things that fuck with your brain. If you’ll take off your tin-foil hat for a second, and finish your blunt, I’m going to level with you. Weed can make you paranoid, and if you’re smoking a lot, stop for a week, re-read this chapter and then reach out to me if you still wanna argue about the pros and cons of having a good, open, honest dialogue with your healthcare provider.
All of the drugs I’ve tried produced a result in my self-talk that made me decide, was this thing I’m putting in my body worth it? For some, no, for others, sometimes, and for yet still others, absolutely yes. 
Except for heroin. Not even once.
The last thing I want to leave you with in this chapter is a plan for how to handle when you fall off the bandwagon, or miss the mark on your goals. Remember this from the intro? 
 The most important part of the process is accepting that you can change, you want to change, and you make the daily steps to change.
I know it wasn’t that long ago that you read it, but it’s worth repeating. I remember when I first began to tackle my relationship with alcohol, it was absolutely the hardest thing I’d ever done. I spent more time off the wagon than I spent going anywhere. Countless nights where, “oh I’ve had a rough day, I’ll just have one drink” turned into “ah so this is what the bottom of a bottle of Jose Quervo looks like. I’d forgotten for a moment.”. Shit happens, but you’re tougher than the shit you’re going through. We’re going to focus on a 5-10% change in your life every month. Absolutely keep reading, but remember, the 5-10% changes are going to be the easiest to make, with the longest lasting impact. Now get to it!
Action Items from This Chapter:
Write Down 5 Things You Like About Yourself:
Write Down 3 Things You Don’t Like About Yourself:
Write Down 1 Thing You’re Going To Change About Yourself, Using The Things You Like About Yourself.
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