caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
Hi-ya! KEN: Ha! Ha! Ha! Hey, hey! What are you two doing? Nothing. Was that the same nothing that broke my last couch?
Aspect of fantasy and imagination.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
<i>♪ When you smile at me ♪</i> <i>♪ I hear gypsy violins ♪</i> <i>♪ When you dance with me ♪</i> <i>♪ I'm in heaven when the music begins ♪</i> <i>♪ I can see the sun when it's raining ♪</i>
Aspect of music and dancing.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
I saw lots of movies as a child. Later on... I'd play with my friends and pretend I was a director. Our games were mostly about the arts. But I didn't have the means to pursue those things, and I developed a kind of complex about it. For there to be fraud there has to be some element of deception, like using a car or carrying a briefcase to look the part.
Aspect of deception, fraud and acting.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
- What?
- CaII of Duty Four. CaII It Duty Four?
- CaII of Duty Four.
- CaII of Duty Four?
- Pretty cooI actuaIIy.
- ReaIIy? (Adam sighs)
(Adam) This game is so oId.
- What's it about? - It's a war game.
Most of the other CaII of Duties were based on WorId War II, but this one's with Iraq. Yeah?
You switch off between a Marine and an SAS British SpeciaI Operative, so it's pretty cooI. WeII.
HoId on, there we go. AII right, there it is, Ram Jam!
You've finished. OK, one more
Aspect of war and sport
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
That's unnecessary roughness. Fifteen yards. Come on, you've been on me all day! You're out!. You're out of the game! Who you taking out, Toots? Never mind who.
Aspect of sport.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
There's our benefactor. Pitbull. Terrier. Fortune favors the bold. Ungrateful bastard. I give you something to eat and that's your way of saying thank you? It's all in the game. Welcome, Dadi, my dear brother. -Who is he? What the fuck do you care? -I was only asking. So there's a God after all. Is there anything to see? Unlucky person. Read this. You wanted to see me. I don't wanna work with thieves anymore. What are you waiting for? Give the man something to drink. I've got a cunning plan. -You?
Aspect of gambling
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
Ma'am, when I was chopping wood, this guy ran around the house.
What was all that about?
The neighbour's son. A certified idiot. Pay him no mind. He dreams of being a samurai.He runs around like that all day.
A samurai!
I'm going out a while.
For work?
Not exactly. For this.
What? You're going gambling? Better to stay away from that. My nephew, he's addicted to gambling. He refuses to work, plays all day.Don't know... He dropped out of sight. For me, it's just a pastime. Some pastimes can become too serious. What do you think? This sword cost me a fortune.
Yes, Mr Ogi, it's a fine sword.
I'm giving it to Lord Sakai. He'll be so pleasedthat he'll do us business favours.
Of course.
----------------------------- from Zatoichi
This fits well since it is including three aspects of play in time. The fantasy of play, the danger of getting lost in it and the productive power of a gamble on influence.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
- 60,000 on Pontano:
- Come on now, you can't be serious
If you do this, I won't play. No, I'm out
You only worry about losers
A typical intellectual.
Egoistic, but compassionate
This isn't a racetrack,
and don't take me for a horse
- from La Notte
Seems like: Someone is scared about loosing, that is certainly a part of it, but it seems to narrow.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
Here we go with the first try:
from uccellacci_e_uccellini Go, go, my son, go. Play, play. What can I say? It's a disaster here. I have to start all over again.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 3 years
Another week another try
I am looking for a dialogue that talks about play and maybe the transition from the imagined to reality. Thinking about paprika shatering the mirror while still in a dream.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 4 years
Fourth week: Second Attempt
What I make out of last weeks finding:
I started with the end of a game that is talking about how to push people into doing things, by letting them think that no matter what they do, it has no consequences. This is at the end of a very violent game in which the main character (I/ we) have always done what we were asked to and never faced any repercussion for the actions.
That lead me at to a preaching about how rudeness is an expression of people that they will not get what they want.
Since I felt that that was not applicable to my underlying theme of play this semester, I went back to the game and came across an analysis that spoke about the underlaying theme of playing “without thinking”.  Interestingly that lead me to a sentence from kill bill II that brought forward what is commonly seen as the most grave of all possible results of mindless play. Death.
Whats next ?
I would be interested to talk about how much play is a state in between fantasy and reality and how quickly it can dive into both worlds.
Now i just have to find the right dialogues to talk about it.
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 4 years
First Task first Homework
Tried the https://panoramasofcinema.ch/search subtitle search with mixed result.
A quote from Hotline Miamis ending: "All you gotta do to get people to do what you want them to is to make them think there'll be consequences if they don't.."
lead me to an unexpected visit to a preaching at the grande budapest hotel: "Rudeness is merely the expression of fear. People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful an"
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2. "Just play without thinking" i found in an analysis of the first
and surprise i came across kill bill:" Oh, Mommy. Don't die. I was just playing. I know."
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caadiii-g-chatroom · 4 years
Welcome to my first day first try
This will be the blog documenting the Course CAAD III - Chatrooms.
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